26 - Secrets

Is being pretty everything?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHpxE44zp-4 - Jiyeon little by little


EunMi's POV


I was outside JinYoung's house. Why did MinJung-unnie pulled me out?..

I started walking towards our neighborhood. I saw MyungSoo outside our house. I just stared at him. "Oh! EunMi!" he called as he smiled and waved. I walked towards him. "Why are you here?" I asked. "Oh, I heard you'll travel tonight so I'll go with you!" he said. "Eish.." I said as I opened the gate of our house. "Wae? Your mom already left. Would you want to travel alone?" he asked while entering the house.

I just kept quiet. "Yah, are you alright?" he asked. I turned around and looked at him. "I-I'm fine!" I declared. He looked at me curiously. "Stop staring!" I said as I entered our house fully. I'm feeling really weird right now. My heart won't stop beating. I turned around again and I looked at MyungSoo. "Umm.. about what you said about your father sponsoring my tuition.." I said. "Wae?" he asked. I want to agree with what he said but then again I'm only using him to stay in Seoul... "N-nevermind.." I said. "You want to stay in Seoul?" he said. I turned around and looked at him in shock.

"A-ani! Don't mind me!" I said as I tried to remove that thought from him. "Jinyoung must have told you that.." he said. How did he know?... "Why do you like him? Why don't you like me?" he asked. "Eh?..." I looked at him. "Jinyoung will never fall for you." he said bluntly. My chest suddenly felt pain when he said that. "He likes girls who are different from you." he said. "Him simply saying for you stay in Seoul, do you really think he likes you?" he said. "I-I know.." I said as I tried to let the pain go from my heart. "He said that to a girl he loved back then." he continued. I looked at him in shock. "H-he loved someone before?" I asked.

"Yes he did. She was the complete opposite of you." he said. I took a deep sigh. "I know.." I said and I tried to laugh it off. "Of course.. I'm not thinking of stuffs that are too good to be true!" I said with a laugh. "I-I'll just get my bags.." I said.


MyungSoo's POV


I looked at her walking towards her room. She's hiding her feelings but I know it.. I know she likes Jinyoung. Why does it always have to be Jinyoung. "Jinyoung can be really warm." I heard a girl's voice. I looked around and I saw a girl near the door. "My sister fell for him. She's so stupid.. A guy like Jinyoung.. tsch, two persons hiding their feelings..." she murmured. "You are MyungSoo right?" she asked. "Ne.." I said. "Can you make EunMi get away from Jinyoung?" she asked. "Eh??.. th-that's what I'm doing.." I said. "Mwo?.. haha, when did my sister get pretty.." she laughed.


EunMi's POV


"Eomma.." I called my mom through the phone. "How was Jinyoung?" she asked worriedly. "He's fine.." I said. "Eomma.. I'm feeling really confused right now.." I said. "What's wrong?" she asked. "You know that I have a crush on Jinyoung.." she said. "O-oh.. of course." she stuttered."Eomma, I don't why but I feel like he is hurting me but at the same time he is making me happy.." I said. "Omo.. EunMi-ah.. You'll feel better if you stop associating with him for a while. You must arrive here tonight, arasseo?" she assured. "A-arasseo.." I said as I hung up. I hugged my legs and rested my chin on my knees.




We were already leaving Seoul. MyungSoo was beside me. I kept staring out the window. It was really quiet atmosphere.




Jinyoung's POV


I was in the city. I l went to the music shop. I want to talk to that owner. I know he knows something about my life. I arrived and I saw a sign. "CLOSED". It seemed like it shut down. "NO!" I shouted as I knocked at the glass door. "Ahjussi!!" I shouted as I knocked hard. "AHJUSSI!!" I shouted. "AHJUSSI! ANSWER ME!" I shouted again. "THIS JINYOUNG! AHJUSSI!" I shouted again and knocked harder. 

