Davichi- Water Bottle

10 songs challenge

“Let’s break up.” Seung Ri said. He turned away from me. Tears streamed out of my face when he said that. I’m sorry, but I can’t let you suffer anymore. Seung Ri thought to himself while crying. CEO had asked him to break up with his girlfriend or she will get hurt by the media. To protect her, he had no choice. I woke up to see a beautiful sunrise. What happened yesterday…it was a dream. It must be! After waking up from a dream like breakup. But I switched on my mobile and there is the message. “Let’s talk.” Seung Ri had sent it to me yesterday. Its not a dream. Everything is real.I remembered his smile, his everything. Tears started flowing down. You linger in my two sad eyes. My tears fill the water bottle. Undrinkable, It remains... I love you, I need you I never once said goodbye Why am I hurt, why am I sad. It's just a normal, uneventful day. I wiped my tears and went out. Unknowingly I had walked to where we first met. I was about to walk away because it was too painful for me. But I saw Seung Ri nearby. Losing my mind, I ran to him and yelled at him “I Love You! Tell me we didn’t break up. Seung Ri said nothing, just left me standing there. But why are you not answering me. Seung Ri is crying when he see how upset you looked. But he couldn’t do anything. Forget me, You will find someone better than me.


sorry! this one is short right? but I'm new to writing sad sad stories...:)

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Chapter 1: I like this a lot! *hats off to you*