It's Going To Be Okay

G-Dragon X Taeyeon Random One-Shots

Taeyeon was busy making dinner in the kitchen when she heard the front door clicked. Knowing that it would probably be her boyfriend, Jiyong, she quickly turned of the stove and ran to the front door to greet him. He had just gotten back from a fan meeting in Japan with his BIGBANG members and he looked very exhausted; pale face, bags under his eyes and he looked like he lost some weight. He didn’t see her standing after walking in to the hallway.

“Hey handsome,” she greeted him first with a warm smile on her face.

Hearing her soft voice, Jiyong quickly looked up and immediately felt better after looking at his girlfriend’s smile. “Oh, hey beautiful creature, I didn’t know you’d be here in my apartment?”

He took off his shoes and skipped towards her to embrace her into a hug. She hugged him back before replying him. “Of course I’d be here. I’m making dinner, will be ready in 15 minutes. How about you go and wash up now and we’ll have dinner together afterwards?”

He didn’t really have much appetite but not wanting her to worry; he nodded and kissed her on the forehead before walking away to his room. She put away his luggage in the living room, mentally reminding herself to help him unpack it later after dinner. She then went back into the kitchen to finish the dishes and to set up the table.

It was fifteen minutes later when the food was ready and the table was set. Jiyong was still in the bedroom so Taeyeon waited for him on the table. She was starting to wonder of what was wrong since Jiyong didn’t usually take a long time to wash up. Just as she was about to get up from the table, she heard the door to Jiyong’s room open and close. She sat back down and saw Jiyong walking in to the dining room soon after.

“Hmm… I smell bulgogi,” he sad as he sat down on the table, right across Taeyeon.

“Pork bulgogi,” she confirmed as she handed him a bowl of rice. He thanked her as he looked around the table and saw that other than bulgogi, there were spicy radish salad and kimchi jjigae. They are all his favorite food, so he couldn’t help but to feel happy and thankful as he began to eat.

There was silence as the two enjoyed the dinner, however, soon enough, Jiyong were lost in his own thoughts. Taeyeon knew that something was up ever since he got home earlier but she decided to just wait, knowing that Jiyong would open up to her soon. She continued eating, eyeing Jiyong every now and then, making sure that he finished the food on his plate.

Taeyeon was the first one to finish her food a few minutes later. Jiyong, on the other hand, was still absent-mindedly spooning whatever into his mouth. Thinking that Jiyong might need some more time alone, Taeyeon picked up her plate and went to the kitchen sink to wash it. There wasn’t a lot to wash so it didn’t take long for Taeyeon to finish washing. She went back to the dinner table to find Jiyong still sitting there and was just staring blankly ahead. Taeyeon thought that it was time for him to snap out of it and talk it out.

“Jiyong-ah…” she called out softly.

“Huh,” he snapped out of his own thoughts and looked up at her. “Oh, you’re done eating?”

“Yeah, I’ve watched my plate too. Are you okay? You seemed so out of it,” she finally asked.

“Yeah, yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” he faked a smile as he spooned the last of his food to his mouth.

“Jiyong… I know you’re not. Do you want to talk about it?” she said, probing him to tell her. Knowing that he would probably keep it to himself if she didn’t asked.

Jiyong gulped in some water before sighing. He only looked up at her again and stared deeply into her eyes. “Come here,” he motioned for her to come to him.

She stood up and went towards him. When she was close enough, he pulled her to him by the waist and buried his head into her stomach. It took Taeyeon by surprise until she suddenly felt her clothes becoming wet because of his tears. She sighed before she patted his head in comfort with one hand and hugged him close with the other. Still not saying anything, he cried and pathetically sobbed.

“Let it all out, baby. I’m here for you,” she said as she kissed the top of his head.

It took some time for him to finally calm down and stopped crying. Feeling embarrassed, he kept his face hidden on her stomach, his hands still wrapped around her waist.

“Now, are you ready to tell me what this is all about, hmm?”

“It’s about Seunghyun hyung,” he finally said.

Right, she knows about it. Choi Seunghyun aka BIGBANG’s T.O.P aka Jiyong’s beloved hyung was found unconscious a few days ago when Jiyong was in Japan. He was involved in drug case with a YG trainee and got a lot of hate because of that before he was found unconscious. He was suspected to be drug overdosed but the suspicion turns out to be wrong. He was just to depress that he had to take some medication to keep himself calm from anxiety.

“I should’ve stopped him back then in October. I mean, I tried but he wouldn’t listen to me and I let him go with that trainee. ,” he muttered, blaming himself for what happened. “He doesn’t deserve all this hate.

