Chapter 3-Bad Start for Manager Yeonin


Along with Sangbum at my side, we both walked down the long staircase. I began to take note that everyone’s eyes was on us, or me? I wasn’t used to this many people staring, so I secretly shot glares at each one of them, as some were shocked by it, or scurried away.

“Yeonin-ah,” I turned back to Sangbum, smiling as if I didn’t do anything. “Play nice now,” he whispered in my ear, once we reach the main floor. I kept my smile up, “Neh~”

“Now let’s go meet your boys,” he moved forward, making my eyes furrow. My boys?

“Sir!” I called after him, he smiled and waved at others. “What do you mean my boys?”

“You shouldn’t address me sir. It…it sounds as if…” he stopped, looking around, then pulled me in to whisper, “too much as if you’re working for me, undercover.” He patted my shoulder and continued to walk. “Call me…Sangbum-shi, or Sangbum-ah. Anything but that address, got it?” he spoke strictly, keeping his face expression smooth and cool. I frowned a bit, he seemed a bit similar to…

“Sangbum-nim!” my head shot up at the enthusiastic voice, my eyes widened to see Siwon running over to Sangbum and hugging him.

“Oh! Well if it isn’t Siwon? How are you?” Sangbum smiled, greeting him. I turned away, not wanting to be seen by him. Is he still stalking me?

“Yeonin! Come here, sweetheart~” I heard my name again, but a different person was saying it. I knew it was Siwon, but I didn’t want to look. He may embarrass me in front of my boss. It’s embarrassing enough that he treated Sangbum as a friend…but even worse, when he calls me like that.

“Come here, Yeonin! Come here, girl!” my skin tingled at Siwon’s whistling for me to go to him. My temper began to rise, feeling the blood in my vessels accelerating throughout my body. What does he take me for? “Yeonin! Come here! Come, girl!” he snapped his fingers this time, making me lose my temper.

“YAH!!!!!” I yelled out. “WHO THE HELL DO YOU TAKE ME FOR!? DO I LOOK LIKE A DOG!?” I practically growled.

Siwon opened his arms, with that stupid smirk of his. “Now there’s a good girl! Come to me---” But before he could finish, I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind him. “AH!!! It hurts! It hurts! Apayo!” Siwon cried out.

I gritted my teeth, “Wanna try calling me sweetheart now, stupid?” He shook his head.

“Umm…Yeonin-ah…” I turned to whoever was calling me now. I’m definitely not in the--- I immediately let go of Siwon, totally forgetting that I was in the presence of my current boss and in the middle of a party.

Everyone stared over at me and Siwon, murmuring. I nervously laughed, “Haha! Mianhaeyo…umm…”

“Don’t worry! Yeonin and I always joke like this! Isn’t that right, Yeonin?” Siwon smiled, patting my head. I nearly wanted to kick him in his face now, until I realized his smile had already won the crowd over.

“Oh, chincha? That’s cute,” I heard one woman say.

Another person said, “Oh, they must be close friends then? That’s Siwon for you.” My eyes filled with confusion. I don’t know if I’m slow minded or not, but I’m just now wondering this…How in the world does everyone here know Siwon?

“I could see you have questions already,” Siwon wrapped his arms around my shoulders and whispering in my ear. I froze, why does he always do this to me? My heart is racing like crazy now, no thanks to him, of course. “Sangbum-nim will explain it to you later. In the meantime, you have a group you need to greet.”

He had let me go, giving me a little push behind the small of my back. I looked over him confused, “But…But…”

“No buts missy! They’re waiting for you,” he smirked, leading me to them. I suddenly felt nervous. Man, is this the right time to greet my new mission?

I looked around, applying my escape plan classes to good use, I thought my way out of this place. And the instant I was ready to initiate it, Siwon gave me a bum smack, making me squeal, “YAH!!!”

“Yeonin-ah! There you are!” Sangbum grabbed my arm, and gently pulled me over to him. As he pulled me away, I glared at Siwon. I mouthed, “You’re going to die in the headquarters later.” But all Siwon did was wave his goodbye.

“Yeonin-ah, I would like you to meet your group that you will be managing,” Sangbum smiled down at me, arm gestured me towards a group of young, bored looking boys. I immediately stood up straight, chin up high, and looking as professional as an agent could pull off.

The boys looked over at both Sangbum and I. I smiled and approached them.

“Boys, meet your new manager, Lee Yeonin. Yeonin-ah, meet your group, SHINee,” I bowed slightly, in a polite manner. “Anneyeonghaesayo, I’m Yeonin. Please treat me well.”

