The Makeover


“No, this is too much, you can’t make me do it.”

“You need to trust me. Do you trust me?”

“I do trust you, but is this…”

“Yes. I can’t make you do it, you have to want to do it.”

“Fine.” I pouted and followed PJM into the salon. We have been shopping for 3 hours and apparently PJM said the makeover is not complete until his hair colored and styled. He already caved in and got contact lenses, and now his hair too…’JJK, for you I will.’

It was like a mantra I repeat in my head every time PJM made me try on skinny jeans after skinny jeans.

Every time I had to endure the eye exams and sting and irritation of trying on contacts.

Every time he pulled me into new stores to try on 30 more different outfits.

PJM is psycho.

But I do have to admit that I was having fun. I had never had a shopping day with a friend before, and someone to confide all my secrets too. Although, PJM was a friend, he was more of an acquaintance, but after today he was definitely promoted to friend status.

He ended the day at a café that served amazing crepes. As we were waiting for our food. PJM grabbed one of the bags that had the black skinny jeans, white t-shirt and bomber jacket, it at me and told me to go to the bathroom and put them on. I was going to protest, I haven’t even washed them yet, but he was strong for someone so short. He quickly pulled me to the direction of the bathroom, and I assured him I would put them on. Mainly, I was afraid he was going to strip me in the middle of the café if I did protest. Maybe hunger has made him weird.

When I got out the bathroom stall I took a look at myself and I had to say I do look completely different. In a good way though. The light chestnut hair and soft cut frame my face to accentuate my eyes that are now visible thanks to the contacts. The clothes were extremely fitted, but flattering to his long and thin frame. Overall, I had to say I looked almost cute. I was very excited to show PJM.

I walked out the bathroom and towards their table when I noticed that PJM was not alone. I couldn’t see his face, but from his frame and body type, and aura, I just knew. It was none other than the object of my affection and lust. Jeon Jungkook.

PJM looked up and noticed me standing about 4 feet away, I think he knew I was going to make a run for it.

“Yah!! Kim Taehyung, I’m over here!!” he hollered so loud the whole café turned to look at me, every eye in the freaking place was looking at me, especially HIS.

JK had turned around to look at him, and his eyes were so intense. Why was he looking at me like that? I finally broke eye contact with HIM, and managed to sit at the booth where my food was already waiting for me. I just couldn’t look at him or say anything. So like a dummy, I just ate my food without acknowledging JJK presence, without looking up. I was too mortified that he was here next to me, right after I made the decision to finally confess to him. WTH universe.

“So, Jungkook, this is my friend and neighbor Kim Taehyung.” Introduced PJM, I finally looked up, and I can tell that PJM was trying not to laugh at my behavior. “Tae this is Jungkook, star athlete of Jeon Academy High, and total jerk to all his friends.” Finished PJM.

“Minnie really, you wound me. I thought you forgave me about that Eunji incident months ago?” JJK asked PJM.

“Oh I forgave you, I was referring to you training your teammates so hard, that they can’t even have a social life!”

JJK threw his head back and laughed. I thought it was the most beautiful sound ever. High and soft at the same time, full of mirth. He turned to me and again he was staring at me with such an intensity. I was convince that he either hated me, or wanted to kiss me, or maybe both?

“Kim Taehyung?...I don’t think I have ever seen you with this weirdo before, do you go to our school?”

“Um…I do.” I can’t breathe, he is staring at me.

“Are you okay?” he inquired and as he was asking me this, he was leaning closer to me. With his hand braced behind my chair and the other hand on the table. I felt caged in, by his arms, his body and my brain just shut down… and my body took over.

I pushed him, and since he was not expecting it, he fell backwards and landed pretty hard on his . The whole café was silent, watching me, I quickly left the booth, grabbing my bag and ran out of the café.

I could hear PJM calling out for me, but I just couldn’t stop my feet. What did I just do??? I finally stopped at a bus stop, mainly because my lungs were on fire. I wasn’t sure how far I ran, or how long, but running with no destination in mind is not a good thing.

I was now exhausted, unable to move. I didn’t know where I was, or how to get home. Worst part, I made a complete and total fool of myself in front of JJK. Why??

As I sat at the bus stop contemplating my life choices and wondering why I can’t be smooth and cool. I guess it proves that changing your look means crap, if you are still the same person inside.

I was thinking whether I should cry now, or find a way to get home and cry then, when a car honked and scared the out of me.

I looked up and there in a ing red BMW, the man of my literal dreams, pulled up to the bus stop. The window rolled down and his beauty was only amplified framed by the luxury of the car he drove.

“Hey Kim Taehyung, right? Why don’t I give you a lift home, I have something to ask you.”

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