A Smile


He sat down on the bench with his triangle kimbab and banana milk. He felt like he was late, however, not able to tell why. He slowly started opening his kimbab after piercing through the banana milk's lid with the thin straw. Dinner time was the best time of the day. Just as he had finished pulling of the plastic of his rice ball he heard the soft footsteps and glanced up. There she came. Covered in black from head to toe, her face hidden by a cap and mask. She passed by him not even valuing him a glance as she went into the convenience store. He did his best not to look after her, but he really couldn't help it.

Every late evening at the same time she would come to eat a snack of sort.

He forced himself to turn his head back to his kimbab. Today with tuna. He ate slowly as he waited for her to come back out. It didn't take long, but to him it felt like ages. He glanced up at her as she passed by him, the mask dangling from one ear as she was eating an ice cream. He frowned softly, but hadn't it already gotten too cold to eat ice cream?

He watched the girl's back as she walked down the road and imagined what would happen if she one day would stop and turn around going back to him, and join him on the bench. He wondered what kind of personality she had, she looked a lot like a introvert. However she could also be an extrovert on her way to meet up with friends. Or, what if it was a boyfriend?

Oh well.… she definitely had a boyfriend, a good looking girl like her couldn't be single. Not unless… Unless what? He wasn't sure, just blinked once and kept staring at her. He blinked again as something suddenly blinded him as it fell to the ground by her feet without her noticing.

He stood up with the kimbab in his hand and stepped towards where she had just been.

He picked up the tiny blinding thing. It was a key; however it hadn't been the key which had blinded him, but the mirror attached to it. He looked at it, was it the key to her boyfriend's place? Maybe to her home? It definitely looked like a house key. Which meant it had to be sort of important.

He looked at the key for a second not sure what to do. What if she ran screaming away when she saw his face? What if she would accuse him of stealing or being a ert? He felt so unsure of what to do. He was normally not the person to interact with others. Even if he tried to it would go wrong due to their reactions. He like people. But people didn't like him. They never did. Even the shop clerk at the convenience store seemed to be afraid of him. Others would always prefer that he didn't do anything, good or bad didn't matter. Most of the time they would actually prefer for him to do the bad things, then it would be easier to dislike him.

But how would she react? Would she react the same? Most likely… But she would need her key anyway. What if she got locked out of her house and froze to death? What if it wasn't her key and she was on her way to return it? Then she would get in problems.

Still with the kimbab in one han he tightened his grip around the key with the other.

"EXCUSE ME!!" his voice came out loud and clear and he ran after the girl who stopped, and turned around in a speed which was like slow motion to him.

"You-" he panted. "You dropped your key-" he ran ten kilometres every morning but for some reason he was out of breath now. He felt her stare on him as he held out his hand with the key. He didn't see it though as he looked away with shut eyes not wanting to scare her.

"You eat here everyday, don't you?" to his surprise, her voice was cheerful and didn't sound frightened or hateful at all. Slowly he opened his eyes and turned his head to face her. She was smiling brightly to him.



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Park_HyeSun #1
Chapter 2: You have two nice little stories. Quick reads to enjoy. I prefer the second, by the way. Heartwarming!