1. Changmin

Of Fables and Tales
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In which DongBangShinKi helps Changmin get his girl.

Starring: Im Yoona, Shim Changmin, and the hyungs who had just about enough of watching their dongseang doing nothing but moon over the girl of his dreams; Mother hen JaeJoong, Leader Kid YunHo, along with a dash of exasperated YooChun as well as a not-so-intelligent duck JunSu. Enjoy!


Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot, although, it would be (really) nice to have any of them. Hmmm. Borderline crack, you’ve been warned.



Four men sat huddled together in the shadows of the deserted Japanese ramen shop, heads bent as they whispered their conversation to the best of their abilities. It was a strange sight, one had to admit, four grown men wearing identical outfits of black sweaters in the middle of the night, all of which had the hoodies pulled over their heads, shielding their faces from anyone who attempted to sneak a peek towards their direction, not that there was any other patrons in the store at the moment. It was really no wonder that the shop owner, an elderly Japanese lady in her sixties, was a hair breadth away from the shop’s telephone, a soup ladle in hand, ready to defend her frail self to the best of her ability should the suspicious men loitering in her shop decide to rob her poor, measly ramen store.


“And you’re sure, absolutely sure, that that’s the best way to do it?”


“Oh for Christ's sake! Hyung! Stop being such a wuss and just stick to the plan!”


Yunho glared at the broad shouldered man sitting before him, “Easy for you to say! You won’t be the one getting killed when it all goes down. Hell, you won’t even be in the same freaking continent!!”


Yoochun rolled his eyes at Yunho’s outburst, not the least intimidated by his friend of eight years. “Yeah, yeah, poor Yunho, bullied by us all, whatever shall he do?” Yunho shot a withering look to Yoochun in return, letting the latter know that his sarcasm wasn’t appreciated in what the former thought to be a life-threatening situation.


“What?! I mean, come on! It’ll totally be worth it!! Think about the happiness your baby son will have after getting the girl!” exclaimed Yoochun. The romantic, greasy side of him had already planned out, to the tiniest detail, the theme of his maknae brother’s wedding proposal to the girl in question.


“Well, Yunho hyung does have a legit reason to be concern. Min is dubbed as Lord Voldemin for a reason, after all.” Commented Junsu innocently as he focused in trying to scoop the slippery, last strand of noodle from his Tonkotsu ramen.


“Thank you, Junsu-ah!”


“Not helping, Su!!” And the two Tohoskinki members found themselves glaring at the other again.


Jaejoong let out an exasperated sigh at the squabbling duo. Someone should really award him a medal for having the patience to deal with them all.


“Alright, alright, knock it off. Yoochun is right, we’ve come too far to back out from this now.”


Yunho frowned at his lover, “But--”


“No buts, Yunho. Think about the efforts we put into this! The sappy, depressed tweets I posted, the staged break up, you constantly talking about Yoona in front of Changmin. All that just so Changmin would believe you’re moving on from me to Yoona, which has been working so far may I add, there is no way we’re quitting when all that is left it to reap the fruits of our labor. It has to be done, Yunho!”


“I know, I know… It’s just--” Yunho groaned loudly into his palms, “Changmin is going to kill me.”


And the elderly Japanese shot the group of them a panicked look.


Jaejoong gave a sympathetic smile to Yunho, patting his lover’s back gently in hopes to offer the slightest bit of comfort, well aware of what Yunho was risking for the cause they were fighting for. The Jung leader gave Jae a feeble smile before taking both of the latter’s hand into his own, “Jae, I would just like to say that, if anything goes wrong, I have and always--”


“Oh for all things holy! Quit being so dramatic!!” exclaimed Yoochun, flinging his arms in exasperation, making a mental note that he really needed to find better friends, friends whom are saner than the company that he was with at the moment.


Just as Yunho was about to retort with a rather rude remark, the Jung leader was interrupted by a rather curious Junsu.


