The Male Idol

A Fan and their Idol

'Why won't he notice me?'

I did it, I got tickets to see him in concert. I laid on my bed, imaging all the possibilities, my eyes shining with happiness, I'm sure.

Will our eyes meet? Will that cause him to think about me? Which would lead him to trying to track me down...

I shake my head. 

'Stop daydreaming...' 

My eyes lost the happy glow.

'You are just his fan... Just a fan.'


I bellowed song lyrics at the concert, whether they were actual Korean or not is debatable. I was too excited to care.

That is when he looked over in my area. I immediately started jumping up and down, getting even more hyped.

He waved.

I wanted to screech. But I didn't.

Then he looked away and waved to another area.

'This is not a fanfiction.'

I tried to remember that happy feeling and began to bellow lyrics again (when did I stop?).


I stayed up last night, looking at YouTube videos of him.

Laughing when he did something funny or stupid, flapping my arms like an idiot at the adorable parts, and crying when he did.

Today, I planned on finding a new group to stan.

But every group just reminded me of him.

'Why do I think of him so much?'


I had did it. I learned Korean. 

'For him.'

I was proud of myself. I could finally understand what he was saying... I could understand him.

I could actually talk to him. Asking how he is... Thank him for making me happy...

'That is, if I ever actually meet him...'


I somehow managed to get to go a fanmeet.

I waited in line for what seemed like forever. 

I can see him, smiling and signing things.

My heart began to pound.

What if he doesn't like me? What if he doesn't even smile at me?

'What if he likes me too much?'

Finally, I was in front of him. He smiled at me and then signed my item.

Then I had to move on.

'Why didn't he try to talk to me?'


Breaking news.

He is dating now.

I wanted to cry, but instead I tried to be happy that he found someone he wanted to love.

Funny story though, the person was a fan too...

'Why didn't he notice me?'

(Author's Note: Congrats, this is the reality version.)

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