“Jiyong, this is not your fault, okay? You and the others tried to stop him but he ignored all of it. I mean, I’m not blaming him or anything, don’t get me wrong. I know that you feel like he’s your responsibility, Jiyong, but you can’t always look out for him, you know. He knew the risks of hanging out with that trainee and more than that, drugs, but he still did it anyway. He was found guilty and you know he’s got to be responsible for it. But that doesn’t mean he deserved all the hate he got. In fact, no one deserved to be treated that way. He needed help, not hate and harsh words,” Taeyeon paused. “Look, what I’m trying to say is that none of this is your fault, Jiyong. It’s just… you know, he is having a hard time and instead of help, he only got hate. You should really stop blaming yourself, he wouldn’t want that and I suggest you to go and see him when he wake up and be by his side when he’s recovering. Being by his side would help him get better instead of blaming yourself."

 There was silence as he let everything she had just told him to sink in. They stayed in their previous position for a few minutes in silence. She continued comforting him by patting his back lightly while humming a random tune. He slowly pulled his face away from her stomach and looked up at her. She stared back at him, warmth radiating from her eyes.

“Thank you,” was all he said as he got up from the chair. He pulled her into a tight hug and claimed her lips. The kiss lasted for a few seconds before they pulled away from each other.

“Feeling better?” he caressed his cheek softly with the back of her hand.

“Much better,” he smiled sincerely at her.

“See, being sad don’t suit you because it makes you look ugly,” she said, making the both of them laugh.  

“Now, I’ll help you wash the dishes and let’s get to bed. It’s been a long day,” he said as he gathered all the empty plates on the table and she put the leftover food in the fridge.

Doing the dishes with Jiyong saved a lot of time, it didn’t take long for them to finish washing the dishes. The two then headed to Jiyong’s room to sleep. As they haven’t seen each other in weeks, Jiyong wanted to do things together, like literally everything. Jiyong begged Taeyeon to brush their teeth together, though she found it too cheesy, she agreed to it anyway. And then Jiyong would ask her to apply face cream together. He was all weird and giddy so Taeyeon agreed to everything.

They were on his bed thirty minutes later, with Jiyong lying on his back and Taeyeon’s head on his chest. She listened to his heartbeat as he got lost in his thoughts again. He was so quiet that she thought he had fallen asleep. She looked up at him only to see him creasing his eyebrows and whispering to himself. She sighed before getting on top of him, forcing him to snap out of his thoughts and looked up at her.

“Look, I know you are worried and all; but trust me, everything is going to be okay. This is just something you and your members need to get over with, in order for BIGBANG to be stronger and to mature even more as a group,” she comforted him, knowing that he was probably still thinking about Seunghyun and his scandal.

“Yeah, you’re right. Thank you baby,” he smiled as he pulled her in for a kiss.

“Now, let’s go to sleep and you should go see Seunghyun oppa and his family at the hospital tomorrow,” she got off him and lied beside him.

“I love you,” was his reply as he hugged her from the back and kissed the top of her head. “Thanks for your wise words, wise-baby Taeyeon.”

“I love you too. You are welcome, sensitive-baby Jiyong,” she replied as she drifted to sleep. The two of them fell asleep soon after. Jiyong fell asleep feeling better and had stopped blaming himself. While Taeyeon fell asleep with the satisfaction of knowing that she had helped her boyfriend to feel better. And as long as they stay together, they know that everything is going to be okay, always. After all, they are like puzzle pieces that completed one another.  



Okay, I don't think this chapter is as good as I thought it would be but I hope you enjoyed it anyway!

I'm sorry I haven't really been updating much. I got a job for the holiday and I got home pretty late and too tired to write.

But hopefully, I can write more during the weekends. I'll be updating my other story, Temporary Bliss, soon so please be patient if you are also a subscriber of that story!

Soooo, tell me what you think of this chapter by commenting down below!

I'm sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes as English is not my first language. I'll try to proof-read it soon though.

See you!



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Chapter 6: I love your oneshots. I hope you can come back in gtae world. Thank you.
beautae_ss #2
Chapter 6: You edit it thank you :*
Ayunindellany #3
Chapter 6: Aaah i like this
beautae_ss #4
Chapter 6: It's too short...
Chapter 6: why so short ? it's not look alike a chapter yet....
Tygdlove #6
Chapter 6: That short
erahmaliati21 #7
Chapter 5: Aw i love your story author-nim ♡♡♡
Kyaaaaaa gtae so sweet as always ><
Ayunindellany #8
Chapter 5: I hope that story really happen in real life :)
Tiatioot #9
Chapter 5: Its okay, focus more on your paper, hwaiting!!
kendalljennyy #10
Wooaaahh this story is so sweet. Can't wait for your next gtae story authornim! And good luck for your final exam