
Room 614
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“Considering how sensitive the entire topic is, I’ve been asked to punish anyone from looking it up or talking about it at school. I’m sorry Wheein-ah” Yongsun finished.

Wheein looked to Byuli, who had a solemn look on her face. She turned to Hyejin who was equally as surprised as she was.

“I don't understand, why are we being punished?” Hyejin asked

Yongsun shook her head, “You aren’t being punished, but I am warning you that as of right now, the school has decided to block any websites or articles containing the incident. Any student caught talking about it at school will be reprimanded”

All the girls were silent.

Yongsun cleared , “just to reiterate, you are no longer allowed to speak of this at school or Byuli and I will be forced to discipline you.”

Hyejin and Wheein frowned, “I still don't understand sunbae. It’s not like it’s our school that was involved or anything, so why should students be prohibited?”

Yongsun pursed her lips, “I don't understand why either, but the Principal has given me specific instructions.”

“Well, that’s just stupid isn’t it?” Byuli complained

Yongsun made a face, “we’re not here to judge whether or not it’s stupid Byul-ah. We just make sure the rules are being followed and students have a comfortable school environment” Yongsun got up and pushed her chair in, “I’m sorry I can’t do anything but my hands are tied” She gave them a sympathetic look before she disappeared behind another door.

“Don’t worry guys, Yongsun’s doing everything she can to help,” Byuli suggested as she got up as well

Wheein and Hyejin exited the room; “be careful going home, I think it’s supposed to rain” Byuli smiled as she gave them a wave.

They watched as she closed the door. Wheein turned to go; “am I the only one confused?” she turned to look ay Hyejin, who was deep in thought.

Wheein walked back to her, tapping her shoulder, “Hyejin-ah, are you ok?”

Hyejin thought back to the conversation with Yongsun. “no longer to speak of this at school” Hyejin smiled as she pulled out her phone.

“Let’s meet at the coffee shop?” she sent the text and put her phone back in her pocket.

“Let’s go!” she linked her arm around Wheein’s.

They walked down the hall together, “wait where are we going?”

Hyejin smiled, “don’t worry, and just trust me”

Wheein made a face, “hearing you say that just makes me worry more”




Wheein and Hyejin walked into the coffee shop, “wow, how have I never been inside this coffee place? I walk by it all the time in the morning on my way to school”

Hyejin looked at the menu, “it’s always busy in the morning, S University is just around the corner so a lot of the students and teachers come by here in the morning”

“Hi there, what can I get you?” a girl asked from behind the counter

“Hello, I’ll have the Shooting Star,” she looked at Wheein, “what are you having? It’s my treat”

“I’m not sure,” she pondered, “is there a drink you would recommend for someone who doesn't drink coffee often?” she asked the barista

The girl smiled, “I recommend the Vanilla Bean Hot Chocolate. It's rich but not too rich. It’s one of our best sellers along with the Shooting Star”

Wheein smiled, “then I’ll take the Hot Chocolate please”

“Of course,” the barista smiled as she prepared the drinks

They waited for their drinks, “what do you think the punishment is if we do talk about YeonAh at school?” Wheein asked

“I don't know. Maybe an in-school suspension? I’ve never had to be disciplined by the school,” Hyejin commented

“Here you are, enjoy your drinks ladies,” The barista put their drinks on the counter.

“Thank you,” Wheein smiled as she took the mugs and followed Hyejin to the table.

Wheein set their mugs down, then took her own seat.

“I wonder where they are,” Hyejin mentioned, looking at the time.

“Did you invite someone els-“

Just then, someone pulled out the chair next to Wheein.

“Sorry we’re late, Byuli left her textbooks in her locker.”

Wheein looked at the person pulling the seat next to her.

Yongsun smiled, “hi Wheein-ah, long time no see,” she teased

“Alright, enough of the pleasantries,” Hyejin announced, “Yongsun unnie, you said that there was something strange about when Principle Ha asked you to block sites”

Yongsun nodded, “yeah he seemed really on edge and demanded that I reprimand any student right away”

Wheein tilted her head, “I thought we weren’t supposed to talk about this”

Hyejin nodded, taking a sip of her drink, “we’re not allowed to talk about it at school.” She looked around, “as far as I’m concerned, we aren’t at school.” She looked at Yongsun, “right unnie?”

Yongsun grinned at her, “I’m glad you caught that Hyejin-ah.” She looked at Byuli, “I’m gonna grab something to eat, do you want anything?”

Byuli looked at the menu, “only if you’re buying”

Yongsun sighed, “such a stingy person,” she mumbled under her breath. She stood up and walked to the counter

Byuli beamed, “this is why we're best friend

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Hi everyone! I'd like to apologize for not uploading a new chapter this month. I was unfortunately diagnosed anemic at the end of last year so I've just been resting and trying to get my energy and iron level up. lol with that being said, I'm back ^^ thanks for waiting ^^


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Astrae_17 #1
Chapter 9: Nooooooo….please finish this fix when you have a chance! It’s so good! I really enjoyed the story!
cjmoo_ #2
Chapter 9: Oh gosh, this revelation...!
How will this be solved, with the principal having connections with the police?? Who will protect Eunsil!! :O
This chapter makes me feel so nervous for everyone :/
Icecream013 #3
Chapter 9: dundundundun now everything comes to light what will they so tho...their lives is in danger and that principal have comnections to the police damn..well HAPPY NEW YEAR Acs417! thank you!
cjmoo_ #4
Chapter 8: Great chapter!
Oh gosh that escalated rather quickly. If this man's the one who killed YeonAh, isn't it weird that he lives/is in the same building as Eunsil?? :/
llamadodaeng #5
Chapter 8: thanks for the update!!
lovechoco #6
Icecream013 #7
Chapter 8: oh my gosh so YeonAh now remembered who killed her but whatdo they do they're on the same space with the man! gosh!
cjmoo_ #8
Chapter 7: This friendship... :') (love the part where Byul teased Yongsun heh)
Oh no, sounds like this is not going to end well... Will YeonAh make herself visible in front of Eunsil?
cjmoo_ #9
Chapter 6: Angel lineeee~~~
I'm so happy that the three of them (four, counting YeonAh?) are Wheein's first friends here. Sad to read the part about it being a long time for her getting lots of messages.
YeonAh is a saviour! She can move?? :O