Chapter 10

So, this is love.

(Guigui's POV)
"Wait, shouldn't you be inviting me to your house for a drink, to thank me?" Aaron's voice stopped me on my tracks.

Lowering my head, I smiled unknowingly, embarrassed.

"Come in then," I welcomed him as soon as I opened the door.

Hmmm! Finally, home sweet home! Everything feels the same, it feels so good to be at home. I could do whatever I want and whatever I like.

Happily, I sat down on the sofa and switched on the television, expecting for my favourite entertainment show to be broadcasted. Just then, Aaron sat beside me and I could sense him staring at me for a few minutes. I did not know the reason behind it so I expected him to look somewhere else after awhile. Little did I know, what I expected did not happen. Instead, he continued staring at me, making me feel rather uncomfortable. Finally, unable to take it anymore, I turned to stare straight back into his eyes.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked, irritated.

"You are suppose to prepare some drinks, aren't you?" Aaron spoke like as if he was the boss around.

Well, in fact he is. But at home, I am the boss. OH WELL. This only happens once in a while, I'll do it this time.

"Fine," I sighed and stood up, admitting defeat.

"Great," He adjusted himself into a much more comfortable position on the sofa.

I stomped into the kitchen and took out a glass from the cabinet. What a guy, he actually treats this house like his own. Rolling my eyes, I continued stirring the lemonade that I was making. Wait a minute, I needed to hand a paperwork that Aaron told me to do, a few days ago. Yeah, I think he should collect it from my room.

"Aaron!" I hollered for his name, expecting for a reply.

But, he didn't.

"Mr Yan," This time, I tried to sound gentle, nice and maybe sweet.

"Yes?" He rushed into the kitchen within a few seconds whilst I added some ice into the drink.

"Could you get the paperwork in my room? The paperwork that you told me to do, a few days ago. It's on my study table, go get it." I instructed him.

"Sure," He said and walked out of the kitchen briskly.

(Aaron's POV)
Paperwork, paperwork. Where are you? There, right here. I grabbed the paperwork that was left on Guigui's study table. Just then, I noticed an open drawer. Wait, why is the drawer opened? Besides, I did not want to be seen snooping. Quickly, I proceeded to close the drawer, only to see a photograph in it. Wow, a photograph. I guessed it must be something important to Guigui that makes her keep the photograph in such a secrete drawer. But... since she's not around now, I guessed it wouldn't hurt to look at a photograph, isn't it? Banishing all thoughts of being a busybody, I pulled opened the drawer and took out the photograph.

As soon as I saw the photograph, I stood rooted to the ground. Completely dumbfounded and shocked. It was a photograph taken of me and Xiao Ying flying kites on the field. No... the main point is, what is this photograph doing here? Why is it in Guigui's drawer? What is it doing with Guigui? Many questions were continously appearing in my mind. Absurdly, I even thought Guigui was Xiao Ying after all. Which is impossibl- But, maybe... maybe... she's.. Xiao Yin-

"Aaron, have you found the paperwork yet?" Guigui's sudden appearance startled me.

Swiftly, without attracting her attention, I slipped the photo back into the drawer and turned my back against it.

"I found it," I exclaimed, holding the paperwork out for Guigui to see.

"Hurry on then. You're so slow," Guigui whined and rolled her eyes at me.

"Let's go," I said as we both headed out of the room.

Ever since then, the thoughts of the photograph kept lingering in my head, is Guigui really my childhood friend, Xiao Ying? I cannot be too sure about it since Guigui doesn't really resemble Xiao Ying in any way, except for her whiny and cheerful character. On second thought, people do change as time passes, isn't it? Besides, I bet Xiao Ying would grow up to be as beautiful as Guigui.

"Hello, I have called you for the third time already," Guigui slammed the table gently, loud enough for me to hear.

"Oh, sorry." Although I did not know why I apologised for, I simply answered her.

"You are not yourself today. You are either dreaming or stuck in your own world." Grabbing a potato chip, Guigui snapped.

