Intro III: Firsts

Miscalculations and Missed Shots

Over the course of the next week, Mingyu learnt that he shared the same biology and history classes with the new guy, Wonwoo. He didn't really get any chance to interact with the older, however, and he couldn't really understand why.

The first Monday they met Wonwoo had watched the basketball practise until really late. When Soonyoung asked why he did that, Wonwoo just shrugged and said that he was curious. The next days, he didn't do that anymore, he always went home after the last bell rang.

Mingyu felt the need to get close to the seemingly stoic guy without knowing why. It was the pull of his heart, maybe. But he knew that it felt right to be able to talk with Wonwoo and it happened when he got the chance to a few days ago. It was on a Wednesday, Mingyu thought.

"Hey, uh, Mingyu?" Wonwoo asked.

"Yes?" Mingyu replied softly.

Wonwoo seemed to hesitate for a second.

"Wait, nevermind," Wonwoo said.


"I was going to ask if you have today's schedule, but I realise we all have different ones." Wonwoo scratched his head. "I'll just head to the office."

Before Mingyu could offer his , Wonwoo dashed to the general direction of the office. Mingyu shook his head and smiled when he thought that it was cute.

It was pretty short, but it was a conversation nonetheless.

Today's a Friday and it's about almost everyone's favorite day. The last class ended half an hour ago for Mingyu, but his friends took extra classes every Friday. They wouldn't be out until about another half an hour. Right now, Mingyu's wandering in the quiet hallway.

One second into boredom later, Mingyu squinted his eyes when he saw a familiar figure striding across the hallway in his direction. Another second passed when he recognised the figure.

"Hey Won," Mingyu greeted the ever so nearing figure.

"I found out that you're a year younger than me, why don't you call me hyung?" Wonwoo stopped in front of Mingyu, making the latter also stop in his tracks.

"You fast-walked across the hallway just to tell me that?" Mingyu asked, amused.

"No, it's just that I found it interesting. I do have another thing I want to ask you, though." Wonwoo cleared his throat.

"Ask away."

"Can I take you out for lunch tomorrow?"

Mingyu almost choked on his own saliva. 'Is he asking me out on a date? What a bold little being!'

Wonwoo stood not even awkwardly in front of Mingyu. Not even a hint of nervousness. Mingyu was still questioning in his mind about the older's nature.

"Uh, sure," Mingyu said, almost like a question.

"Great. The café in front of our school at twelve?" Wonwoo asked.

"Yes, okay," Mingyu agreed.

"See you tomorrow then." Wonwoo waved his goodbye and continued on his merry way.

That was a longer conversation than they had on Wednesday, but it was a lot weirder. Wonwoo was weird, but it didn't shake off this feeling in Mingyu's chest that they were meant to be friends someday someway somehow.

He didn't dwell on how Wonwoo just boldly asked him on a date. Or maybe it wasn't a date. But what else could it be? Wonwoo asked him to lunch. Which was consisted of just the two of them. Which was outside of school. Which was on a Saturday. Everyone could connect the dots easily, Mingyu wasn't stupid.

Another half an hour of wandering, finally Mingyu walked his way to the familiar practise ground. He could've practised alone for an hour as a warm up, but he didn't. Perhaps it was fate that Wonwoo found him in the hallway.

There was Hansol in the field already, playing with a whining Seungkwan. Mingyu saw Hansol laughing while dribbling past Seungkwan to shoot at the ring. Seungkwan wasn't bad at basketball, in fact he was decent enough to be one of the players, he just didn't. For a second Mingyu thought about how nice it must be to have a best friend.

Soonyoung was the closest to Mingyu, but even then the former spent more time with Seokmin, a sophomore. Mingyu's even sure that Soonyoung had been clinging to the new guy, because he could feel it. Whenever Wonwoo didn't show up to lunch in the cafeteria this past week, Soonyoung didn't show up either. It wasn't hard to put two and two together. He's probably trying to be nice. After all Soonyoung believed that it must be easier to adapt anywhere if you have friends.

"Ay, Mingyu hyung! Are you going to just stand there or are you going to pass the ball to me?" Hansol's voice echoed in Mingyu's ears.

Then Mingyu realised that there was a ball just in front of his feet.

"I'm going to just stand here, thanks," Mingyu deadpanned.

Hansol just gave a mocking laugh before Mingyu picked up the ball and threw it to Seungkwan.

"Thanks!" Seungkwan said.

Mingyu nodded in acknowledgement before setting down his things on the bench and stripping out of his uniform. Then he joined in the game.

Slowly, the other guys came to the field with chatters and laughters. One by one they joined in and went for their usual four on four because they lacked players. They did practise for two hours straight before washing up and bidding their goodbyes for the day.

Even during the practise and after that, Mingyu couldn't stop thinking about Wonwoo's offer earlier that afternoon. He couldn't really understand why. He thought about the last time he went on a date and it was probably during freshman year. Dating wasn't in Mingyu's priorities.

