
This Love Is Forever Ours..
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“____!” L called out as you reach the school’s hallway

“WHAT?!” you glared at him

“Mianhae.” he holds your hand

“You and your apologies!” you pulled your hands away

“I didn’t mean to, I was just tired.” he looked really sad

“We’ll talk about this later Myung Soo.” you stiffly said

“I want to talk about this now.” he looks at you with sincere

“Maybe, maybe we should stay away from each other for a while.” you quietly said

“No, I don’t want to.” he pulls you into his arms “I’m always far from you, why should I keep my distance when you’re right here?” you didn’t answer or move “I came for you, not for others.” he tightened his hug



You hated how he always manages to make you say you’ll forgive him. You took a deep breath and hug him back.


“Okay.” you replied

“I promise not to ever be with another girl again.” he kissed your hair

“Okay then.” you s

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The story ended long time ago but there's still subbies, I love you guys! :')


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melissanguyen #1
Chapter 56: Chapter 54: finished reading this in a few hours ! This story made me cry but loved every moment of it.
MinAhRa #2
Chapter 57: Finished! !!!!
Yeay happy ending!!!!^_^
I really really love this story!!
This would totally be added in my favourite list!
Though I think Minjun should get more karma and should look sooooooo sad, But its fine. ><
Do you mind make a sequel? Pretty, please? *puppy eyes*
MinAhRa #3
Chapter 48: Minjun!!! That better get her karma soon!!
*trying to finish this story today*
14 streak #4
Chapter 57: This is the first time i hated someone in the story all the way to the end *claps*
Chapter 57: Minjun is so evil. Urgh. Nice story author nim. :)
Chapter 56: Anyhow,despite of my hate to minjun, i enjoyed reading your story.:) it was good!:) i'm glad that they still ended up together..:')
Chapter 43: Oohhh..may i do the honor? cause I would LOVE to.. I hate minjun!!! She's getting on my nervess... Uuughhhhh!!! >.<
Chapter 56: This story were very nice<3 happy ending.. but sungyu were very nice to her