River Flows in You

For the next week, I was constantly by Byunghun’s side. His mom and sister visited every day together, making sure he was okay. I would sit off to the side or go outside while they would talk.

One day, I was sitting outside reading a magazine when his sister came outside and sat down next to me. “Thank you…” I looked at her and smiled, “It’s really nothing.” She smiled at me and said, “I’m so glad Byunghun has you by his side.” She looked down and sighed. “He’s been through a lot of emotional pain starting at such a young age.” My smile faded. “He has?” She smiled and nodded. “He was still a young boy when our dad was diagnosed with lung cancer.” I blinked. Byunghun had told me his father had passed away but he never told me it was because of lung cancer. “And our dad’s dad passed away from lung cancer too. I think it’s inherited to all the sons or something.” I frowned at that thought. “He went through 3 years fighting cancer… but he lost.”

Her face expression had completely changed as she continued, “Byunghun was really close to him. He was the one who always took Byunghun out to do guy stuff. And Byunghun completely changed in middle school when our dad passed away. He turned into a delinquent, always getting suspended and almost getting expelled once. I guess it was really tough on him since our mom had to start working too and I was busy in high school. Our mom kept in her worries up until the day she found a box of cigarettes in his pocket. The one thing she didn’t want was for him to get lung cancer since he was so susceptible to the disease. They got in a big fight that night, I still remember. He ran away from home for a week until our mom begged for him to come back. And then before we knew it, he showed symptoms of lung cancer and low and behold, he had lung cancer. You have no idea how much we tried to tell him to take medication and do whatever he can but he didn’t want to. He told us he wanted to die…”

As I was listening to this story, I held onto my book tightly. She looked at me and smiled. “You know how he plays piano?” I nodded slowly. “Our dad was a pianist. He taught Byunghun how to play the piano but Byunghun hated it since he thought it was for girls. But then Byunghun always admired our dad playing the piano from the side. After he passed away, Byunghun would often just sit in front of the piano, staring at the keys. Our mom hated seeing the piano ever since our dad died so she threw it away. I remember one day I saw his music notebook where he scribbles notes and I never knew he actually played the piano. He told me he secretly went to an instrument shop and practiced piano there. But he told me he’d never play the piano for anyone until the time was right. He wants to perfect his piano skills so he can show our dad in heaven.”

When hearing that, something tugged at my heart. I saw a tear roll down her face. “Up to this day, no one has heard him legitimately play the piano besides the instrument shop owner.” I looked up when I heard the door open. Byunghun’s mom was stepping out and walked over to us. I stood up and bowed. She smiled and asked, “Are you going to stay the whole night?” I responded, “Uh… if my mom allows me.” She nodded and said, “Thank you for taking care of him.” I just smiled.


Byunghun and I walked over to the doctor’s office, hand in hand. While we waited for the doctor to gather all the information on his computer, Byunghun held onto my hand tightly.

“Well, your surgery was very successful. We took out enough cancer cells for you to decrease back to the second stage but if you start to smoke again, then you’re just killing yourself all over again. You’ll be released tomorrow morning and I’m sure this young lady will take care of you well.” Byunghun smiled as he held onto my hand tight. The doctor continued, “It’s critical for you to take your medication regularly and come back for checkups. Remember to come back here next month for your next full scan.” Byunghun nodded.

Because Byunghun wanted some fresh air, we walked around outside of the hospital with our fingers intertwined. “I’m finally free tomorrow.” I smiled as we sat down on a bench. I began to peel a tangerine for him as he stared at the sky. “Did my sister tell you everything?” I looked up at him. “Yeah… she did.” He sighed and continued to stare at the sky. I gave him the tangerine and asked, “Why are you looking up at the sky?” He just put on a small smile.

I leaned back on the bench and looked up at the sky with him. “Byunghun?” He answered, “Hm?” I looked at him from the corner of my eye. “When you found out you had cancer, why did you just want to die?” Byunghun stayed silent for a while. I turned my head towards him as he continued to look up. “I wanted to reunite with my dad.” I just stared at him as my heart broke into a million pieces.

He tossed a piece of tangerine into his mouth and made a face. “This is so sour! Are you trying to kill me?!” He sat up straight and pulled another piece off. He turned towards me and shoved it into my mouth. I began to chew on it and immediately made a face from its sourness. “I told you!”


Summer had gradually passed with not many changes. It was my first day of school as a second year. I walked into class with Yemin and Changjo, excited for a new year. I was also excited for Ricky since he had upgraded himself from class 2-5 to class 2-3 throughout the summer with Changjo’s help. One upsetting news was that Yoonmi was in class 2-2, right next door. I heard that Chunji had rejected her twice during summer and that news had spread around to all the students like wildfire.

Speaking of Chunji, he had visited me at the hospital after hearing that I volunteered there. I had agreed on going out for lunch with him once more before he left for college. I had told Byunghun who was obviously displeased at that idea but he let it go.

After school, I walked out with Changjo and Yemin. They were holding hands and for once, I felt like the third wheel. School was weird without Byunghun. “Sungah-yah, what are you doing today?” Yemin asked me while we walked out the gates. I shrugged but before I could answer, I heard, “She’s going to be with me.” I turned around and saw Byunghun standing there with his hands in his pockets.

