Get to Know

My Favorite Person


Tiffany’s Pov


     Morning had come. I got up from my bed and did some stretches. I looked outside the window and I saw Jungkook was still sleeping. He still had his blanket cover his whole body.


I spent my time admiring the face of a handsome guy nextdoor. I had no idea that guys would look that good while they’re sleeping. I tilted my head and smiled as I look at his messy hair and sleepy face while he’s sleeping.


A minute later, I saw him stired and got up from his bed. I quickly sat down under the window to hide from him. Then I crawled to the door and went to the bathroom. I finished my morning routines and head downstairs to have breakfast. It’s just a simple breakfast for teens, toast and scumble eggs. I didn’t forget to pack my lunch because I didn’t eat school lunch. Then I put on my shoes and got ready to go to school.


Jungkook’s Pov


I woke up from my sleep and I realized I have to go to school today. I sat up on my bed. The first thing that I do was look at the nextdoor girl’s room. I saw her room empty. “Does she always wake up early?” I questioned myself. I got out from my bed and went to the bathroom.


I got my backpack and went downstairs as my mom called me for breakfast. I sat at our dinning table and started to eat breakfast.


“How was your first day?” my dad asked.

“It’s okay as usual.” I answered.

“Have you made any friends yet?” my mom asked.

“I’m getting to know my classmates.” I answered as I ate my breakfast.

“The nextdoor’s daughter, she also goes to your school. I bet you already know her.” my mom said.

“The nextdoor who?” I pretended I know nothing.

“The Hwang family. They had one daughter and she’s pretty.” my mom said and looked at me “Have you met her?”.

“I guess so.” I continued my act “What is her name again?”

“Tiffany Hwang. You should get to know her since she’s our neighbor and there’s might be a chance that she will be my daughter-in-law.” my mom teased me while my dad chuckled.

“Mommm, it’s not like I ask her to marry me tomorrow.” I told her as I knew that my face turned red. “I’m going now.”


My parents laughed and told me to be careful. I got out of my house. Another day to go.

I looked at Tiffany’s house. It seemed like she’s gone already. I was about to text her then I saw her came out.

I smiled at her and she was shy. I walked to her.


“Good morning.” I said.

“G-good morning.” She replied.

“Did you sleep well last night?” I tried to make a small conversation with her.

“I had a great sleep. What about you?” she finally looked at me and asked.

“Me too.I--“ .“Jungkook!” I was about to answer her then my mom called me.

I looked at my mom and she handed me my lunch. “You sure you can take care of yourself, kid? You always forget your lunch. I’ve already packed it for you, you should take—Omoo good morning sweetie~.” My mom said to Tiffany.

“Good morning ,Mrs Jeon.” Tiffany boweed.

“No need to be polite sweetie. You can call my auntie beside you need my help these days. You can to me come to me anytime.” My mom smiled as she told Tiffany.

“Thank you, auntie.” Tiffany smiled.

Then my mom turned to me and said “Kook, be a man and walk Fany to school safely.” I heard Tiffany giggled when my mom called my nickname.

”Don’t worry, mom. We’ll be fine.” Tiffany and I said goodbye to my mom and we headed to school.


It’s a bit awkward because we didn’t say anything since we walked to school. I stole a little glanced at her and saw her smile.


“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing. I just like your nickname.” She giggled.

I smiled “Kook??? It’s a cute name, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it’s really cute, but it make you look like a baby.” She chuckled.

“I know that why I don’t really like it when they called me now.” I said.

“Why not?” she said.

”You like it?” I asked. “Mhm~” she nodded.

“Then I’ll let you call me Kook if you let me call you by your nickname too.”

“Sure~. My dad always call me Fany.” She looked at me and smiled.

“Okay, Fany. We’re officailly friends now.” We shoke hands. “I’m happy to be your friend, Kook.” We giggled.


On the way to school, we talked about many stuffs, things we like, things we hate and how we were when we were young.


“By the way, why you house look so quiet?” I asked.

“My dad went to New York for the meetings so I’m alone” she replied.

“What about your mom?”

“My mom died when I was young.” She answered me.

“I’m sorry...” I felt so sad for her that she had to grow up without mom.

“It’s okay at least I have my dad with me.” She smiled.


She told me about her family and also about her bestfriend Kyuhyun. I felt more comfortable with her and got to know her a lot. For some reasons I prounded of myself to be friend with Tiffany so that she can share things with someone she trusted like Kyuhyun and me.


We walked in the school campus together. I can feel people eyed on us, but we decided not to do anything.


We walked up to the classroom and met up with our classmate, Henry and Taehyung. Tiffany looked around and asked


“Where is Kyu?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he’s busy with his girlfriend.” said Henry.

“Kyuhyun has a girlfriend?” I looked at Tiffany. “Maybe it’s his crush. Kyu has crush on her since last year.” She said.


After a few minutes, Kyuhyun arrived.


“Ohh the couple came together, didn’t they?” Kyuhyun said.

“Stop it.” Tiffany glared at him. “It’s your fault to see your girlfriend.”

“My kid is jealous?? Aww~ Don’t be. Oppa will tell you next time.” Kyuhyun patted Tiffany head and I smiled.

“And why are we all here?” Taehyung asked. “Let’s go to class~” Kyuhyun said.


I walked after Tiffany then I heard someone called me.



I'm sorry for all the mistakes. Please excuse~

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isisaks #1
waaaa update soon plox :)
svteenteenteen #2
cant wait