He Stole My Camera

This Love Is Forever Ours..
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It was 5 o'clock. It was snowing outside the mall, you were busy taking pictures of the scenery when Infinite came out of the mall and was waiting for their manager to pick them up. L saw you and walked to you casually. You noticed someone was looking and saw that guy known as L was looking at you.


"Ah, annyonghaeseyo!" you said bowing down, it was a pleasure meeting a famous idol eventhough you didn't know them much. You just knew two or three things about L since your friend keep talking about him in New York.


1st He doesn't talk much

2nd He doesn't bother with things that doesn't interest him

3rd He has a poker face

But you didn't get the third one since he was smiling to you


"Annyeong." he replied. "You like photography?" he asked

"Is it that obvious? I love it actually, I can capture the beautiful moments wherever I am and whenever I can." L smirked at your words and you raised a brow "What?" you asked

"Nothing, may I take a look?" he asked. You handed him the camera and

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The story ended long time ago but there's still subbies, I love you guys! :')


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melissanguyen #1
Chapter 56: Chapter 54: finished reading this in a few hours ! This story made me cry but loved every moment of it.
MinAhRa #2
Chapter 57: Finished! !!!!
Yeay happy ending!!!!^_^
I really really love this story!!
This would totally be added in my favourite list!
Though I think Minjun should get more karma and should look sooooooo sad, But its fine. ><
Do you mind make a sequel? Pretty, please? *puppy eyes*
MinAhRa #3
Chapter 48: Minjun!!! That better get her karma soon!!
*trying to finish this story today*
14 streak #4
Chapter 57: This is the first time i hated someone in the story all the way to the end *claps*
Chapter 57: Minjun is so evil. Urgh. Nice story author nim. :)
Chapter 56: Anyhow,despite of my hate to minjun, i enjoyed reading your story.:) it was good!:) i'm glad that they still ended up together..:')
Chapter 43: Oohhh..may i do the honor? cause I would LOVE to.. I hate minjun!!! She's getting on my nervess... Uuughhhhh!!! >.<
Chapter 56: This story were very nice<3 happy ending.. but sungyu were very nice to her