Bad Blood

I sighed as I walked to the restaurant BTS's manager told me to go to. I really didn't want to come out as I wanted to revise but he insisted, it was hard to say no.

I brought manager oppa along as I didn't want it to be too awkward.

'I wanna go back..'

'Too late.'

It was quite a normal restaurant. I went to the front and told the waitress who I was meeting and she understood and brought me to this room.

We soon arrived a room and inside there sat 7 guys at the table. They silenced as I walked in, immediately they stood up and greeted me, I did the same.


'Annyeseyo.' I said back.

'Please sit.' Rap Monster said. I smiled and sat down. They all looked normal and happy except for one, the one that I had met a few years ago, Jungkook.

'We just wanted to thank you for saving Jungkook's life.' Jin said and smiled. He looked at Jungkook, who was still unimpressed, and smacked his head.

'Yah you brat be more grateful she saved your life.'

He just rolled his eyes and looked away. God he's so rude!

'I didn't want to come anyways.'

'Yah.' Suga said and nudged him.

'It's fine I don't care.' I said which surprised the boys. Jungkook gave me a look and looked away. He's still just blunt and honest.

'Sorry about him, he's just an idiot.' Jimin said.

'Yah hyung!'

'You better thank her or just shut up, she saved your freaking life.'

'By the way why are you here you should be at the hospital.'

'Why do you care so much.'

'Cuz there's a chance it might happen again and this time you won't be that lucky to have a person to save you.'

Jungkook didn't know how to reply and I could tell the boys felt the tension.

'Let's eat guys the food will get cold!' Jin said as he grabbed his chopsticks.

I don't know why he's even that annoyed I didn't even do anything to him directly.

'So Jera you're medics student right?' Rap monster said to create conversation.


'At what uni?'

'Seoul University.'

'Oh wow! It's so rare seeing a top student who's a model at the same time.'

'Yea it's so surprising that you're a doctor!' Jungkook suddenly butted in, his tone is very intimitating. I knew why he was doing this, but he doesn't know what happened after I left. I didn't want to be a doctor, but now it's different.

He's angry that I've changed. Now I can feel him judging me, as I changed my words.

Jin and Rap monster gave him a look and knew there was something going on, they know we have a history. 

'It must've been so hard for you guys but you finally reached the top.'

'What can we say, we just think we're very lucky.' Jimin said.

'Yea we didn't use anyone to climb up, unlike some people.' Jungkook said not looking up.

Does he think I'm using my family to climb up? He knows nothing about me. We've spoken before, I thought he would understand, but obviously not.

I was drinking water when he said it and when I put down my drink I slammed it a tiny bit, scaring everyone on the table, including Jungkook.

'Those people disgust me, but people who assume things without knowing anything disgusts me more.' I said with a scary tone.

The guys now all sensed the definite tension between me and Jungkook, even manager oops was starting to get alarmed.

There was a staring contest between me and Jungkook, but not a friendly one.

By the time we finished our contest, we had had a bit of the food, but manager oppa was clever enough to sense the situation that I didn't really want to be there.

'Sorry Jera has a schedule early tmr so we'll leave now. Thank you so much for the meal.'

'Now thank you!' They all stood up and bowed as I left.

As we got outside, I heard someone calling after me. I turned to see Jimin running after. He stood in front of me and caught his breath.

'Im so sorry about Jungkook, but we really all grateful and thankful for you've done. I don't know what his reason is but I'm sure he wanted to thank you, he's so stubborn sometimes.'

'Its fine. We've just had... nevermind. But thank you for the meal.' I said and smiled nicely. It seemed to have surprised him how I can change so much.

'I hope you'll forgive him, it was nice meeting you. I hope we'll see each other again soon.' He said and smiled with his iconic eye smile.

He seemed really different than Jungkook. I can imagine being friends with him. I could feel like we both had a good feeling each other and this won't be the last time we meet, I just have a feeling.

Manager oppa drove me back to school and on the way, like I suspected, he questioned me about Jungkook.

'We just knew each other that's all, we just had a fall out.'

'Just don't cause too much ok? You know how fan girls can be these days.'

'Yea I know.'

'Btw you know PUMA? They want to sign you as their new model for their new project.'

'Cool I'll take it, but is it just me?'

'They haven't finalised anything yet but I heard there'll be someone else.'


i suddenly got a text from minho.

Can we meet?



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