Set Me Free

Set Me Free

Chapter 11 


Changwook knew what he will see before the cloth bag was removed from his head but he was still no more prepare for it than if he hadn't known. 


Changwook had no way of knowing how long they had been in transit as not only had both Yoona and himself been restrained and blindfolded the whole way but he had spent a great deal of the time desperately trying to figure out a way to at least give Yoona a chance to escape but none had presented itself. Sejoon himself had no doubt made sure of that. 


They had to have been on the move for what had to have been most, if not all, of the day. 


Changwook's senses had told him that they had been in the trunk of Sejoon's car for well over three hours before they had been hauled unceremoniously out of the trunk, their feet freed so they could walk and had been drag onto what could have only been a private jet. 


Once on board, the two of them had then been locked in what Changwook assume was the cargo hold section at the back of the plane. 


They hadn't had a chance to move around at all as their hands had been secure behind them again with plastic ties to some kind of horizontal metal bar running along the wall of the plane a hand's breadth above the floor. Thankfully, at least their feet had been left unbound on the plane, most likely because in their restraint position they couldn't have done anything anyway. 


Restrain, gag and still wearing the bags over their heads, they hadn't enjoyed the flight at all but at least it had shortened the travel time back to Seoul to a matter of hours. 


The whole time, the only thing that kept Changwook calm was the fact that he knew that Yoona was always right there beside him. They had been kept together. Changwook didn't know if it was for the purpose of keeping them both calm or because their captors just hadn't considered the benefits of separating them but regardless of their motives for keeping them together, it was the smartest thing their captors could have done in regards to keeping him from causing trouble, bound or not, if they had tried to separate him from Yoona, Changwook would have absolutely made sure that they had very much regretted it. 


The landing had been rough for them as by that time their arms, legs, and backs had been cramping and they had both been in physical misery, Changwook had been able to tell by Yoona's muffled sounds of discomfort and distress during most of the flight, so much so that the forced walk to the car, the chance to move, had been a relief, after the first few steps at least. 


Or it had been until they had been forced into the trunk of yet another car but mercifully it had been only a short drive to what had no doubt been Sejoon's estate. Upon arrival, they had once again been yank unceremoniously out of the trunk and walk blindfolded down into the basement. 


From the moment they had been taken from the motel room, Changwook had never had any doubts about exactly where it was they were being taken too. Or at least he hadn't had any doubts as to where they were taking Yoona. It was exactly where they were taking him that Changwook had been uncertain of. 


During the walk down into the basement and along the corridor, Changwook had fully expected them to force him left or right, into one of the torture cells but they hadn't. 


They had been led straight ahead. Once at the end of the corridor, Changwook had sense rather than heard the heavy reinforce door being open. 


Then the bags on their heads had been swiftly removed, along with their blindfolds and they had been roughly shoved forward into the breeding cell. 


They had staggered forward a few steps before regaining their balance enough to remain on their feet. 


Then the bonds restraining their hands were deftly cut with a pair of wire cutters that one of the henchmen produce from where Changwook hadn't seen and honestly he didn't care. 


The cell looks exactly as Changwook remember it, exactly as it had each and every time it had haunted his nightmares. 


Here they were, in the one place Changwook had fought so hard to keep them out of and ironically it seems that Changwook himself had brought his nightmares to pass, that he himself had brought them both here. By trying to prevent it Changwook himself had made it happen. 


If he hadn't taken Yoona and run then Sejoon wouldn't have locked them up here probably. 


Or maybe it had always been inevitable that they had ended up here. Maybe there had never been any other way that all of this could have ended other than them ending up in this prison. 


Changwook found himself wondering whether it was fate or a self-fulfilling prophecy that had brought them here to his real-life nightmare. 


The impenetrable door slam shut behind them with a resounding metallic bang that reverberated through the entire room with an eerie sense of finality, as though the door would never again open and they will be trapped there in this hell forever but Changwook couldn't worry about that now. With the door bolted from the outside, very effectively sealing them both inside, there would be no escaping from this room, the one room that Changwook would have sold his soul to have prevented Yoona from ever even knowing it existed, let alone seeing it. 


With the door bolted shut, leaving them alone together, their gags still in place, Changwook's eyes went to Yoona. His eyes were hurting as they attempted to adjust to the bright light after knowing only total darkness for nearly a full day but assuring that Yoona was alright was more important than anything else, even his own discomfort and pain. 


Yoona was alright, to Changwook's endless relief. At least physically. Although it was clear from the way she was repeatedly blinking her eyes that they hadn't yet adapted to the light so Yoona had yet to fully see her new prison. Changwook's heart sank deeper than it had since he had been a boy. In a few minutes, Yoona's vision would settle and she will see what had haunted him for these past few weeks. Yoona would see straight into his worst nightmares. Changwook braced himself the best he could but how could you prepare yourself when the one you love most in the world was about to come face to face with horrors so unspeakable that there were no words in any language ever created by man that could truly do its depravity justice? 


Changwook had been willing to do anything, sacrifice anything, in order to prevent this very moment from ever happening but not even that had been enough to spare the woman he loves this. 


He had failed. Worse of all, Changwook had failed her. 


The first thing Yoona became aware of upon the bag over her head being remove had been the cooler air hitting her too-warm face, warm by her own exhaled breath. It had felt wonderful to have cool air on her face again, and also to breath fresher air that was pull through a thick cloth and then Yoona had open her eyes and the second thing she became aware of was the bright light that immediately blinded her after her eyes having been trap in darkness for so long. 


Yoona hastily closes her eyes again in protection against the light that she immediately knew wasn't from the sun. The light had actually hurtled her eyes. It was too bright. Even though Yoona knew it wasn't light from the sun at the same time the light seems far too bright to be interior lights. 


Well, that didn't make sense. 


Slowly, cautiously, Yoona open one eye just a little and was relieved that after a moment the light didn't hurt her eyes as it had before. It was a dulled relief as the pain ease as her eyes very slowly adjusted. 


The bright lights were internal lights but not the normal kind, at least not one set that she was looking towards, the glow was all wrong, it was brighter and a different colour, a golden yellow rather than the dulled while orange typical of standard artificial lighting like that directly above her and then she forgot all about the strange bright lighting. Her sight return and Yoona immediately wish that it had never returned at all. 


Yoona had known before her eyes had even opened that she had been taken into the basement of her dad's estate. She had never been in the basement, had never bother because how could anything in the basement help her escape from her dad? All that had mattered to her for the past year had been somehow escaping her dad once and for all but now Yoona wishes violently that she had come down to the basement before now. If she had she wouldn't have escaped her dad just to go to the FBI before being captured again. No, she would have run hard and far at the very first opportunity that had presented itself, no matter how ill-equipped she had been for it. 


There would never have been a chance in hell that she would have returned to the estate, let alone return willingly as she had done. She would have ended her own life first. 


The purpose of the room was instantly crystal clear. 


There were no words. No words that could even describe either what she was seeing or what she was feeling. It all slam into her like a physical blow. The world spun around her and Yoona actually stumble back a step. 


She struggles to take it in. She struggles to comprehend. 


At the first physical sign that she was struggling, Changwook immediately moves towards her his arms outstretched as if to catch her as he fears that she had passed out but Yoona raise one hand in his direction, wordlessly warding him off. 


