Bigger Circle

Perhaps You


Dara spent her whole night listening to the recording that Jiyong sent her. She can’t sleep hearing her singing and Jiyong playing on the guitar. The track is on loop, she keeps on rolling on the bed. She then picked her phone from the bedside table and scrolled through the contacts. She abruptly stopped seeing the ‘Annoying G’ in her contacts. Her brain just tells her to message him but she doesn’t know what to say. So, she messaged their group message for their ‘advice’.


 Still awake? –Dara

Zzz… -Panda
*snoring* -Rin 
Hey! I would like to 
ask,  if you messaged someone at this hour… isn’t it weird? –Dara
Yes. Especially if you’re looking for a love advice at this hour –Panda
What love advice?! Dara just go to sleep! –Rin 
Ugh! Seungri that’s not it! Never mind. Good night, guys. –Dara 


Dara just returned her phone at the bedside table and decided to go to sleep. But, as soon as she rolled on the other side of the bed, her phone suddenly rang. She immediately rolled over to get her phone and see if her best friends are of use tonight. 


But, when she saw who was calling, she suddenly had goosebumps. Her heart pounds louder and her mind starts spinning. She didn’t pick up the phone immediately so the person calling will not think that she’s ‘too’ excited to answer ‘his’ call. 


After the last ring, she picked it up and spoke lazily as if she just woke up.


“Hello?” Dara said in a groggily. 


“Did I wake you up?” Jiyong beamed. 


“Yes.” Dara plainly said. 


“But why do I feel like… somewhere, you really want to talk to me?” 


Dara stayed quiet. Jiyong can only hear her breathing and the awkward silence engulfing them. Jiyong then cleared his throat and laughed on the other line.


“I’m just kidding! I just want to ask you if you already listened to the track.” Jiyong said. 




“So, how was it? Any thoughts?”


“Hmmm… I like it.” Dara said while smiling inwardly. 


“Oh, you do?! See, it’s because you’re the one singing it. You really have a great voice.” Jiyong said earnestly.  


They talked about a lot of things from their favorite bands to the entertainment industry and everything under the moon, whatever they just wanted to talk about. 


The sun rays are passing through the curtains of Dara’s room. The neighborhood becomes lively as it is already a beautiful day to be productive. Dara is still sleeping soundly with her phone in her hands. She fell asleep while in the middle of the conversation of her new found friend, Jiyong. Even a truck honking in front of her apartment doesn’t seem to wake her up. But one voice made her twitched – “Sandyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!” Jiyong shouted. 


Dara slowly opened her eyes and glared at her window because the sun rays are blinding her. 


“Sandyyyy!!! Wake upppp!!!” 


She sat up in her bed slowly and then saw her phone is still in her hands. She checked on it and saw multiple of missed calls and text messages from Jiyong. She widened her eyes and then stood up to look down on the window. 


When Jiyong saw her by the window, he waved and beckoned her to hurry. Dara checks on the bedside clock and it’s already 8:30 pm. They’re both late in their first class. So she hurriedly ran to the shower without even preparing her robe and towel. 


As soon as Dara finished preparing, she immediately went outside to meet Jiyong who is patiently waiting at her. 


“Oh look at those eyes…” Jiyong said as he gave Dara a sweet smile. 


Dara checked herself on her phone and saw that her eyes are droopy and black circles are formed. She then covered her face and groaned. 


“Hey, they still look pretty,” Jiyong said as he removed Dara’s hands from covering her face. 


They started walking not bothering of their tardiness because they’re late already, so they decided just to skip the first class. 


“I had so much fun last night.” Jiyong beamed while his hands are in his pockets. 


Dara looked at him and just gave him a lopsided smile. 


“So much fun that you snore in the middle of our conversation.” 


“What?!” Dara widened her eyes and slapped Jiyong’s arm slightly. 


“Yes, you did. You won’t remember it because you’re already soundly sleeping.” 


Dara has now more reasons to be embarrassed. She can’t face the sun glaring at her. 


“Do you remember the last thing we talked about last night?” Jiyong asked while tilting his head to meet Dara’s gaze. Dara just stared intently at him and just cocked her eyebrow because she can’t really remember anything it’s as if she was drunk last night. 