“Ugh, I feel like an older brother picking up my little sister.” I giggled as Byunghun and I walked to the bus stop. Byunghun smiled and asked, “How was your first day of school?” I sighed and said, “Not that different. I guess it was weird not going to your classroom during lunch and going to Niel’s room instead.” Byunghun furrowed his eyebrows, “Isn’t it the same classroom?” I shook my head, “They switched around the classrooms.” Byunghun nodded and said, “Was school weird without me?” I looked down at my hands and said, “Yeah…” Byunghun ruffled my hair and said, “I knew it.”

We arrived at the instrument shop where Byunghun practiced the piano. We sat next to each other at the same piano. While we messed around for a bit, I asked him, “Will you ever play the piano for me?” I looked at him, waiting for an answer. Byunghun just stared at the keys and said, “Not anytime soon.” He looked at me and smiled. “Maybe one day in the future.” I just put on a small smile and nodded.


I walked out of my school gates and found Chunji waiting for me. “Sungah-yah!” He smiled and waved. I smiled and walked over to him. “Is there anything you want to eat in particular today?” I smiled and shook my head. “Not really. Anything is fine with me.” Chunji nodded and said, “I know this great ramen place.”

We started to walk off when I noticed Yoonmi staring at us as she walked out of school. She seemed pretty surprised to see Chunji here and I don’t blame her. I was expecting her to give me a death glare but instead, she avoided eye contact and walked the other direction.

Chunji and I were at the ramen shop waiting for our food. “Are you excited for college?” He smiled and said, “Just a little. I mean, it’s so different from high school and a lot harder.”

Chunji had gotten accepted into Sungkyunkwan University with a full scholarship. I was sincerely happy for him since he had wanted to go there. “I actually know a professor there.” He gave me a surprised expression and asked, “How?” I smiled and said, “One of the hospital’s patients!”

After talking and eating for a while, Chunji asked me, “How are you and Byunghun?” I smiled and said, “More than perfect.” Chunji put on a small smile and said, “You know… we were best friends.” My eyes widened, “Really?!” Chunji nodded. “In elementary school. Then he started to get all rebellious and I knew it was because his father passed away but I didn’t like how he was changing. I knew he always had a soft heart but he hid it from everyone. But seeing how he acts around you, he doesn’t hide it anymore.” I pouted, “I didn’t even know…” Chunji chuckled and said, “Not a lot of people know. We act like we don’t even know each other.”

As we finished eating, we started talking about Yoonmi. Chunji told me, “Not trying to be cocky or anything but I’ve had a lot of girls approach me but I rejected a lot of them. Yoonmi honestly appeared out of nowhere and started talking to me. She would beg me to help her do homework and study for tests which is why it was kind of obvious she liked me. I’ve always implied to her that I didn’t like her that way and to be quite honest, I sometimes didn’t even like her as a person. But she’s so persistent that over the summer, I finally directly told her.”

I nodded and said, “So the rumors were true.” Chunji rolled his eyes. “Those high school rumors…” I smiled and said, “At least you’re off to college now and you’ll meet college noonas.” He smiled and looked down at the table. “I’m not into noonas.” I shrugged, “Or someone who’s your age…”

Chunji sighed and asked, “I’m just really curious, why weren’t you interested in me?” I looked up at him and said, “Because of Yoonmi.” Chunji groaned and said, “She ruins everything.” I smiled and said, “Don’t blame her for it. Who knows, maybe if it wasn’t Yoonmi, I would’ve probably already liked Byunghun.” Chunji smiled and said, “You and Byunghun… I feel like you guys are going to get married.” I rolled my eyes. “Everyone says that.” Chunji chuckled and said, “Well if by any chance, something happens, just know I’ll always be here for you no matter where I am.”

When he told me that, my smile faded. The only reason for something to happen is if Byunghun’s cancer went bad. I shook my head away from those thoughts.


I was trying my best to cut through the rolled sushi. I looked around my messy kitchen as I tried to prepare food for my surprise picnic for Byunghun. Byunghun’s desire of eating my food had been bothering me so I finally decided to attempt at cooking for him. I didn’t think the food was all that bad but making it was such a hassle. I was going to be a horrible mother.

I placed the sandwiches in the container along with the sushi. I put the sliced fruit in a separate container and placed the two together. I packed everything together and met up with Byunghun at a park. The park had several large trees for picnic areas as well as a small lake in the center. Byunghun and I sat down under a large tree and faced the lake.

I showed him the food I made and he smiled. “You made all that?” I nodded, “So don’t be surprised if it tastes bad. I don’t blame you if you spit it out.” Byunghun smiled and started to eat. After swallowing, he looked at me and said, “It’s the best. Thank you.” We ate together, talking and laughing about different things.

“Sungah-yah…” I looked at him. “There’s something I’ve always wanted to do with you.” I raised my eyebrow and asked, “What is it?” He smiled and said, “I’ll be right back.” He got up and ran off somewhere. When he came back, he brought a bicycle with him. That’s when I noticed how Byunghun always stared at the couples riding bicycles together.

