Chapter 5-Some Parts Must Remain Unknown


I heard in the distance a loud, “OMO!” But I couldn’t focus. I was practically being suffocated by this stupid Siwon.

“What. The. Hell. Are. You. DOING!?” I tried to push Siwon away, but he only got closer to me, making my heart beat quicker.

“Shut it. A car just passed by, and they’re civilians around. We can’t seem to be too suspicious at all,” Siwon whispered, his breath hitting my cheek, making me feel even more uncomfortable.

Just so you know, this is supposed to be typical amongst us. When you’re with someone of the opposite gender as yourself, and a car passes by, you typically act like you’re kissing. Making sure out cover is a secret. This never really happened to me before. If anything Siwon and I would pretend to have a petty fight between ourselves. But this…this was out of the ordinary.

I looked at the corner of my eye, between the spaces Siwon had left me to look. I could see silhouettes of the civilians. Siwon was right. We couldn’t blow our cover this way. What if the civilians were people we knew? They can’t find out that we’re spies for different companies and bases. I looked back at Siwon and nodding, understanding that we were being watched for now.  We’ll just wait for them to walk away and we’ll just go back to the base.

Siwon’s eyes kept shifting from my eyes to my…lips? I blushed. I was kinda glad that it was dark, or he’ll just make fun of me how red I was right now. I gulped. I shifted my eyes back into the streets, to see that the civilians were still there. What the hell are they staring at?

“Yah! They’re still there,” I whispered, nodding my head toward the people’s gaze.

Siwon turned to see that they were still staring at us.

I squinted my eyes, to try to see who they were so I could kick their asses later.

“I swear, the longer they keep staring, the more I wanna punch them!” I spoke through my clenched jaw.

“Don’t worry, I got a plan,” Siwon whispered. I gave him a questioning look. “Well two to be honest,” Siwon winked at me, making me blush even more. “What plan?”

Then suddenly Siwon pulled me close to him, making the space between us very limited now. I gasped, “YAH!” Then he turned his head, where he was covering my left side, and where the civilians couldn’t see how I was reacting. I began to struggle. “YAH! Stop it!” I yelled, my face burning up now. I wanted to kick him so hard right now. Then he began to tickle me all over the place, making me super sensitive and laughing like crazy.

“YAHAHAHAHA! STOP IT! OPPA!” I laughed and fought with him. He laughed, “You’re cute when you’re like this!” He nearly yelled it out like that.

“YAH! St-stop it!! HAHAHA” I couldn’t stop laughing, but I was so pissed at him at the same time. He knows how sensitive I was to being tickled. This is his plan? He’s so going to get it!

“You like that?” Siwon laughed, tickling me on my tummy.

“YAH! NO! STOP IT YOU JERK!” I laughed, pushing him away, but he came right back at me and tickled me some more. What is he really trying to do? Meet his grave yard?


“They’re kissing!!!” Taemin squealed, as Key covered the younger member’s eyes.

“What the hell is she doing?” Key angrily spoke. “Doing that in public is not appropriate!”

All the members of SHINee knew that they were in the moment, but they couldn’t take their eyes off. While Key may say it was inappropriate, he was still staring. Taemin pulled down Key’s hands to stare as well.

“Wow…do they have a thing for each other or what?” Jonghyun asked, with his jaw wide open.

Onew, without taking his eyes off of the kissing couple, closed Jonghyun’s mouth. “You shouldn’t leave your mouth open. You could get flies in your mouth,” Onew spoke with a monotone voice.

Minho didn’t even say a word, but only stared anyways.

They could see that Siwon looked up to see them, making them freeze, but didn’t scurry either. Then suddenly they saw their hyung tackle their manager’s neck, making her giggle.

“YAHAHAHAHA! STOP IT! OPPA!” she laughed out, struggling with him.

The whole group blushed like mad. “Umma…what…what are they—”

Key immediately covered Taemin’s eyes again, but tightly. “Don’t look!” He said it, with worry and harshness.

“You’re cute when you’re like this,” they heard Siwon yell out as their manager kept pushing Siwon away.

