River Flows in You

Byunghun bowed 90 degrees and said, “Ahnyounghasaeyo! I’m Lee Byunghun.” I giggled at Byunghun’s formality towards my parents. He made sure to wear a dress shirt and nice black jeans to give a good impression. My parents were both in shock. “Sungah-yah… You never said you had a boyfriend.” I smiled and said, “Well now I told you.” My mom stood up from the couch and said, “I would’ve prepared food if I knew you were coming. Why don’t you stay for dinner?” Byunghun looked at me and I said, “Mom, it’s okay.” My mom walked over to us and she pulled Byunghun up. “Just stay for dinner so we can get to know you more.” Byunghun just bowed and said, “Neh.”

Byunghun and I looked at each other and we both started to laugh. I held onto Byunghun’s arm and looked up at my dad. His face was indifferent yet I saw a hint of disappointment in his face. I watched as he stood up and went inside his bedroom. I looked at Byunghun and said, “Hold on.” Then I walked into my parents’ room and saw my dad sitting on his bed.

“Appa?” He looked up at me and smiled. “Are you okay?” I asked him. He nodded and said, “I’m just really shocked.” I went and sat down next to my dad. “Do you not like him?” My dad sighed and said, “It’s not that. I can’t believe you’re starting to date now.” I groaned and said, “Don’t tell me this is one of those ‘You’re all grown up now’ talks…” My dad looked at me and smiled. “Okay then, I won’t.” I smiled and asked, “Well do you approve of him?” My dad sighed and said, “I’ll have to see… but if your grades get lower then I automatically disapprove!” I laughed and said, “Of course…”

When we ate dinner, it was silent and awkward. My dad spoke up and asked, “So what class are you?” I should’ve known; my dad wasn’t going to like this. “I’m in class 3-5.” I looked up at my parents and they were both surprised but they tried to hide it. “3-5?” Byunghun nodded. My mom looked at me and asked, “You went after a senior?!” Before I could answer, Byunghun spoke up and said, “Actually, I went after her…” My mom looked at him and said, “Oh…” Then my dad asked, “Why did you start to like her?” Byunghun looked at him and said, “Her innocence.” I blinked at my mom. My mom smiled at Byunghun. I could tell she was starting to like him. My dad nodded and said, “You can start eating now.” Byunghun bowed his head and began to eat.

While we ate, Byunghun would occasionally leave food on my rice for me to eat. I was used to it since he did that regularly whenever we ate together. When I would drink all my water in my cup, he would switch his cup with mine. He also did that regularly too so I was used to it. After we finished eating, my mom cleaned up the kitchen while my dad sat on the dining table reading newspapers. Byunghun and I sat on the couch, watching TV together.

“Do you think they like me?” Byunghun whispered. I smiled and said, “Don’t worry about it, I’m sure they do.” Byunghun sighed, “How can I not? I don’t think they like the fact that I’m in class 3-5.” I shrugged, “At least you didn’t lie.” Byunghun sighed and looked back at the TV.

When it was getting dark, Byunghun decided to leave. He bowed and said his goodbyes to my parents and I walked him outside. I had a feeling my parents were watching through the window so I told him, “I think they’re watching us.” Byunghun looked down at me and smiled. He twined his fingers with mine and said, “It won’t stop me.” Before he left, he said to me, “I’ll come back.” My eyes widened. “What?” He smiled and said, “Later tonight.” I furrowed my eyebrows, “What…” He looked up at my window and back at me, smiling. I smiled back and said, “No, don’t. I don’t want your mom finding out.” He shrugged, “If I get caught then oh well.” I rolled my eyes and said, “I guess… just text me or something beforehand.” He nodded and said, “Bye” as he walked away.