We gathered our belongings and got on the bike. I sat down behind Byunghun and wrapped my arms around his waist. I saw Byunghun smiling as he began to pedal. I rested my head on his back as we went through the park, towards the streets. We went over to an outdoor shopping area to look around.

At one store, I noticed a lot of couple shirts and sweaters. I pulled Byunghun over and grabbed two white crewneck sweaters. “These are so cute.” One sweater was Mickey Mouse while the other one was Minnie Mouse. Byunghun sighed and said, “I’m not wearing that…” I looked at Byunghun and pouted. “Really?” He avoided my eye contact and said, “Yeah. I’m not wearing that.” I purposely pushed myself in front of him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “But I want to wear it with you.” I pouted and tried to give him puppy eyes. Byunghun kept looking the other way.

I tried to push my face in front of his and threw all my aegyo at him, “Byunghun oppa.” With that said, Byunghun looked down at me, slightly surprised. He sighed and said, “Fine…” I smiled and hugged him tightly. “Yay!” Byunghun just put on a smile as I grabbed our sizes.

After we put them on in the dressing room, we looked in the mirror outside. I smiled at Byunghun since he didn’t wear stuff like that. Byunghun frowned and said, “I look so stupid.” I twined my fingers with his and said, “I think you look so adorable.” Byunghun looked down at me and said, “Just because you want to get them.” I looked up at him and smiled. “I think we look cute though.” Byunghun leaned down and gently kissed me on the lips. “I know.”


My second year flew by quickly with all the tests, schoolwork, and tutoring. But through it all, I still made a lot of time for Byunghun. Throughout my second year, Byunghun freely came in and out of my house. Both my parents were perfectly fine with him since my grades remained high and he had been treating me well. There were even multiple times when they allowed him to sleepover. They even knew we were in love with each other.

It was our first year anniversary and Byunghun had told me he planned a surprise for me. He came to pick me up from my house and with my parent’s approval, he started to guide me somewhere. But I noticed the pathway we were taking. “Are we going to your house?” Byunghun smiled and said, “Yup.”

When we got there, it was already evening. We went inside his house and he started to blindfold me at the doorstep. “I kind of at this romantic stuff but I really tried…” I smiled and carefully followed him inside as he guided me. He eventually sat me down and took off my blindfold.

I was sitting down on his dining table. On the table, there were candles that made a heart, with a present in the middle. He sat down in front of me and said, “Open the present.” I smiled and grabbed the present. I slowly undid the ribbon and opened the box. I found a picture frame inside, with a picture of us together. It was actually a picture of us at the music store, taken by the owner. We were playing the piano together, smiling and laughing with Byunghun’s hands over mine. Then I noticed how the frame had the word ‘Forever’ on the edge.

“There’s a note inside the box.” Byunghun told me so I looked inside and grabbed the card inside.

                I can’t believe it’s only been a year. But I can tell you now that there’s going to be more yearly anniversaries. Remember how I told you that I had three wishes? Where I wanted to change someone’s life, meet someone who’ll change my life, and to love and protect the person I love until the day I die? I feel as though all three wishes revolve around you now. You’ve changed me in so many ways, I can’t even understand how you could do that. You’ve taught me how to love and you showed me that life is worth it. I can promise you now that I’ll protect you until the day I die. I love you so much, Yoon Sungah. I don’t think I’ll ever let you go. Fate’s on our side and I’m going to make sure it stays on our side. Love, Byunghun.

I looked up at Byunghun with tears forming in my eyes. I stood up and ran over to him. Wrapping my arms around him, I hugged him tightly and closed my eyes as I sat on his lap. “I love you so much.” I told him. He hugged me back and said, “Thank you, Sungah.” I pulled back and looked at him. He wiped away my tears and said, “Thank you for stepping into my life.”

I didn’t say anything. All I did was kiss him as my response. Before I knew it, our mouths were open and eyes closed, our tongues roaming around. We pulled away to catch our breath. Byunghun tucked my hair behind my ear and grabbed my hands, twining our fingers together. He smiled and said, “Forever and ever.” I was smiling with him and responded, “Forever and ever.”


Two more chapters~

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Chapter 12: i thought he wasnt going to make it but when he did i was so happy beyond words omg thanks for the amazing fic authornim love u <3
I chose to read this because River Flows in you is one of my fave song and i never have regrets reading this.
Omg, author. You made me cry and smile in this fic..... :-)
Chapter 12: Omg my feelers >_<
Chapter 12: OMG<3
That was soo cute I can't--
But reallyy, I loved the ending and aoinpirhpoiaopsdinpoifgpodjsf
I seriously can't explain my feels right now, thank GOD he didn't die.. in some fics, it just feels like it makes the fic a bit better if he dies cuz it just...works, i guess, but if L.Joe had died I honestly would've spazzed out^^
LOL well anyways, I loved it<3
One of my favorite stories of all time!! I'm rereading and I still love it as much as the first time I read it!! ^^
Chapter 12: Great story!! Heheh I really love it! <3