Stuff gets Weird

Flowers and Petals

Mitsuria ran to the closest train station. Finally, she was taking up on a offer that is limited. She got there with a sore leg, and a headache. She breathed heavily and got in the train. She found a seat next to her first year freind, Kira. Transfer student. Mitsuria remember all the times she would have to correct Kira because she would write romanji, not kanji. "Good morning, Mitsuria!" Kira said. "Good morning to you too," Mitsuria said happily. Then there was a creaking sound, and the train was shaking. "Eh?!" Kira said, looking to the back of behind her seat. Mitsuria held her friend's hand. There more shaking, until the train got launched out. Mitsuria could hear her heart pounding. Everything in her mind was blank now. She couldn't do anything. Until she fell onto the ground, breaking glass.

Mitsuria shot up from her bed and breathed heavily. She held her head. She felt something wet. On her hand was blood. She shook her head quickly, making more drops of blood spill out. I bet this is one of my brothers stupid pranks.... 

She looked over to the bed, and there was massive splotches on her bed. How am I not dead?! How am I not dead?! She repeated that whole sentence in her head for a about good three minutes. Mitsuria had an idea. She got a drop of water-to-be-made-like-blood or actually blood, and it. Yep. This was real blood. She flashbacked to when she was younger, and she found a scab, and starting messing with it. Blood came out, and she wondered what blood tasted like. She swiped her finger and a drop of blood that was coming down and it. Bleh.

Mitsuria found a cut on her arm, then her leg. This was a dream, wait, was it?! Whatever was happening, she didn't understand. 


Yuka was riding her bike to school while listening to her playlist of going to school. When she got there, there was some type of sale at the school store. Sure, Yuka would ignore that fact. Oh fine. You hadn't had breakfast yet. Go ahead, she told herself. She bought some bread. No one, and I mean no one, had no idea what this bread was. It was pretty good, tastes like omirice. Are they sure that this was bread, and not a bun?

She looked at the ingredients, and then there was some kanji she couldn't understand. When she got home, she looked it up. No results. So then she translated it. After the translation result she searched it up again. Apparently, this was some type of powder that is forbidden in all countries. (If we're talkin 'bout real life, no, I don't think this is true.) There was some weird side effects. Did the school know that?!

Yuka went to school the next day in a hurry. She went to the school shop and told the person about the bread. Or bun. The man just laughed. "No, I'm serious!!" Yuka said. "And what, you're supposed to be twenty years old?!" The man said and laughed again. Yuka groaned. "Sir..." 

Yuka got a text from Mitsuria at lunch. 

You won't believe what just happened.

Umm, okay, what?

I had this dream where i was on a train and we crashed, but then when I woke up, it was like the thing actually happened.

And you didn't die?!

I'm wondering that too.
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