Yoona couldn't stand being touch right now, not even by Changwook. Her other hand went to her face, covering her gag mouth as she battle to contain her horror and disgusts and not collapse into a hysterical panic mess sobbing pathetically on the floor. 


Yoona just wanted to close her eyes, curl in a ball in the corner and bang her head on the wall until she knocks herself unconscious. 


How could her dad do this? Was he well and truly that far gone? Had her dad snapped so completely that there wasn't one shred of sanity or compassion or logical thought left in him? 


Yoona turns her head slightly, turning her full attention to the bed, her eyes glued to the manacles on the bed. 


Any and all hopes, however small they had been, that having her forcibly impregnated was one line that her dad wouldn't cross, not when it really came down to it, were instantly and permanently destroy beyond any hope of repair and in that moment and forever more, Sejoon wasn't her dad anymore. He wasn't the man who had loved her mom and who her mom had love in return. There was nothing left of that man. He was gone and in his place, all that was left was an insane ruthless monster that would go to any lengths to get what he wanted from her. 


Oh, god. How could he do this to her? She was his daughter, as sickening as that was to her, didn't that mean anything to him at all? 


The answer to that though was as plain as the nose on her face. Sejoon saw her as nothing other than a means to an end, a thing to be used to get what he wanted most of all. 


Sejoon didn't care about her at all. He couldn't care about her at all. What kind of monster wouldn't only allow the of his daughter, his only living child but actually take steps to prepare for it? 


The Manacles. Oh, god. 


It was beyond sick. 


It was so sick that Yoona was dangerously close to being physically sick. 


Desperately, Yoona wrench the gag down from around . She was going to be sick. She needed air. 


She needed to get out of there. 


Yoona couldn't stand it. She was feeling too much. Feeling too much that was so jumbled together that she couldn't name one emotion from another. Her heart was pounding so fast and hard in her chest that it was on the verge of being painful. Her breathing was rapid and shallow and the prison cell was swirling around her like she was standing on a merry-go-round that was moving way too fast. Her insides felt too big for her small body to contain, her stomach wretch and swirl, making the threat of it violently emptying its non-existent contents all over the floor a very real one. 


She was hyperventilating. Or close to it. Yoona knew it but she couldn't seem to get a grip on herself. 


Yoona felt cold all over and inside as she wrapped her arms around herself in a desperate attempt to find even some small semblance of warmth but right now it felt like Yoona was never going to be warm again. 


It was a very real possibility that she will never see the sun again. 


For the first time in her life, Yoona wanted to pass out. She wanted the empty darkness to swallow her whole so that she wouldn't have to feel or think anymore. 


She just wanted it all to go away. 


Desperately Yoona turns her wide horror-fill eyes to Changwook, the only stable sturdy thing left for her in the sea of horrors that she was trapped in. He was her island, her only hope of survival. 


No matter what, Changwook would save her, even from this. Wouldn't he? 


Changwook couldn't move, couldn't speak. Not when Yoona was staring at him the way she was. Yoona was losing it, she was freaking out and then some and Changwook wasn't sure that he had expected anything less. 


He had done the same thing when he had learned what had been waiting for them down beneath Sejoon's estate. The only thing Changwook wanted more than anything was to be able to speak to her, to reassure her that she had never been there in the first place. Even though Changwook had lower his gag just as Yoona had done, what could he say? What words could take away the horror and panic that was blazingly wretchedly obvious in her too-wide trembling eyes? 


Her entire body was trembling. All color had left her skin, leaving her looking as pale as death. She was still on her feet but the way she was trembling and swaying made him fear that she had collapsed and hurt herself but when he had moved towards her to take her in his arms to steady her Yoona had made it clear that she didn't want him near her right now. 


Why exactly Changwook could only guess but between her physical reaction and the almost mad look in her eyes, he was willing to give her anything she needed, even if right now that was his distance when all he wanted to do was hold her close. 


The moments became seconds that slowly turn into minutes and all that time Yoona's eyes didn't leave the bed except for the flickering pleading looks she sent his way every few seconds almost as if she were reassuring herself that he was still there with her. 


As if he will be anywhere else without her and then, after what seemed like an eternity, Yoona tore her eyes from the manacles on the bed and slowly took in the rest of the room, starting with the corner behind him and ending with the opposite corner. 


Starting with the armchair beneath the sunlamp. 


Ending with the crib. 


Only in that moment did Yoona become still, deadly still. The trembling and swaying halt as abruptly as if a switch had been flip inside of her. 


Long moments pass and despite her wordless plea that he kept his distance from her, Changwook was thinking of going to her and pulling her into his arms to do what little he could do to help her through the horrors she was struggling to endure, he knew because he had been enduring them for weeks, when without apparent reason Yoona, with delicate slowness, turn her body so that she was fully facing the crib and all Changwook could do was watch on helplessly, uselessly, as Yoona move slowly towards the metal crib, her movements so laborious that it was as though she was fighting to move every muscle, as if she were walking through neck high thick mud and with each step closer Yoona took to the small metal crib, her entire body trembling and shaking all the more violently. 


By the time Yoona was close enough to it to reach out and touch it, she was shaking so violently that it was a wonder that she was able to remain on her feet. 


Changwook had never hated anyone or anything as much as he did Sejoon at this very moment. His hands had long since curl into fists but now Changwook was shaking himself, only with violent rage rather than uncontrollable unbearable horror as Yoona was. 


The violent urge to hit something, to kill something, was so strong, so powerful in him that if Sejoon or Kai had been there nothing wouldn't be able to stop him from beating them to death with his bare hands but they weren't there and the last thing Changwook wanted to do was risk traumatizing Yoona anymore than she already was by doing something violent in front of her but Sejoon was going to die. Kai too. Changwook couldn't forgive this and he damn sure would never be able to forget it. Until his dying day, he had remembered vividly the sight of Yoona trembling in horror at the sight of a crib that looks like a small prison cell in itself, one intended for her child. Despite the bubbling hunger to do violence raging within him, Changwook instead reaches out and grasp hold of his concern for Yoona. Yoona needed reassurance and protection from him now, not rage and violence. He would be her strength, at least until she could recover her own. 


"Yoona?" His tone was gentle and careful. Yoona was in a very delicate mental state right now, he had to be careful with her. 


Yoona didn't seem to hear him. She gave no reaction to him having spoken. None at all. 


Changwook took a few steps towards her but didn't allow himself to go any further. Yoona might not yet be able to stand anyone close to her right now. 


The last thing he wanted to do for her right now was to make this any worse for her if such a thing were even possible. 


"Yoona," Changwook repeated just a little louder but using the same careful tone. 


This time Yoona seems to hear him. She jump, startled and whirl to face him, her eyes so impossibly wide that it had to be uncomfortable, bordering on painful. 


The icy fists that had wrap itself around his heart tighten its hold a fraction in response to the half-wild half-mad look in her too-wide eyes. 


"Yoona." Changwook said gently, raising his hands in front of him in a gesture that was partly an 'I mean you no harm' gesture and partly a 'calm down' gesture. 


He was mindful of each movement. Like a wild corner animal, he didn't want to startle her. 


"I promise, I promise that I won't let anyone hurt you. I won't let anyone near you." There was steel in his voice, resolve that none who heard it would be able to question it, "Have I ever broken a promise to you?" 


Yoona gave no reply, she just continues to stare at him unblinkingly with impossibly wide terrified eyes. 