When I walked back into my house, I saw my parents sitting down on the couch, waiting for me. My heartbeat raced since I got nervous as to what they had to say. My mom smiled at me and muttered, “Aigoo…” I blinked and looked over at my dad, whose face was still indifferent. My mom motioned for me to come over and sit down in between them, so I did. She told me, “I know what you want to hear so I’m going to say that I approve.” I smiled and looked over at my dad. He looked down at his hands and said, “Do you really like this boy?” I nodded. He looked at me and said, “And you won’t stop focusing in school?” I smiled and shook my head. My dad sighed and said, “Only because I can tell he’ll treat you right.” I tilted my head to my dad and asked, “What do you mean?” My dad looked and chuckled. “You’re so naïve… Sungah-yah, do you see the way he looks at you and takes care of you?” I just continued to stare at him. “He really likes you… Trust me, okay? I’m a guy and I’ve been through that too. He really likes you so don’t break his heart.” I blinked a couple times.

That night, my parents were watching TV when Byunghun called me and told me he was outside. I quietly opened my window and let him in. He sat down on my bed and asked, “So…?” I sat down next to him and let out a long sigh. Byunghun slightly panicked and said, “They don’t like me?” I looked at him and sighed another long sigh. He gently pushed my arm and said, “Stop that! Tell me.” I smiled at him and said, “They like you.” A smile formed on his face and he quickly hugged me, wrapping his arms around my whole body. He put so much force into the hug that we both fell on my bed.

Suddenly, I heard the TV downstairs turn off. I told Byunghun to be quiet as we listened to footsteps climb up the stairs. I quickly reached towards my lamp and turned it off. I heard my mom say, “Let me just check up on Sungah real quick.” My eyes went wide and I pulled my blankets up and covered Byunghun. He followed along and hid his whole body under the covers as I pretended to sleep. I heard the door open for a few seconds before it closed. I heard my mom walk into her bedroom and close the door behind her. I slowly opened my eyes and allowed my eyes adjust to the darkness in my room. Byunghun crawled back up so I turned my face towards him and we were literally an inch away from each other. My eyes widened and I turned back around, trying to reach for my lamp.

Instead, Byunghun wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back down. He pulled me close to him and I could hear his breathing in my ear. “Can I sleep over?” My heart rate skyrocketed and I froze. Byunghun chuckled and said, “If you don’t mind me sleeping over, then don’t respond.” I continued to stay frozen. I could feel Byunghun smiling as he whispered, “I guess that means I can.” He snuggled in closer. “Good night” he whispered before giving me a light peck by the ear.

I smiled and placed my hands over his hands. I felt him smile and he gently interlocked our fingers together. We stayed like that for a while before I fell asleep. Honestly, I was worried because I wasn’t a calm sleeper. But then I was surprised to wake up in the morning to see that I was facing Byunghun and he was sleeping quietly. I must’ve been calm that night. Since it was morning I could make out Byunghun’s face clearly. I also noticed that his hands were securely wrapped around me as he shared my pillow with me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist. He was so warm that I wanted to stay like that forever.

I looked up at Byunghun when he started to move around a bit. He looked down at me and smiled. “Good morning.” I closed my eyes and turned away, covering my face with my hand. Byunghun chuckled as he pushed himself down to my level. He brought my hand down and smiled. He leaned forward, our noses and foreheads touching. “You’re beautiful in the morning.” Then he gently pressed his lips on mine. When he let go, I gently placed my hand on his chest and looked at him straight in the eye. He blinked and I felt his heartbeat go faster and faster. I smiled and whispered, “I can’t believe you slept over.” Byunghun just my cheek with his thumb and smiled. “It’s time for you to meet my mom.” I looked at him with my eyes wide.


Byunghun patted my shoulders and said, “Don’t worry about it.” I took a deep breath as Byunghun opened the door to his house. “Byunghun-ah, is that you?” I heard her doing the dishes. “Yeah mom. I have someone over.” Then I heard her ask, “Is it one of your friends?” Byunghun smiled and pushed me through his house. He took me to the kitchen and I saw his mom’s back as she did the dishes.