“Dude…this…who knew she…and…” Jonghyun trailed off, eyes bugged out now.

“Siwon were like…this…” Onew blushed, now his eyes were covered.

“You like that?” Siwon asked, loudly, as she kept laughing. Now this was getting out of hand. “IN THE HOUSE NOW!” Key yelled out, gathering all this bandmates and pulling their ears by force, since they didn’t seem to hear him at all.

“OW! Hyung! That hurts!” Jonghyun whined. Key shot him a glare, making him whimper in fright.

“What’s happening?” Taemin innocently waved his hands around, trying to comprehend what was going on. This little cutie~.

“Just get in the damn house!” Key yelled, grabbing the keys from the shocked Onew and unlocked the door. He then shoved his bandmates in the house.

“But they were—” Onew began, but Key didn’t hear a word, as he kicked down his own leader to the floor, not really surprising after all. Key did this often, more like whenever Onew was whining about wanting his bucket of chicken from KFC. But this shocked the members, snatching them from their minds to reality.

“SHUT IT!” Key yelled out, as the other members. “I forbid anyone else from looking out their windows to check up on our so call damn ‘manager’! She’s setting a terrible example already! GAH! I hate her so much!” Key took his feet back, stomping into the next room, as the remaining members were silent.

Minho crossed his arms, “It’s no surprise that she would do that, especially since it’s our hyung.”

“But still…” Taemin trailed off. “She didn’t mean to…it was after all our hyung…” He tried defending Yeonin.

“Well this is just a terrible night,” Minho whispered, going back into his cold state. “A really terrible night. Why don’t we forget about this?” He walked away from his shocked members. Minho was in no mood to deal with such irresponsibility from their so call ‘manager’. “I knew she was bad news,” Minho thought to himself.

And soon enough the others nodded as they went to bed. But they don’t think they’ll look at their manager the same anymore.


After dealing with Siwon tickling me so much, I finally managed to kick him in his crotch, making him squeal as he fell to the ground. “What the hell was that all about?” I angrily asked, wanting to just kick him and keep on kicking him till he’s nearly dead.

“That…that was so…so…mean,” Siwon spoke, with a new octave of sound to his voice. I smirked down at him. “Serves you right! You jerk!”

I crossed my arms as I waited for him to regain his state. He began to stand up, wobbily of course. “What was…that for?” Siwon asked, with a pained voice now. I huffed, “Well you did tickle me, near to death. Why can’t it be even?”

“What? It worked right?” Siwon gave me his pained smiled. “What worked?” I gave him a questioning look. Siwon nodded his head towards an empty street. I looked over, confused as to what he was talking about now. “Don’t tell me you forgot already,” Siwon grunted. I looked back at him, with the same confused look. He face palmed himself.

“Does the word, ‘civilians,’ ring a bell?” he looked at me, with a near grudge look. Then I finally remembered.

“OHHH!! Why didn’t you just say so?” I smiled, innocently of course. He face palmed himself. “Well at least they’re gone…” I nodded. After this weird mess, I think we should just go. “Let’s get going, neh?” I smiled at him, walking ahead of him already. “YAH! You should help me!”

“Nuh uh man! I’ve been traumatized enough tonight!” I rejected.

“You look okay to me!” he complained, chasing after me. I smiled as I ran ahead. He clearly forgot that even though I’m a lower rank in the spy system, I’m still known as the fastest runner out of all of us spies. He’ll never catch me.

“Damn you! You run too fast!” Siwon laughed as he continued to chase after me, as I stuck my tongue out at him. “You’ll never catch me,” I smiled, running ahead now, forgetting that I had so much speed in me. While I ran back home, I remembered that I had to start packing to move in with SHINee, I hope they’re nice when it comes to new people.

