No Help...

The Yankii You (sequel of I am)

"No meeting today, there's really nothing on my schedule today," I said, looking over my phone. 

(Legend: Bold is Rika "talking" Italic is Renia "talking" to Rika)

I sighed. I was really bored. Maybe you could meet up with some friends? They have their own things to do. That's all I got. You are no help whatsoever. That's not my fault! I groaned. Whenever Rika tries to help me, I appreciate her helping me, but she is no help whatsoever. I heard my phone go off. I looked over to it again. "Ah, its Gaki-san," I said. "Hello?" I said. "Hi, Renia, do you think a purple watch or blue watch is better?" She asked. "Did you seriously call me just for decision stuff?" I asked. "Yeah, but it's almost Linlin's birthday, so I decided to get her a watch, wait, did you remember her birthday?!" Gaki asked. I faceplamed. "Hold on," I said. Anything?! I did tell you to set it on your calendar...but maybe think about what she likes. That's actually a great idea!! I put some going-out clothes and ran out the door. "Gaki-san, I'll talk to you later!" I said. And then I hung up.


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Chapter 6: First