“Hyung, why is that elderly lady whispering on the phone to the police about murderers? You don’t think that there are any of those in lurking in the shop waiting to kill us, do you?” questioned Junsu frightfully as he darted quick cursory glances all around the empty ramen place.


Frowning, the other three men immediately directed their attention to the old grandmother by the phone. Paranoid, the elderly Japanese panicked, thinking the worst, whispering frantically into the phone with a slight hysterical edge in her voice, begging for the police to arrive faster, convinced that she was to die soon by the hands of four suspicious goons in her store.


Yoochun cursed, “Aish, you pa-bo! She’s talking about us, Junsu!”


Junsu’s brows furrowed, “But we aren’t murderers, we didn’t kill anyone before.”


And the JYJ actor knocked his head repeatedly onto the wooden table in exasperation, he really needed smarter friends in his life.


Only, the violent outburst served to alarm the grandmother further.


“And that’s our cue to get out of here.” Remarked Jaejoong as he tossed a couple of bills extra onto the table, taking pity on the poor grandmother who seem to be a minute away from suffering a panic-induced cardiac arrest.


“But, but, but…”


“No buts Junsu-ah, we are leaving this instant. Think about the mess we will all get into if we’re still here when the police arrives, separate public lives remember?”


Junsu pouted but allowed himself to be dragged away by his hyungs. “We aren’t murderers, halmoni! I promise!” Junsu all but shouted when he was at the exit of the humble ramen store and the other three Tohoshinki members groaned, “The next time we meet, we’re leaving Junsu behind.” Stated Yoochun with finality.


“What? Why? Yah!”


Yunho and Jaejoong shared a look, agreeing with Yoochun wholeheartedly.


The confetti rained down onto the stage, in a breathtaking blur of gold and pink as the lot of SM Town sang the last song of their family concert in New York City. Yunho took in the sight before him, the smiling faces of his peers, the boom of the stereo, the pink tees and the glowing red light sticks that were scattered across the audience before them, allowing himself to drown in the sensation of doing what he loved the most.


A silver glitter caught his eye, bringing the nostalgic leader back to the present, his lips smiling of its own accord as he saw a familiar pair of impish brown orbs staring back at him. Darting a hand out to ruffle the chocolate locks, Yunho gazed affectionately at his shorter counterpart. Im Yoona was one of the brightest person he had the immerse pleasure of knowing, with a soul so pure and compassionate that it triggered all sorts of older brother protectiveness and mechanism within him. The Dong Bang Shin Ki leader could see why his baby Changmin had adored her so…


Speaking of Changmin, Yunho gulped, his eyes locking onto the said man who was covertly sneaking glances at the girl by his side. Taking a deep bout of breath and sending a fast prayer, Yunho made a move to set his, their plan in motion.


Sporting in what he thought to be his most dazzlin

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Changing up things a little bit over here at Of Fables and Tales! Accepting one shot requests for a limited time only, those interested, check out the latest update for more information. Cheers!


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chabee08 #1
Chapter 4: I really like this story. Hoping you can make this a chaptered one. Kept going back to read this.
Chapter 11: I sometimes come back here just like now to re-read this! Hope you'll update soon! :)
chabee08 #3
Chapter 11: Hi authornim, happy new year! Still hoping you will update soon =)
chabee08 #4
Chapter 11: Aww I hope you make more Gyoon stories!
Chapter 11: Gyoon?
TheHonestOne #6
Chapter 10: Are you still accepting requests because I request a follow up to your second Changyoon one shot ^_^ (side note: it's my first time reading anything in a really long time and that one shot reminded me of how exciting Yoona/changmin make me feel)
TheHonestOne #7
Chapter 3: This is was amazing! I need more tv5q and Yoona being Him Yoona.
Chapter 11: So cute. I love it.
GeeYoong #9
Chapter 11: Omo! I love flower road, and definitely love this oneshot! <3
HottestVIPSone #10
Chapter 11: Thanks for completing the requesttttt! Omo; was really all smile and ‘awwww’ whole reading this. Definitely a lot of feels for my favorite ship! <3