On the way home, Mingyu still thought about Wonwoo. They only met last Monday where Mingyu already embarrassed himself and where four days later Wonwoo already asked him out on a date.

'It's not a date.' Mingyu tried to convince himself.

His way of trying to convince himself about the situation made him zone out throughout dinner with his family. His mother kept asking if he was okay and Mingyu would answer a little late everytime. His father seemed worried too. Minseo, his sister, only snickered and mumbled about Mingyu probably messing up another test. Mingyu glared at that.

Then Mingyu bid everyone goodnight for the day. He changed his clothes, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and laid on the bed for a few hours. He just stared at the ceilings without any intention of sleeping. When he finally got tired, he did sleep.

The same thing happened again over breakfast. Mingyu zoned out and his parents seemed worried. Even Minseo was worried too by then. What if her brother's soul got abducted by aliens and this was only the vessel?

Mingyu convinced everyone that it was okay, the way he convinced himself that it wasn't a date. He retreated back to his room after breakfast, took a shower, and took his time choosing clothes for today.

When the clock fifteen past eleven, Mingyu was already dressed handsomely with a black shirt, a red flanel, and a pair of jeans. He ran out of the front door yelling what sounded like "I'm out!" and Minseo immediately understood that her brother must be on a quest of love (or so she believed).

Mingyu walked to the end of his street and took a bus from there. The road was familiar since it was the same road he had taken every morning for the past two years. It took him half an hour because of the traffic to reach his school. After that, he crossed the street to the café Wonwoo pointed out. It was called Diamond Edge Café. What a fancy name, Mingyu thought. The interior had a nice colour blending and nice furnitures. The ceilings seemed to be painted the colour of a purplish and orangey sky. He didn't know how to name that.

The tall guy was aware that he was fifteen minutes early, but he was surprised to find Wonwoo already sitting on one of the tables. Mingyu approached him with big steps to find that Wonwoo was as surprised as him to see the other one early.

Mingyu cleared his throat before taking a seat in front of Wonwoo.

"Uh, hey," Mingyu said, sounding almost nervous.

Wonwoo raised an eyebrow. "Hello to you too. You're early."

"So are you," Mingyu replied.

Wonwoo gave Mingyu a menu book before going through one himself. Mingyu muttered a small thanks and started flipping through the pages. When they both settled for what they wanted to order, they called for the waiter. After reciting what they wanted, the waiter repeated and went away after getting an approval.

Silence ensued for a few seconds.

"Why are you avoiding my eyes?" Wonwoo asked, genuinely curious.

Mingyu chuckled nervously, mumbling a small "Nothing."

"There's something on your mind," Wonwoo stated instead of asking.

Mingyu contemplated for a few seconds before he decided that he should ask.

"Why are you asking me out on a lunch?" Mingyu asked.

Without missing a beat, Wonwoo answered, "I suppose I'm indebted to you."

"Indebted? Why? I didn't even do anything." Mingyu was confused.

"Remember the first day you saw me?"

"Of course?"

"Soonyoung said that you stumbled because you were trying to get a good look at me."

Mingyu groaned and hid his reddening face on the table.

"You're never going to live that down, are you?" Mingyu's voice got a bit muffled.

"I'm just trying to treat you to lunch," said Wonwoo calmly.

Mingyu sat up straight. "Thank you."

"And here I am getting worked up over thinking that this was going to be a date," Mingyu mumbled afterwards.

Suddenly Mingyu felt dumb when he realized that he took quite some time to get ready earlier. Luckily he ditched his thought of styling his hair. At least that way Wonwoo wouldn’t notice that Mingyu was trying to look good. Wonwoo only wore an oversized white shirt with baggy pants accompanied by a beanie, it was obvious that this was only a casual lunch.

"What was that?" Wonwoo queried.

Mingyu smiled. "Nothing."

Wonwoo hummed.

Then their food arrived. After thanking the waiter, they didn't waste time and immediately dug in. Of course they up a conversation in between. They hadn't got the chance to know each other, after all. It was a great lunch, Mingyu concluded. (And it wasn't a date.)

That lunch was the first thing in the series of upcoming events they were about to face together in the future. Because it was the reason they got closer and eventually became best friends. The whole world wouldn't be able to say Wonwoo's name in a story without saying Mingyu's and vice versa. From then on, their fates got intertwined.

That was the last part of the intro! I just felt the need to write what went on at the very beginning of their friendship before writing the random drabbles.

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kaimour #1
Chapter 4: I relate with Mingyu
c6h12o6 #2
Chapter 4: this is so cute!! mingyu is definitely whipped for wonu
aing belom botak

SehunPony22 #5
I'm so glad I bumped into this,it seems like such an interesting story and I can't wait to get started reading :D
