Trouble is Brewing

Iron Flag Princess

It all began on a bright sunny day when the clan was becoming restless. Dad, Chief Tieh Lin, had already left the compound to check the businesses he owned around town and helped to protect from unrighteous characters who sometimes wandered into town. These proceedings usually took at least half the day. It depended on what news the other business owners had to discuss with him. Dad knew all the happenings of our small happy town.


The practice was left under the watchful eye of our eldest brother Cao Feng who aimed for perfection. Cao Feng is the son of my father’s sworn blood brother Cao Sheng. He came to live with us at the age of 10 after his father was murdered as his security firm escorted valuables to the palace for the Emperor’s birthday. His mother asked my father to complete Cao Feng’s training to later avenge his father’s death. Because of his intensity and power, I nicknamed him the Iron Tiger.


Luo Xin was more relaxed and agile. He was slightly shorter in stature but still handsome and commanded attention when he walked in the room. He was reliable and always ready with a reassuring smile. Because of this, I named him Iron Leopard. Brother Luo became my father’s student at 12 years old because he wanted to learn kung fu. When his parents suddenly died due to a strange illness that claimed my mother, my father took him in as a full-time student.


Yuan Lang is my uncle’s youngest and most mischievous son who loves to climb, jump, and flip. His boyish charm, baby face and silly sense of humor earned him the nickname of Iron Monkey.  Unfortunately, he created some trouble at home and was sent to live with us for more discipline at the age of 11.  


Who am I? My name is Tieh Li-Li but my sworn brothers call me Lily or Iron Princess because my father dotes on me. Being the only child of a hero, I don’t have the same restraints placed on me as other girls my age. At 19, I am not hidden away in the house learning to become the perfect wife or married to a man I have never met before. My father allows me to practice Kung Fu with my brothers, leave the house, with an of course, and discuss our family’s business affairs.


Brother Cao ended practice after 2 hours. The training session had become intense in the heat of the afternoon. Tempers flared as Cao Feng pushed us hard to master the new bare handed skill set. When the three of us were able to perform the set without mistake, Tiger released us. Yuan and Luo decided to change clothes and walk around the town for a little fun.


“Don’t cause trouble,” Cao warned his two younger sworn brothers as they headed toward the sleeping quarters. “You remember what happened the last time!”


“We remember,” Yuan and Luo smiled as the memory of last month’s prank came to mind. The pair had run into Gao Deng and Chen Xiang from our rivals at Eagle Hall. The Eagles had goaded Monkey and Leopard into a swordfight but did not take kindly to being humiliated in front of a large crowd. We were sure the two would retaliate but nothing ever came of the situation.


In a fresh set of clothing, Monkey and Leopard left the compound and headed in the direction of their favorite restaurant which we owned and operated. I can imagine them sitting at their reserved table on the second floor in view of the door so they could see the happenings of daily life going on in town. They had a drinking game they enjoyed. Usually, when they returned home, you couldn’t tell the winner from the loser due to them both being equally drunk.


“What are your plans for the afternoon, Princess?” Tiger asked me as we watched the lively pair of Monkey and Leopard depart. “If you want to leave the compound, I can you until I meet your father.” Tiger was second in command and my father’s shadow. Because my father had no sons to inherit the clan and pass his knowledge to, he treated Tiger as his and trusted him with our future.


“Hmmm,” I carefully considered his proposal to me around town as I liked to spend time with him as much as possible. But today I was beginning a secret project that I didn’t want him to question me about. “A junior brother can me today. I know how you hate to go shopping with me.”


“Dai Cong will you,” Tiger commanded with a hint of relief in his voice. “Your father will be happy if I can join him as early as possible.” He motioned for Dai Cong to come over and gave him explicit instructions on how to protect me on this outing and where he could be found if he were needed. I loved the concern for me I heard in Tiger’s voice as he spoke sternly to this young disciple. As he turned to walk away from us, I thought, “How I love this man!”


On my way home from the market with my in tow, I see Brothers Luo and Yuan headed toward Eagle Hall Gambling House with two Eagles following close behind. The Eagles are carrying a rolled up carpet on their shoulders. What could be inside the roll which is larger than a normally rolled carpet should be? As I arrive at home, I realize they are going to cause trouble in enemy territory.

“Dad,” I yell as I enter our residence, “Leopard and Monkey have gone to Eagle Hall Gambling House. Trouble is brewing.”

“I will handle it,” states Brother Cao authoritatively before my father can utter a word of direction. Quickly Cao is out the door and I am sent to my room with the packages of fabric I have just purchased.

In my room, I unpack the fabrics of red and black, our clan colors and sort them by type. Some are silky and soft to be made into clothing and others are strong and durable to be made into flags.  

