An Unknown Businessman

I am a Christian

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.[]

 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord and shun evil.
 This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones.

Honor the Lord with your wealth,
with the firstfruits of all your crops;
 then your barns will be filled to overflowing,
and your vats will brim over with new wine.

Proverbs 3:5 - 10


Siwon P.O.V

"I know that most of you admire someone in your life, right? Someone whom you think influences your life." Professor Dy started the class with a question. He walks back and forth in the center of the aisle of the classroom holding flash cards on his right hand.

"But let's have some fun, how about you name famous business men who say these words or quotes I will deliver? Of course, points will be given to someone who will give me the right answer?" he always teases us to participate on his games by points that are why we like this professor because he knows how student thinks. It was never been boring attending his class, maybe that's why people love him.

"If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete." he said first searching for someone who will raise their hands but no one did.

"Anyone?" he asked.

"That's awful, you don't know him."

"Can you give us clue sir?" Kyunhyun demanded.

"Okay, he was a chairman and CEO of GE or General Electric company. He even wrote a book entitled "Winning" with his wife--"

"Jack Welch" shouted by Clyde sitting next to Kyunhyun, Professor smiles widely to him and flip the card in front of us with corresponding points given.

"Wow! Dude how did you know that? Kyunhyun inquisitively asked Clyde.

"It's because of the book he mentioned; we have that book in my father's bookshelves."

"Bookworm" Kyunhyun mutters.

"It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure."

"Bill Gates" We all uttered with unison. Who doesn't know Bill gates? Professor claps his hands.

"Great guys"

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."

"Steve Job" Clyde speaks in a loud voice.

"How do you know that?" Kyunhyun grumbled. Clyde pulled his cellphone from his pocket and shows it to us.

"Apple" we lifts our hands in defeat while professor flip the card again. He earned another 10 points.

"I have two more, don't be disheartened." Professor console the rest of us.

"Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make." Corner hastily stands up pointing his finger to Clyde commanding him to shut up.

"You don't need to answer Mr. Genius, take a break; I'll answer that for you." Clyde bites his tongue and nod.

"Bring it on!" Trevor shouted.

Donald Trump" he grinned.

Professor glances between the card and Corner, patiently waiting for professor to show the name on the card. But, he continues teasing us. He slowly flips show the card and Donald trump is written on the card with corresponding 10 points on the top.

"Yes!" Clyde yelled triumphantly, pumping his fist in the air. We all burst into laughter seeing his childish behavior. He jumped in front of all us and started dancing "Gangnam style" swaying his hips to right and left. He is crossing over his hands in front as if he is riding a horse, holding an invisible rein and bouncing his legs and swiveling his hip while waving his hand on the air. Kyunhun rise from sit, joining the fun leaving me and Clyde on our seats.

"Sit down boys, we are not yet done." Professor ordered them to settle down.

"As what I have said, we are thinking highly of someone we know or someone we just read in articles about how they strive hard to reach where they are right now." he continued. "There is one man, I admire the most" he shows as a picture of a man I don't recognize.

"Anyone?" He asked if we know the man. 

 "Strive Masiyiwa" Clyde answered. 

"Seriously, Dude! Why are you so smart? what did your mother feed you?" Corner whine. 

"I know" William claimed grinning at us. 

"Tell us!" Corner demanded.

"The specs baby!" 


"Why don't you wear specs too so you can be an smart as him." he jokingly said. Corner slaps the back of his neck in annoyance. "What a joke!" she muttered.

"Strive Masiyiwa, the founder and the executive chairman of the international telecommunication group Econet Wireless in London. There are two inspirational quotes he said that I really love to share with you today.

"Firstly, my favorite business book is the bible. If you study the bible with a view to extracting principles on how to set up, and manage a business effectively, you will be absolutely amazed; it has everything."

"And the second one, God will do nothing except you pray; and you have to be clear what you want." I smiled.

(Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7)

(Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come. Jeremiah 33:3)

"Now, it's your turn to share stories about the some business man you admire the most and tell the class about that someone." I don't have idea about it but I surely admire Bill Gates.

"Kyunhyun." The professor calls Kyunhyun whose hand lifted on air. He stands on the front facing the whole class.

"Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Kyunhyun begin."

"When I was still a kid, I used to visit Siwon every day; his Mom loves to tell stories about a certain man which inspires me to be more like him. The verse from the bible I mentioned is the man's life verse." Yeah, Mom always tells us that story but never tell us the name.

"Once upon a time, there's a business man whom I grew up on liking. Whenever there's a business meeting held or board meeting the CEO has a chair beside him always as well as in his office. If there's a decision to be decided he will tell them to be out for awhile and leave him alone in the room. Sometimes, he will walk to his office.

No one dared to question their boss afraid that they're too nosy and fire them. It goes on and on. Then, one day during business meeting with one of the client asked him, "Why's there an empty chair always beside you?"

"It's a special seat for my business partner." he answered.

"Business partner? Are we waiting for someone to come?"

"No, he is already here." The woman search for the man he was talking about but no one is coming so he asked again, "Where is he/she sir?" the CEO smile.

"Where are you looking at? He is there." pointing his finger up wards. The CEO's business partner is God.

He believes that "Apart from Him, I can't do anything"; eventually the woman who asked fell in love with the business man.

"What's his name?" He smiles towards my direction. Oh no! He doesn't know his name; the business man my mom was talking about doesn't have any name.

"Robert Therrien" he said, I was stunned as my father's name slips to his lips and their heads turned towards me. I was in instant spotlight. How did Kyunyun know about father? Who told him it's him?

He sits on his seat and I poke me in my side. "How did you know about it? I asked mom about it million times but she wouldn't tell me. Did she tell you?" he shook his head.

"Then to whom?"

"With my father", he winks at me.


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