We belong


Snippets, drabbles and short stories about Jackson and Jinyoung, and different moments and interactions in their lives. Some of them will connect, while some will be auto-conclusive. 


I wanted to create something in time for Jackson's birthday, but life got in the way. Anyway, I ended up finding lots of short stories and ideas I wrote down some time ago, and realized that some of them worked well enough as their own thing, and many even connected well, so I decided to fix them up a bit and create this "space" where I could just write little stories about these two.

Hope you enjoy!


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peachmochi_22 #1
So sweet I love jinson and need more fics of them!!!!
Chapter 4: im chokingngjhhjhfeasasgagafgagagw I LOVE DIS
Icekat3 #3
Chapter 4: This is so dkfifkwn
Chapter 4: So sweet