*The Next Evening*

I wiped away my sweat, as I managed to finish packing the last of my study books from my rookie days. “Phew~” I sat back in my couch. I finally finished and now I have to start moving over there tomorrow. I sighed. I’m so tired! I stood up and pulled out a can of sweet carbonated milk. I popped it open and took a nice long sip. Mmmmmm I love carbonated milk, especially banana milk. It’s so refreshing. I looked into my living room, seeing how clean my living room was. Then I looked back at the number of boxes I had. Compared to an ordinary girl, I didn’t have much in the first place. I could say that I’m just a nice and simple girl. Plus, I had to limit myself, since as Axel always said, “You can’t be too attached to too many important items, then you’re only showing the enemy your weaknesses. And they’ll only abuse you with that.”

I closed my eyes, remembering those words. Axel…I teared up. Why am I so vulnerable when I’m by myself? I looked over at the coffee table, realizing that I had forgotten to pack on last item. And this one is just a really important item to me.

I walked over to the coffee table and picked up the only framed picture in this whole apartment. It was a picture of me and Axel. I touched his picture, “Jaehee…” I couldn’t help whisper it, tearing up again. This is just so…so painful. That fact that he died in a mission makes it even sadder. He died with dignity, but he didn’t have to die that way.

(A/N: the following that are in *~* are flashback moments)

*~* “I don’t wanna go!” a young girl cried out, about to get into a taxi car. The middle aged man looked at her, with a gentle look. “But…I can’t leave! Not without you!” “I know you’ll have fun at summer camp,” the man smiled, as he kissed the young girl and then shutting the door. “I’ll see you after summer break.” *~*

I sighed, remembering that moment. My heart filling with regret. Why couldn’t I be there at his side? Why couldn’t we have fun…together? I regretted not remaining at his side.

*~* “Look what I made you!” a 12 year old girl ran up to the middle aged man, with handmade jewelry.

“It’s beautiful. Who are they for?” he smiled, taking in the girl’s jewelry in his hands.

“For mother,” she smiled as the man smiled back at her. “I’m sure mother would love it,” he ruffled her hair. “You think so?” He nodded as he gave her back the jewelry. *~*

I teared up again. It’s okay to cry like this, right? I’m alone after all…I should be mourning for my family now.

As I hugged my knees, holding myself together, I heard a light whisper, “Y-Yeonin?” My head shot up, shocked as I saw both Junsu and Yunho staring at me.

I immediately wiped away my tears, trying to return to gain my composure. “Wh-who let you guys in? You’re supposed to knock!” I spoke through my strained throat, sniffling up the tears. None of my teammates are supposed to see me this way. I’m supposed to be better than this. At least that’s what Axel taught me.

“Yeonin…” I heard Yunho whisper as he approached me. I stood up quickly, “Um…I’ll go grab you guys something to drink.”

“Yeonin…” this time it was Junsu, “Why were you crying.”

“Pabo…I wasn’t crying,” I tried to cover up the tension of this room with my fake laughter. “I just got something in my eye. You know I think I should really make some coffee.” Then I left the room, not wanting them to see how terrible of a liar I was. I was never good at lying to my teammates, since we’ve been together since I started off as a spy at the age of 14.

I fumbled around for my coffee maker, which I forgot I had already packed. This is embarrassing. Here I am in my own kitchen, where anybody in the living room could see how ridiculous I looked. “Yeonin. It’s okay,” Yunho spoke up, in a somewhat playful voice.

“Yeah, who needs coffee when we have beer!?” Junsu smiled as I turned to their direction with the both of them grinning like idiots. I couldn’t help but smile, despite the rest of my tears being released.

“Come here you,” Yunho walked up to me, pulling me out of the kitchen, as he walked backwards just so he could keep his eyes on me. I lightly chuckled at his goofiness. He pulled up a napkin and gently wiped my tears away. “It’s okay to cry once in a while. Don’t keep it to yourself, neh?” I nodded, even though I knew that I would never cry in front of them, I just had to go along with it.

“Who even let you in? I locked that door!” I nagged at them, crossing my arms, as Yunho took a seat across from Junsu, who was innocently snacking on some of the food they had bought.

“What do you mean lock? You clearly left that door swinging open! It is night time and you let yourself open to any strangers out there?” Junsu shot me a look of disappointment. “You’re just asking to get attacked by erts!”

