Chapter 4

You're Still Mine

Hi guys! This is unedit so I hope you will understand if there's any mistake. Enjoy!


Few hours later, Chanyeol woke up when he felt someone hugging him tightly. Once he opened his eyes, he saw Baekhyun snuggled on him while hiding his face on his chest. He smiled when he saw how cute Baekhyun right now because it’s been long time he didn’t saw this. Before this, Baekhyun liked did it when he was sleeping because he said Chanyeol was warm and so big. Chanyeol admired the beautiful scene in front of him before he felt a tug from his back. He surprised when he saw Chanhyun was sitting beside him on the bed.


Chanyeol carefully held Baekhyun’s hands from him before he got down from the bed. He kneeled in front of Chanhyun and whispered,


  “What happened, Chanhyun? Are you hungry?”


Chanhyun shook his head.


  “Why papa hug you, Mr. Park? I’m jealous when it’s not me.” Chanyeol chuckled. He thought Chanhyun was cute because of he hug Baekhyun.


  “Your papa didn’t know what he did, Chanhyun. You can’t hug your papa because you will getting sick.”


  “Why, Mr.Park?”


  “You’re still small and it will easier the virus come to you. You didn’t want your papa worry about you right?”


Chanhyun nodded.


  “Yes, Mr. Park. I didn’t want to burden my papa because I know papa must be miss daddy too.” Chanhyun said.


Chanyeol felt hurt when Chanhyun mentioned his daddy.


  “Why you said like that?”


  “Because I saw papa opened a box last night and he cried. He opened an album and a paper then cried and said a name but I didn’t know who is it.” Chanhyun was pouting.


Chanyeol didn't know what to say. He really wanted to get back with Baekhyun but when Chanhyun said that, he really want to know whose the one that made Baekhyun move on from him.


  “Chanhyun, did you see where your papa place it?” He got curious want to know what was in the box.


Chanhyun pointed on the closet near them and Chanyeol saw a big box on it. He wanted to take it but he didn't want Chanhyun gave him some weird look.


  “Chanhyun, can you go down and watch television? I will take care your papa until he wake up.” Chanyeol smiled at him and patted his head.


Chanhyun then went out from the room and Chanyeol made sure Chanhyun really went down before he walked to the closet. He looked Baekhyun either he woke up or not and took the box. Once he put the box on the floor, he opened it and saw some familiar things on it. He saw an album, letter, some gifts and photo frame. He smiled once he knew the reason why Baekhyun cried.


  “Baekhyun, you still love me right? I will win your heart again and I promise to tell you the truth. I didn't know you still have these things even we broke up.”


Chanyeol slowly put the box back before he walked to the bed and sit beside Baekhyun. He Baekhyun’s hair while saying,


  “Baekhyun, why you need to lie me? Are you scared that I will cheat on you again if we get back? Baekhyun, I want you tell the truth at me.”


Chanyeol kept smiling when thought about how cute Baekhyun who still kept the memories they made. He suddenly stopped him when he thought something.


  “Baekhyun, is Chanhyun my son then?”


He surprised when he didn't thought about it earlier. If Baekhyun still love him and didn't got married with other guy, who is Chanhyun?


  “Baekhyun, Chanhyun really my son, right? Since you still love me and he has last name with Park, he is my son.”


Chanyeol didn't knew if he should happy or not because he didn't had any proof about Chanhyun’s father. He's excited about having a son but he didn't remembered when Baekhyun told him because if he remember he will not doubt about it.


  “Baekhyun, are you really married and you just kept those pictures just for memories?”


Chanyeol felt Baekhyun already woke up when he heard a growl from him. He saw Baekhyun tried his hard to open his heart and it took fee minutes before he became more sober.


  “Chanyeol, I thought you already left. Why we're you still here?” Baekhyun asked once he saw Chanyeol was there.


  “I want to take care of you, Baekhyun. I scared if your fever will getting worse if I left you alone.”


Baekhyun searched his son but he didn't saw the said kid. Chanyeol who realize what was he searching he said,


  “Chanhyun was watching the television why I'm here. Do you want me to call him?”


Baekhyun shook his head.


  “No, it's okay. I'll go down later.”


They we're queit before Chanyeol decided to ask Baekhyun the questions he had been waiting for.


  “Baekhyun, why the box…”


Chanyeol stopped when he suddenly thought about what if the kid really not his son? He might embarrassed himself later.


  “What box?”


  “Nothing. I'll go down first, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol then walked out from the room leaving clueless Baekhyun.




Chanhyun’s birthday on 27th June which was today. Baekhyun was planning to bring him to go amusement park. Chanhyun was jumping happily when he heard about it and excited because this will be the first time for him. Baekhyun prepared everything for Chanhyun and himself before driving to amusement park. It took one hour from his house and Chanhyun fell asleep as for him it so far.


