First Walk

My Favorite Person

Jungkook's Pov

We walked in silence as Tiffany was feeling uncomfortable. I glanced at her and a smile appeared on my face then I decided to break the silence "Where do you like?"
She answered "We’re nearly there, just a few blocks away from here."

The silence started again as we walked to her house. I looked around at the view then I realized this was the way I walked this morning. I was not so sure since I just moved here so I continued to walk her home. We turned left and I was really sure that this’s also my house road. Then she stoped in front of a family house which had beautiful front garden with all different kind of flowers. It’s already peaceful just to see a place like this. The flowers were colorful and lovely just like the owner hehe. I was busy admiring the garden, Tiffany looked at me with confused face.

“So..?" she asked.

"You live here??" I asked her in surpised tone.

"Yes..why?". "Oh no nothing. It’s just your garden is really beautiful. I always want to have one like that." .

"Thank you. You can come visit if you want." she spoke in shy voice.

"Actually...we’re neighbors." I walked a few feet away from her. 

I saw her surprising expression and it was so adorable. I’ve never been thought of girls like that, but when it came to her, god damn, she’s beautiful. I grinned at her and she said

"You’re the new neighbor? But how come I never see you?".

"I rarely home. I like to go jogging or walk around here. Well, it’s nice to see you my neighbor." I giggled.

"Y-yes, nice to see you. I should go in." I giggled as I watched her from my house then I went in my house.


TIffany's Pov

I quickly ran into my house and peeked from my door. I saw him walked inside. OMG, I couldn't believe that the new guy from school was my neighbor. Being his friend is enough and now I have to walk to school with him everyday. It's every girls' dream. And then I realized he saw me peeked at him then I quickly hided from him.

"Silly silly, he's just your friend, no more than that." I said as I hit my head.

My dad saw me doing weird stuff then she came up and asked "Honey, you're early today. Are you sick?" Yeah, I usually came home late than today because that Kyu always bring me to other schools in the neighborhood to see his future girls. "I'm okay, dad. It's the first day of school so I don't to have much work to do." I grinned. 


After I changed my clothes, I went down stairs to see my dad. My dad is the only family member that I have because my mom died since I was young and I barely remember her. When I was young, I was always jealous to those kids that had their moms to come and pick them up everyday. I usually walk home alone because my dad need to work to raise me. I sometimes cried on the way home because I want to have beautiful family just like other people. Thanks to Kyuhyun when he became my friend, he's always with me and cheer me up. He always walks me home and accompanys me to do many things and he always gives me advices. He's just like my big brother. My dad knew about me and Kyuhyun. Dad always thanks to Kyuhyun when he walks me home and invites Kyuhyun in for drink or dinner. 


I saw a suitcase in front of the study room. I glanced inside and saw my dad picked up his things. I slightly knocked on the door, my dad saw me and smiled.

"Where are you going, daddy?" I asked.

"I'm sorry ,dear. I should have told you eariler. I'm going to New York for 2 weeks. There're shareholder meetings that I have to go." he said as he quickly prepared the stuffs.

"I'll be fine, dad. I've grown up now I can do things on my own." my dad smiled and said "You can invite Kyuhyun if you want to. It's better to have someone with and luckily we have next door neighbor now so you can go to them with you need help.".

"You know them??" I asked him. My dad nodded "They just moved here. They told me that their son go to the same school as yours. He's a handsome guy.".

"We're classmates and...yes...he's handsome." I spoke as I didn't want my dad to notice me blushing.

My dad laughed "Be careful. Don't fall in his love trap, kid.".

"Love??? No way, dad you know I don't care about this thing beside he's a handsome guy of cause he has a girlfriend." my dad laughed and shook his head "Okay okay, you win. You should go eat your dinner. I need to go now.".

My dad walked to me and kissed my forehead and then walked outside to call taxi and went to the airport.


I finished my dinner and shower then I went to checked all the doors and windows before I went to bed. I went up to my bedroom and locked the door. What's surprised me the most was that Jungkook's room was opposite mine. I saw him waved at me and I waved back. Jungkook carefully opened his window and signaled me to open mine.

When I opened my window, he threw me paper cup phone. I caught it and I was surprised that he still used it. I put the cup next to my ear and I heard him said

"I'm sorry. I know that I'm old-fashioned, but I don't know your number." he giggled.

I smiled in respone and spoke the cup "It's okay. I perfered this phone more than mine.". Then I gave him my number so did he and we started to talk until late night.

Jungkook saw me yawned and he said "We're better go to sleep or we late for tomorrow class.".

I nodded and threw him back his phone. I waved at him and mouthed him goodnight then he smiled and said it back. I lied on my bed and thought about the beautiful that I had with Jungkook and school then I slowly drift off. 





I'm really sorry for all the mistakes. Plaese excuse~

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isisaks #1
waaaa update soon plox :)
svteenteenteen #2
cant wait