Chapter 4-The Mysterious Spy


“Yah, Yeonin, are you sure it’s here?” Siwon sighed, his gun in position.

I rolled my eyes, “Calling me by my name? I thought you weren’t one to call people their names when it came to missions.”

I looked over at Siwon and I could see him resisting his smirk. “Who said your name? I said, no.157.”

“Uh huh, sure~” I stuck my tongue out.

“You love birds done flirting yet?” my earphone walkie talkies came to life. I looked over at Siwon, seeing that he looked flustered already. We turned away from each other. “Well?”

“What is it?!” I snapped at him, my voice a bit high pitched. I could hear Siwon stifling his laughter.

“Woah there no.157. Let’s not get y here. I was only joking now. Calm yourself down, missy,” Junsu cooed. I rolled my eyes. I got my gun in position again.

“When should we move in?” I put on my game face.

Junsu cleared his throat. “Start heading towards the back entrance. And according to my calculations, the unknown spies are covering up their trails pretty well. I’m here looking at the security system. Hurry, no.157 and no.357 they could show up anytime.” I cocked my gun and looked over at Siwon.

“Ladies first,” Siwon smiled.

“Really? Why aren’t you going then?” I retaliated, earning myself a stern look. I, on the other hand, gave him a simple smile.

“Okay, love birds. GO! GO! GO!” I snapped on my serious face again and nodded towards Siwon as he nodded back to me and we both left the alleyway.

As diligent and fast as possible, we dashed down the lone street. We would hide behind light poles or large brick walls, just to get to where we were heading.

“Could you specify the number of infiltrators we’re dealing with?” Siwon asked Junsu.

“Hmmm. Well, if I’m not wrong, I say we’re dealing with 5 of them.” I nodded. I could deal with them. It’ll be easy. “No.157, I know what you’re thinking right at this moment! And don’t you even think about it!”

“EH? What do you mean?” I sensed a car and laid flat on the concret wall, as Siwon mimicked me. “Well we all know you’re planning on shooting someone especially with every chance you have.”

“And why can’t we shoot them?” I hissed into my microphone.

“Because, we need to capture them!”

“But they’re invading OUR base! Have you forgotten?” I looked side to side, making sure that the coast was clear and went back to running towards the back entrance to one of our main bases.

“Well that’s the point! That’s what you’re supposed to be doing! Capturing the invaders and bringing them back for questioning,” Junsu lectured.

Siwon nodded, agreeing with Junsu. I glared at him as Siwon only shrugged. “No.485 is right. We can’t act irrational here. We have to know what’s going on first.”

I gave him a confused look, “What? Aren’t you the one that told me to make use of my lessons and do as Axel has always said?”

Siwon looked over at me, with a shockingly unfamiliar face expression. Was he giving me…more gentle look? “Please, Yeonin. You, of all people, should know when it was the right time to gun someone down. Now is definitely not the time. Araso?”

I gave him a quizzical look.

“I think I’m about to barf,” I heard someone gag behind us, as I automatically turned around and pointed my gun at the person. “WOAH! Chill, no.157. It’s just me, no. 257.” I took a deep breath and lowered my gun. It was only Yunhee.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I hissed at her, looking ahead. She nodded forward. “I got the memo from no.485. But I could tell you later! WE HAVE TO GET GOING!” I nodded and as she began to run ahead of us. Both Siwon and I were right behind her.

Just as we reached our destination, I was a bit surprised. I’m not quite familiar with the back entrance to our…third base. But I’m pretty sure that the entrance wasn’t near some houses.

“I’m typing in some codes so you guys could go underground. There should be an entrance to the tunnels below.” I looked around the large empty streets of the neighborhood. I still found it strange that of all places to have entrances, it had to be here.

“No.157, pay attention,” I heard Junsu snap at me. I snapped out of my thoughts and cocked my gun again and pointed it in front of me, just in case someone was to pop out of nowhere. Pulling out a gun, I put the flashlight on top of the gun, as if they were as one before. I scanned the ground for the tunnel hole, or whatever you called them.

“Find anything?” I asked.

“No.485, are you sure it’s in this area?” Siwon spoke into the microphone, questioning our tech geek’s skill.

“Who do I look like to you?” Junsu asked, offended by Siwon’s question.

“A doofus?” Yunhee goofily remarked, snickering afterwards.

“YAH!” Junsu yelled in all our ears. I held in my laughter, walking away to search for the entrance.

“WOAH!” I yelled out, nearly tripping, but only having someone else to catch me. I knew it wasn’t Siwon at all. I looked up. Realizing who caught me, I blushed a bit. It was Jung Yunho.

