Back In Korea

This Love Is Forever Ours..
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It's been a long time since you've been in Korea, you lived in Japan since dad worked there, mom also owns a cosmetic company and shop around Asia. Mom wanted you to spend your few years left of high school in Korea because you spent your primary school days in Japan and high school days in New York. Besides, you would be sent to Cambridge or somewhere else to further your studies and you might not have the time to enjoy Korea when you're still a teenager. You love to capture beautiful moments so there's always your Nikon camera with you, mom bought it especially for you during your birthday.

You just arrived in Korea yesterday and decided to take a look around first before school starts in a few more weeks. You walk into a CD shop and took a look around. Since you spend your days in New York, you barely knew any Korean artist. Up front was a poster written with 'Infinite Coming Today'. You heard of them a few times in New York since some of the kids there enjoy k-pop too and some of your friends are also a huge fan of Infinite which stands for 7 talented and cute guys at least thats what they said. A few minutes later, the place was filled with Infinite's fans. You can barely breathe with those people pushing you, as you were about to walk out of the place, a foreigner was asking the local in English which most of them didn't understand.


She saw you looking and went to you "Ah, emm.. annyonghaeseyo!"

"I can speak english." you said

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The story ended long time ago but there's still subbies, I love you guys! :')


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melissanguyen #1
Chapter 56: Chapter 54: finished reading this in a few hours ! This story made me cry but loved every moment of it.
MinAhRa #2
Chapter 57: Finished! !!!!
Yeay happy ending!!!!^_^
I really really love this story!!
This would totally be added in my favourite list!
Though I think Minjun should get more karma and should look sooooooo sad, But its fine. ><
Do you mind make a sequel? Pretty, please? *puppy eyes*
MinAhRa #3
Chapter 48: Minjun!!! That better get her karma soon!!
*trying to finish this story today*
14 streak #4
Chapter 57: This is the first time i hated someone in the story all the way to the end *claps*
Chapter 57: Minjun is so evil. Urgh. Nice story author nim. :)
Chapter 56: Anyhow,despite of my hate to minjun, i enjoyed reading your story.:) it was good!:) i'm glad that they still ended up together..:')
Chapter 43: Oohhh..may i do the honor? cause I would LOVE to.. I hate minjun!!! She's getting on my nervess... Uuughhhhh!!! >.<
Chapter 56: This story were very nice<3 happy ending.. but sungyu were very nice to her