너를 그리다 | DRAWING YOU
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It was really early in the morning, you of all people came early to the sketching lab, sitting in front one of the easel and put your sketch papers on the wooden easel. That day, a boy, with milky skin and red plumpy lips came inside the class. He was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and button up checkered shirt with short sleeves. He was so dazzling that you couldn't help but stare at him. He was much taller than you who stood on 161 cm. He smiled at you, SMILED at you charmingly, showing his plumpy red lips and white teeth.


"Seong Hyejin?" He asked, reading the name written on your sketch pad.

"Ah, Nae. and you are?" You asked. Although you know that person was your ultimate crush, you pretended not to know who he was. in fact, he was quite famous around the campus. Who wouldn't talk about that handsome sunbae whose voice was as good as his looks.

"Joo Wontak," He said while reaching out his hand to shake yours.

"Ah, Seonbae," You said, bowing your head, you knew him since he had been so popular at the campus. he was one of the iconic junior students at the music department.

"No need to be that formal," He chortled as he put his hand on your shoulder.

"Wontak-i, can you undress yourself and go in front of the class?" The lecturer said as all the student gathered in front of their own easel.

"Draw me nicely, huh," Wontak whispered as he passed by your side, stripping his button-up shirt and jeans, leaving himself barely , only wearing his briefs.


you couldn't help but blush crazily while drawing his body. Well, he wasn't that much muscular, but his body is well built, you might say. his milky skin looked so dazzling under the sunray seeping from the huge windows by the sides of the room. You concentrating on your sketch paper, scratching every strain of the lines dilligently, not wanting to ruin the living artwork standing at the podium in front of you, who apparently sitting in front of the podium. when you finished up the sketch and tried bordering the picture, giving it subtle borders, making it to look as alive as posible, you pulled out your colored pencil tin. started coloring the sketch and amazingly, it came out pretty alive. 


"Wow," Woo Jinyoung stared into your sketch.

"What's gotten into you?" He added.


Wontak is now wearing his shirt messily, tucking

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