Once they arrived at the amusement park, Baekhyun bought ticket for himself since Chanhyun’s still kid and he got free for that day. Firstly, Chanhyun drag him to the new store to buy the headband for them. Chanhyun choose the bunny while Chanhyun chooses for his papa the puppy one.


  “Papa, you looked so cute.” Chanhyun giggled.

Baekhyun shook his head while patting Chanhyun’s head.


  “You're the one who looked cute baby. Let's go. You can choose what you want to play first.”


Chanhyun screamed happily while pulling Baekhyun’s wrist. Chanhyun choosed to go ferris wheel first since he always saw it on television. They waited for few minutes before their turn. Chanhyun can’t stop admiring the scenery because everything he saw on top was small.


  “Papa, where were our house? It’s so small from here.”


Baekhyun someone where he didn’t even know because he didn’t want his son upset. Chanhyun was singing until they got down and they continued explore the park. It’s already evening and there’re lot people than when they came before. Baekhyun needed to hold his son before he got lost. Baekhyun was ordering burgers for him and Chanhyun when he realized Chanhyun didn’t with him at that time.


Baekhyun panicked because he scared his son will be kidnap. He ran and forgot about his burgers because he needed to find Chanhyun. Baekhyun searched Chanhyun everywhere and he still didn’t find him. He asked people yet they didn’t saw Chanhyun. It took 30 minutes for him to find Chanhyun before he saw a familiar face who was holding by someone. He ran to the person and he saw how happy Chanhyun at that time.


  “Chanhyun! Chanhyun! Chanhyun!” Baekhyun screamed.


Chanhyun who heard his papa screaming his name went down and ran to his papa. Baekhyun was hugging tightly because he relief Chanhyun was saved and he found his precious baby.


  “Baby, where were you go? I’m so worried if something happened on you. I’d been searching you for half an hour unti.” Baekhyun was sobbing because he really scared at that time.


Chanhyun saw his papa was crying and he felt bad. He hug his papa and said sorry.


  “Papa, I’m sorry for leaving you before. I saw a cute bear walking around and I followed him. When I searched you, I don’t saw anywhere and sat here before he came.”


Baekhyun looked at his son before cupped his face.


  “Baby, please promise me that you will never do like this anymore. I can’t imagine what I will be if I lost you.” Baekhyun said. He didn’t care if people looked at him right now because he only care about his son.


Chanhyun wiped his papa’s tears and kiss on his lips. Baekhyun then realize there’s someone who was standing beside them and he looked the person to thank him but he speechless when he saw the person.


  “Chanyeol… how… you…” Baekhyun didn’t why he can’t said anything.


Chanyeol chuckled.


  “I’m sorry, Baekhyun for making you worried. I forgot to call you when I found him sitting alone here.”


  “So you had been with him when I searched for him?”


Chanyeol nodded.


  “Do you know how much I worried about him? What if I lost him from my life? What if someone kidnap him and want money from me? You never think about this right because he’s not your son. If he’s your son, you might call me immediately.” Baekhyun screamed at Chanyeol.


Both Chanhyun and Chanyeol were surprised when they heard it. Chanhyun who got scared when Baekhyun voiced up, he slowly hiding himself behind Chanyeol.


  “Baekhyun, I already said sorry right? I told you I forgot to tell you and either he is my son or not, I still care about him.”


  “No! You don’t understand about this. You don’t know how hard I had been through these few years by supporting Chanhyun alone without another his father. You don’t know how embarrassed I am when people kept looking me with a child without my partner.”


Baekhyun broke his tears again and hiding his face from Chanyeol. He didn’t know why he was crying right now. Chanyeol who saw it felt guilty and he didn’t know why but his heart was breaking apart when looking Baekhyun who was crying. He walked to Baekhyun before he hugging Baekhyun.


  “Baekhyun, I know you had been through the hard time alone but now you have me. I’m sorry because of me you had been worried searching for Chanhyun. I’m sorry for not understand your feelings and had been ignorant. Baekhyun, I’m so sorry for not be with you all this time.”


Baekhyun cluthed on Chanyeol’s shirt while crying. Chanyeol was patting slowly on his back tried to calm Baekhyun. He ignored the looked people gave them because Baekhyun was important for him. He looked at Chanhyun and gestured him to walk beside his papa.


  “Papa!” Chanhyun called Baekhyun while pulling Baekhyun’s shirt.

Baekhyun slowly pull himself from Chanyeol and looked down and saw his son. He wiped his tears before kneeling down.


  “Papa, don’t cry. I’ll sad if you cry.”