“Lily, Lily,” a soft voice calls to me entering the room. The voice belongs to Cheng Ping Ping, the female servant who has raised me since my mother died when I was 11. “What are the new fabrics for?”

“I am making new flags for the brothers. I am going to embroider their names on them in a special color for each. The silks are for a special occasion.”

Our conversation was interrupted by loud talking by servants going by my open door. The brothers have returned. My curious nature gets the best of me and I rush down the steps to listen to the conversation.

From what I heard, Leopard, and Monkey had caused trouble at the gambling house just as I had suspected. Chief Mi was inviting my father and his students to a feast to apologize for his students’ irreverent behavior. Tiger had a plan to take over Eagle Hall! This was going to be interesting.

Cao was my favorite brother. Handsome, smart, and righteous. He would be the best choice to take over the clan when my father retired or died in many years. He was the eldest and the best student. He practiced hard and was more serious than the other two. A natural born leader. All the qualities you would want in a good chief and a good husband.

I was still seated on the stairs deep in my daydream when I heard a faraway voice ask with a twinkle in his voice, “How much did you hear?” Monkey was standing in front of me with a gleam in his eyes as he caught me eavesdropping. “You are going to be sent to your room if Uncle finds out.”

Smiling back at him I asked “Who will tell? I know it won’t be you.”

Monkey and I together were a mischievous pair as we are the same age. When we were younger, we played tricks on our elder brothers and kept each other’s secrets. I knew he wouldn’t tell on me.

Dinner was quiet with everyone in deep thought about what was going to happen the next day. I had many questions in my mind to ask such as “Who is this white-robed rambler?” and “Aren’t you afraid he might betray you?” Asking these questions would let the others know I was listening instead of being an obedient daughter, hidden away in my room.


After dinner, my father retired to his study to plan out the next day’s activities before the feast. His brow was furrowed and a darkness clouded his normally joyful eyes. Ping Ping followed him and softly closed the door behind her. I often wondered about their relationship. Were they lovers behind closed doors?  


Tiger, Leopard, Monkey, and I headed to the inner courtyard which housed a pavilion and a koi pond. The night was beautiful and warm with a full white moon. This was one of the best nights of the summer season so far and none of us wanted to waste it by staying in our rooms.


“A penny for your thoughts,” Leopard said eyeing the worried look on my face. “We know you were listening to the conversation in the great hall this afternoon. Ask any question you want.”


I quickly turned to Tiger. “Who is Yan Xiu and where did you meet him?”


“He’s known as the White Robed Rambler and is an assassin who does righteous jobs for a fee. He came to town a few days ago on another assignment when I approached him. We developed the plan to end the immoral activities of Eagle Hall together.”

Tiger recounted the plan in great detail. My father, the brothers and the 4 junior brothers were going unarmed to the feast Chief Mi planned at Eagle Hall under the guise of reconciliation and apology. The party would be interrupted by Yan Xiu who would provide the weapons. If all went according to plan, Eagle Hall would be finished by the end of the evening.


“What was in carpet you and Monkey took to the Gambling House?” I asked Leopard as I suddenly remember how the trouble began in the first place.


Leopard and Monkey looked at each other and began hysterically laughing. Tiger rolled his eyes as the two began their tale of mischief. Monkey and Leopard together was a more mischievous pairing than Monkey and I. Their relationship was the closest of the brothers.


“We were sitting in the restaurant playing our usual game,” Monkey began between laughs.


I smiled to myself as I became aware that I was right about how they spent the beginning of their afternoon.


“Monkey noticed 2 Eagles headed toward the brothel carrying a large moving bag,” Leopard continued.


“Moving?” Tiger and I both asked in unison.


“Monkey and I asked what was in the bag. They were carrying a new girl they had captured into the brothel. Her father couldn't pay  Eagle Hall the money he owed and she was being forced into ion.”


“After we beat up the Eagles, we decided to have a little fun at the expense of Manager Liang at the Gambling House.” Monkey picked up the story. “We gambled using Liang as our money. When we lost, we were going to pay with his organs but Fierce Eagle Gao Deng and Flying Eagle Chen Xiang interrupted us.”


“Now we are going to Eagle Hall for a feast to reconcile our differences. Gao and Chen will apologize for their immoral activities,” Tiger ended the story in his matter of fact and don’t ask any more questions tone.


The evening grew late and we decided to retire to our rooms for a long night of sleeplessness. Cao escorted me to my father’s study but the door was closed and hushed voices escaped the room. We both retreated to our bedrooms without saying goodnight to my father or each other.




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Chapter 1: This is so good! I can't wait to read the rest of the chapters!