Bad Blood

'You could've hid behind the tree...' I said as after half an hour ran away from the fangirls with Hanbin.

'But I would've looked like a freak!' Hanbin whined and walked in his mask and sunglasses.

'You know dating rumours will happen if you keep being this uncareful.' I said, not concerning about myself, but him. I didn't care but it would be so bad for him as he's an idol.

'Stop worrying about me! You always over work yourself, you need to take care of yourself more.' 

'I'm fine. Why did you call me out by the way.'

'I wanted to give you this.' He said and handed me a silver uni bracelet, 'I bought it from Thailand where we were filming a few days ago.'

'Aww how kind, although I would've preferred food.'

'Yah shut up this costs a lot.'

'Im just kidding! Thanks it's really nice.' I said and put it on.

'I wanna tell you something, but I'll tell you when IKON gets first place on the music show.'

'What about?'

'Youll have to wait to find out.'

'So never?'

'Yah you're so mean!'

'Calm down! Im sure you'll get first place for your comeback this time.'

'I hope so, we prepared a lot.'

'Trust me you will! I'll be voting for you guys non stop.'

'You better! BTS is coming back near our comeback so there'll be a tough competition.'

'You'll win, trust me!'

'Omg is that BI??!!' Some girls started screaming and I immediately cursed under my breath.

'Run!' He said and grabbed my hand. 

 I ran as fast as I could while hearing the screams behind us.

'Who's he with? Is that a girl? Oppa!!' 

God I don't wanna be caught, they would kill me, no joke.

We ran and approached a crossing road. The green light was flashing, about to turn red, here's a chance.

We quickly ran and made it just when the sign went red. We sighed and looked back and realised god it was a mistake.

The fans didn't stop running and the truck started driving, I looked and saw the driver wasn't paying attention. Immediately when he saw the girls he jumped and the wheel went out of control. The truck struggled to drive in a straight line and to my horror I witnessed the truck driving into the cars in the opposite lane, then the bus stop next to the road.

'.' Hanbin and I both said and I immediately ran towards the scene. Oh god I've never seen a car accident so bad.

Without hesitating about the danger I put myself in, I ran towards the site although there was still smoke coming out.

'Call the ambulance now!' I shouted and Hanbin nodded.

Running around, I checked if people were ok. I ripped my own clothes and tied it around people wounds. The ambulances fortunately came soon after and so did the fire engine.

I was so busy minding the people around I didn't even see the worse of them all.

As I thought I had seen the worse, which was a driver who smashed their head because they didn't wear a seatbelt, I saw my worst nightmare near the bus stop.

A guy was left on the floor, crying out for help, with a half bus stop sign impaled in his thigh.

'Oh god....' 

I hurried to the guy and the fire fighters were trying to help him onto the bed with the paramedics.

The guy looked in great pain, the paramedics looked troubled when they saw him.

One of the people held the sign while they put him in the bed. As he stepped back, he didn't realise there was water bottle on the floor. 

'Watch out!'

It was too late, the guy stepped and slipped, and the sign fell straight out of the man's thigh. Immediately, blood came spraying out.


I looked around and saw the back of the ambulance opened. I ran and grabbed a knife and ran the the urgent man.

'What are you doing?' The paramedic asked.

'Saving him.'

I cut his wound bigger and the paramedics watched in shock.

'Miss you can't-'

'I know what I'm doing!'

I put my hand in and searched for it, the break in his artery. If I don't, this man's gonna die...

I kept cursing as I was struggling to find the hole.


'Miss he's losing too much blood-'

'I found it.'

The people around looked in awe.

'She did it...' 

'Quick he needs to go the hospital right now!' I said and got on the bed. The people pushed me and the man into the ambulance.

'Are you a doctor? You look too young to be one...' the paramedic asked as we got into the ambulance.

'No, I'm a student.'

The paramedic looked extremely shocked and speechless. I know, this seems unreal but after those years in Syria, I've become used to these situations. Grandpa taught me a lot back then...

We arrived at the hospital and they wheeled me and the man into the surgery room direction, with my hand still inside his thigh. People around looked shocked and as we went pass the emergency room. I made eye contact with the boy who I saved earlier. He was sitting in his bed while the boys surrounded him. The gaze he gave me was intense and it seemed like time had slowed down while we stared at each other. I was really sure I had seen him somewhere else before but I couldn't remember...

But then it suddenly hit me, I had meet him before all of this. He was just like me, lost, a few years ago.

Jeon Jungkook, I remember you.

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