
From The Moment I Met You

Wonwoo roamed around the library. Mainly to figure out things that could possibly help him to survive the next three days. While roaming, he couldn't help but admire the plenty of books he's seeing. Unconsciously, he stopped in front of a shelf to admire it. He stared at every shelf with complete satisfaction and fondness. He liked how disorganized it was. Even when when some book looks so out of place in a pile, he still liked the way it is.

"You're into book?" A sudden voice has interrupted him from his ataraxy.

He simply nodded as an answer to Mingyu's question.

Wonwoo didn't exactly know when and how he started liking to read books. He couldn't even remember what was the first novel he had ever read. What he could simple say is that he fell in love with the books by the way it made him feel different emotions and how it took him to several different worlds. It became his escape from reality. Whenever he's stressed, he reads a book to lessen the weight he is feeling.

With this, his friends (especially Soonyoung) would usually and call a 'nerd' but he just shrugged it off though because he liked how his name would always come up with the word "books".

"I can easily see that. You looked at the books like you could never loose them." Mingyu told him.

Wonwoo on the other hand, tried so hard to hide his blush as he was shy from what Mingyu just said.

"It's fascinating." Mingyu added.

That's when he really felt awkward.

"I wish you could stop talking about it, though." Wonwoo said.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to." Mingyu backed out a little bit, apology was very obvious from his voice.

"No, it's not that. I'm just not comfortable with it." Wonwoo explained for the matter to be cleared.

After he said those words, the two had some dead air between them. You could only hear their in sync breathing. Wonwoo was contemplating on whether he should talk more but he thought about the fact that they were just mere stranger who both got stuckin the library.


Wonwoo picked up several books and laid it on the table. There were different genres. Science fiction, romance, poetry and even fantasy. These are the books that he plans on reading for the next days. He didn't know how much he could finish since he never really did a marathon reading before. He just read casually in a regular basis but now that the time allows him to read every book he wants to read, he could help but maximize his opportunity. He didn't know when he would have the same chance again so might as well enjoy it before it leaves.

"You hungry yet?" Mingyu appears beside him.

He looked at the man who was holding a granola bar in his left hand. Mingyu then breaks the granola bar into two and gave Wonwoo the other one. The latter noticed that Mingyu gave him the larger portion of it. He said his thank you. Feeling thankful that Mingyu had thought of sharing his food with him.

He redirected back his attention to the books in front of him. He didn't know what to read first among all the books but he decided he would start reading David Levithan's book called "Every Day". The short preview at the back of the books intrigued him and he had read plenty of good reviews about this certain author and his works so it's finally the time to prove it for himself.

From time to time, he would take a small bite from the granola bar. Careful not to finish it in one go. He may have lived a luxurious life but he sure does know how to cope up if the situation calls for some sacrificing.

He wasn't so aware of the things happening around him when he felt Kim Mingyu tap his shoulder and sat to the chair opposite to him. He looked at the man.

"Having fun with that book?" Mingyu casually asks Wonwoo.

"I'm only on the third chapter but i could tell it's good."

Mingyu checks out the titles of the books that were in front of him.

"So you read different genres, huh?" He noticed.

"i do, because I don't really like locking up myself in just one genre."

"I know some people who also has a habit of reading books but I usually see them read just one genre." Mingyu said.

"I don't engage in one genre. For me, a specific genre of books only has the same plot which people confuses most of the time. They think that one is unique from the others or one stands out among any plots when the truth is that a plot is only a twisted version of another plot. That's what makes reading a mono-genre boring for me. In different genres, it's complex. It takes you everywhere. You don't get just one atmosphere from the books."

"But you do have favorite one right? I'm sure of that." The other looks so proud.

"Of course, and that would be romance. I like stories that are heart wrenching which leaves you sad and empty after reading it. It's those types which makes a mark on me."

"Really? You don't look like someone who's favorite genre is romance."

"No. Not completely. I just like it when a story gives many emotions for its readers and is sentimental. It just so happens that most stories of that type are in the genre of romance. How about you? Do you read books?" Wonwoo asked Mingyu.

The latter thought for a moment.

"Hhhmmm... I'm more of a movie person." Mingyu said.

"I know you'll judge me for this since you like books so much and tell me that movie adaptations of a book is poorly made because too many parts have been cut from the original. But the things is that I like seeing actual things because I'm really not good at imagining things for myself.

Wonwoo laughed a bit at Mingyu's abrupt defense.

"Why are you laughing?" Mingyu asked him, wearing that 'did-I-ever-say-something-ridiculous-for-you-to-laugh?' face.

"Well, that opinion is so mediocre. I think it's just right to cut off some scenes once a book is adapted to a film. Not everything written on the books is significant to the story. And movies do last for only about one and a half hour at least to two at hours at most so I don't think there's something wrong if ever they cut some scenes. Except when they're making it a series, though. I just hate it when they change some certain events opposite to the original one because that itself changes the plot. I mean, that's not justified because most people who goes to watch the movie are those who actually read the book already and wanted to see how the words they've read become a live action to satisfy their imagination."

"I like your opinion about it. I wish everyone could have that opinion like yours or at least understand the reality about movie adaptations. Does that mean you also watch the movies?"

"Only when I have the time or when my friends wanted to go out and watch movies. But we would always check out the horror ones so I can't actually tell you that I watch those books that were movie adapted. Has it been good though?"

"It is!" Mingyu beamed.

"And somehow I can understand the flow of the story even when they tell me that some scenes were cut off from the film. My favorite one was Beautiful Darkness."

Wonwoo suddenly looked at Mingyu at the mention of the title.

"Really? That's one of my favorite books! But I haven't been able to watch the film, though."

"One of your favorites? Ina ll honesty, how many favorites do you have on your lost?" Mingyu joked.

"That would depend on what genre we are talking about."

They both laughed at it.

"So going back to Beautiful Darkness, it's so good! But from what I know, the book was from a series so the ending kinda felt off for me." Mingyu said.

"I really want to watch it. I hope I could check it out soon."


But before Mingyu could even finish what he's about to say, Wonwoo had cut him off.

"No! Don't give me spoilers!" He covered his ears in predictions that Mingyu would tell him some.

Mingyu laughed at him.

"I won't give you any spoilers. I'm not the type to anyway because I know how it could ruin someone's moment. What I'm trying to say is that we could watch it next time."

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Mingyu is a sweet guy..
Wonder what will happen after these 3 days hehe
PutriLoveHae #2
i always read people being stuck in library for a night but 3 days? okay now thats a thingggg
Chapter 2: ahhhh meanie talking about books n movies.. how normal that is.. like they could really be doing that now, in real life.. wkwkwkwk
Chapter 2: Books+Mingyu=Wonwoo loves