Changwook couldn't even tell if she had heard him or not, let alone had understood him. She was so out of it, so detached, that it was a wonder that she hadn't passed out on him already. 


There was only so much the human mind could take, even one as strong and magnificent as Yoona's. 


He had been sickened to his very core at seeing this cell for the first time just a matter of weeks ago. It had haunted his thoughts and dreams because of how greatly he fear what this cell was meant for her but Yoona was seeing this room for the first time and realizing the fate intended for her. 


What must it be like seeing this room? Knowing that its very existence was a testament to just how little her dad care for her? Seeing the manacles on the bed, meant to restrain her while her dad had a man, most likely Kai, force pregnancy on her? And then seeing the crib and realizing just how long her dad intended to keep her lockup in here. 


Was it the threat of that freaks her out or was it the mental image of seeing a child, her child, in that cell-like crib? 


Changwook approaches her slowly, cautiously, as one would approach a wounded wild animal. He didn't know what she was going to do or how she had reacted to everything once the shock wore off but he wanted to help her in every which way he could. 


Without any warning, with a wretched distress cry, Yoona threw herself at him. She wraps her arms around him and held onto him for dear life as she buried her face against his chest and sob wretchedly, tears that hadn't been in her eyes moments before now streaming down her face. 


Changwook wraps his arms around her and held her close, bringing his cheek down to rest on the top of her head, completely encasing her in his embrace. He could feel her entire body trembling and shaking as she cried uncontrollably. 


The hand wrap around his heart was still ice cold. Never in his life had Changwook felt so dejected or useless. 


He couldn't even offer her the words of comfort because what could he say that would make any difference? Changwook truly was trapped inside his own worst nightmare, only this time Yoona had been forced to come along for the ride. 


An hour later they were brought fresh clean clothes, two changes each of their own clothes that they had left behind when they had bolted. 


Neither of them made a move towards the clothes. Changwook because he couldn't have careless what he was wearing and because Yoona hadn't even seemed to have noticed. 


She hadn't even blink when the door had open or close. 


Yoona was trapped somewhere in her own mind and not even Changwook could reach her. Although he didn't even try because he knew that she will find her way out soon enough to come face to face with the horror of the breeding cell once again. 


All Changwook could hope for was that when she resurfaces from her own mind she will find her strength once again. 


His weapon. 


Changwook had been so completely all-consume by Yoona standing in this sick and twisted prison that he had completely forgotten about the weapon he had left here that night he had discovered this cell and realize the purpose for it. 


Hours had passed, how many again Changwook was unsure of as they had no way to keep track of time but to Changwook it had seemed more like an eternity in which he had been trapped inside his worst nightmare. Yoona had cried so despairingly for what had seemed like hours and then after that, she had moved onto soundless sobbing into his neck as he had held her. 


The entire time Changwook had been unable to say or do anything to make any difference to Yoona's distraught state which left him feeling completely useless and more than a little self-loathing. 


For the first fifteen minutes or so after they had been lock inside the cell, the two of them had stood in the middle of the room holding each other but then Changwook had sense Yoona's fatigue when she had started leaning more of her delicate weight up against him and that was when he had wordlessly move the two of them to a place in the middle of the opposite wall from the crib, getting as far away from the abomination as they could in their confine surroundings, short of actually going into the bathroom. 


There Changwook had gently set Yoona down on the floor in a sitting position and leaning her against the wall and there he had joined her where he had gently lifted her up onto his lap like a child and had held her, cradled her against him as she had continued to cry, her face buried in his neck. 


Eventually, her weeping had become soundless sobs that had rack through her as though her body was absorbing physical blows. 


Even as exhausted as Yoona had been after a long night of lovemaking in which Changwook hadn't allowed her to sleep all that much and then the full day of traveling and fear and trauma and then to find herself in a breeding cell, it had still taken Yoona hours for her to fall asleep. 


Changwook himself was exhausted but he still couldn't let himself sleep. He had to stay awake, he had to stand guard over her so that Yoona could sleep without any fear of being woken unpleasantly. 


Although Changwook seriously doubted that anyone would ever be able to open that heavy reinforce door without waking him, no matter how deeply asleep he was but hours into what had to be early am when Changwook had been fighting to keep his eyes open, it had hit him. 


The memory of dropping his gun the only other time he had been in the cell. 


A moment that seems so very long ago now. 


Changwook's heart leaped with hope as he quickly scans the floor. It only took a split second but he soon found it. Lying on the floor just a foot from the door against the wall was his weapon. It was still there right where he had dropped it the night he had discovered the existence of the breeding cell. 


Their captors had been so quick to dump them in there that they hadn't noticed it. 


He had a weapon. 


That meant that he had a shot at getting Yoona out of there but not right now. No, he had to bide his time. He was lock inside a room with a door that not even his personal weapon could shoot its way through, with a distraught woman he had to protect at any and all costs. 


His weapon was a lifeline but it was still a dangerous one. One that didn't guarantee him anything. If he wasn't careful it might even get him kill. 


He had to be smart right now. It was one of the main reasons that Changwook was still alive doing the job he did. He was clever and he was patient. A lethal combination. 


As discreetly as he could, Changwook scans the walls and ceiling, moving nothing but his eyes. He couldn't see anything that looks like a camera but with today's technology and advancements in surveillance equipment, that didn't mean anything. These days cameras could be fitted inside of a button or the tip of a pen they were that small. 


If the room was really bugged, there was very little doubt in Changwook's mind that it was, then the weapon was either in a blind spot or they weren't looking too closely at that area of the cell. 


The third option was that the cameras were of such cheap and poor quality that it wasn't capable of distinguishing the black weapon in the shadows that it was in but Changwook found that very unlikely. 


There was no way that Sejoon had gone to the expense of building a cell in his basement, one especially design to house his impregnated daughter and skimp out on the technology to keep a permanent vigilant eye on her. 


No, the cameras would be high definition, top of the line quality. If nothing else, Sejoon's pride wouldn't have permitted anything less than the best. 


So that left the blind spot or less than vigilant guards watching the feed. 


Either way, if Sejoon learns that there was a weapon in the cell with them then he had come charging in with half a dozen of his armed goons and threaten them both into handing it over. 


That weapon was their only shot, their only hope of escaping. 


Changwook prefer not to draw any attention to that specific spot or to themselves; anyone watching them wouldn't be watching them too closely right now, not after the hours they had spent in the same spot not doing much but at the same time Changwook had to act quickly. Sejoon had them back. He wouldn't leave them alone for too long, not with his temper as incited as it was. Changwook had no idea of the time but Sejoon or one of his goons would come see them in the morning, by midmorning at the latest no doubt. 


He had to act. Now. 


It was their only chance. 


All Changwook could do was hope and pray that the cell's surveillance feed wasn't being too closely monitor at this too early time, again most likely somewhere in the pre-dawn hours. 


As gently as he possibly could, Changwook slowly picks Yoona up from his lap and gently laid her on the floor, arranging her so that her head was resting on her arm. He wouldn't be gone from her for long but he didn't want her to wake up while he was away from her either, even if it was only a number of feet for a couple of moments. 


No doubt, in her delicate mental state, even the smallest distance between them would distress her. While before Yoona hadn't been able to stand his touch, once her tears had started she hadn't been able to stand it being away from his touch. 


