Chapter 12

So, this is love.

(Guigui's POV)
Clutching tightly onto the letter in my hand, I gulped and took a big, heavy step forward towards Aaron's table. Aaron and Calvin kept silent and watched every movement that I made. Gathering up courage, I took a deep breath and finally spoke.

"I'm.. here to resign," Lowering my head, I stretched out my hands to hand it to Aaron, with the letter in it.

Calvin shook his head and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Is anything wrong?" I shook my head and looked up at Aaron, who looked somewhat amused and shocked.

"Then it must be Aaron's problem," Sighing, Calvin brushed past me, out of the office.

"Why?" His sonorous voice sounded.

The room was filled with an awkward silence for a good 3 minutes. Finally, after awhile, Aaron spoke once again. In search for an answer that he wanted.

"You are avoiding me, aren't you?" Those words made me gulp.

I did not know what to say. Neither did I know what to do. Part of the answer was actually of this reason, but most of it, was for another. Completely ignoring his question, I placed the letter on his office table and headed out of the office. Tears started welling up my eyes uncontrollably as I tried to walk faster. I wanted to get out of this place quickly. And fast. But at the same time, I was actually reluctant to leave. In fact, I wanted to stay in Taiwan.

(2 Days Later, Singapore)
"Dad! I miss you!" After the house door opened, I fell into an embrace of my father, my dear father.

I examined every feature of his face and realised that he had more wrinkles than before. His once black, thick hair had became greyish-black in colour. He had grow slimmer than before and was as thin as a bamboo. Happy yet sad at the same time, I wiped a tear off my face and attempted to smile.

"You worked too hard, dad," I sighed and made my way into the house with a big luggage that I was dragging.

"Sorry Gui, I was not good enough to take care of-"

"Hush, it's not your fault that mum was in this state. Besides, she had always been a sickly person. I wouldn't blame you. In fact, you already tried your best..." I settled down on the old, broken leather sofa, beside my father.

My father had his hand on his forehead, his expression, full of anxiety.

"After Mum recovers, we'll go back to Taiwan and lead a happy, enjoyable life. Besides, I already got Hebe's help to pay off those debts that we owed," I assured him and leaned back against the sofa.

"That's good to hear," My father gave a sigh of relief.

"How's Mum? Can I see her?" I asked with much concern.

"Her condition isn't really stable, I'll take you to see her," My father got up.

(Aaron's POV, Taiwan)
Everytime I close my eyes, she keeps lingering in my mind. She seemed like a wanderer that disrupts people's thoughts. And somewhat like a ghost, like a soul that never leaves the body until it's dead.

"Distracted? Do you need a new personal assistant?" Calvin's sudden appearance startled me as I opened my eyes.

"Not really," I shook my head and continued with my work.

Calvin heaved a sigh which caused me to look up at him.

"You seemed really distracted ever since Guigui left, you have a thing for her, don't you?" Calvin asked cheekily and fiddled with the name card holder on my office table.

I rolled my eyes and shot him a question-in-disguise.

"Don't you have a thing for her too?" I asked without a second thought.

"Nah, I don't.. I treat her like a lil' sister, besides, she's adorable and bubbly. And stuff... And.. she's not really the type of girl, that I.. like?" Calvin smiled upon mentioning about her.

Smirking, I got up from my arm chair and stood beside Calvin, who was leaning against the office table.

"Should I look for her?" I asked and I could feel my body warming up.

It's embarrassing to ask advice from your best friend about relationships. Calvin took a glance of me, smiled and nodded.

"How about work?" With much worry, I asked once again.

"Consider things done. What's the manager for?" Calvin gave me a comforting pat on the shoulder.

"Thanks buddy," I quickly made my way out of the office and to Guigui's house.

Upon reaching my destination, I was shocked to see that there was a sign infront of the door, saying 'For Sale'. Was I at the wrong place or is it because Guigui had moved out? But, does she really need to go to such an extent of moving houses? Devastated, I turned around and slowly walked to where my car was parked at, until an elderly stopped me.

"Are you looking for the kind lady who used to live her?" Her hoarse voice sounded.

Is she talking about Guigui?

"Guigui?" I shot a curious look.

"She had moved to Singapore, don't you know that? Her mother is sick, so she needed to head back to Singapore to take care of her mother. What a filial daughter she is. How I wished I had a granddaughter like her as well," The elderly shook her head and grinned brightly.

Just then, I grabbed the elderly's hand, shook it and thanked her profusely.

"Thank you so much!" Then, I drove off to the airport, planning to head for Singapore to look for Guigui.

(Guigui's POV)
I controlled the tears that were soon to fall off my sticky cheeks. I have been crying for the last 15 minutes ever since I entered the ward. Mother's face was pale, and her skin had turned yellowish in colour. Recently, she suffered from a kidney failure. I can't help but to wonder why she had suffered such a fate. She was a nice mother, one that many wished to have. She doesn't nag at me or scold me, but was gentle like a feather. She often made calls back to Taiwan whenever she had the time and asked for my well-being. As for my father, he had been working really hard to pay the debts off and support the family. In fact, if all this did not occur, we would be leading a happy life by now.

"Mother," I held onto her icy-cold hand.

My mother gave a weak smile and reached to caress my cheeks. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks while I held onto her hand tightly. Hopefully, the operation of the kidney transplant would be a success, later on. A few minutes later after my mother fell asleep, I made my way out of the ward, along with my father, to learn more about my mother's conditions.

"You must be Mr Wu, and Ms Wu, right?" The doctor further confirmed.

We both nodded. I could feel the tension in the room as we both waited for the doctor to speak.

"The operation would be held at 3pm today. We could not guarentee that it would be a success. But, it's a 50-50 percent chance that it would be a success."

"I could not afford to lose her, please, do your best!" My father pleaded.

"We will," The doctor answered and made his way back into his office.

Leaning against the cold wall, I sighed. I thought about the bills that I needed to settle for my mother, I thought about the operation that my mother would go through later on. I prayed to god. Sincerely. Hoping for the best that my mother would survive.

"Let's go, Gui. We'll accompany her," my father gestured for me to go into my mother's ward.

I trudged across the room, to the ward door. Each step that I took seemed to become heavier. My hand reached for the door knob as I twisted it with much effort. Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around to see who it was, I gasped in surprise.

"Wha.. What on earth are you doing here?!" I retorted loudly.

I was surprised to see someone that I did not expected. Someone that I missed a lot. And someone that I was reluctant to leave.

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Visiting old fics!
hi..can u make a story of GUILUN...??<br />
then i wud luv d story f dr characters s just lyk on d pi li mit...a serious & snob guy...wth ds cute & funny grl..hehehehe<br />
<br />
LOL! hi^^
gahhh please update soon!!! :D <br />
:( winglin is acting really weird again...<br />
so please update here~ :D<br />
Alzina #5
aaah....i love this site at times...
update soon!!!! can't wait to read next!!!
lavenderlily #6
very nice i love it!!!
Kaijin #7
Haha, no problem! Do comment more ^^
Alzina #8
i have been following it in winglin..but somehow it gives me trouble when i want read (which is around midnight where i live)...i have refresh over n over again..thanks for posting it here!!!