

Yoona, the girl since opening her eyes from her sleep continues to sigh and sigh. There were so many things she thought about. Not enough since Taeyeon disappeared and yesterday she heard the confession from Yuri if she had lied so far.




Yuri held her breath for a moment, in front of her, Yoona was waiting for an answer from her by putting her hands on her hips.


She can't explain it to Yoona. After all, she never intended to be a liar or a fraudster or stalker before. It all just happened, when she knew the girl named Kim Taeyeon, she finally chose this path.




"What?" Yoona replied quickly. The girl can't wait.


"I like it"


At that instant, Yoona grunted and burst out laughing. She can't believe it with Kwon Yuri.


"Are you making Ms.Kwon's drama? Don't over do it and explain the truth!"


Yuri just silent, she moved her gaze on a small flower vase on the table. Yoona exhale harshly.


"Kwon Yuri, whom I know for five years ago. Sorry if you're offended, but how can you now say if you like it? Love Taeyeon? Does that make sense? And if it's true so all this time you lied?."


The girl exclaimed strongly. Her eyes radiated an incredible rage, until she found it hard to control her breathing. The fact that comes out of Yuri's mouth is not acceptable and well digested. Yuri seemed to be lying and as if it were April Fool's day.


"Is it a crime in love? Is it wrong if I want the person I love always by my side? Is that why I am the same as the criminals who kill people? Do you know how I've been feeling until you've begged me?"


"Did you forget that the old Taeyeon just wanted to be friends with you? Like a stupid girl pretending to be strong when she really is crying. How can I let the person I love suffer like that. I'm sure she needs a companion to be on the back. I just want her not to feel alone and lonely because of her family's problems. I just .. I just want her to feel if there are people beside her who will keep and support her always."


Yuri, the woman had involuntarily tears away. She was silent without expression with tears streaming down her cheeks.


Yoona petrified. She didn't sound but slightly open indicating she was very surprised by the recognition of Yuri. Wanting her to slap Yuri right now, she wanted to vent her annoyance. The woman has been lying all along. In order to be close to her best friend.


Very unreasonable to accept, also very sad. Yoona couldn't hold back her tears.


She sat down beside Yuri.


"Love is not a criminal. But love is not something you can force, love doesn't always have to obey your will. Love is willing, not forcing. I can understand your feelings and I'm sure Taeyeon can also understand. But to understand and accept are two different things. Are you sure Taeyeon can still accept you as her best friend when she knows this?."


Yuri closed her eyes, her body trembling. She is afraid, afraid, and afraid. She was afraid she would hurt her again. There was enough sadness in her, she didn't want the girl she loved to be depressed by it.


"You've always been hurt by the outsiders. Stop all your theatrics Kwon Yuri, not only you who will get hurt but Taeyeon will also be very, very burdened because of your lies. Although you do this for her, but try to look from two sides. When you hurt yourself and at the same time make you happy to be with her, don't you ever think what Taeyeon will feel when she knows she's been torturing you and lied to you?."


The woman looked at Yoona with her watery eyes.


"I have no choice. Do you know how difficult it is for me to be on her side? Don't you know when I'm always trying to give her a sense of security and happiness? I know this is wrong, but this is all I can do. Everyone knows she just looks strong on the outside, everyone knows she bears a heavy burden because of her father and her mother. I just want to share her feelings of pain, I want her to share at least some of the pain she feels "


Obviously Yuri. The woman's jaws seemed to harden, her gaze becoming increasingly frightening. Even Yoona shuddered back at her gaze.


"Then you call it love? You just follow your selfish selfishness. You even look like a byuntae right now. How many times have you slept in the same room with her, eoh? And oh yeah, you've also brought a drunk Taeyeon to your house. Yes! Are you trying to take advantage of the narrowness ?! "


Yuri exhaled roughly.


"Why should I do that?"


Yoona paused before returning to her voice. "You have chosen this path Yul, you must be willing to accept counseciouse?"


Yuri nodded slowly.


"By the way, where did you get the 'thing'?" Yoona asked, pointing to the pocket of Yuri's purse. The woman gasped slightly and pulled out her wallet, unfolded the bulgari branded skin and took out the thing Yoona meant.


"I took the picture" Yuri replied. The woman's face flushed.


"HEOL!" Yoona exclaimed followed.


Yuri replaced her wallet. The woman looked straight into Yoona's eyes.


"Yoong, don't tell Taeyeon ya about this. I promise to be honest, but not in the near future." 


Yoona narrowed her eyes, then she sighed deeply.


"Anyway what can I do? I really want to slap you after knowing you're lying. But still you've been hurt too and that's all for the good of Taeyeon. So for now get rid of this and focus on finding Taeyeon. Arraseo?"


Yuri nodded with a sweet smile.


"Ne, gomawo yoong"


End of Flashback 


Yoona sighed. Let's say this is the 20th time she sighed. The girl had not moved from her bed yet. Until she heard her cell phone ring. It's a call from Seohyun.


"Ne waeyo?"


"Are you awake?"


"Let's just say that," Yoona replied, a little annoyed with her lover's preoccupations.


"Taeyeon ..."


Both of Yoona's eyes seemed to be instantly fresh and she seemed to be completely in a state of awakenedness.


"Ne! Waeyo ?! "


"Be patient first. I got information from my friend if Taeyeon's mother was in Seoulite hospital "


Yoona closed and opened it again.


"What's so special about the news?"


Heard from there, the woman snorted.


"You haven't heard until it's over. What is strange is that Taeyeon's mother is treated in a gold-vvip room that is usually only the artists and state officials who are treated there. In addition to the price that is not affordable by ordinary people, access to get there is also difficult if you are not a great person. Don't you feel strange about that?"


Yoona was silent. She thought about what seohyun said. Well, of course it doesn't make sense. Seoulite Hospital is indeed the most luxurious hospital in South Korea and international standard. Does Taeyeon's family have that kind of money to take care of her mother there?


"Be-besides there are others? What about Taeyeon?" Yoona asked.


"Not yet. To be sure I was asking some people to go find Taeyeon's dad. Neighbors who live beside Taeyeon's apartment say if they haven't seen Kim Youngbin since 2 days ago."


Yoona nodded. "Arraseo. Thank you, hyunnie. I'm getting ready to go to the photoshoot first."


"Okay, saranghae"


"Nado saranghae"


After that, Yoona immediately hung up and rushed off to the bathroom.


"Just wait, I'll save you Taeyeonnie" she mumbled.

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Chapter 16: Please update !!!
TaeNysmith22 #2
Chapter 16: I actually like the flow but there are things that makes me confused but well I'll just wait for future updates maybe the questions will be answered keke
TaeNysmith22 #3
Chapter 16: I actually like the flow but there are things that makes me confused but well I'll just wait for future updates maybe the questions will be answered keke
NessieW #4
Wrong story
lovewithkpop #5
Chapter 12: Nice story. So, Yuri love Taeyeon. Since when did Tiffany love Taeyeon? Can't wait for more updates
575 streak #6
Chapter 10: Wow!! You update fast!! Thank you author-nim. ~