"Sorry," I apologised once again.

"All you say is sorry, don't you have any other words to say apart from 'sorry'?" Guigui stared into my eyes.

I shook my head and took a sip of the lemonade prepared by Guigui. It tasted sour yet sweet at the same time, just to my liking.

"So, what's wrong with you?" She continued indulging in the potato chips.

Shaking my head once again, I refused to confess about what I have just saw in her room just now. A photograph of Xiao Ying and I.

(The Next Day, at Yan's Shipping. Guigui's POV)
"Good Morning~" I greeted Aaron with a sweet smile as I walked into the foyer.

Nodding as a reply, he walked off after that. Sheesh, what's wrong with him? Does it kill to say two simple words 'Good Morning'? Well, it seems like it will kill him, ONLY. With that, I trudged to my working desk and started work. It's been awhile since I last sat here, on my working desk. It feels good to be back at Yan's Shipping, working again. Just as soon as I saw piles of files stacked up on my table, I changed my opinion of my working desk. Besides, who likes working?

"Hey Guigui, welcome back!" Ella grinned as she walked past my desk.

"Thanks Ella," Awwww, what a sweet colleague.

"So, I heard that you were sick. How are you feeling now?" Ella's face was filled with care and concern.

"I am fine, thank you." I replied.

Just then, Ella leaned closer towards me and started looking around suspiciously, to see if anyone was around.

"I heard that Aaron sent you back home, is that true?" Ella whispered.

For a moment, I was wondering why she was whispering. What's wrong with Aaron sending me back home? Is it a crime? Or... maybe she thought something beyond that. Like, our relationshi-

NAH. That will not happen even if I die. DIE.

"What's wrong with him sending me back home?" I whispered back, trying to act suspicious too.

"You guys are in a relationship, aren't y-" Just before she could finish her sentence, I have already took a file and hit her head with it.

"Ouch! That hurts! Can't you be gentle?" Ella started whining.

"Well, let me tell you this. HE. ISN'T. MY. TYPE. Get it?" I elaborated on those words.

At that moment, I noticed Aaron walking past us. It felt rather weird since he did not interrupt our conversation. Neither did he budged in. Plus, he doesn't like it when his workers talk during working hours, isn't it? What's with him today? It's like as if he was possessed or something, but no. He could be avoiding me..

But, why should he? What's the reason behind it? Did I do something wrong?

"I get it." Ella nodded and walked off, leaving me alone.

Throughout the whole day, Aaron did not call for me. For once, I thought he was dead or something. But, shouldn't I be happy that he did not irritate me? Why am I being such a nosey parker? Wake up, Gui!

I closed the last file and sighed in relief. Finally, I am done with everything. I thought I would take longer than expected. But still, yay for Guigui! And now, it's time to head home! The home sweet home, yahoo! I skipped out of the foyer delightedly and took a glance at my watch. 6pm. Hmmmm, I remembered that I owed Hebe a dinner treat. I think I should fill up my hungry tummy first before heading home. With that, I took out my cellphone and dialled for her number.

"Hello?" Hebe answered the phone.

"Hebe! Dinner, my treat tonight~ 6.20pm, is it okay?"

"Yeah sure, see you at the restaurant near your house! Yumm, time to eat. "

"Okay!" I made my way towards the bus stop, heading for the restaurant.

(Aaron's POV)
I stood right in my office, looking out of the transparent glass doors. I watched as Guigui skipped out of the foyer happily. I guessed, she must have finished her work already. And I have got to admit that, she's fast. Damn, I should continue with my work instead. Why is this Guigui flooding in my mind recently, just because I saw a photograph of Xiao Ying and I, in her drawer? Closing my eyes, I leaned back against my arm chair and continued with my work after a few minutes.

"Tick-tock, tick-tock," The spacious room was so quiet that I could only hear the clock ticking.