Right now Yoona needed a security blanket and he was that blanket and he gladly would be, for as long as she needed it. 


Changwook didn't move immediately towards the weapon. Instead, he rose to his feet and started stretching, turning this way and that as if he were working the kinks out of his sore and stiff body. He stretches his hands above his head and moves sideways and back and forth several times, hoping that he was convincing enough that the goons watching him were buying it and then Changwook began moving around the cell as if he had moved onto stretching his legs. He even did a handful of leg lifts and squats as he moves seemingly purposelessly around the room, inching closer to his weapon. 


It was a matter of minutes before Changwook dares to get close enough. 


He needed to plan and execute the move perfectly. He maps it out in his mind and ran through it over and over, doing squats and silent jumps on the spot to buy himself time to do so. He pictures it clearly in his mind, exactly what he had to do so when it came time to do it he would, hopefully, get it right the first time. 


Because he had most likely only had one shot at it. 


For all, he knew Changwook didn't even have that. The goons might have already spotted the weapon and were on their way. 


He had to act or he risks running out of time. 


Changwook silently stealthily and swiftly change his leg exercises to arcing strides like those a ballet dancer might use to warm up. He use only his peripheral vision to aim and judge his shot and then Changwook adjusted just one arc ever so slightly and in one sweeping movement, slide the weapon along the floor, moving and guiding it with the arch of his foot and with one sweeping guiding movement he slid his weapon across the floor until it disappears beneath the bed. 


It was out of sight. 


Unless someone intentionally looks under the bed. 


With his weapon hidden at the moment, Changwook returns to Yoona, once again lifting and settling her on his lap. 


They had endured a lot, some of the worst of which had been in the last twenty-four hours but unlike even minutes before there was a chance now. 


They had a chance now. A slim one but anything was far better than nothing. 


Yoona felt so tired. So why was she waking up from the sweet oblivion that was sleep? 


That was her first thought upon regaining consciousness enough that she was aware that she was waking up. Even though she had been sleeping, Yoona instinctively knew that she hadn't been asleep long enough and she knew that she didn't want to wake up yet, she didn't want to face the nightmare, an even worse one than what she had been in a number of weeks ago, that her reality had become but it seems that her body had other ideas. 


Yoona didn't have any disorientation when she woke up. She knew exactly where she was, why she was there and who she was with even though her mind was still heavy from fatigue. 


She was in her own personal hell, one literally built just for her, with the man she loves with all her heart who she greatly fears she was going to end up getting killed. 


The very idea of Changwook dying either for her or because of her terrified her more than anything else in her life ever had. Even more than the fate her dad's breeding cell so obviously held for her. 


What was and force motherhood in the face of being the cause of her love's violent murder? 


The worst part was that she had done this. She had brought them here by her own decisions and actions. If Changwook dies, either by being murder by her dad or Changwook himself sacrificing his life for her, it would be all her fault, all her doing. 


Yoona wasn't sure she could live through that. Or if she had even wanted too. 


Without opening her eyes, not wanting to face the cell built specially for her yet, Yoona instead focuses on what it felt like to be cradled so cherished in her lover's embrace. 


Yoona was sitting on Changwook's lap still, just as she had been before she had finally fallen asleep after crying for so long that her eyes felt sore, itchy and dry. She could feel the dried tears on her face like a paper-thin crust and taste their saltiness in . She could feel Changwook's arms that were still around her, holding her securely against his solid chest as though she were the most precious thing in his world. 


That Changwook could stand to be near her after what she had done to him, after bringing them both here, was a testament to just how much he loves her. 


Or just how deeply engrain his protective nature went in him. Maybe it was a little bit of both. 


It felt so wonderful to be in the arms of someone who loves you so much, cherish you so much. The warmth, security, and joy he gave her just by holding her were indescribable. While in Changwook's arms Yoona felt safe, strong and confident like she could take on any fight and win, face any hardship and still remain strong, lose everything but still have everything because she had him. 


Impossibly more tears threaten to leak from her eyes but Yoona fought against them by squeezing her eyes tightly closed and focusing on Changwook's scent, a manly scent of sweat, musk, and man until the urge to let more tears fall finally faded away. 


She had cried enough. Yoona refuse to cry anymore. Changwook had enough to deal with without her breaking apart. 




Yoona knew she should open her eyes and face reality but she wanted to hold off just a little bit longer but Changwook knew that she was awake. Yoona knew that he knew, even though Changwook hadn't moved or spoken at all. The only real tell-tale sign was the ever so slight tensing of his body beneath and around her and a subtle change to his breathing. It was subtle but his breathing picks up just a little, enough to betray that he knew she was awake. 


There were things that needed to be said. Issues that needed to be sorted out but not right now. Firstly, Yoona didn't want to face the harsh reality of their situation just yet and secondly, Yoona's body's demands really didn't want to be ignored a second longer. 


With a heavily reluctant sigh, Yoona opens her eyes and shifted her weight forward, away from Changwook. 


A moment later his arms drop from around her and she was free from his embrace. 


Without looking at Changwook even once, Yoona tenderly rose to her feet, her body still stiff and sore from the harsh conditions the two of them had been forced to endure in the last few days and disappear into the bathroom, thankfully was a moderately normal but basic bathroom with a simple basin, shower and toilet. 


Even the air was better than Yoona thought it could be given that her cell was underground. 


It wasn't hot and stuffy but it wasn't cold in the cell either. They had slept comfortably, temperature wise only, even on the floor. 


Sejoon had obviously intended for her to be somewhat comfortable in what he no doubt intended to be her long confinement. 


Yoona splashes some cold water on her face, washing away the salty dried tears on her face and wipe her face dry using the soft clean towels. 


Not even the towels smelt musty. 


Sejoon had obviously had the cell clean and dusted, the linen change out regularly. 


Which told Yoona that this cell had always been in Sejoon's mind. He hadn't built it and forgotten it. He had always intended to use it if things hadn't gone his way. 


There was no hope for Sejoon. There was no humanity, no compassion or mercy or love left in him. 


There had never been. Not for a very long time. 


Yoona found that so sad. That the man her mom had love was so lost that not even the memory of him remains. Yoona step out of the bathroom, feeling just that little bit better after using the facility, her eyes immediately going to Changwook who was still sitting on the floor where she had left him. 


Changwook's eyes immediately found hers and Yoona nearly choked on what she saw in his eyes. 


There was no accusation or resentment or anything else that Yoona had feared deep inside that she will see. Instead, there was only concern, caring and sadness in those brown eyes. 


"Do you need to use that bathroom?" Yoona asked him awkwardly and immediately wanted to smack herself. Of all the things she had wanted to say, of all the things she should have said, that wasn't one of them. 


Changwook shook his head and raise both of his arms out towards her, his hands outstretched like he was reaching out for her. 


Changwook wanted her back in his arms. He wanted to hold her again. 


Yoona was absolutely helpless to do anything else but to go to him. Before she was even aware that she was moving, Yoona was already there beside him, returning to his arms. 


Although at the last second Yoona set her rear down on the floor beside him, realizing that he had cradled her for god only knew how many hours, which must have been terribly uncomfortable for him. 


So instead of returning to his lap, Yoona instead chose to sit beside him. She had caused him enough suffering, she couldn't and wouldn't add any more. Her heart wouldn't allow it. 