He gently smiled, and quietly whispered, “Spies aren’t supposed to blush.” I quickly got up. He chuckled a bit but became serious again.

“No.157! Are you okay?” Yunhee ran to me. I nodded, hoping my blushing isn’t too revealing. “Yeah…” I pointed my flashlight downwards to see what I tripped over.

We all encircled around it, in disbelief. “Isn’t this…too obvious?” I looked up at everyone. The others couldn’t believe it themselves. On the metal plate, it was sprayed painted, “SECRET BASE HERE! ENTER NOW!”

“They’re mocking us!” Siwon angrily said, getting down and opening it immediately. “Let’s go! Before they escape.”


Back at the party, it was getting wrapped up, since the star was long gone. “I wonder where that woman went,” Key crossed his arms, leaning over in the corner of the room, with his other bandmates.

“She’s probably flirting with some guy,” Jonghyun said, chomping on a piece of cracker.

“Close your mouth, boy,” Key snapped at him.

Jonghyun immediately shut his mouth, in fear that Key would kill him. He chewed his food with his mouth closed…for the time being that is.

“Where’s Hyung, hyung?” Taemin asked his hyungs. They all knew who he was referring to. Minho.

“I’m sure he’s som---”

“I’m here, sorry you guys,” they heard a voice coming towards them. They all looked up to see the final piece of the band. Minho joined in the circle they have created, scratching his head, tiredly.

“Where have you been, hyung?” Taemin asked, a smile already appearing, happy to hear Minho say more words than before.

Minho ruffled his dongsaeng’s hair. “Went for some fresh air.”

Everybody smiled, pleased to hear more of his voice now.

“Yah! You should try some crackers!” Jonghyun smiled, that classic, stupid smile of his, handing Minho a small plate of crackers.

“No thank you,” Minho rejected, as Jonghyun frowned a bit. “When are we leaving? I’m bored.”

“Well I’m sure we could leave. Our manager already left,” Onew said, sipping his punch, as everyone else shot him a glare. Onew didn’t notice so Key stepped on his toe, earning an ‘eep’ from Onew. “WHAT?” Onew asked. As everyone gave him that look. Yes, it was the look of “you shouldn’t be saying that! You know he’s still sensitive!” The leader, himself, covered his mouth, feeling bad now.

They all looked at Minho now, who was biting his lips.

“Manager?” Minho murmured. Everyone began to feel his cold vibe again. Only Jonghyun tried to reach out to him. “Minho…”

“She’s no manager, at all. She’ll never be our manager!” Minho clenched his fists as he walked away, making Jonghyun miss Minho’s shoulder. “Tell Sangbum-nim that we’re leaving,” Jonghyun harshly told Onew, as he quickly followed his best friend.

Onew looked at the remaining two members, “You guys go get in the car, I’ll tell Sangbum-nim myself.” They both nodded as they went towards the entrance.


“Oh. My…” I said, shocked to see the place untouched. Something was wrong here…

“This is weird…” Yunho spoke to himself, looking around the place.

“Junsu! Didn’t you say that there were invaders here?” I asked, gun in front of me, ready to shoot, if needed.

“Yah! It’s----”

“Yeah, yeah~ It’s no. 485. Yada yada yada. But is this the face of someone that cares? Just answer the question,” I wasn’t playing around this time. Junsu was quiet for a moment. Probably shocked at my tone of voice.

“Well, yeah. There were 5 spies in here.”

“But aren’t they after something?” Yunhee asked, looking around her area.

“You guys split up. I’m sure they’re hiding. None of them have been in close range of our cameras. They must be hiding. SPLIT UP!” Junsu ordered. This time, I didn’t argue, as I looked at each and one of my teammates. They all nodded as we all split up in four different directions.


I walked down, a very quiet, eerie hallway. It was a bit too…bright. The lights were on maximum lighting, making the hallways look completely white. Man, I need to talk to Commander about redecorating the place. It’s just too plain to be a spy base. I looked up at the ceilings, seeing that the cameras were still active, since the small red light was flashing.

I looked both sides of me. Doing an occasionally 180 turn, making sure that no one was behind me. I continued to walk down the hallway.

Something wasn’t right about anything. Before I could get in contact with Junsu to ask him where to go next, but before I knew it, the lights turned off, leaving me in complete darkness.

“Who’s there?” I asked, in a threatening type of voice, my gun was ready to shoot anything in my shooting radius. “I asked. Who’s there!?” this time I demanded.