“Oh! Anneyeonghaesayo,” one boy bowed ninety degrees. Then he rose back up, “My name is Kim Kibum! Please to meet you.” He then extended a hand towards me. I smiled and gripped his hand as well. “Yeh~” Now this boy was really pretty, like undoubtedly pretty. He had this bowl looking blonde hair, with very pale skin. He’s so skinny as well. I wished I looked like this… “Manager-nim? Something wrong?” his voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I shook my head, “Anniyo, it’s nothing. Oh! You don’t even have to call me manager-nim, calling me Yeonin is fine.”

“You mean ‘Yeonin’ as in ‘sweetheart?” another boy stood next to this pretty boy. He was a bit shorter than the pretty boy. And the first word that I thought of, when I saw him, was dinosaur.

I turned slightly towards this dino-looking boy and smiled, “Anneyeonghaesayo, I’m Yeo—”

“So you’re that person on that staircase?” he smiles, looking like a happy child. I smiled and nodded, “Wah! You’re a manager?” I nodded again. “I’m Kim Jonghyun, please to meet you.” He gleamed at me happily, grabbing my hand and shaking it. I smiled back, happy that this was going so well.

Then I felt a tug on the end of my shirt, I turned around, a bit surprised to see a younger looking boy, who was shockingly taller than me. “So you are really our manager, huh?” he innocently asked, eyes large. I just wanted to hug this child. He looked too cute! “Anneyeonghaesayo, Manager-nim. My name is Lee Taemin, please take care of us!” he cheered happily, bowing politely.

“Please don’t call me Manager-nim. Like I said, Yeonin is fine,” I lightly chuckled, nervously. They’re so polite and kind. They’re a lot nicer than I thought they were.

“Omo!” I turned around at the sudden yelp. Before I could even process what happened, the next thing I could see was a large red stain on my white blouse. My eyes widened, shocked. What the hell just happened? I yelped out, “AH!”

I looked down onto the ground, to see a boy on the ground. He propped on both his hands and knees, shaking his head, like he was a bit wounded. He rubbed his head. Then he looked up, “OMO! MIANHAEYO!” he yelled out, processing what just happened.

“ONEW!” Sangbum hissed over at him, as he instantaneously popped up. He looked over at me, sorta scared, as I was still in my shocked state. I wasn’t even sure if it was appropriate for me to yell or overreact.

“MIANHAEYO!!” this guy called Onew, quickly apologized as he snatched someone else’s napkin, making them drop their food. But that didn’t matter to him. He quickly wiped down my blouse, repeating his words every few seconds, “I’m so sorry! This shirt must have been expensive.” He wouldn’t stop rambling on and on about the price of this shirt or how he was going to get it from Sangbum.

I had no idea as to what to say to this. All I could do was blush.

“Onew! You’re always so clumsy! Look at what you did to your manager!” Sangbum scolded. Just as he said that, I nervously stopped this person from cleaning my blouse anymore. I forced a smile, “It’s okay! Really. I think it’s better if I go clean it myself.”

“No! I’ll clean it for you!” Onew insisted, pulling my shirt towards him, causing it to rise up and revealing my belly.

“NO!” I said, sounding more like I was resisting from yelling out. He stopped, looking at me with this dumbfounded face expression. “It’s okay, really. I’m going to go the restroom,” I calmly said. I turned to Sangbum, “Sangbum-nim, would you mind pointing out where the restroom is?”

Sangbum nodded, “Yeah, ummm it’s back upstairs, turn to your left and it’s at the end of the hall.” I nodded, “Kamsahamida.”


“Boys,” Sangbum called the attention of the now present SHINee. The boys looked over at their boss. “Where’s Minho-ah?” The boys looked at each other, unsure what to say.

“Minho-hyung needed to get some air…” the youngest member spoke up, regarding some concern for his hyung. Sangbum looked over at the younger one and gave him a reassuring smirk.

“I see. Well I’m sure he’s still…affected by what has happened to Jaehee. May he rest in peace,” Sangbum said, sadly smiling as he ruffled the younger kids hair.

“Sangbum-nim!” Taemin called out, smiling a bit. Sangbum gave them a light chuckle, “You kids. Well I should get going now.” He let go of Taemin and turned away.

“Wait! Sangbum-nim,” Key called out, reaching for Sangbum.


“What about the Manager?” Key asked, unsure what to do with her.

Sangbum smiled at him, “I’ll leave you boys with her.” He turned back around, giving them an arm wave. “Make sure you boys behave now.”

As soon as he was out of sight, you could see that sly smile rise on Key’s lips, “Oh, we’ll behave alright.”