Changwook wraps his arm around her as she snuggled into his side, resting her head on his shoulder and even though there was so much that needed to be said between them, neither of them could say a word to break the silence that was thick with tension and not the good kind. 


Yoona's eyes inevitably settled on the bed. They were still sitting on the floor because neither of them could even tolerate the idea of sitting on the bed, no matter how comfortable it looks, no matter how uncomfortable they were. Yoona couldn't even stomach looking at it let alone going near it. 


The bed they could stand, it was just a normal bed. It was the manacles that made all the difference. 


So they sat in silence on the floor, neither looking around the room nor doing much else other than enjoying their moments in each other's arms the best they could given the circumstances. 


The silence stretch on as Yoona's mind wander, mainly in the direction of the events that had brought them there, recollecting nearly every moment since that very first moment she had ever seen Changwook, the moment Changwook had come into her life like a knight in shining armour came to rescue the imprison princess from the terrible evil dragon. 


Even from the first moment, Yoona had been attracted by him, in so many more ways than the traditional. 


Yes, Changwook was the most handsome man she had ever seen and that had been part of the attraction but it went deeper than that. It was Changwook, the man, the core of him, that had truly caught her attention and heart. 


That first time Changwook had to look up into her eyes her breath had been caught in and her heart had been pounding in her chest so hard that it was a wonder that he hadn't been able to hear it and looking back now Yoona realize that that had been the moment that she had started to fall in love with him and by all the miracles of heaven, somewhere along the way Changwook had fallen in love with her as well. He had watched over her, protected her, held her when she had needed holding. He had shielded her from everything that before meeting him she had had to face alone. He had fought for her, he had sacrificed for her. 


He might even die for her and he had asked so little of her in return. 


Yoona could still remember very vividly how half-crazed Changwook had been when he had believed that she had been in danger and he had taken her and run, risking everything he had spent half of his life building, his job, and career, even his chance at justice. 


Something inside of her head click and words replay themselves in her mind's ear, words that were as clear sounding in their desperation as they had been when Changwook had all but shouted them at her when he had taken her and run. 


Yoona stiffens in Changwook's arms. 


'Please just trust me Yoona. If you trust nothing else about me then trust that I will do anything to protect you and right now, this is our only option. Your dad is further gone than you can possibly understand.


'You have seen only a fraction of what your dad is, of what he's capable of! I have no doubt that your dad has agents in the FBI in his pocket! You were right to be so careful when you came to the FBI! Why do you think your dad is so untouchable regardless of everything he's done?! It's because he has eyes and ears everywhere! I can keep you safe; we just have to do things my way!


'Trust me Yoona, you don't want to know! Just trust me. Trust that I will always do what's best for you. I have to get you far away. Your dad is insane and this is quite possibly your only chance to run.


Two things that night and morning and many times since then Changwook had said to her over and over, their true meanings becoming clear in her mind. 


'Trust me.


'Your dad is further gone than you can possibly understand.


'You have seen only a fraction of what your dad is, of what he's capable of!


'Trust me Yoona, you don't want to know!


'Just trust me. Trust that I will always do what's best for you.


'Your dad is insane and this is quite possibly your only chance to run.


So many times Changwook had begged her to trust him. So many times he had tried to tell her just how far gone in the mind he believes her dad was. 


That night Changwook had woken her up in the early hours. He had been so freak out, so terrified that he had held her so tightly like a drowning man desperately holding onto his lifeline and just like that everything Changwook had done since that moment made perfect sense. 


Changwook had known. He had known about the breeding cell that had been intended from the beginning to imprison her. 


That night, the night he had completely freaked out, just as she had done last night, Changwook must have come down here and found the breeding cell and just like her he had immediately realized its purpose, the reason for its existence and he had taken her and run with all the desperation of a man fighting for everything he had. 


It was why Changwook hadn't freaked out last night like she had. He had already freaked out. 


"You knew." Yoona whispers softly, her words a statement rather than an accusation, "This was why you were acting so weird. This is why you kept insisting that you had to get me away. Why we ran." 


Changwook's body stiffens around her and when he spoke his tone was somber, "Yeah." 


"That night you woke me up." Yoona spoke gently, calmly "You were freaking out and holding me like you have been scare within an inch of your life, that was when wasn't it?" 


"I could barely function enough to return to your room undetected." Changwook told her, something in his voice betraying just how traumatic even recalling the memory of that night was for him, "I had to see you, had to hold you. I kept telling myself that you were fine, that you will never see the inside of this cell but I just kept seeing the manacles, this bed." Changwook spat the words like they were something beyond disgusting. 


Yoona didn't look up even though she knew that Changwook was staring at the bed, his eyes fix to the manacles he was talking about with such disgusts. 


"I couldn't get the image of it out of my mind." Changwook's arms tighten around her to the point of discomfort but Yoona didn't protest. It was just like that night all over again when she had woken up to find Changwook holding her with a desperation that it had shattered her heart, "I couldn't stop the images in my mind of you tie to it with Kai above you, hurting you." 


The fury, the crazed rage in him and in his voice terrified Yoona but not for her own sake. Changwook's entire body was shaking and his body was so rigid that he could have been made of temper steel. 


He was on the verge of violence and although Yoona didn't fear him in the least, she fears for him. 


Knowing there were no words that could possibly calm him down, Yoona grasp hold of his hand and place it on her cheek, his large hand covering half of her face but the tense rigid battle ready limb instantly soften the moment it came into contact with her skin, although the rest of him remains as rigid and battle-ready as she had ever seen him. 


"He isn't here." Yoona whisper as gently, as soothingly as she possibly could, "He isn't hurting me." Then she pulls back only enough that she could lift her head and look into his intense blazing eyes, "I'm here with you. I'm safe here with you. I trust you, I know you will never let Kai get near me. I trust you. Completely, utterly. I trust you. With my life, soul, and heart. I trust you every way one person can trust another. I trust you." 


Changwook had so many times beg her to trust him. Now Yoona was begging him to trust that she trusted him and just like that, in the blink of an eye, Changwook's demeanor shifted, change. The tension in his body faded away until Yoona no longer felt as though she were sitting beside a statue and the frenzied violent fury faded from his eyes to be replaced by something that was laced with pain, self-loathing and regret. 


"How could you possibly trust me when it's my fault that you are here?" Changwook turns his face away from her as if she couldn't stand to look at him even though he was the one to turn away, "You should be sorry that you ever met me." 


Changwook was blaming himself. For everything. Yoona could practically hear him silently berating himself in one long endless stream. He no doubt believes that all of this was all his fault, no doubt because he believes that they should have been on the road long before they were caught yesterday morning. 


All because he believes that he couldn't keep it in his pants. 


They might be in a situation that was so much worse than the one they had been in before they had run but Yoona was never ever going to blame it on Changwook like he himself was doing. 


Yoona sighs sadly, dejectedly, knowing that she sounded as if she had already given up. Maybe she had but even if she had she still wasn't about to let Changwook wear the blame. 


Changwook was always so quick to blame himself; he would never blame her. Not for anything, not really. He loves her too much. 


Yoona knew that he saw her mostly through rose-color glasses. To Changwook she was perfect but Yoona considers herself anything but perfect. 


Yoona understood how Changwook saw her. She saw him the same way. To her Changwook was perfect. She had never change a single thing about him. 