Something came at me quickly, but before I could even pull the trigger on the unknown person, I was pushed against the wall. “AH!” I gasped, as my arms were pinned to the wall.

“Oh lookie here. I think I just won the lotto,” the person whispered, lips close to me. I have a sense as to how tall this person was. But I couldn’t see the person’s face. All I got is that he’s a male, and probably one of the spies.

“Oh, and you’re holding the gun firmly. Here. I don’t think you’ll be needing this,” he picked up the arm that was holding my gun and slammed it against the wall so hard that I immediately let go.

“What the hell do you want?” I asked, gritting my teeth.

“Ooh, now I like your type of personality. I wish there were more of you girls like that.” His voice…it’s so…creepy. Like a pedobear type of voice?

“Let me go, you freak.”

“Now, now. You don’t want to hurt my feelings do you,” he spoke slowly, letting me want to kick him.

“Why not?” I grunted.

“Well I know all about you, Lee Yeonin,” my eyes widened with shock.

But I couldn’t play into this psycho’s creepy gestures. “What? You’re my stalker? Well that’s nice to know. I wished you were a lot…younger.”

“Listen! If I were you, I wouldn’t be giving me smartass remarks. ‘kay?”

“Why are you here?” I asked, turning my head way from him, so I could get some fresh air. I don’t like breathing the same air he exhales at me.

“Oh. You know, documents.”

“You didn’t even touch a single file here!”

“Oh, I think I found my files. I’m looking at them right here. They’re just…locked,” he skinny fingers took my chin and made me face him. Files? Is he referring to me?

“What do you mean?” I asked, startled.

“You’ll find out soon. I was only here to clarify something important that’s all,” he roughly let go of my chin. What was he trying to say? Is there something that I’m not too sure about? Then he kissed my cheek, making me turn away from him again. “Awww I just want a little innocent kiss from you.”

Gross. This guy. Before he tried to kiss my cheek again, I felt one of my pockets vibrating. I smiled widely, chuckling a bit. “What is it?” The guy backed away a bit, seeing that I was looking at him now.

“If I were you, I would be running,” I said, smirking.

“What? Why?”

“You just activated one of my emergency locator. Once you press that button, it automatically calls for backup at the exact location you’re at. In this case, my team,” I said, before banging his head. He grunted, letting go of me, and backing away and holding his head. “AH! You .”

“You’re an !” I yelled out, searching the floor. I grabbed my gun and looked around for my flashlight. Damn, where is it.

“You’re going to regret this! I’ll be seeing you again!” the guy yelled out at me, his footsteps stumbling down the hall. “OH NO YOU DON”T!” I yelled out, firing my gun. Then the lights , making me look up. “No.157!” I saw Siwon running to me, sliding onto the floor next to me. “Are you okay?”

I hadn’t realized this, but I was breathing hard. I nodded, “Yeah…I think…”

“Were you attacked?” Yunhee asked, kneeling down in front of me. I looked the other way, sighing. “Yeah…but he got away.”

“That’s whatever. As long as you’re okay!” Siwon pulled me into a hug, making me shock. Was he really worried about me?

“We caught a suspect,” Yunho coolly said, leaning against the wall. “You should get going home. We’ll be dealing with him right now.”

“But…” I said, wanting to do my first instigation case.

“No! You need rest. We’ll come by and ask about what happened at this end of the hallway,” Yunhee immediately said. I sighed. Why must I always be treated this way? I nodded, obliging to their orders.

“Here I’ll take you home,” Yunhee offered, but I rejected her. “No! It’s okay. Really. I’ll see you in the morning.”

I stood up, but nearly fell over, Siwon catching me. I was still a bit startled by the creepiness of Mr. Pedobear from a while ago. I think I need to burn my skin, to get the tingles of my cheek out.

“Know what, let the love birds go home together,” all our walkie talkie headsets came to life, creating discomfort between both Siwon and I.

“Yeah! You go take her, big guy.” Yunhee entrusted her rights onto Siwon, making us both sorta laugh. “I’m serious! GO!”

Siwon stood up, wrapping his arm around my waist, as I just stood there stupidly. “Let’s get you home,” Siwon sincerely spoke as he held onto me securely. It’s not like I was hurt or anything, but I didn’t mind this at all.

“Bye, love birds! We’ll see you sometime!”


“So she’s coming over tomorrow?” Taemin asked. Key nodded, not liking the thought of having that woman, aka Yeonin, come over and ‘manage’ them.