I looked in the mirror again, pouting, “Is the stain still noticeable?” I looked closely in the mirror, able to make out the faint color of pink on my white blouse. “Aigoo…I hope no one will notice. I don’t want to look like a clutz out there.” I straightened my shirt, “Wah…I gained some pounds, haven’t I?” I took in my appearance, satisfied with what I’m seeing.

Now I have to head out and talk more with…what are they called SHINee? I giggled to myself. SHINee…sounds like they’re sparkly. I practiced smiling in the mirror just a few more seconds. I have to look nice for the boys. After all, they’re my boys…right? Now it just sounds as if I’m a mother.

I shook my head, snapping my silly thoughts away. No! Now’s not the time to be thinking about the boys in general. My main mission lies within SHINee…at least that’s what Commander said.


“You’re main mission lies within SHINee,” Commander had said with a serious face.


“You’ll understand soon. You’ll see. When you move in with them, you’ll know what I’m talking about.”

*End of Flashback*

I sighed, that’s right…I’m going to be moving in with them. Meaning, I don’t get my own private space anymore…

“Manager-nim?” I heard sudden knocking on the restroom door, making me freak out just for a short time, “EEEEP!”

“Manager-nim? Are you okay?”

I cleared my throat, trying to bring out my normal voice. Boy, did I fail at that… “Y-yes?” I whimpered, opening the door just a bit where I poked my head out. I looked from side to side. Hmm…

“RAWR!” someone pounced towards me, making me scream loudly and falling backwards.

Falling back, I ended up slipping on the tile rugs, and brought down anything that was nearby, just so I could stop my fall, but it didn’t work. “Owwww...” I moaned out, rubbing my head.

“HAHAHA!” I heard a howl of laughter. I looked up at the person laughing. It was that dino looking kid. He was pointing into the restroom, holding his stomach. “AHAHA! This is so going on twitter!” he then took a picture of me.

My face flushed, seeing that some more unknown people looked into the restroom, seeing what this jerk was laughing about.

I immediately stood up, dusting off my clothes. I looked up, shortly glaring at the one, that I believe is called Jonghyun, for his immaturity then in a flash I looked at the other guest of the party and lightly laughed, “Oh silly me! I thought I saw a mouse. Aigoo~ don’t mind me people!” I waved at them as I could see some of them chuckling.

“Aigoo, this is an entertaining person to have here,” I heard someone say as they walked away. The other nodded walking along with that person. I sighed.

“You have to admit. It was pretty funny, sweetie,” my gaze snapped to his eyes. I put my hands on my hips. “What?” he looked at me dumbly, leaning against the door frame.

My eyes squinted, approaching him, “What the hell was that?” I spoke with my anger being restrained. He smirked at me, “Hmmm…it’s my way of welcoming new people.”

I pushed my way past him, trying to keep my cool. I have this inner feeling that I wouldn’t get along with him too well.

“Eh~ Someone’s being too dramatic,” I paused, turning my head to my left, where there was the pretty looking boy leaning against the wall.

My anger left my body, as I came back to my senses of being nice. “Ki…Kibum…right?” I asked, innocently.

I could see that his forehead cringed, “Don’t you dare call me that…”


“Don’t ‘eh?’ me!” he made a high pitched impression of my ‘eh’, making me frown. “Girl, you think you’re amazing don’t ya? Oooh, you’re so special!” he raised his hands up, making me take a step back. He approached me, making me take more steps back to where I bumped into the wall. “You may be new around here, and everyone’s being nice to you now. But that doesn’t mean a damn thing to me,” he spoke with a different voice than he used before, when he greeted me, like…twenty minutes ago?

“Key, leave her be. You’re being too harsh to her now,” I could hear Jonghyun calling his friend. He stopped, giving me a good look. I held my breath, a bit scared.

After a few more seconds, which felt more like hours, of staring at me, he then backed away from me, allowing me to finally catch my breath. He turned his back from me, “By the way, you’re sense of fashion is quite poor. And that stain won’t leave the shirt, especially with that kind of fabric.”

I gasped, looking at my shirt. Chincha? I looked back up to them, as both Kibum and Jonghyun walked away. What’s with these boys?


“Sangbum-nim, mianhaeyo,” I bowed again.

“You don’t need to say sorry again. You’re tired right?” Sangbum patted my shoulder. I looked up and slightly nodded. “Well you get some rest. You should start packing tomorrow. Later I’ll have some of my boys come by and help you move over to—”

“Oh! No! Please don’t do that. I could handle things on my own,” I smiled, nervously waving my hands, a sign that I don’t want it.