“I want you to meet my girlfriend.” His mom dropped one of the cups and she slowly turned off the water and turned to us. “Your… girlfriend?” I quickly bowed and said, “Ahnyounghasaeyo.” She quickly took off her gloves and she was lost for a second, not knowing what to do. Byunghun chuckled and said, “Calm down…” His mom looked at us and said, “I’m not prepared for this. Byunghun-ah, why didn’t you tell me earlier? You’ve never brought home a girlfriend before.” She quickly walked over to their dining table and said, “Come here and sit… what’s your name?” I put on a small smile and said, “My name’s Yoon Sungah.” She smiled at me and said, “Such a pretty name for a pretty girl like you.” I smiled and said, “Thank you.”

I walked over and sat down on the chair and Byunghun came and sat next to me. His mom asked, “Did you eat? Do you want to eat something? Sorry for this mess. I would’ve cleaned this up if Byunghun told me he was bringing you over.” I shook my hands and said, “No it’s okay! And we already ate so it’s okay. Thank you though.” Byunghun scoffed and said, “It’s not like it’s her first time here, mom.” His mom shot him a quick glare and I just giggled.

His mom sat down in front of me and said, “So Sungah… how old are you?” I looked at her and said, “I’m a first year in high school.” His mom’s eyes widened and she looked at Byunghun. “Chasing after freshmen?” Byunghun sighed. “I couldn’t help it…” His mom put on this slick smile. I was pretty surprised at how cool she was about this. “So are you in class 1-5?” This time, Byunghun shot his mom a glare. I smiled and said, “I’m in class 1-1.” His mom’s eyes got really big and slightly opened. “1-1?” I nodded. His mom looked down for a while and back up at me. “Why are you dating Byunghun?” Byunghun sighed and face palmed. I started to laugh which made his mom laugh along with me.

Byunghun switched the topic and said, “Okay well, this is my girlfriend.” His mom smiled and said, “So is this some kind of ‘I want your approval’ thing?” I looked at her and she chuckled and said, “Well there’s nothing to disapprove of. Consider yourself lucky Yoon Sungah, he always told me he’d never bring his girlfriend home to me, but I guess he just broke that vow.” I giggled and Byunghun shot her a glare. I looked at Byunghun and said, “I guess I’m the special one.” Byunghun looked at me and a small smile formed on his face.

Byunghun went to use the restroom while I waited by his front door with his mom. His mom held onto my hand and my hair. “Please keep him happy.” A tear slowly fell down her eye as she said, “I just want him to be happy.” I blinked at this unexpected gesture.


Byunghun and I were in the library one day after school, at our usual quiet corner. It was the time when college acceptance and rejection letters came out so most of the seniors were always talking about it.

“Are you going to college?” Byunghun looked at me and asked, “Why all of a sudden?” I shrugged, “All the seniors are talking about it so I was just curious.” Byunghun looked down at the floor and said, “I would if I could.” I furrowed my eyebrows, “Why can’t you? You can just go to a community college, if anything.” Byunghun was silent for a while. “It wouldn’t matter.” Before I could say anything though, Byunghun said, “Let’s… stop talking about this.” I just blinked and he gave me a warm smile, but I could tell it was fake.

The next day at school, I asked Changjo. “How come Byunghun can’t go to college?” Changjo’s face suddenly dropped. He didn’t make eye contact with me. It was like he was hiding something from me. “You should hear that from Byunghun himself.” That was all he ever said.

Now this bothered me. What was going on? What were they hiding from me?


I sat down in my desk and realized that Changjo didn’t come to school today. I didn’t think of it as a big deal until recess came. When I came back from my locker, I saw Yoonmi sitting on my desk, waiting for me. I bit my lip and walked over to my desk and squatted down, placing my books on the floor next to my bag. Suddenly, Yoonmi pushed my head so that I fell on the floor. I landed on my hip and it started to throb in pain. The whole class stared at us.