Ok. Maybe one thing; his damn frustrating habit of blaming himself for everything. That Yoona could live without, "I'm not sorry, not even a little bit." Yoona said softly, her tone soft and sincere, "As bad as things seem right now I can't regret a moment of it because it brought me to you." She gave him what was a poor excuse for a smile but at least it was genuine, nothing about it was forced. 


Yoona shyly lowers her eyes from his. She had too or else she wouldn't be able to say what came next, "At least I had one night with you. One perfect night. One night that we were together by choice, one night that we were free to be together for no other reason than we wanted to be. I wouldn't trade that for anything. Not one single moment of it." 


A long silent moment pass in which Yoona spent working up the courage to finally raise her eyes to look at the man she loves, the man whom she had most likely end up getting killed, correction, violently murder but despite that Yoona couldn't make herself regret meeting him and when Yoona look at him she saw all the reasons why she had fallen in love with him, so deeply and completely that she would gladly give her life to save his. 


That was what it meant to love and that was who she was. It was the way she chose to love. 


The way Changwook was staring at her now, it both broke her heart and made it swell with love all at the same time. His eyes were so wretchedly sad and held a despair that could have made the angels of heaven weep until the entire earth was nothing but one giant ocean of heaven's tears but even clearer in his eyes, even stronger, was his love for her and his fierce desire to protect her no matter the cost. 


How could Yoona not love this man? If there was such a thing as soulmates then it was dead certain that Changwook was her soulmate. 


Here they were, in serious trouble, quite possibly the kind that they had no chance in hell of getting out of but still the urge to fight to protect her rage fiercely within him. 


Was this how warriors of old had look at their loved ones the night before going to war against an enemy they had little chance of defeating but would fight anyway in order to protect the woman they love? All fierce and protective and determine and sad and fearful all at the same time as they wonder if that one night was the last night they were ever going to have to spend together? 


Never in her life had Yoona even consider the idea that she will fall in love with a warrior type, a fierce strong dominant personality that would go to any lengths, use any means, to do what he believed was right and to protect what he loves. 


There weren't words to describe how humble and honour Yoona felt to be the one this amazing brilliant man had fallen in love with and that Changwook had allowed himself to feel anything for her, being who she was, her dad's daughter, was a true testament to his purity of heart and love for her. 


"I would say the same but I do have one regret about how I acted last night," Changwook told her softly, his tone honest and sad. 


Yoona silently gasps and was immediately flooded with self-doubt and an odd fear that fill her stomach with nervous butterflies. 


Last night had seemed so perfect, at least to her, what could he possibly regret? Yoona wasn't that insecure and naïve not to know that Changwook hadn't enjoyed himself. That she was still a little sore in certain places was a testament to that and then Changwook look at her with such a look of wanting on his face that Yoona felt heat and color flooded her face, her blush as bright as any she had ever been before. 


There was no question as to exactly what Changwook was thinking about or more to the point, remembering "That night was the best night of my life." Changwook stated unfalteringly, as if it was nothing but pure solid fact that no one would ever be able to refute, "I would have gladly given up my soul to the devil for our one night together, to have you beneath me just once and then waking up yesterday morning knowing that it hadn't been a dream. I would have gladly died right then with a grin on my face." 


Yoona felt her face flooded with even more heat and color as her blush deepen. She felt like she was glowing bright red like she was actually on fire. Her face felt like it was on fire. Changwook wasn't flattering her, he was revering her and then Changwook's expression change into one of sadness and something akin to remorse enter his brown eyes, "I didn't realize it until afterward but I was actually worried that you had freaked out on me. I think that's why I held you down so you didn't have the chance to freak out." 


Yoona's eyebrows lower over her eyes in bafflement. Why would Changwook think that she had freaked out? She couldn't have anyway; she had been far too preoccupied for even the idea of freaking out to have even entered her mind, "What made you think that I had freaked out?" Yoona asks him straight-out, "I was a , not a teenager." Changwook looks at her with all seriousness. The way he was looking at her gave Yoona the impression that he thought that she was letting him off far too lightly for his own sake. 


"Yoona, you have been held a prisoner for two years." Changwook told her as if she needed reminding, "Every day you have lived with the threat of hanging over your head and I know that Kai's had his hands on you at least a time or two, you are too wary around him for it to have been anything else." 


There was an angry growl in Changwook's voice when he spoke of Kai that blatantly communicated to her just how furious the idea of Kai touching her made him and how greatly he had like to break Kai from limb to limb for doing so. 


Yoona didn't waste her breath denying the truth that Kai had had his hands on her before but she wanted too. She didn't want Changwook imagining things happening to her that were far worse than what had actually happened. 


Changwook was an undercover FBI agent. Yoona had no doubt that Changwook had seen some of the worst things that one human being could do to another, his parents being the worst of them all, so Changwook had a real firsthand experience to fuel the images in his mind of what Kai might have done to her. 


No doubt what Changwook picture in his mind was what she really had endured from Kai seem like nothing at all in comparison and besides, Yoona knew that Changwook wouldn't believe her false assurances that Kai hadn't done more than touch her inappropriately a handful of times. 


"It was selfish of me I know it." Changwook went on apparently giving her enough time to attempt to deny it, "If I was a gentleman I would have stopped things before they had gone as far as they did but I think somewhere in the back of my mind I thought I had to get you over the hurdle so to speak." He shook his head in condemnation at himself as if he couldn't believe he had done what he had now that he was looking back on it. 


Yoona shook her head at him. He was taking his promise to protect her way too far. He couldn't protect her from everything even though it was clear that he wanted too. 


"I was a little hesitant." Yoona told him, emphasis on the last three words, "Because it was new, not because I was afraid. I know you had never hurt me. You have asked me to trust you so many times but what you don't realize is that I do. Completely. You need to let yourself trust in my trust." 


"Selfishly I didn't want to risk it," Changwook whisper to her. 


Silence stretch on between them, silence in which Yoona wonder what she was ever going to do with him. The man was a walking poster boy for carrying the world on your shoulders. It seems that she was going to spend whatever time she had left with him, whether it be a day or the rest of her life, protecting him from himself. He carried the world on his shoulders and blame himself for everything that went wrong; it seems he is unable to grasp the concept that he couldn't control everything, couldn't protect everyone from everything. 


If a more self-sacrificing man had ever been born, Yoona wouldn't want to meet him. This one was exhausting enough. 


Yoona sigh gently, slowly letting out a long deep breath before she spoke as gently and as tenderly to him as she could, "For the record Changwook Oppa, you are the least selfish person I know. I'm the selfish one. I'm the one who selfishly drags you into this mess." 


Changwook laughs sombrely but with amusement, pulling her against him, "And you have to be the most selfless person I know, Yoona. You didn't drag me into this. I chose this." 


Yoona gave him what she knew was a sad guilt-ridden look, "Because of your parents." 


Changwook look straight into her eyes then, his heart bare open in his eyes, "I could so easily say yes and in part, it would be true but the real reason I chose this and would choose this again and again was and is because of you." The last word Changwook said made it sound crucially important as if there had never been any other choice for him and there never would be. 