“YAH! Who said I’m adorable?” I smacked his head. “YAH!” he yelled out. I grinned at him. “Serves you right! You just called yourself a ert!”

“How?” I laughed at his reaction.

“Why are you guys here anyways?” I questioned as I sat on the floor with them. I got right down to business. I still had packing to finish up. They both looked at each other and grinned. “Wae?” I looked back and forth between the grinning idiots.

“We’re here to celebrate your success of starting this mission! So we decided to have a party just the three of us! Like good times!” Junsu smiled.

“Yeah, what he said,” Yunho smiled, always keeping his coolness to a good level.

“Well, you guys should know, I don’t drink,” I smiled at both of them. “We know! These are for us! You get the banana milk we brought you!” Junsu dropped a large case of banana milk that made my jaw dropped.

“You seriously got me this?” I eyed both of them. Yunho nodded and ruffled my hair, “We knew you love banana milk and you would always choose it over alcohol.” I grinned. I may not be a kid anymore, but who said adults can’t drink their favorite childhood drinks?

Yunho opened the pack and happily gave it to me, “Here you go, kiddo.” I gladly took it, as Junsu handed Yunho a beer. We all opened our drinks as some got on my fingers. I it, enjoying the sweet taste of banana milk. “To Yeonin,” Yunho said, smiling. “To a start of my path to being a real spy,” I smiled. “CHEERS!” Junsu said, as we crashed our drink cans together and shouted along with him.

Then we drank and laughed. We had some good conversations. Most of the time, Junsu and I always seemed to have something to argue over. All in all, that wonderful night, where I spent my last days of being just a rookie spy to becoming a real spy the next day. Eventually, we all fell asleep where I laid on both of the arms of my closest friends, sunbaes from middle school, as we slept soundlessly. And I laid in between them. It felt nice being close to what seems like they were my only friends are only people that I don’t mind calling them family. I wish they were my real brothers.

*The Next Day*

“Argh…why is she moving in this early in the morning?” Jonghyun complained, as he rubbed his tired eyes. He came walking in the kitchen in his dinosaur pajama pants and a black wifebeater.

“You want coffee or milk?” Taemin exhaustedly asked, yawning at the end of his sentence.

Jonghyun tiredly sat down at the table. “Milk sounds good right now. Thanks Tae…” he yawned again as Taemin went to the fridge to pull out the regular milk.

It was 6 in the morning, where today was the only day they had some quality time to sleep in. But with their new manager coming, they didn’t want her wondering into places that she was supposed to stay out of.

“You guys! Have you seen my favorite T-shirt?” Key called out as he walked into the kitchen with a white tank top. He didn’t show any signs of exhaustion, for he was used to waking up early to prepare breakfast for the others. Key looked at Jonghyun and Taemin as they shook their heads as Key sighed. “You guys look like crap! You should be getting ready! We have to head over there to help her!”

“EH!?!” They both said in unison. “We’re going over there too?” Jonghyun complained.

“Well duh! Why else would we be waking up early?” Key rolled his eyes, as he went over to Taemin to fix his shirt and hair. “Young man, I told you many times to remember to wash the hairspray out of your hair before you sleep.”

“Mianhe, umma.” Taemin cutely rubbed his eyes again as Key tweaked the younger member’s hair.

“I thought she was coming straight to us!” Jonghyun complained some more.

“Stop complaining, you idiot. If she was coming to us. What’s the whole point of waking up? Do you know understand what I’ve been saying all along?”

“But…wouldn’t it be awkward if we…see her? After last night?” Jonghyun mumbled, not meaning for Key to hear.

“YAH! I said forget what you saw!” Key yelled out, making both Jonghyun and Taemin jump. “Anyways, Sangbum-nim said that she doesn’t have a car. So we need to help her…”

Key was clearly not in the mood to help her. When Sangbum called Key last night, he requested for all of SHINee to help with her out. He wanted to reject his request, but Sangbum knew his way around Key that he was just too afraid to even go against them.

*Flashback to Last night*
“Kibum-ah~” Sangbum cooed into the phone, making Key want to hang up on him at that moment.

“What is it?” Key, the diva he was, was getting a bit too impatient.