“You just told me that you want to become a singer-songwriter.” Jiyong simply said while smiling at her. Dara choked on what she heard. She abruptly stopped from walking and just stared at somewhere far away. Jiyong stood in front of her and grinned like a 5-year-old kid. 


“Shocked that you just told someone you just met your ultimate dream?” Jiyong playfully said. Dara just slumps her shoulder and breathed heavily. 


“You heard my thoughts,” Dara said softly before she continues on walking.


“Well, not exactly that I heard your thoughts because you really said it to me sincerely. And I was so happy that you said it to me, really.” 


Dara just smiled and slapped Jiyong’s arm slightly and Jiyong just pinched her cheek, and then they laughed at each other’s silliness. 


Jen stared suspiciously at her two friends who are sitting across laughing and talking about something that she can’t relate. Jiyong and Dara just went directly to the cafeteria because their next class is still in the afternoon, and then Jiyong texted Jen to meet them there. 


“You two are suspiciously happy.” Jen hissed while sipping on her bubble tea. 


“What do you mean?” Dara said as she smiled widely at Jiyong’s joke. 


“Jiyong what did you did to her?!” 


“Nothing! We were just talking about the failed performances of her favorite band. There’s this one time, the vocalist attempted to do the crowd surf but no one caught him so he ended up on the floor first.” Jiyong said while giggling and Dara slapped his arm slightly while suppressing her laughter. 


Jen just stared at them in disbelief and straightened her back. “How’s that funny!? He got hurt!” 


“Well he talked about it in an interview after their performance and all his bandmates laughed at him, so it’s funny,” Jiyong explained still smiling widely. 


Jen just rolled her eyes in annoyance and sipped from her bubble tea. But she choked on her drink when suddenly an arm wrestled her neck. She placed her bubble tea in the table and slapped the arm away. 


“Heeeeeeeey!!!” Tabi suddenly appeared with Sol and then sat beside Jen. Jiyong gave them a playful look and winked at Jen. 


“What are you thinking wrestling me like that?!” Jen hissed while punching Tabi’s arm. And then Tabi just played with her hair and pinched her nose. 


Dara eyed them carefully, trying to read what’s going on. Then, Jiyong leaned closer and whispered in her ear. “They’re dating.” Dara parted in disbelief while still looking at the two love birds sitting across.  


“By the way, I already sent the form,” Sol interjected while tapping something on his phone. 


“Oh, Thanks, Sol!” Sol and Jiyong fist bumped. 


“Are you free later after class?” Jiyong said to Dara. 




“We’ll record our new song and send it to the student services.” Jiyong beamed. 


“For what?” Dara asked quizzically. 


“I told you we’ll form a band, right? Sol filled an application form so we’ll be an official band in this institution.” 


Dara curled up her toes and hands on her lap thinking about being in a band and facing thousands of students in the institution. Sweats started to form on her forehead and forehead that Jiyong immediately noticed and wiped it using his handkerchief. Dara was startled and looked at Jiyong in shock. 


“Don’t worry; I’m always by your side.” Oblivious to the three playful stares, Jiyong immediately added, “We’re always by your side. We’re a band now. And we’ll always look at each other’s back.” Jiyong beamed and gave those three a playful look. 


Dara smiled inwardly and gave Jiyong a thankful look.  Jiyong winked at her and gave her a reassuringly look. 


They came early to their next class. Jen, Tabi, and Sol were all busy writing a song for a soda product for their Music Business class, while Dara and Jiyong are making a storyline for the music video. 


“You’ll be refreshed every day eh eh eh!” Jen sings while the other two just eyed her in a deadpan expression. 


“C’mon, it’s catchy!” Jen protested. 


“That’s so uncool,” Sol said as he shook his head and scribbled on the music sheet. 


“How ‘bout this…” Tabi interjected then cleared his throat before proceeding. “Ya’ll be tempted to swim the Pacific Ocean aye~ because the taste will explode all over the world~ aye break it down!” 


Dara and Jiyong stopped for a moment on what they’re doing while Jen is stopping Sol from stabbing his pen on Tabi. 


“It’s edgy! Teenagers will love it.” Tabi defended while doing weird hand gestures showing his hip-hop side. 


