
Kittens Bring People Together

Tigger’s barking woke them up.

Yongguk was confused because neither the puppy nor the kitten were anywhere to be seen. Above all, there was a voice from downstairs.

Yongguk shuffled in Daehyun’s arms, frowning.

Daehyun whined quietly, pulling Yongguk back down. That may have been the first time he was revealing his clingy nature – not that Yongguk minded. At the moment, however, there was a more pressing matter.

“Dae, you gotta let me go. We’ll cuddle later, I promise.”

Daehyun only whined again.

Yongguk stood up, getting a bit dizzy at first. He leaned over and kissed Daehyun’s forehead. “I’ll be right back.”

Daehyun hummed in response. It was clear that he wasn’t ready for normal human interactions yet, it was too early.

Yongguk smiled. He turned away and went out the room and downstairs, to investigate.

What he saw downstairs made him groan and roll his eyes.

“You promised!”

Natasha, who was sitting on the ground with Mrs. Dakko on her head and Tigger in her lap, just shrugged.

“Yongnam mentioned you’d be trying to snatch yourself a boyfriend. I couldn’t miss that. Where is he?”

Dread was slowly taking over. Thankfully, Daehyun was still upstairs, unable to form coherent sentences. “Get out,” Yongguk said, though non-threateningly.

“His name’s Daehyun, right?”



Yongguk’s eyes widened. “Shut up!”

“Daehyunah!” Natasha kept calling.

Footsteps could be heard and Yongguk sighed in defeat, burying his face in his hands. Daehyun appeared behind him on the stairs and rested his chin on Yongguk’s shoulder.

“What’s up?”

Natasha smiled brightly and waved, “Hi! I’m Natasha, Yongguk’s sister. It’s so nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you!”

Daehyun blinked. “You have?” He was so tired he forgot to formally introduce himself, but since Natasha seemed to know him already, was it necessary? (Yes, it was, but Daehyun couldn’t think at the moment.)

“Yah, Gukkie talks about you all the time.”

It took Daehyun a moment to realize that Yongguk was repeatedly whispering “shut up.” To reassure him, Daehyun wrapped his arms around Yongguk’s waist. It seemed to work since he stopped chanting.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Daehyun said, smiling.

Natasha gave Yongguk a look, her smile seemed malicious. He kept blushing, glaring at her.

“Don’t you have places to be?”

“Currently, this is the place where I need to be. I wanted to visit my babies.” As she said this, her voice got a bit higher. She lifted Mrs. Dakko off her head and cuddled her, while the kitten mewed. Tigger was barking and squealing sadly because of the lack of attention.

Daehyun went all the way down the stairs and walked over, picking up the sad puppy. He sat beside Natasha on the ground, cuddling Tigger to his chest. “Don’t be sad, I love you!”

Yongguk sat a bit further from them, watching them baby-talk to the animals for a while, just like Daehyun and Yongguk had when they’d first entered the house.

It went on until Daehyun said, “You’re really pretty,” to Natasha.

Yongguk snorted. “Don’t inflate her ego.”

“But she is!” Daehyun complained.

“But I am!” Natasha agreed.

“And I also love your tattoos,” Daehyun added.

She grinned. “Thanks! I’m on my way to becoming a tattoo artist. Our parents aren’t happy. Yongguk’s asked me to make him one. They’re not happy about that either.”

Daehyun glanced at Yongguk curiously, imagining how he would look with a tattoo – or a few. “I think that’s a brilliant idea.”

Yongguk coughed. “Tasha, since you’re here, go make us some breakfast. Don’t be useless.”

She lightly smacked Yongguk, but went to do it anyway.

“You owe me,” she threatened as she handed him Mrs. Dakko. Yongguk stuck out his tongue at her and she flipped him off.

“She wasn’t supposed to come here,” he said, lying down on the carpet and letting Mrs. Dakko walk over his chest.

“I like her.”

Yongguk huffed and stared at the ceiling.

Daehyun leaned over and placed Tigger on Yongguk’s chest as well. “I am not going to cheat on you with your sister.”

“I didn’t say you would.”


Yongguk sighed. “She just knows how to grab people’s attention…”

Daehyun tilted his head. “So, your plan was to never introduce me to her? I suppose then I won’t be able to meet your brother either, because you’re identical twins and I already think you’re stunningly handsome? You’ll be scared I’ll find him more beautiful than you?”

Yongguk was now laughing, shaking his head. “No… That’s not what I thought. But I am more handsome than Yongnam.”

Daehyun nudged him. They both laughed until Natasha called for Yongguk from the kitchen. Daehyun took over Tigger and Mrs. Dakko to let him stand up.

He sat on the counter and looked around. “What did you need help with?”

