The Plan


It was love at first sight for him. Although, he has never known love, but what else could this feeling be. His heart is racing, his palms are sweaty, and his breath shortened with just a glimpse of the beauty that is Jeon Jungkook.

Every minute of every hour and every day is filled with thoughts of him.

Every day in school I wait to catch a glimpse of him. Those rare moments when I see him, playing with his friends, or classmates, and even his teammates from Soccer. I might seem kind of creepy, but I never approached him, or tried to speak with him. I just couldn’t, what will a socially crippled, outcast like me, Kim Taehyung, have anything in common with someone as amazing as JJK.

Ever since freshman year in Jeon High Academy, he always tried to stay as invisible as possible. It was never that hard since nothing about him was remarkable enough to stand out. He was not athletic, not a high ranking academic, he was not a student council member, or even involved in talent shows or any clubs. He just liked to watch JJK.

Luckily, he is not a total loner, he had one friend, Park Jimin. Although, it helped that they were neighbors and their mothers are great friends. So naturally, having same age children, they were thrown together quite often. Jimin was the exact opposite of him. PJM love dancing, singing, and a total social butterfly. He was always surrounded by people, and although PJM always asks him to hang out with his friends, he could never say yes.

So here he was, lunchtime and sitting under his favorite tree alone, listening to Big Bang ‘If You’. Listening to this song of love, lost and heartbreak had him thinking. His unhealthy obsession with JJK will never go away, will never be something he can let go of, unless he had closure. He had to confess to JJK. This is both their senior year, if he doesn’t do it now, he won’t ever get the change again. Even if his heart gets broken, his pride damaged, and maybe suffer extreme embarrassment. He had to do it. He just must.

But how?.....

*light bulb*

Taking out his phone he calls his only friend PJM.

“Wassup Tae?” answered PJM.

“Um…Hi Jimin, can I ask you a favor? Can you meet at the old maple tree by the soccer field?” he asks nervously.

“Yea, no problem buddy, right now?” asked PJM.

“yes, if that is ok with you,” he replied but hastily added “Unless you are busy with you friends, that’s ok, I can ask you another time.”

“No, no, no, it fine. It is so rare for you to call me, I have to say I am curious what this favor is. See you in 5 minutes.” With that said PJM hung up.

Step one done, now I have to wait and hopefully I don’t chicken out.

*10 Minutes later*

“TaeTae!!! Sorry I am late.” An exhausted PJM exclaimed as he landed next me to under the maple tree.

Seeing as he is having trouble breathing at my expense, I handed him my water bottle.

He thanked me as he took the bottle and emptied it in 3 seconds.

“Aw man, girls are crazy. I was on my way over here and got ambushed by this girl, who wouldn’t take no for an answer.” Explained PJM “You would think she got the hint, that I was not interested.” PJM got up to show how he tried to evade the unwanted female attention, dodging to the left and right and eventually ducking low and sliding to the left “I had to run like the dogs of Hades were after my .”

We both laughed at his re-enactment, I couldn’t remember the last time I laughed so hard at school.

I noticed that PJM stopped laughing to look at me, gawking really. “What?” fearing that my laugh was weird or something.

“You are so beautiful when you laugh,” I was speechless from his words, and he continued on “it is so deep and yet soft. You should always be laughing.” PJM finished saying, still looking at me.

I became uncomfortable with his gaze and cleared my throat. “Thanks…..?” I said looking up at the sky.

He laughed at my words, and languidly plopped down next to me. “So what is the favor?”

“Oh!” I almost forgot why I called him here, clearing my throat and reigning in my courage I told him about my long and almost debilitating obsession with a certain JJK. The Golden Crown Prince of Jeon High Academy. I continued to tell him, how my life is 24/7 consumed with this boy who has taken his heart, mind and soul hostage. Finally, I told him that I know my feelings will not be reciprocated, but I wish to have a closure of some sort, so I can finally and permanently stop my feelings for such a lost cause.

PJM is kind, he listened with no judgment, or interruptions. He waited until I was done talking and explaining. So when I finally told him that I wanted to ask for his help, in confessing to JJK. He was definitely surprise, that I was seeking his help that was obvious. But he seemed to be troubled by his own inner turmoil, as he considers my request.

Expecting a rejection, I was surprised when PJM flashed his signature smile at me, and agreed. With one exception, I had to agree to a makeover.

What the hell is this Barbie and Friends Sleepover?....but seeing as I was the one seeking his help, I couldn’t say no. So here I am after school with PJM, waiting at the bus stop, to go to the mall. I hope this will not be for nothing, but no turning back now.

How will this change help me to confess to JJK?...I hope PJM knows what he is doing.

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