We were both standing in front of his large home. It was nightfall already, a bit chilly as well.

“You sure you don’t want me to call a taxi for you?”

I nodded, “Yeah, I could catch one myself. You’re the host, so you go do your party duties!” I saluted him. He chuckled, “You’re a strange girl. Well, I hope to see you start your job by Sunday.” I nodded, watching as he walked away. “Thank you for inviting me today,” I thanked him loudly, bowing again, earning me a loud grunt. I smiled, standing back up. I looked up in the sky, feeling the cold breeze pass my hair.

Well…meeting SHINee well? I shook my head, sighing. I have a bad feeling about this now.

Just as I looked at my watch, it began to buzz like crazy. I came to my urgent sense, tapping the small ‘snooze’ button, “NO.157! Do you read me!? No.157!”

“No.157 here! Over!” I strictly said. “Is that Junsu?” I smiled.

“Yah! How many times do I have to remind you? It’s no. 485! Get with the program here, no.157,” Junsu lectured me.

“Whatever, what’s the urgent call?” I asked, rolling my eyes.

“Unknown spies began to infiltrate one of our bases in the area near you,” Junsu spoke, with seriousness again. “We need both no.157 and no.357 to get their quickly as Commander calls in some back up for you two.”

“Got it! Where exactly is it?”

“Under coordinates XX-XX” I pictured a large depiction of South Korea. Then I began to scan that map and memorizing what coordinate lied where. As my image began to become clearer, the location was clear now. “Do you understand where it is located, Yeonin?” Junsu buzzed. I gave him my serious voice, “It’s no.157 and yes I know where it is. I’m on my way. Over.”

“Roger that, I’ll be sending back up to your area now.”

I nodded. I looked around the dark, spacious area, searching for a different entrance, just so that I wouldn’t bump into Sangbum. It didn’t take me more than a second to find a different entrance. I dashed over to the far left of the mansion to the patio area.

I didn’t expect anyone to be on the patio since the party was inside. It was completely dark out here, so I must be careful. But to my failure skill of being a spy, I accidentally tripped over something…or someone. With a loud thud, I fell on my face. “Ow…” I groaned a bit, getting on my knees. I looked behind to see what I had tripped over.

“No.157! Where are you?” I heard my watch blare out. That’s right, I had a mission right now. I don’t have time to find out what I tripped over. Probably someone’s stuff. I stood back up and rushed into the house, prepared to just grab Siwon and run back out.


As Yeonin stood back up and ran into the house to grab Siwon, the thing she tripped over wasn’t just anything. It was no other than the last member that she failed to greet.

He sat up, a bit tired and lazy, but was a bit tipped off. She just tripped over him and she didn’t even say sorry. “Sheesh, who the hell was she? No.157? She’s playing stupid childish games at her age?” Minho scoffed at that fact. He lie back down, laying on his arms and looking up at the sky. “And she’s our manager? Pathetic…no one could replace Jaehee hyung at all…” he sighed. Lee Yeonin…I’ll remember that name. I’ll make you run away so you wouldn’t come back at all. Minho thought to himself as he closed his eyes. 


rukia1335 is BACK!

check this out~ sorry if it was a bit boring~

but please bare with me, as you'll see the story start picking up!

real soon~

until next time,


rukia1335 is OUT!

oh! and i forgot! i would like to thank JOYfilled for this wonderful poster again~ it's truly amazing! well done!

and I LOVE IT!

if you're looking for a poster to be made, go to

thanks again! :D

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alison960 #1
Chapter 6: It's good!! I'm looking forward to updating, really
EvolutionIs13 #2
KISSING?! O.O Okay, cliffhangers, hate them, gotta update soon arasso? love this story! hwaiting! :D
AHAHA I love this story! <3
Elizaza #4
Whooooooo!! I looove your story!! Update soon please!
EvolutionIs13 #5
OOOOOOH, this is interesting! I wonder what the boys would do to her! Especially Minho! *insert evil laugh here* good update! :D
Why oh why are the guys such jerks???!!!! I don't like it!!! Hmpf!! LOL
update soon!!! XD
danger093 #7
Oh man! This is gonna be a good story for sure! UPDATE SOON!
JOYfilled #8
Hi! Your poster has been completed! Head to the pick-up section please :) and make sure you tag us to let us know you got it! n__n<br />
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EvolutionIs13 #9
EPIC! XDD I love the beginning of this~! please update soon~! :DD I'll make sure to read it!
EvolutionIs13 #10
this is great! :D Update soon~!