Nothing is as it Seems

Black Hearts & Pink Lips
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"Runaway girl?"


One thing Jisoo hated about school. The attention. Other girls may bask in the stares and whispers but she did not - she un-basked in it (if that was possible). She hated it. Why spend all this time gossiping on someone you don’t know and will eventually hate? Why waste time being angry and every little thing she did? What's the big deal about being the new girl? It made no sense to her. And never would.


Jisoo spotted Jennie, one of her best (and only) friends walk up to her, clad in the school uniform, her tie fashionably loose. Jisoo greeted her friend while they headed  Jennie’s lockers.


“Welcome to hell,” Jennie said dryly, making Jisoo roll her eyes and give her friend a lopsided smile.

“You make this place sound so appealing,” Jisoo replied leaning against the locker beside her friends. Rose, another one of Jisoo's closest friend, shuffled her way over the the two her eyes closed. When Rose reached them she mumbled a hello before coming out hug Jisoo, her head resting upon Jisoo’s shoulder.

“Two hours of sleep...two.” Jennie sulked making the two girls snicker. It was sometimes hard to believe that Jennie was one of the older girls. Especially when she whined like this. “All because of those wannabes, ughh”

“Tell me about it,” Jisoo mumbled, having missed nights of sleep over wannabes and fakes, and had missed several hours of sleep last night as well. She hadn’t even found the time to tell her friends about the stranger last night. The three girls chatted softly, keeping their voices low, when Jisoo spotted a tall blonde girl walk down the hall. She was pretty with a dainty smile on her lips.

“Oi you, ginger.” Some girl said. The blonde girl froze, turning slowly to face the tall, snobby looking girl.


“That's Chang Seungyeon, one of the top girls here, she's a member of CLC.” Jennie whispered, informing Rose and Jisoo who were new to the school. They had trouble with CLC at their old school. Jisoo nodded grimly, malice building up in her eyes. Rose mirrored a similar look. Jisoo slammed her locker shut - garnering looks from the students in the hall that quickly went back to Seungyeon and the blonde girl.




“Man, I’m so tired. Gramps gave me the night shift, at least some action went down with some of the girl gangs.” Jongin muttered, arms crossed as he leaned against the school walls, meticulously observing his fellow students. Baekhyun nodded along. Sehun smirked, the usual reaction from the stoic man. “Just last night BlackPink took down a gang pretending to be them - and he heard not even all the members were there. And by the looks of what's going on with RV, testing the newbies out.” Jongin drawled.


Baekhyun chuckled, eyes glancing up. “Bout’ goddamn time those rookies be tested. So far they only took out pansies like B1A4 and Pristin.”

“I have a feeling BlackPink is more than meets the eye.” Sehun stretched, lurching off the wall as the bell rang.Chatter about them was everywhere, they made quite the name for themselves in a year, around as fast Exo became known. Jongin shrugged with the tilt of his head, mulling it over while Baekhyun nodded. The three of them turned to enter the school, people parting for them. The hall was more pa

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mikazukiaugust #1
Chapter 5: this story so goodd, but where r u author nim? i love ur story very much
This looks good!
I cant wait for your next chapter!♡
Chapter 5: I'm excited for the next chap. Update soon pls!
a-little-wise-owl-25 #4
Chapter 4: This looks really promising!! can't wait for the updates!!!
Chapter 4: I LIKE IT. Ever since I read that one fic where these two were soulmates, I've been low low lowkey shipping them
Chapter 4: The story is going somewhere? Is that what I'm thinking is it ;)