I turned around and I saw the man. I looked at him in shock. "AHJUSSI!" I shouted. He looked at me with a startled look and escaped. "AHJUSSI!" I shouted. I followed him buy running. "AHJUSSI!!" I shouted. I grabbd his arms. He tried to pull if off. "Let go!" he shouted. "ANDWAE!" I shouted. "Please.... tell me.." I begged. He was still trying to let me hand off. "Tell me about my past. I can't remember.. please.." I begged. I knelt down.

"Yah! People are watching!" he said. "PLEASE." I begged. "Yah.." he said as he tried to make me stand up but I refused. "PLEASE?" I looked up at him. He looked annoyed. "A-arasseo!" he said. "Really?!" I shouted as I stood up.


We were inside his house. 

We were sitting down on a seat. "Firstly, Please tell me who my real parents are." I asked. He stared at me. "I-I don't know.." he said. "Then.. why did my father adopted me??" I asked. "I don't know." he said. "Please answer me~" I begged. He looked at me. I looked at him with pure sincerity. "I'll just tell you one.. Your father adopted you because he.." he paused. I looked at him in anticipation. "He owe someone. He owed someone A LOT." he said. "What do you mean? He has tons of money.." I said. "That's all you are going to get.." he said. "Ahjussi~" I held his leg before he started standing up. "I can't tell you.. Everything needs to kept from you. You'll get hurt if you knew!" he said.

"Why are you asking so suddenly?" he asked and sat back down. "There's this girl. My father wants me to stop meeting her.. I don't know why.." I said. "G-girl?" he asked. "She's Cho EunMi.." I said. "Cho.. Cho?.. CHO?!" he shouted. "Wae?" I asked. "Why are you with this girl?" he asked, "Well.. it just happened." I said. "You'll eventually hate her.." he murmured. "Bwo?" I asked. "I won't say anything. Just leave!" he said as he stood up and pushed me outside his house. "Ahjussi!!" I shouted. "Don't do this!" I shouted and knocked at their door harshly.

I punched the wall out of my anger.


MyungSoo's POV


We arrived at the country. EunMi kept on spacing out in the WHOLE trip. She ignores me when I annoy her. No fun.. let's try this..

I pretended to talk to my phone. "Ne.. BWO?!" I shouted at my phone. "EUNMI!!!!" I shouted at her. "Wae?" she asked bluntly while getting off the bus. When we got off the bus I looked at her with a worried look. "J-Jinyoung.." I started, "Jinyoung?" she asked, "Jinyoung's in the ICU!!" I shouted at her with a bit of worriedness in my face. "B-bwo??.." she looked at me with a shock looked. She suddenlt ran towards where the bus went.

"WAIT!!!" she shouted at the bus. What the... you've got to be kidding me. I followed her. "Yah!" I tried to catch up to her while running real fast. "EunMi!" I tried to call her. I grabbed her arms. She turned around. "Let go!" she shouted. She looks really worried. "Tsch.. seriously.. that was a joke." I said. She just stared at me. "Wae?" I felt uneasy by her stare. She started walking again.

"Yah~" I tried to get her attention and grabbed her arm again. She turned around quickly and shoved my hands off her harshly. She glared at me. "How can you joke something like that?!" she shouted and walked quickly and angrily. Wouw~ "Ok~ Ok~ I'm sorry.. its just your soul was outside your body the whole time." I said while walking beside her. She suddenly stopped walking. I also did.

She slowly faced me. "What's wrong?" I asked while looking at her. Her head was looking down but her whole body was facing towards me. "Yah, What's--" I stopped when she suddenly hugged me. I paused and I held my breath for a while. I gulped. "Ya--" she inserted again. "My hear feels heavy.." I heard her whisper. I blinked twice. I was confused. What is she doing. "It seems like he'll never hear my heart eventhough we were this close already.." she said.

She slowly let go. "Tsch.." she smirked and looked at me, "Your face looks funny right now.." she suddenly giggled. I snapped out and looked at her. "Well.. you suddenly hugged me out of no where.." I said. She smirked and started walking again. I watched her while she was walking. She really likes Jinyoung..



EunMi's POV


Different events kept on coming to my life. I'm not used to it...