“You and Jen are so uncool. Dope is not in your vocabulary.” Sol said and continued scribbling. 


“Hey! We’re done!” Jiyong said as he raised the paper that they’ve written on. 


“How can you come up with scenarios, we don’t even have a song?!” Sol said.


“Well uhh-“Dara then interjected and leaned closer to her group mates. “I think in our situation, it would be easy for you guys to write a song if you can already imagine scenarios for the music video.” Jiyong smiled at them like a proud boyfriend. 


“Let me see,” Sol said as Jiyong handed him the paper. 


The three of them read the paper and made an awe expression. Dara observed them if they would like it or not, but this time she’s confident because it’s her forte, scriptwriting and production stuff. 


“Woah. I never thought soda can be this dramatic.” Jen said as she congratulated on Dara for a well-done storyline. 


“Hey! Jiyong also did his part.” Dara said as she patted Jiyong’s back, he smiled at her giddily like a 5-year-old kid. 


“I already have an idea but I need the piano so I can hear it now if it matches the storyline.” Sol stood up and went outside to go to the studio. 


“Wow. He’s so serious about this.” Jen said as she watched Sol leaving.


“I can hum for him,” Tabi interjected and made unhuman noises. Jiyong just punched his arm slightly and they all laughed.


Sol returned five minutes before their class starts and immediately came up with a 3-minute song for a soda. He strides towards them with a happy face. 


“Seems like you’ve done something great, eh?” Jiyong joked. 


“Yeah, you’ll love it,” Sol said as he showed them the music sheet. Dara widened her eyes in surprise. 


“Wow. What?” Jen hissed. 


“This is a whole new level of soda,” Tabi interjected. 


“Just so you wait, our professor will love this,” Sol said proudly. 


“You’re good in songwriting.” Dara praised him.


“Well, whenever I play the piano I think everything is possible,” Sol responded.



The professor came in at exactly three o’clock pm. 


“Please pass all your music sheet and storyline.” He simply said in an authoritative voice. Jiyong handed the storyline to Sol then Sol passed it forward together with the music sheet. 


The class resumed to its lively environment since the professor is reading their works, and he also said to just chill since they will not do anything but just talk about their composition and he will give feedback after he read it all. 


“Oh, by the way…” Jiyong leaned closer to Dara who is sitting behind him. Dara straightened her back and eyed him quizzically. Jiyong handed her a pink rose. Dara immediately snatched it away from her classmates. But the trio (Jen, Sol, and Tabi) saw it and gave them a playful look. Jiyong just smiled and huffed. 


“We’ll talk about it later!” Jen gave Dara a dagger look. 


“You’re really cute when you’re shy,” Jiyong said as he looked at her intently. 


“Stop it.” Dara hissed while putting the rose inside her bag. But as she bowed down her head, she was smiling from ear to ear. 


“You want me to stop giving you roses?” Jiyong asked playfully. Dara immediately straightened her back and shook her head in complete disagreement. Jiyong smiled amusingly.


“I mean… stop acting that way…” Dara defended in a low voice, it’s almost inaudible because the room was noisy. But Jiyong still heard it and played on Dara’s hair. 


“No. I can’t express my thoughts towards you if I stop acting this way.” They stared at each other; Dara seemed comfortable enough to make an eye contact with Jiyong for a long time. Dara’s heart started pounding that she can’t control it anymore. 


“Okay, everyone pays attention.” Suddenly the professor spoke up and that broke their eye contact. 


“I really like this ‘Wedding Dress’ composition and its storyline.” The professor said as he walked towards the group of Dara. 


Sol smiled at his group mates which patted his back for a job well done. 


“I’m looking forward to the production.” The professor said and smiled at them. 


“But of course, I need everyone’s production by the end of prelims.” He added. 


Dara lightened up hearing that they will produce a song and a music video. Seems like she’s hyped up since it’s what she does on her previous course. She immediately noted down the schedule for their recording and shooting. Dara is oblivious on Jiyong whose eyeing him in awe because he’s seeing a different kind of woman who is enthusiastic and has a sense of responsibility. He’s not seeing the anxious Dara anymore. 




