
Miscalculations and Missed Shots

It wasn't Mingyu's fault that he had to walk past the library to go to the cafeteria. It wasn't his fault that he had eagle eyes. It wasn't his fault, obviously, that the library had some big glass windows. It also wasn't his fault that the sight of Jeon Wonwoo sitting in the library just had to lure him in. Why would Wonwoo be in the library during lunchtime anyway?

Right about now Mingyu was thinking about skipping lunch just to find out what Wonwoo was doing and possibly staying beside him just because. Mingyu's thoughts didn't even wander to the food he could eat for lunch today as his hand came in contact with the library door’s handle to open it. He walked in calmly as to not cause any disturbing noises. Then he headed for the table where Wonwoo sat.

Wonwoo, of course, was surprised when he looked up to find Mingyu standing there with that puppy-like face of his. He got even more surprised when Mingyu sat beside him and stared at him. He thought that Mingyu was crazy.

"What are you doing here?" Mingyu asked.

"I could ask the same," Wonwoo didn't answer.

"Well I'm here because I saw you here, so why are you here?" Mingyu asked again.

"I'm studying," answered Wonwoo.

Mingyu gasped dramatically. Wonwoo was tempted to roll his eyes.

"But this is lunchtime!" Mingyu said.

"I'm not hungry." Wonwoo went back to whatever he was doing before Mingyu came in.

Wonwoo was doing math exercise, Mingyu thought.

"But you're so thin." Mingyu reached out to lift Wonwoo's arm by the wrist, making the latter glare at him.

"I'm aware," was what Wonwoo responded with.

"Why don't you eat more?"

"Why don't you see that I'm busy?"

Mingyu jutted out his bottom lip. "Suit yourself."

Wonwoo flashed a warning look at the taller male before continuing to do his work. Mingyu just shrugged.

Honestly, Mingyu didn't understand why he felt the need to stay there. He should be eating lunch at the cafeteria with his friends, but Wonwoo piqued his interest just by sitting alone there in the library. It didn't help that his heart seemed to be telling him that it was the right thing to do. His hands felt awkward placed on his lap, he didn't know what to do with them.

At least his eyes knew where to look. Jeon Wonwoo was a nice view to look at after all. Observing from the sides, Mingyu could picture how Wonwoo would look like without his big pair of glasses. The guy had a really nice face, honestly.

"Why do you wear glasses?" Mingyu suddenly asked.

Wonwoo turned to look at Mingyu as if the latter was stupid. Mingyu just blinked.

"Why do you think people wear glasses?" Wonwoo spat.

"Uh." Mingyu scratched his head. "Okay, forget I asked."

Wonwoo narrowed his eyes as another warning and continued his work. However, Mingyu noticed something interesting.

"If you can't do it, why don't you just ask for my help?"

Mingyu was referring to the math problem Wonwoo was working on.

Wonwoo sighed before turning to face Mingyu now.

"It's not like you can help me," said Wonwoo.

Mingyu raised his eyebrows and ellicited a feigned gasp. Wonwoo still held himself from rolling his eyes.

"You underestimate me so much, mister." Mingyu sat up straight and pulled the paper Wonwoo was working on so he could see what the matter was.

The older wanted to protest but Mingyu took his pencil also. Then he just opted to glare at Mingyu. Mingyu didn't budge as he didn't see the icy glare directed at him. Instead, the taller indulged himself in doing Wonwoo's math problem.

Deeming his effort of glaring useless, Wonwoo focused his gaze elsewhere. Namely, the work in front of Mingyu. The older was actually amazed that it took Mingyu a lot shorter than him to do the math problem. He did underestimate the basketball player.

"Here you go." Mingyu slid the paper back to Wonwoo.

Wonwoo's eyes scanned across the paper to comprehend Mingyu's writing. Before Mingyu got the chance to ask if Wonwoo understood, the latter said,

"Thank you." in a breath of a whisper.

Mingyu smiled. "No problem, just don't underestimate me again."

The younger expected Wonwoo to glare at him again, but it took him by surprise when Wonwoo flashed a thankful smile and a nod.

'It was just one number,' Mingyu thought.

"I suppose it was a stupid prejudice," Wonwoo said as he took his pencil back from Mingyu and wrote down the solution in his own writing and understanding.

Mingyu raised an eyebrow. "You thought I was stupid?"

Wonwoo seemed apologetic even if it's just a little bit. "Not exactly, I just didn't think you'd be that smart."

The taller shrugged. "I guess it can't be helped."

Wonwoo hummed and they fell into another silence. Mingyu was crazy enough to think that the silence was nice for a change. His friends were a bunch of loud rowdy people, so he's not quite used to Wonwoo just writing away on his math sheet. It didn't quite occur to him that this was the library.

The school bell rang then. Mingyu didn't even stand up from his seat as Wonwoo collected all of his belongings and placed them in his hold. The older turned to Mingyu with a questioning look.

"Come on, I'll walk you to your class," Mingyu said, finally standing up.

"I know where my classes are already," Wonwoo replied as he also stood up.

"Think of it as a payback for being annoying." Mingyu shrugged.

"You helped me already," said Wonwoo

They walked towards the exit.

"That's not enough." Mingyu grinned.

Finally, Wonwoo didn't restrain from rolling his eyes.

"Suit yourself."

So they ended up walking together to Wonwoo's chemistry class. Mingyu wasn't even worried about being late to class. It's not like he's never tardy. As a human being, Mingyu believed that stepping over the rules was sometimes necessary.

"Thanks," Wonwoo muttered.

Mingyu was confused for a second before he realised that they had arrived.

The younger flashed a charming smile. "No problem. Say hi to Mrs. Yang for me, hyung."

Wonwoo seemed a bit taken back by Mingyu calling him 'hyung', but he just brushed it off.

Wonwoo cleared his throat. "You'll be late."

"Oh you care about me?" Mingyu grinned.

"I was stating the truth because you're just standing there without the intent of going away."

Mingyu opened his mouth to retort with something annoying, but he closed it back. Wonwoo seemed to question his behavior. Instead, Mingyu shook his head and gave Wonwoo a wave of his hand.

"See you later," Mingyu said softly before walking away.

Wonwoo almost forgot to get inside his class.

("Soonyoung, will you stop?" Jeonghan rolled his eyes.

"I can't! He snatched Wonwoo away from me!" Soonyoung wailed.

"Come on, Soonyoung, he's not even yours." Seungcheol smiled, amused.

"I was going to make him my best friend," Soonyoung whispered dramatically.

"People are staring, you're causing a scene," said Seungcheol.

"They're staring at my beauty." Jeonghan flipped his hair.

"Mingyu snatched Wonwoo away from me!"

"I'm so done.")

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kaimour #1
Chapter 4: I relate with Mingyu
c6h12o6 #2
Chapter 4: this is so cute!! mingyu is definitely whipped for wonu
aing belom botak

SehunPony22 #5
I'm so glad I bumped into this,it seems like such an interesting story and I can't wait to get started reading :D
