The Agreement, Part 1


I realize I will have to apologize, although, I was hoping I had more time to build up my courage.


I grabbed by bags and walked up to his car, and got in.


“Thank you for the ride, I really don’t know where I am.”


I kept my head down, unsure of how to apologize for the scene at the café. When JJK spoke up.


“I am sure you are sorry for what happened, but I can forgive you, since you’re cute.”


I stopped breathing and turn to look at him, but he was still looking straight. Did I imagined it? Am I going crazy.


Before I regained my composure to ask him to repeat his last comment, JJK drove the car into a garage of a huge mansion. What??!!


“Um…this isn’t where I live…”


“I know, I will take you home, but first we need to talk.” He then turned to me and looked me again with that intense stare, what the hell does his eyes do to me?


“Is that ok?”


“Uhh…yea that is fine.”


We got out of the car and I quickly followed him and he led me through the huge mansion up the stairs. I really should be more nervous. Sadly, I am a little desensitize to shock at the moment, lack of oxygen, endorphin rush from my exercise, and panic from seeing JJK to riding in his car, I don’t think I can register anymore feelings. So numbly, I just continued to follow him.


I decided to focus on something more pleasurable, like the graceful strides of his walk. His broad shoulders and lean waist emphasized by the tucked in dress shirt he was wearing. Not to mention the way his looks in those trousers, pulled tight with every step he took up those stairs.


“So we can talk in here, it that ok?” he turned to ask me, smirking, and I knew he knew I was looking at his . DAMN IT!!!


I quickly nodded and walked into the room he indicated, with my head down so he can’t see my flushed face.


“So just sit anywhere you want”


Finally, I looked up to find a place to sit…..Oh Holy is this JJK’s bedroom? His sacred sanctum. I stood frozen near the door until I felt hands on my waist.


I quickly turned around, and that when I realized JJK’s arms are around me. “So, I heard that you like me.” .

All the blood drained from my face as I registered his words.


“Did Jimin told you?” I manage to ask even though I felt a thousand needles were stabbing my heart.


“No, he didn’t,” he said, at the same time his face was looming over mines “I just took a shot at the dark and asked.” His breathe was fanning my cheeks as he kept inching closer “but you just confirmed it.”


Before I realized that JJK tricked me. I felt his lips on mines. Soft and firm nibbling at my lips begging them to open for his onslaught. My mind was slowly turning to mush, my legs were going numb and my body starting taking over. So much sensation from a kiss, I moaned into are joined mouth, I wanted more.


When he felt my lips relax and open slightly, he wasted no time and plunged his tongue in my mouth. I had to hold on to his muscled biceps or else I fall. JJK sensed that my body must be weakening from his kisses, he easily wrapped his arms fully around my body. Picked me up without separating our lips and laid me on his King size bed.


Kissing JJK was like a drug. Affecting all my senses. Everything became clouded, everything I had ever dreamed about was nothing to the real experience of having him kissing me, and touching me. 


I didn't dare break the kiss to ask why, what does this mean. All I can feel are his lips on my mines, his hands inside my shirt the other grasping my hips firmly. I never want to break whatever this is. 


Of course, the kiss is broken when he throws me his bed depriving me of his heat. But just as quickly he joined me on the bed resuming our kiss and I can feel him removing his shirt as well as mine in one quick motion. Nothing in this world could prepare me for the impact of a shirtless JJK. I was sure I was blushing like a (which I am), but my hands were quite bold as they reached out to touch his chiseled abs.


When I looked up I can feel the heat of his intense gaze enjoying the feeling of my hands caressing his body. Embarrassed I tried to pull away, but he grabbed my hands to still them.


"Don't stop" he said, and who was I to deny him.

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