After the class, they headed straight to the studio for the recording; Jen came with them as she will video record them. 


“Here’s the final arrangement,” Jiyong said as he strides towards Tabi. 


Tabi nodded and played on the bass guitar that he was carrying. 


As Dara watched the boys do their thing, she’s practicing for vocalization. Jen went beside her and taught her some proper vocal exercises. Dara is focusing intently on what Jen is teaching her because she doesn’t want to dismay her newly formed band. There’s still a hint of anxiety in her system just by thinking how big the responsibility of being a vocalist in a band is. 


When the boys are done with the arrangement, they just eyed Dara do her vocal exercises, doing her best for the band. They’re seeing a woman who is little by little trying to show her capabilities. Jiyong thought that it made Dara more beautiful than she is. 


And then, when Dara stopped and Jen stepped aside and prepared the video camera, Jiyong cleared his throat. “Okay, we’re good?” 


They all nodded and then Sol tapped the drumsticks three times cueing the music. 


Dara’s singing her heart out, she’s also thinking what she was back then when she was still in a relationship with Donghae. She never felt this kind of freedom without someone stopping her from doing what she actually likes. Sure, Donghae supports her in every way but, the way he gives scrutinizing look every time she talks about her passion drains her energy and soul that she ended up making Donghae her only world. She doesn’t care about herself, just as long she’s with him it’s enough. She settled for ‘enough’ for so long that what she’s doing right now makes her know herself more. 


Never in her life that she felt comfortable without thinking anyone’s opinion. Never in her life would she realize that she actually loves singing, she tried showing it to Donghae but he doesn’t make it a big deal, but for Dara, it’s her second nature. That’s why as she was singing, her tears just streamed down her cheeks realizing big something about herself, aside from the message of the song. 




“It’s amazing. You really felt the song. I’m sure everyone will love it.” Jiyong said as they walked by Dara’s neighborhood. 


Dara smiled sheepishly and tucked her hair behind her ears. Jiyong tilted his head and stole a kiss on her cheek. Dara turned tomato and lowered her head more. 


“Stop hiding your face,” Jiyong said playfully while pinching her cheek where he kissed. 


“Stop looking at me, please,” Dara said in a soft voice. 


Jiyong just tilted his head more to meet Dara’s eyes making her shiver. 


“Why are you always so nervous when we’re close to each other?” Jiyong asked softly. 


“It’s my anxie-“but before even she finishes her sentence, Jiyong stopped her from walking and hugged her under a lamp post. 


“No it’s not your anxiety,” Jiyong said as he tightened his hug making Dara rest her face on his chest. 


“It’s your heart.” He simply said before breaking free from the hug. Dara never realized that they were already in front of her apartment. Jiyong smiled at her and grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around in front of her apartment. 


“Sleep early; I don’t want you to stay awake just because you’re thinking of me.” Jiyong beamed Dara was about to turn around but Jiyong grabbed her by the arms and kissed the back of her head. Dara was bewildered but at the same time, she felt a longing… 


“Good night, love.” Dara froze in her spot as she clearly heard what Jiyong said. She doesn’t want to turn her head because once she meets his eyes after he said those things, they’ll both drown in her awkwardness. So she chose to just open the gate and stormed into the apartment without saying a word to Jiyong. 


Jiyong smiled at the withdrawing back of Dara and inserted his hands in his pocket and silently walked away while smiling widely. 


Dara plopped herself on the bed and immediately messaged their group conversation. 


What a beautiful day! Good night loves. <3 –Dara 


She hid her face on the pillow and kicked her legs like an excited kid. Her phone beeped multiple times. 


Oh no. Our Darabbit is in love. –Panda 
OH NO. NO! Dara, calm your a$$ down! I’m telling you! –Rin 
I saw Dara and Jiyong under a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g ~ -Panda 
STOP IT SEUNGRI! Don’t tolerate her! Ugh! –Rin 
Kekeke good night, loves! :* <3 –Panda 
Loves your face! Dara ready your a$$ up, Imma fry it when I see you… especially you, Seungri! Goodnight! –Rin 


Dara just giggled and closed her eyes looking forward to another day with Jiyong. 

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Chapter 9: i want pyodara until the end of the story! heheh
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