“Stop cheating on Byunghun.” I looked up at her and a glare came out from my eyes unintentionally. “What are you talking about?! Why would I cheat on him?” She smirked and said, “Going out on dates with Chunji oppa, holding hands with him, cuddling with him, and even kissing him. Sure sounds like cheating to me….” I stood up and said, “I don’t know where you heard that from but—“ She stood up and slapped me across the face. “I can’t believe I even called you a friend.” I held onto my cheek since it started burning from her hard slap.

“Just admit it. You’re a . Byunghun only dates and once he s them, he just dumps them. You must be giving him a lot of pleasure for him to stick around this long with you. Either that or you’re just clinging onto him.” I held in my tears and I pushed her as hard as I could and she fell on the chairs. When she got up, I grabbed her hair and shouted, “You don’t even know anything! All you stick to is all the stupid rumors you hear, you pathetic !” Then I threw her onto the ground while she yelped in pain. I clenched onto my fists tight as she looked up at me from the floor and smirked. “Whatever but you know, there’s one thing Byunghun would never dare to tell you and that’s all the names of the girls he’s ever ed. Face it, your boyfriend’s a manwhore.”

I knew I shouldn’t listen to her but I still felt like a knife stabbed through my heart. I let my hair down so that it would cover my face and I turned around towards the door. A group of students stood around the windows and door to see the fight that had happened. I ran through them with tears in my eyes. I ran as fast as I could to the restroom and when someone grabbed my arm, I threw their arm off and continued to run. I hated crying in public. But this person followed and grabbed my arm hard again and turned me around. He hugged me tight and I knew it was Byunghun. I couldn’t control myself so I cried into his shoulder. “What happened?”

I gently pushed him away and walked away from him. He ran back to me and grabbed my arm, turning me around again. “Why are you running away from me?” My eyes were already swollen, I could feel it. “Sungah-yah, what happened?” So I asked him, “Would you ever tell me everything about yourself?” His face slightly dropped. “What… what are you talking about?” When I noticed his face change, I pushed him away but he still held on. “Sungah-yah!” He shouted at me. I tried to throw his arm off but when he didn’t let me, I shouted, “Do you know how it feels like to have people tell you that your boyfriend’s a manwhore?! That all he’s ever done was just around with girls?”

His grip on my arm fell and he was taken aback by my shouting and profanity. “Is that why?” He calmly asked me. More tears fell down my face as I slowly nodded. “You know, a lot of rumors go around about our relationship.” He told me and I just looked down and nodded. “Does it bother you… this much?” He softly asked. I just looked up at him as tears strolled down my face. The bell rang but the sound was so distant. “If it bothers you this much… then let’s break up. If there’s no relationship, then there won’t be any rumors… and you won’t be crying.” He whispered the last part. I just stared at him as a tear fell down his face. “The last thing I want to see is tears in your eyes…so let’s break up.”


I know I didn't update in forever... LOLOL. BUT I FINALLY DID!!

WOOOOT, time to update next month. LOOOOOOOOOL JKJKJK ... maybe..

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Chapter 12: i thought he wasnt going to make it but when he did i was so happy beyond words omg thanks for the amazing fic authornim love u <3
I chose to read this because River Flows in you is one of my fave song and i never have regrets reading this.
Omg, author. You made me cry and smile in this fic..... :-)
Chapter 12: Omg my feelers >_<
Chapter 12: OMG<3
That was soo cute I can't--
But reallyy, I loved the ending and aoinpirhpoiaopsdinpoifgpodjsf
I seriously can't explain my feels right now, thank GOD he didn't die.. in some fics, it just feels like it makes the fic a bit better if he dies cuz it just...works, i guess, but if L.Joe had died I honestly would've spazzed out^^
LOL well anyways, I loved it<3
One of my favorite stories of all time!! I'm rereading and I still love it as much as the first time I read it!! ^^
Chapter 12: Great story!! Heheh I really love it! <3