"Eomma.." I cooed and looked at her cooking. "Wae?" she asked. "My heart hurts.." I said. "Eh?? What?! Can't you breath??" she asked worriedly. "Tsch.. eomma, not litera--" I stopped when I realized something..

Jinyoung's in the ICU!!

MyungSoo joked about it and I quickly got worried. "Eomma.. do you love me?" I asked. "Mwoya,, it sounds like you are leaving.." she said, "Aniyo! just answer me~" I said. "Of course!!" she said. "So it means I'm in love with him.." I murmured, "Inlove??" my mom heard. "Aniyo~ don't mind me.." I said and smiled. "Eomma.. How did you feel when father left?" I asked. "... It hurts.." she said while cutting some vegetables. "By a chance.. EunMi.." mom started. "Do you have feelings for Jinyoung?" she asked. "It seems like it.." I said.

"Omo... EunMi-ah.. Why does it have to be Jinyoung?" she asked. "Wae?.." I asked, "I mean.. there's something about Jinyoung that could hurt you if he finds out something.." she said, "What do you mean?" I asked. "You know.. he has a bad past.. if he remembers those pasts he might hurt you.." she said, "Eomma~ how would you know about him?" I asked. "Eh?.. I mean.. I-I just don't want you to get hurt!" she stuttered.  "Eomma~ I'm fine
 I smiled at her.



I was walking on the road in the village while my hands are placed inside my jacket's pocket. Why did mom mentioned Jinyoung's past. Could it be that mom knows Jinyoung's real parents? My phone suddenly rung. I opened the message I recieved.

"Are you ok?"

It was Jinyoung. I replied..

"I think.."

"I told you not to leave.." he said

"Tsch.. You can't order me around.." I replied.


"Jinyoung.." I started typing. Should I ask? "Do you hate me?"... ani.. I can't.. "What do you feel about me?" EWW! he might think its weird. "Do you miss me?" ARGH! worse~ 

"Jinyoung, good night :)"

I ended up writing something WAY different.

"I won't." he replied. O_O??

"HA???" I asked.

"You did not follow my order :P" he said.

"MWOYA~~" I replied.

"Tsch, just kiddin'.. I'm just bothered by my past. I can't remember anything.. only voices of a boy, a woman and a girl.. anyways, good night~ :P" he replied.

O//////////////////O that's the first time he actually said good night!!!

I suddenly smiled like an idiot. I giggled while looking at my phone.

I was intrigued by what he said. He only remembers a boy, a woman and a girl's voice.. Voice? I hear same thoughts inside me but it doesn't bother me..

It goes with..

BOY: "EOMMA!!!!" cries*

WOMAN: "That's a relief.." catching her breath*

BOY: "EOMMA~!!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!!" cries harder*

WOMAN: "I... I'm glad you are fine.." losing her breath*


GIRL(I was the girl in the scene): went near the two* "Are you ok?"

BOY: "My m-mom.." cries* "I can't live without her!!"

GIRL: "I'll be your mom!!"

BOY: "CRAZY!" shouted at me. He hugged his mom.



^^ I'll stop here~


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Omg! Omg! Omg! I totally forgot that this story wasn't complete yet. I totally panicked when I didn't see the 'next' button. Gaaaaah. Please update. Jebal jebal jebal~ omoya~ I'll cry if you don't update~ T_____T
Chapter 30: THIS STORY IS SOOOO GOOD! I sorta cry at some scenes but that's what makes it interesting~~~. Update soon~!!! :)
BlackPearl96 #3
Chapter 29: Yay! So interesting please update soon^^
BlackPearl96 #4
Update please ^^
PrincessMinah #5
Chapter 27: Update pleaseeeee~~~ XD I'm really curious about the plot ugh >.<
BlackPearl96 #6
Chapter 26: Haha he's so stupid.... Hasn't realized he likes her yet..... Aaas dumby (^*^)
sarahsohn77 #7
Chapter 25: NOOOOO!!!! She has to be with Jinyoung!!!!!