“Yeah, and she’s…” Onew trailed off, not wanting to finish off the sentence. He was the one that had to drive his dongsaengs back home. Since it used to be Jaehee, their former manager, that drove them.

Everyone knew what Onew meant. Even Minho was aware of it. Yeonin, their new manager, had to come live with them. It was already bad enough to know that you have a new manager, but suddenly she’s moving in with them as well? Minho hated that thought.

“She’ll be taking Jaehee’s room, right?” Jonghyun texted to Key, not wanting to whisper, since it was dangerous to mention Yeonin’s name in the presence of Minho. Or we’re all going to die.

Key nodded, not wanting to text dino. Jonghyun pouted.

Taemin sighed, knowing someone strange is moving in, let alone a girl, what if she acts as if she’s some spoiled person? Taemin pouted at that thought. He believed that he was the only one that could get spoiled! He sighed again and looked out the window, boredly.

Minho, on the other hand, was thinking what he should do. What if Yeonin takes Jaehee’s room? She has no right to. It’s impossible. Maybe she could just sleep in the living room or something. Maybe sleep in the laundry room. Despite how much he didn’t like the thought of having a new manager, he didn’t want to treat a lady like that.

Well they’re going to figure out something or she’s taking their manager’s room!

“Minho?” Minho snapped out of his thoughts to see that Jonghyun was observing him closely. “Are you okay?”

Minho’s eyes didn’t say much, since they were always so empty, been empty since the day their manager left this world. “You should talk to me, man. You can’t keep it to yourself.”

The quiet boy nodded, looking down at his phone, pretending he was texting people, when he really wasn’t. Jonghyun stared at him a bit longer before sighing and looking back forward. Minho mentally sighed, he didn’t want to open up at all.

The only time he ever opened up to his bandmates was when Jaehee opened his heart. As he still tried to accept the fact that Jaehee was gone, his heart became colder and colder, closing up to where it became impossible to thaw it out. He doesn’t think he’ll ever open up for anyone here.

“We’re here! You guys must be tired. Let’s get in and rest,” Onew smiled, parking the van, as each and one of them got out of the van.

Minho was the last to get out, when he noticed two figures. “Who’s that?” Minho asked, pointing in the distant. As everyone else looked at the cold member then to where he was pointing out, they squinted their eyes. They couldn’t make it out.

But as the two figures walked closer and closer, but not going towards their car, but towards the exit of the street, they became more prominent. “Is that…Siwon hyung?” Jonghyun asked, in a bit of a stupid way, but no one made fun of him this time.

“He’s holding onto someone,” Onew said, squinting some more. But I can’t tell.

Taemin gasped, “It’s our manager!” Everyone was shocked, not how it was their manager, but how well Taemin could see in the dark. “Wow, you could see that well?” Jonghyun complimented.

Taemin smiled, nodding, “Yeh~”

“OMO!” Key gasped again, pointing at the two. Everyone looked over at them. A car had passed by and instantaneously, Yeonin pulled Siwon against the wall. And to the members of SHINee, all they could clearly see is the two holding each other closely, more like they’re…KISSING!?


rukia1335 is BACK! with an update!

you guys thought i wouldn't update, didn't you? 

well I updated~ YAY!

i'm sorry if this chapter is a bit dull or awkward...

have trouble understanding this chapter? comment below and i shall try to clear up the confusion!

OMO! who's the pedobear that knows Yeonin? oh geez~ is there more to Yeonin than we all think there is?

well you won't know until you stick around!

so until next time,


rukia1335 is OUT! :D

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alison960 #1
Chapter 6: It's good!! I'm looking forward to updating, really
EvolutionIs13 #2
KISSING?! O.O Okay, cliffhangers, hate them, gotta update soon arasso? love this story! hwaiting! :D
AHAHA I love this story! <3
Elizaza #4
Whooooooo!! I looove your story!! Update soon please!
EvolutionIs13 #5
OOOOOOH, this is interesting! I wonder what the boys would do to her! Especially Minho! *insert evil laugh here* good update! :D
Why oh why are the guys such jerks???!!!! I don't like it!!! Hmpf!! LOL
update soon!!! XD
danger093 #7
Oh man! This is gonna be a good story for sure! UPDATE SOON!
JOYfilled #8
Hi! Your poster has been completed! Head to the pick-up section please :) and make sure you tag us to let us know you got it! n__n<br />
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EvolutionIs13 #9
EPIC! XDD I love the beginning of this~! please update soon~! :DD I'll make sure to read it!
EvolutionIs13 #10
this is great! :D Update soon~!