Baekhyun shook his head.


  “No, I will not cry again.” Baekhyun hugging him.

Baekhyun then looked at Chanyeol and thanked him for being with Chanhyun when he was lost. After that, Chanhyun asked Chanyeol to join them. At first, Baekhyun doubted if he shoudl let Chanyeol joined them or not. At last when he saw how hopeful Chanhyun was he let Chanyeol joined them. Chanhyun was happy when he got to spend his time with Baekhyun and Chanhyun. Chanhyun then dragged both adult to continue explore there. They're  taking a lot pictures and people might misunderstand if they look at them. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Chanhyun were like a happy family and complete with the cute child. Baekhyun forgot their past and didn't care what will happened after this. What he wanted was spending time with Chanyeol and let Chanhyun felt how to be with his two father at the same time. They kept laughinf when they watched at playful Chanhyun.

At the evening, Baekhyun decided to go back because Chanhyun already exhausted  since he kept playing around. Chanyeol was holding Chanhyun because he felt asleep already. Chanyeol was insist from Baekhyun held Chanhyun since he already held many things on his hands. They walked until in front of Baekhyun's car. Chanyeol put Chanhyun carefully to avoid from waking him up and put the blanket on him. 

   "Chanyeol, thank you for today. I know he was happy when you're with us."

   "No, I'm okay though. I'm happy too since you let me joined and spending my time with you guys. Baekhyun, I'm enjoyed today thanked to you or my day will be cloudy."

Baekhyun smiled at him. Chanyeol stunned for a second he had been didn't saw the smile on Baekhyun's like that since they met few months before.

   "Oh, don't said like that. I might disturb your date today and felt bad now."

Chanyeol shook his head. 

   "Hey, if I with my date I will not join you though. I just felt like wanted to go here and found Chanhyun."

   "I think I will go first. Chanhyun might be uncomfortable sleeping like that."

After Baekhyun said goodnight to Chanyeol, he started driving his car and leave the park. Chanyeol was looking at Baekhyun until his car disappeared from his sight. Chanyeol was happy when he remembered what he did today. He didn't know he will met Baekhyun at the park. He thought Baekhyun will left him alone after he found Chanhyun but he glad Baekhyun let him joined them. He saw how happy those two when they played with each other. He imagined what if he got the opportunity like that but as Baekhyun's husband and Chanhyun's dad. He didn't get to ask Baekhyun about the box since he didn't want to ruin Baekhyun's mood for today. He promised with himself he will ask Baekhyun about it and tell Baekhyun about the truth.

Baekhyun already arrived at home when it was 8 in the evening. He carefully brought Chanhyun's in his arm and walked into his house. Once he got into Chanhyun's room, he laid Chanhyun on his bed before pulling the blanket to cover him. Before Baekhyun went out, he felt someone held his wrist and he saw sleepy Chanhyun was looking at him.

   "Papa." Chanhyun called him.

Baekhyun sat beside him and asked what happened.

   "Baby, I thought you already sleep."

   "I want you sleep with me tonight." Chanhyun said with his little pout. Baekhyun chuckled and he slowly laid down beside his son. Chanhyun came closer to him and put his head on Baekhyun's arm.

   "Papa, thank you for today. I'm so happy when I got to spend time with you." Chanhyun said. Baekhyun used his other hand and hug Chanhyun.

   "It's okay, baby. It was your birthday gift. I'm sorry because I had been busy these days."

   "Papa, I'm happy when Mr.Park was there and played with us. Today was complete for me because there's two men I loved with me today."

Baekhyun shocked when he heard what Chanhyun said that.

   "Papa, can't Mr.Park be my daddy? I know he need to marry you first but I really want to call him as my daddy. I really love Mr. Park because he was kind and always played with me if I didn't have friends to play with."

This time Baekhyun really surprised. He didn't know Chanhyun want to call Chanyeol as his daddy. He knew Chanyeol is Chanhyun's daddy but he didn't ever imagined this will happened. He thought the relationship between Chanhyun and Chanyeol just closed as teacher and student.

   "Baby, why you said like that? What if your daddy know about this and he was upset with you?" Baekhyun tried to avoid from answering that question.

   "I'm sorry, papa if you mad. It's just Mr. Park was so protective and I never my real daddy. Papa, will daddy mad on me? Papa, I don't want to make him upset with me." Chanhyun slowly sobbing and Baekhyun felt bad for making his son like this.

   "Hey, hey. Baby, why were you cry? Daddy will not get mad on his little cute son."

Chanhyun slowly stop crying after Baekhyun calmed him. Chanhyun felt asleep after that. Baekhyun thanked God for not making it's hard for him. He knew he should tell the truth but he can't and he need time.

