
Room 614
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Hyejin opened her eyes slowly, the room dark and quiet.

Wheein looked down at her, “are you ok? You fainted”

Hyejin didn't realize that she had been lying down, using Wheein’s lap as a pillow. “I fainted?” She thought back to the last thing she saw and remembered that smile.

She leapt up quickly, “Wheein-ah we have to get out of here. This place is haunted,” she pleaded pulling Wheein up

“Haunted? I resent that statement,” she heard a voice behind her say.

Hyejin turned around slowly, recognizing that face, the last face she saw before she woke up.

“Gho-Gho-GHOST!” she screamed before she fainted again.

Wheein and YeonAh stared at each other awkwardly before Wheein positioned Hyejin’s head back on her lap.




Hyejin woke up again, her head hurting.

“Feels like déjà vu doesn't it?” Wheein asked. “I guess you faint when you’re shocked.”

YeonAh looked at her from the windowsill, “I’m no doctor, but you should get that checked out”

Hyejin looked at Wheein, who chuckled lightly. She looked at YeonAh, and then back at Wheein again, “am I the only one freaking out about there being a ghost in this room?”

YeonAh jumped off the window sill, “hey, ghosts have feelings too yknow” She turned to Wheein, “but I am surprised that you came back”

Wheein took out the stack of papers from her bag, “YeonAh, did you know you were a musical prodigy?” she showed her the many articles that were written about her.

YeonAh moved closer to Wheein, reading every article, “me? A musical prodigy? No way”

“It’s true. I typed in your name and tons of pictures and articles of you playing the violin popped up,” Wheein replied

“Wait, that’s what you were reading at the library today?” Hyejin picked up a paper and read it, looking at YeonAh.

YeonAh frowned, none of what she was reading seemed familiar. Surely she would have remembered if something this exciting was her life. “I don't remember any of this,” she sighed

Hyejin scratched her jaw, “YeonAh…..nim?” she sat up, not knowing the correct way to address her, “did you have any friends when you were in school?”

YeonAh laughed, “just call me YeonAh. But to answer your question, I don't think so. But I don't remember anything or anyone for that matter”

Hyejin narrowed her eyes, “really? That’s so weird. Do you think we forget everything when we die?”

“Omg, I thought the same thing!” Wheein piped up.

Hyejin and Wheein giggled as YeonAh looked on, unimpressed.

She looked down at one of the papers and noticed the name Eunsil Cho, “Cho Eunsil, why does that name sound so familiar?” she thought to herself. She turned to Wheein, “Wheein-ah, not that I’m not grateful for you doing this for me, but can I ask why?”

Wheein fiddled with her thumbs, “I don’t have any friends at this new school, and when we met last night, it felt like I finally made a friend.” She looked up at YeonAh, “I also wanted to figure out what happened, because I obviously don't have a life haha.” She laughed awkwardly, “pretty pathetic right?”

YeonAh stared at her for a second and put her hands over her face, “Omo, Wheein-ah. I’m so touched! If I wasn't a ghost I’d hug you right now!”

Hyejin watched as YeonAh made kissy faces at Wheein playfully. She looked at the floor, feeling guilty about what Wheein said.




Wheein zipped up her bag, “Hyejin-ah, are you ready to go?”

“Wait, you’re leaving? Already?” YeonAh asked

Hyejin put her strap on her shoulder, “didn't you say you were going to stay here til morning? I mean I’m not complaining.” She turned to YeonAh, “not that I didn't like meeting you or anything”

“Yeah, but I got everything I needed tonight,” Wheein answered. “Do you really not remember anything YeonAh?”

YeonAh nodded, “nothing at all. It’s kind of disappointing that I don't remember how great I was at the violin though”

“I know, you won all of those prestigious competitions,” Hyejin pointed out

Wheein stood up, “I guess I’ll continue to ask around for you YeonAh.”

YeonAh smiled, “thanks, Wheein, I really do appreciate it”

They smiled at each other, “I’m glad you made a friend though,” she looked in Hyejin’s direction.

“Oh, we met on the way here, I was planning on coming by myself actually,” Wheein replied

“Well, she at least didn't let you go to an abandoned school by yourself,” YeonAh countered. She smiled at Hyejin, “it was nice to meet you Hyejin-ah, I’ll see you around? Maybe?”

Hyejin smiled, “of course”

The girls said their goodbyes as Hyejin and Wheein made their way home.

They walked in silence as they passed the convenience store where they met earlier on in the night.

“I know we aren’t close yet, but do you want to stay at my house tonight? It’s really late to be walking around by yourself,” Hyejin offered

Wheein hesitated to answer, “like a sleepover?”

They rounded the corner.

“Haha, Duh. I can lend you clothes and give you an extra toothbrush tonight,” Hyejin commented, leading the way.

Wheein stared at Hyejin’s back, “a sleepover? I haven’t been to one in years,” she thought to herself.

Hyejin turned around, “You ok?”

Wheein smiled, “yeah, I’m ok” she ran to catch up to her.




Hyejin finished laying out the sleeping bag and pillow on her floor as Wheein walked into the

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Hi everyone! I'd like to apologize for not uploading a new chapter this month. I was unfortunately diagnosed anemic at the end of last year so I've just been resting and trying to get my energy and iron level up. lol with that being said, I'm back ^^ thanks for waiting ^^


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Astrae_17 #1
Chapter 9: Nooooooo….please finish this fix when you have a chance! It’s so good! I really enjoyed the story!
cjmoo_ #2
Chapter 9: Oh gosh, this revelation...!
How will this be solved, with the principal having connections with the police?? Who will protect Eunsil!! :O
This chapter makes me feel so nervous for everyone :/
Icecream013 #3
Chapter 9: dundundundun now everything comes to light what will they so tho...their lives is in danger and that principal have comnections to the police damn..well HAPPY NEW YEAR Acs417! thank you!
cjmoo_ #4
Chapter 8: Great chapter!
Oh gosh that escalated rather quickly. If this man's the one who killed YeonAh, isn't it weird that he lives/is in the same building as Eunsil?? :/
llamadodaeng #5
Chapter 8: thanks for the update!!
lovechoco #6
Icecream013 #7
Chapter 8: oh my gosh so YeonAh now remembered who killed her but whatdo they do they're on the same space with the man! gosh!
cjmoo_ #8
Chapter 7: This friendship... :') (love the part where Byul teased Yongsun heh)
Oh no, sounds like this is not going to end well... Will YeonAh make herself visible in front of Eunsil?
cjmoo_ #9
Chapter 6: Angel lineeee~~~
I'm so happy that the three of them (four, counting YeonAh?) are Wheein's first friends here. Sad to read the part about it being a long time for her getting lots of messages.
YeonAh is a saviour! She can move?? :O