"I watch the video of your interview." Changwook said in a way of an explanation, "And I honestly believe that that was when I started falling in love with you. You weren't a sobbing hysterical woman begging for help as you had every right to be. Instead, I saw this confident strong stubborn highly intelligent woman with the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I saw all that and more as you handed the FBI a sure-fire plan with all the confidence and bearing of a queen. You didn't ask for help, you offer the FBI help. From that moment I knew I had to meet you. I knew I had to help you any way I possibly could but I screw that up royally, didn't I?" Changwook scoffs contemptuously in disgust at himself, "Instead of helping you, I have doomed us both because of my weakness for you." 


Yoona's face scrunch up in a confused expression, "What do you mean?" 


Changwook sighs heavily, his remorse painfully clear in the gesture, "I should have hidden you. I should have handed you over to the FBI and let you go so I could go after your dad. Instead, I did a very selfish and stupid thing by taking you and running. I should have known better. I should have done better by you." 


Better by you? Was he kidding? Honestly, Yoona didn't know whether to shake her head or slap him for being so patronizing. 


Both were tempting options. 


Three things were very clear to Yoona thanks to this conversation. One, Changwook blame and hated himself to no end for them being imprisoned there. Two, there was nothing Changwook wouldn't do to protect her and three, Yoona had never love anyone more. 


Changwook sighs heavily, regretfully "The truth is Yoona, that I'm the best at what I do. I can become anybody I need to become. I was and still am the best and I was proud of that. I thought I was serving my country by always being someone else but the truth is that I think I was just hiding from myself. Then I met you and I couldn't be anyone else but me. You make me want to be me and I don't want to be anyone else, not anymore. Because no one loves you the way I do." He pauses for a single beat, "Does that make any sense?" 


Yoona gave him her most tenderly loving smile, "It does. It makes perfect sense to me." She assures him gently, sincerely "When my mom dies, I didn't realize it at the time but I die with her in a way for a while. I was alive but I wasn't living and then my dad drag me into this mess and I was forced to become someone I didn't like in order to survive and then I met you and started falling in love with you and I started coming back to life. I started being me again." She snuggles up against him, feeling his heartbeat against her ear, "No matter what happens, I will always love you and no one will ever take that away from us." 


Changwook planted a gentle kiss on the top of her head as he wraps his arms around her, holding her securely against him like he had never let her go, no matter what. 


"You are my heart." Changwook whispers soulfully through her hair, "I won't die for anything less than for you." 


Damn those two. Damn them both. They had ruined everything by bolting like that and sending Sejoon into a meltdown. 


Years of undercover work in Sejoon's operation had led to them having an almost airtight case were about to go down the drain because as an agent there was no choice but to blow everything, to risk everything, to save their idiotic foolish obstinate reckless hides. 


What had the FBI been thinking when they had sent an undercover agent into Sejoon's house? It had taken every skill as an agent to keep Changwook from being discovered, especially during one of his midnight strolls into Sejoon's study, honestly, did Changwook think that those high-tech surveillance cameras covering every inch of the estate were just for show or something? And now it had all hit the fan and it was about to get so much worse. The medical file lying open on Sejoon's desk, not that it had been that way before a few minutes ago before the agent had snuck into Sejoon's study in the dead of night, made it clear that time had indeed run out. Orders were not to compromise cover but there was no longer any other choice. There was no way that the two of them would escape with their lives after this. 


Honestly, that daughter of Sejoon's had been a massive thorn in the ever since she had been dragged to the estate literally kicking and screaming and now this. Hadn't Yoona thought for even a moment that her dad wouldn't discover her little secret? This was going to send Sejoon into a homicidal frenzy and blood was going to be spilled over it. 


Unless something was done. The file couldn't be hidden or altered. It was too late for that. There was only one thing that could be done to save their foolish lives. 


Damn them. They had been so close to bringing Sejoon down from the inside out and now it could all very well be flushed down the toilet all because of Ji Changwook, the FBI's undercover golden boy, had so obviously fallen head over heels in love with Sejoon's little defiant princess. 


The two were going to get themselves kill and take everyone else down with them unless something was done. 


The agent's first thought had been to alter the medical file but that would be stupid as it could be found out too easily and then Sejoon would discover that there was a spy in his house and then there would be no way to help them. 


If so much hadn't been owed to Changwook's dad then helping them wouldn't even be an option but the fact remain that a debt was owed and because of that, there was no way that either the agent or the agency could stand by and let him die. 


It was eight o'clock exactly when Sejoon stalks into his study, noting that everything was in its proper place and all except for one thing had been as he had left it the night before. 


A single close manila folder lay neatly in the center of his desk which he had noticed immediately upon entering his study, already in the darkest of moods. A state that usually resulted in the death of those who had been unfortunate enough to so thoroughly piss him off. 


Without even opening it, Sejoon knew what it was and it was about time. He had been waiting for it for days and he welcomes the momentary distraction from his anger at his daughter and her pet FBI agent that she had knowingly brought into his home. 


Sejoon's first instinct upon learning Changwook's true identity and his purpose here had been to kill the FBI agent, the traitor and hand Yoona over to Kai, that would teach her to betray him so momentously and that had been his plan until he had entered that motel room and seen evidence with his own eyes that the two really were intimate and it hadn't just been an act to get the FBI agent into his house. 


Yoona had begged him to spare the agents life and it had been in that moment that Sejoon had realized just how much his daughter really did care for the agent. 


In that moment Sejoon had realize that thanks to Yoona and the FBI, he now had the perfect means at his disposal in order to finally get his daughter under control and get her to willingly give him his grandson but that hadn't abated his rage from her betrayal and defiance and so he was going to keep his distance from the two of them for a few days in order to cool his head before he confronted them. 


They were locked away now. There would be no escaping again, there wouldn't even be any chance of them escaping again. 


The two of them had made the decision for him. He had been generous with them, giving them freedom and luxury but they had thrown that back in his face and so now they had remained in a much less pleasant condition where there was no chance of them escaping ever again and they would remain there. Or at least Yoona would until she had given birth to his grandson and with the child, Sejoon would finally have the means to keep Yoona firmly under his control. 


Whatever noises Yoona would make to the contrary, she was her mom's daughter and once the child was born she will never do anything that would risk bringing harm to her child. 


She would behave and as for the agent, Sejoon hadn't yet decided what to do with him yet. After Yoona gets pregnant Sejoon really didn't need him any longer but at the same time, he was strangely reluctant to end the young man's life. 


The truth was that before Changwook had betrayed him, Sejoon had genuinely like the young man. He had seen the young man as steadfast, intelligent and could one day be a strong unmoveable leader, Changwook had been the perfect candidate to run his empire someday and keep it intact, build on it even until his grandson, his own blood, was groom and ready to take over as head of the empire. 


Changwook would have had it all. If he hadn't been set up to turn on him from the very beginning. 


Sejoon shook his head at himself. He had thought that he had learned his lesson a long time ago not to let anyone close, not to like anyone or trust anyone. He had learned the lesson the hard way that even those who love you the most could and would betray you. 


Sejoon had learned that hard lesson the day his wife had left him and now his own daughter and the man he had wanted to become his heir had betrayed him. The only person who had ever been truly loyal to him had been his son. Oh, how he misses Sangho. The young man had been strong and ruthless and had a way about him that had made Sejoon proud of his son from an early age. Sangho had made Sejoon certain that his empire would be passing into perfectly capable hands after he was gone. 


Shaking his head again, this time to clear his thought and pull himself away from his current line of thinking that was only going to make him even angrier than he already was, Sejoon took his seat behind his desk and pick up the manila folder. 