“Nothing. Close the door.”

Yongguk frowned but didn’t question it, he just obliged. “You’re going to lecture me…?”

It didn’t seem so. Natasha was smiling. “I like him. I like that you like him and that he likes you back.”

Yongguk paused, trying to make sense of her words. “I don’t need your blessing,” he said at last.

“But you have it. You know I wouldn’t let you date someone who’s bad for you.”

“You don’t even know him.”

Natasha gave him a look. “No offence, but I’m a bit better at people and reading them than you are.”

Yongguk’s shoulders dropped. “Fine…”

“Are you gonna tell mom and dad?”

It felt as if the question was a brick that hit him in the face. He stiffened, staring ahead. “Will they disown me?”

“They didn’t disown me when I got tattoos and they didn’t disown you when they found out.”

Yongguk huffed. “They didn’t find out anything, they assumed.”

“Yah, but they assumed correctly,” she pointed out.

He sighed, but stayed quiet otherwise.

“I think you should tell them. You’re more or less independent so even if they blow up you’ll be fine. You have us, you have Daehyun, Himchan, Junhong... You’ll be fine whatever happens.”

Yongguk nodded. He was never more relieved to have his sister by his side and suddenly he didn’t want her to leave. “Fine… I’ll do it next time.”

“I’ll make sure to be there. I can talk to them before head, if you want.”

Yongguk shook his head. “Thank you, but no. Just make sure it’s all five of us.”

“You’ve got it.” She winked. “I think we’re done here. Daehyunah!”

He was at the door soon, holding both Tigger and Mrs. Dakko in his arms. “Yeah?”

“Breakfast’s ready,” Natasha announced.

Daehyun put the two fluffs down and went to wash his hands before sitting down to eat.

“Will you be staying?” Daehyun asked.

Natasha shook her head. “I’ve got some business to attend to. And I think Guk doesn’t want me here,” she teased.

Yongguk just shrugged.

“Then I’m looking forward to seeing you again,” Daehyun said with a smile.

She was gone after they’d eaten. Yongguk suggested watching a movie and Daehyun agreed.

“But first, I have to call Jongup.”

Yongguk raised his eyebrow.

“Gotta tell him the news. Seriously, we got together and you think I’m not going to scream about it to my best friend?”

Yongguk chuckled. “Come to think of it, I should probably call Himchan and tell him what happened. Just close the door.” He grinned.

Daehyun nudged him and grabbed his phone. “I’ll be right back.” With that, he ran upstairs.


Thank you to everyone who read and stuck with this story. Even if I wasn't planning on it having more than two parts, thank you to everyone who asked for more.

Thank you to everyone who commented, it was very encouraging.

If anyone wants to request or just talk, my tumblr is: @vai-should-be-quiet

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Chapter 5: hhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

How do you write such beautiful stories? I can't even get out of bed in the morning!

This story is a warm blanket. It is soft fuzzy socks and hot chocolate.

I really love it.
Jackylicious #2
Chapter 5: Such a lovely and sweet story, glad I found this :) *-*
RatedMe #3
Chapter 5: Thank you for this extra ending. Natasha was awesome and actually how I'd picture her to be. I reread chapter 4 before this epilogue and one of my favorite lines was when Daehyun was talking about Yongguks fans. I found it true when he said that the fans didn't even know what they wanted from Yongguk, they just wanted him. It kind of made me thing in a new perspective. All in all this story was cute amazing and funny, thank you so much for writing it. (Ps. Now I want a Tigger and Mrs. Dakko of my own)
Chapter 5: Thanks for the epilogue <33 Honestly Yongguk's sister seems heaps cool
ThessM #5
Chapter 4: This was just so soft and sweet and perfect. I don’t want it to end but it feels nice to have ’closure’. They’re adorable together.

It would be nice to get a closer look at their relationship later on. How does it work with Yongguk’s depression and how does his family react when they find out about Daehyun. Soooo curious.

Love your way of writing ^^
Chapter 3: I'm so late I thought I've subscribed but looks like I forgot to. So I didn't notice the lastest chapter ㅠㅠ
It's so cute! I literally squealed throughout the whole chapter XD Bangdae are so cute and soft. Bang and dae with cat ears are cuter. Bang and dae with cat ears and a kitten are the cutest. I'm soft T^T
Thank you so much writing this fluff! ^3^♥♥
Flowerjinri_ #7
Chapter 3: I'm dying from all this cuteness ; I loved the story .i wish we can get one more chapter
onionroot #8
Chapter 3: Cute :D
Fangurl101 #9
AHHHHSHSHDHSJ this is so CUTE, when yongguk gave that little kiss I SQUEALED
Thankyou for sharing