“Would you do me the biggest favor!?” he could hear the grin that was coming from his boss, and he wasn’t liking it.

“Try again tomorrow, when I’m in a better mood,” Key coldly said, about to hang up.

“Hey now. Aren’t you being a little too cold to me?”

“No. You should know how I am,” Key smirked.

“Yah! Just do me this favor! PLEASE!!!” he pleaded through the phone, making Key roll his eyes. “WHAT IS IT!?”

“Promise me that you won’t reject me!”

“What? What’s the point of asking favors then?” Key angrily spoke.

“Just promise me that you’ll do this favor!”

“What if I said no?”

“Then I’ll just freeze your shopping card money,” Sangbum calmly said.


“Oh yes I would!”

“Grrrr…fine! I PROMISE!” Key couldn’t believe he was getting played by his own boss’s childish games.

“Can you go pick up Yeonin? She doesn’t have a car. So I want you guys to help her bring her stuff over.”

“Over my dead body!” Key immediately said.

“Shopping card~” Sangbum taunted Key with that thought. Key couldn’t bear the thought of not shopping for as long as the card is frozen.

*End of Flashback*

So now it was impossible to get out of this. And he couldn’t possible tell the others that he was helping Yeonin out because he was pretty much blackmailed by their boss.

But no one seemed to question him…out loud at least.

“I thought he didn’t like the manager,” Jonghyun thought to himself.

“Hmmm…I wonder if she has a lot of stuff…” Taemin thought.

“Hmmm…chicken…” that was the only thought on Onew’s mind. “When we get back, I’ll definitely stop by KFC for a nice bucket of chicken.”

“OKAY! Let’s go! She’s probably waiting for us! Let’s go!” Key rushed everyone out.


“Get your out of here!” Key yelled, making Jonghyun run out in his dinosaur pj’s. Minho came out, with his hoodie and gray jogging pants.

“You’re coming?” Key was surprised to see Minho walking out.

Minho silently shrugged as he walked to the van, not saying a single word. Strange…but Key didn’t question it again as he locked the door.

Onew honked the car, “COME ON! We’re already late!” Key rushed to the car and got in. “YAH! Don’t rush me!” he yelled at the oldest member, as he smacked his head. “YAH!!! That hurts~” Onew cried a bit. “Just drive!” Key nagged at him as Onew obeyed and backed out of the driveway.

As they drove to her place, which Sangbum gave them the directions last night, what they don’t know is that Yeonin was unaware of all this planning as she slept peacefully in the arms of her friends.


rukia1335 is FINALLY BACK!

i'm so sorry that i haven't been updating like I said i would be doing!

please don't be mad! >.<

but anyways~

i'm sorry if this chapter doesn't seem to make sense? or somewhat

but if you have questions, please do message me! and i'll be happy to answer them for you

sometimes there are times where things must be kept to yourself, that you're afraid to show or tell your friends, that's what this chapter is sorta about. 

but soon, it's going to pick up! hopefully in the next chapter or two

until next time,


rukia1335 is OUT!!!

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alison960 #1
Chapter 6: It's good!! I'm looking forward to updating, really
EvolutionIs13 #2
KISSING?! O.O Okay, cliffhangers, hate them, gotta update soon arasso? love this story! hwaiting! :D
AHAHA I love this story! <3
Elizaza #4
Whooooooo!! I looove your story!! Update soon please!
EvolutionIs13 #5
OOOOOOH, this is interesting! I wonder what the boys would do to her! Especially Minho! *insert evil laugh here* good update! :D
Why oh why are the guys such jerks???!!!! I don't like it!!! Hmpf!! LOL
update soon!!! XD
danger093 #7
Oh man! This is gonna be a good story for sure! UPDATE SOON!
JOYfilled #8
Hi! Your poster has been completed! Head to the pick-up section please :) and make sure you tag us to let us know you got it! n__n<br />
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EvolutionIs13 #9
EPIC! XDD I love the beginning of this~! please update soon~! :DD I'll make sure to read it!
EvolutionIs13 #10
this is great! :D Update soon~!