   "Baby, I'm sorry and I will tell you soon."

Baekhyun then hug his son and fell sleep too. He was smiling in his sleep because he dreamt a beautiful one.


Baekhyun was shopping alone on Sunday at the mart. He leave Chanhyun with Minseok and Jongdae since the couple wanted to spend their time with their cute nephew. When Baekhyun tried to get snacks for Chanhyun on the highest of shelf, he can't get it since he was short. After few times he tried, he already wanted to give up when someone took it for him. When he looked up, he saw Chanyeol was helping him.

   "Here your snacks," Chanyeol gave it to him. 

   "Oh okay, thank you Chanyeol."

Baekhyun wanted leave before Chanyeol asked him.

   "Where's Chanhyun? I don't see him with you."

   "He with Minseok and Jongdae. They missed Chanhyun since they're busy lately."

Chanyeol nodded.

   "If that so, do you mind if I buy coffee for you? I have something to ask you but didn't have time to meet you."

Baekhyun felt it weird since they had talked everything except the lies he told Chanyeol. He thought it doesn't harm if he went out with Chanyeol.

   "Okay, but after I done buy everything I need."

Chanyeol agreed and he tagged along with Baekhyun. People around them whispered about how perfect the couple was because Chanyeol was helping him to get something he don't afford to take and when Chanyeol helped by brought the trolley. After Baekhyun done bought everything, they went to the nearest coffee shop. Chanyeol was helping him brought the bags even Baekhyun insist it. They sat at the hiden place since Chanyeol need something to said. Baekhyun waited for a while before Chanyeol came with their orders. Baekhyun saw Chanyeol bought his favourite drinks which was iced americano.

   "You still remember my favourite." Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol smiled and took his sit in front of Baekhyun.

   "Of course I still remember it. I always bought it if I miss you, Baekhyun."

Baekhyun didn't know what to say and change the topic.

   "Chanyeol, you said before you want to ask something. What was it?"

Chanyeol took few seconds before he asked Baekhyun.

   "Baekhyun, do you still love me?" Baekhyun never expect Chanyeol will asked him again after he told Chanyeol the lies.

   "Why you still ask it if you know the answer, Chanyeol?"

   "Because I know you were lied at him before this. I know everything you said were a lies."

Baekhyun surprised. How do Chanyeol knew that he was lying Chanyeol.

   "What's your proof if I lied at you?"

Chanyeol took something from his pocket before showing him the ring he took from Baekhyun's house before.

   "This is the proof. You were wearing this even when I asked you about the ring. I also realize from that day, you didnt wore any ring even from your said husband. When I came to your house before, I didn't see any pictures of you husband even in your room. Now, what lie will you tell me?" Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun didn't know what to say because Chanyeol caught him already. He will embarrassed himself if he lied again. One thing he can't get was where Chanyeol got the ring. He thought he hide it well.

   "Where you get the ring? I hide it even my son didn't know about it."

Chanyeol chuckled.

   "Baekhyun, you've know nothing. Your son told me the day before you had fever, you were crying while looking at a box. He also heard you called a name but he didn't know who is he."

Baekhyun didn't know Chanhyun's saw what was he doing that night. He thought his son already slept after a long day.

   "He thought it was because you were missing his daddy. When I take a look, it full with our memories and the photo album of our pictures. I thought why would you cry over it if you had move on but it clicked when you were lying to me. Now, tell me the truth because you can't lie to me. If you didn't want to tell me, I will ask Minseok or your other friends about this. Maybe I will ask your parents about thhis."

Baekhyun did'nt know if he should tell Chanyeol about that. He still love Chanyeol but he still think either he should trust him or not. After few minutes, he inhales before he said to Chanyeol,

   "Okay, I'll tell you and don't say anything while I telling you the whole story."


*Do drop your opinion about this chapter so I will improve for next chapter. I hope you will like this chapter too. Do you think they will be together after Baekhyun tell the truth? Drop comments what ever you are thinking. 

Anyway, thank you for subscribed and upvoted my story. I appreciate it a lot and love you all ^^

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Hi everyone. I updated new chapter for You're Still Mine. I hope you will enjoy it and sorry for the grammars


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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 7: Nice fluffy mpreg!!
Baek_lyn #2
Chapter 7: Please more of family this is sweet
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 7: That was sweet ☺
Pingpongko #4
Chapter 7: Awww can’t wait for the update
honeymellow #5
Hope Chanhyun will get a little brother/sister soon :))
Chapter 7: this is so good cant wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 7: This is so heart heart
Chapter 7: Chapter5: I realy like this story when you have time you can update:)
xxanonymous_aerixx #9
Chapter 6: Omg finallyyyyy! I wanna see them complete >< cant wait for the next chapter