The medical file. Yoona's medical file. 


Before they had stupidly tried to run from him, Sejoon had had a full workup on Yoona's blood that had been taken during her check-up after the shooting at the park, without her knowledge of course and finally the results had come back. 


Oh, Yoona had of course known that blood had been taken but there was no way that she could have known that he had received a full work-up on her blood. 


After all, Sejoon couldn't take any risks with his daughter's health, even if his foolish disobedient daughter didn't give a damn about her own health and safety. 


Didn't Yoona realize that he had enemies who would gladly torture and kill her just to get back at him? His want of a grandson was known, although not widely but enough that the most powerful of his enemies knew, all of which would go to any lengths to prevent him from getting a blood heir. 


For Yoona's own good the kid gloves with which he had been treating her with for the past year were well and truly off and once she had her little time-out lock up downstairs, Sejoon was going to make it very clear to her that her time and his patience had finally run out. 


Yoona was going to give him his grandson whether she like it or not, the means of which she gave him his grandson though was still her choice, although not for much longer. 


Yoona could choose Changwook's gentleness or Kai's brutality but she would choose or Sejoon would choose for her. 


Sejoon had just open Yoona's medical file, settling himself back in his chair to begin reading when Kai briskly enters his study without announcing himself. 


Sejoon was in a state of deadlock in concerns to Kai. On one hand, Kai was who he was, he had all the traits to be a very effective lieutenant, a second in command, a right-hand man but he had very few of the traits needed to run and further build the empire. 


On the other hand, though, Kai had yet to betray him and on top of that, he had been the one who had organized and led the manhunt that had eventually led to the recapture of his daughter and her FBI agent. 


Kai would be rewarded. The question was how much? 


In all honestly, Sejoon would rather have his grandson father by Changwook, a man of much better quality and character but Kai was loyal and if Yoona's child was Kai's then surely that would gentle Kai's handling of Yoona somewhat. 


He will have to think about it some more, maybe test Kai and see how he went with more responsibility and authority in the organization. 


Sejoon drops the file back onto his desk and turns his attention to Kai. The man had brought his daughter back to him along with the FBI agent who could damage not only his dealings but his reputation as well and as a result, Kai had earned a little bit more of Sejoon's respect, not to mention his gratitude. 


The ramifications of word getting out as an undercover FBI agent being invited into his home and then disappearing with his daughter could have very well been his own death sentence. 


Rumours that he had gone soft would have brought disorder and discord within Sejoon's own organization with the lower ranking men of authority thinking that they could overthrow him. 


Another reason why Sejoon desperately needed not only an heir but a strong stand-in heir to lead in the meantime but was that man Kai? Could that man be Kai? Could Kai step up and prove himself to be the man Sejoon needed? 


Sejoon considers Kai for a long moment. The younger man who was standing tall and proud before his desk, his chest puff out like a peacock. 


Sejoon found himself, not unexpectedly, far more tolerant of Kai's arrogance then he had ever been in the past. Maybe one day Kai could be the strong leader Sejoon was looking for. Maybe. 


"They are still doing what they have been doing all night, just sitting on the floor talking nonsense," Kai inform him briskly, reporting on the two lock in the basement beneath their feet with all the swagger of a soldier who knew he was in for that promotion he had been hungering for. 


The entire cell Yoona and her FBI agent were locked in were full of cameras and listening devices that allow surveillance of the entire cell, even the bathroom. Everything they did was watch and every word spoken was heard. 


Sejoon was no fool; he had insisted upon the cameras and listening devices when he had designed and built the cell knowing that if it was ever needed that it would be necessary to keep its occupancy under watchful supervision. Sejoon had hope for more activity from the two but hadn't really expected it. Changwook was smart and well-train, he had known or at least suspect that there were hidden cameras and possibly microphones in their little cell. The two had been intimate and after their little recapture, it would take a short while for them to feel comfortable enough to be so again. 


The two care for each other, if not love each other, they wouldn't keep their hands off of each other for long, especially in the dire situation they were in purely by their own doing. 


Who knew, maybe it was already done. The two had most certainly been intimate, for how long exactly Sejoon had no way of knowing but it was entirely possible that his daughter was already pregnant and he wouldn't need to wait to deal with Changwook's treachery any longer. 


The truth was that Sejoon was at this wit's end with Yoona. Two years ago he hadn't even considered that his daughter would be so much trouble. 


Honestly, Yoona was as headstrong as her mom. 


"Leave them be." Sejoon order Kai, not wanting anything interrupting the two. Let them fret and worry about their fate, it would bring them closer to each other and the comfortable bed provided. 


The two were young and in love, it was inevitable. 


Feeling in a somewhat better mood from that thought, a more generous mood, Sejoon rose to his feet and turn to his private liquor cabinet, complete with a mini bar and the best brandy in the city which was normally only reserved for himself and his most important guests and business associates. 


Sejoon drops three ice cubes into two brandy glasses and follows that with two fingers of brandy into each glass. Kai had done well. Sejoon had no issue with giving Kai a taste of his best brandy. After all, it was a smart businessman who rewarded good behavior and initiative in his employees. 


Sejoon turns back to Kai to find him standing at his desk with Yoona's medical file open in his hands. 


Anger at Kai's insolence rose but Sejoon quickly squashes it. Normally Sejoon would have punished Kai for his insolence at taking the liberty to open a file on Sejoon's desk freely but right before he opens his mouth to scold him, Sejoon mentally dismisses Kai's behavior. He had let Kai's behavior slide. 


This once. 


Sejoon returns to his seat, placing the second brandy glass on his desk in front of Kai as he did so but Kai didn't look up from what he was reading. Rather his eyebrows had dropped, his eyes narrow as he read the contents of the file that Sejoon hadn't yet had the chance to peruse. 


Again Sejoon felt anger and irritation rise as Kai continue to ignore him in favor of the file but once again Sejoon was prevented from verbally reprimanding him, this time by Kai's head abruptly snapping back and ing the file out towards him. 


"You are going to want to read this." Kai stated, his tone relaying his incredulity, "Halfway down the second paragraph." 


Sejoon lifted a single eyebrow in question but without saying a word or betraying any of his perk interest in his expression, Sejoon took the file from Kai, turn it around and lower his eyes to the page but not before he saw Kai pick up the brandy class and throw it back in one gulp. 


Halfway down the second paragraph. 


What could Yoona's medical file contain that had caught Kai's attention so immediately and thoroughly? 


It only took Sejoon a couple of moments to find what had Kai so alerted. 


Rage so strong that Sejoon had never known consume him and just like that anything that Sejoon might have felt for his daughter evaporated in a cloud of rage and betrayal that made him see red. 


There would be no more leniency. The gloves were off; no more kid-glove treatment. 


What came next they had brought it on themselves.



N/A: Since I will be busy on Sunday, I will be updating a chapter today and one tomorrow so enjoy ^^ 

- butt3rflyl0v3r ♡

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Chapter 13: I'm curious
Chapter 7: I like it
Chapter 15: I'm speechless
Chapter 14: Omg, what will happen?
Chapter 14: I like it
Chapter 13: Omg what will happen?
Chapter 11: I like it
Chapter 10: OMG, i don't speechless
Chapter 9: OMG, I'm curious to know what will happen
Chapter 8: I like it