The last person I saw leaving the office was Ella an hour ago. I guessed, I must be the last one here. After restlessly staring at my computer screen, I stood up and decided to take a rest. My eyes seriously hurt for all that straining. Of course, at the same time, I took my opportunity to take the files from Guigui's desk, into my office. Trudging, I made my way over to Guigui's desk and sat down on her chair. Her desk was rather messy with stitch stickers around and even little stuff toys. Fancy her age, still behaving like a small little girl. Just as I was glancing around, a yellowish paper caught my eyes. Filled with curiousity, I took it and started to read the crumpled piece of yellow paper.

Dear Ah Bu,

It has only been a week since you left and I miss you like crazy already . You don't know how much different it is for me now that you're gone . I have no one to play with anymore, no one to tell my secrets to ... No one to call my best friend, no one to shield me when I get bullied. I am left alone. Everybody thinks I am a weirdo. I was always left alone, like the black sheep. But, I remembered that you once told me that was why the black sheep was always the noticeable one as it was different from others. That's why, I have set up a goal for myself. A goal that I will achieve when I grow up. That is, to earn a lot of money and to look for you. Even if it takes to go around the world, I wouldn't mind. As long as we could be together again. I'll be more than satisfied.

Xiao Ying

Tears started b up my eyes and I could feel a lump forming in my throat. So... Guigui was Xiao Ying after all. That explains why the photograph was there in her drawer. I shouldn't have doubts about her. Besides, she had always wanted to look for me. I hated myself as I have misunderstood her. I thought that she had forgotten about me. I thought that I wasn't important to her ever since I left her. I thought she never cared at all. But, I was wrong. I was wrong. I misunderstood her.

Running back to my office, I snatched the car keys from my desk. After that, I dashed out of the office as fast as my legs could carry me, driving off to Guigui's house. Upon arriving, I did not even bother to shut the engines. Simply, I unbuckled my seat belt and got down the car, pacing up to Guigui's house door steps.

I pressed on the door bell repeatedly, like a mad man, oblivious to the fact that it was already 11.30pm at night. After what seemed like eternity, the door finally opened with a click.

"Who's th-" Guigui yawned, but I interrupted her.

Pulling her into my embrace, I was happy that she was here, with me.

"Aaron?" Guigui was finally conscious.

"Xiao Ying," I continued hugging her tightly in my arms.

"Huh?" She sounded surprised.

Letting go of the hug, I showed her the crumpled piece of yellow paper.

"Where did you get that?" Her eyes widened in amazement.

"On your desk!" I exclaimed.

Guigui continued staring at me, still not knowing what was going on.

"I am Ah Bu, the Ah Bu you have been looking for all this while." I explained impatiently.

The Xiao Ying that I knew when I was young, was now, right here infront of my eyes, right infront of me. No words could describe how I felt. Instead, tears of joy kept b up my eyes. Finally, I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time.

"Ah Bu?" Tears started forming in her eyes while I nodded.

With that, Guigui wrapped her arms around me. Xiao Ying, after years of looking for you. I finally found you. This time, I wouldn't leave you alone. I wouldn't let you go. And that's a promise.
Sorry for the long long wait :(
My exams are coming soon, by the end of this month.
And lots of pop quizzes are COMING UP LATELY :((((
Which means, I wouldn't be able to update so quickly.
But still, I wouldn't disappoint you guys if I have the time to update :D

Do comment ;D ;D ;D

With Love,

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Visiting old fics!
hi..can u make a story of GUILUN...??<br />
then i wud luv d story f dr characters s just lyk on d pi li mit...a serious & snob guy...wth ds cute & funny grl..hehehehe<br />
<br />
LOL! hi^^
gahhh please update soon!!! :D <br />
:( winglin is acting really weird again...<br />
so please update here~ :D<br />
Alzina #5
aaah....i love this site at times...
update soon!!!! can't wait to read next!!!
lavenderlily #6
very nice i love it!!!
Kaijin #7
Haha, no problem! Do comment more ^^
Alzina #8
i have been following it in winglin..but somehow it gives me trouble when i want read (which is around midnight where i live)...i have refresh over n over again..thanks for posting it here!!!