Patience and Limits

This Love Is Forever Ours..
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Dodge Ball Competition Day,



“Hey, when I get back with a trophy in my hand, I’m gonna kill that Min Jun so save her some for me.” Seo Rin laughs

“I won’t kill her.” *At least I don’t think I will.*

“Yeah, but if you’re planning to, save some okay?” she grins

“I will.” you laugh

“Wish us the best of luck.” Hee Sun sighs

“I will, I’ll pray for all of you.” you smile

“And me too, seriously, I was forced to enter.” Ji Hyun groans

“But your kinda good at dodge ball, besides, you’ll do great.” you assure her

“I hope so.” Ji Hyun purses her lips

“Hey, if something happens to you when we’re gone, call us; we’ll be back before you know it.” Seo Rin smiles

“What are you? A cop?” you raise a brow

“No, I’m Wonder Woman.” you all burst out into laughter

“We’ll get going, see you tomorrow.” Hee Sun waves and they all ride the bus to the place of the competition



You were smiling to yourself and L wasn’t able to attend school today too since he’s too busy cleaning up the mess Min Jun made. You went to your locker but then someone called your name. You turn to see Ms.Inna beckoning you over.



“What is it?” you ask her

“Follow me.” she said



You followed her and she didn’t even say anything, she stopped somewhere and looks at you with an annoyed look.



“Explain this.” she said; opening the door to the room



Your eyes widens at the sight, it was ‘Juliet’s dressing room and it was in a wreck as if a typhoon just passed by. The mirror was doodled saying curse and swearing words towards Min Jun and some of her dress are also doodle on, painted and torn. You were horrified at the sight and you swear you’ve never even been here. The chairs were toppled over and Juliet’s props are thrown on the floor.



“What happened?” you were shocked

“I expect you to know.” Ms.Inna crosses her arms

“Excuse me?” you turn to her; wide eyes

“You did this didn’t you?” she was pissed “Why ____? I don’t wanna hear any word from you anymore, that’s it!” she shouted

“Ms.Inna, I didn’t do any of this!” you protested

“Don’t you raise your tone towards me Park _____!” she said “If yo

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The story ended long time ago but there's still subbies, I love you guys! :')


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melissanguyen #1
Chapter 56: Chapter 54: finished reading this in a few hours ! This story made me cry but loved every moment of it.
MinAhRa #2
Chapter 57: Finished! !!!!
Yeay happy ending!!!!^_^
I really really love this story!!
This would totally be added in my favourite list!
Though I think Minjun should get more karma and should look sooooooo sad, But its fine. ><
Do you mind make a sequel? Pretty, please? *puppy eyes*
MinAhRa #3
Chapter 48: Minjun!!! That better get her karma soon!!
*trying to finish this story today*
14 streak #4
Chapter 57: This is the first time i hated someone in the story all the way to the end *claps*
Chapter 57: Minjun is so evil. Urgh. Nice story author nim. :)
Chapter 56: Anyhow,despite of my hate to minjun, i enjoyed reading your story.:) it was good!:) i'm glad that they still ended up together..:')
Chapter 43: Oohhh..may i do the honor? cause I would LOVE to.. I hate minjun!!! She's getting on my nervess... Uuughhhhh!!! >.<
Chapter 56: This story were very nice<3 happy ending.. but sungyu were very nice to her