Chapter 1-The Death of Great Axel


Chapter 1-The Death of Great Axel

I sighed, “When is Commander-nim going to give us the order?” I looked over to the tough guy next to me. He stood, flat on the wall, ready to fire his gun, if in need of course.

“Yah! Siwon-ah! I’m talking to you!” I hissed at him.

“SHUSH! We’re supposed to be quiet!” Siwon hissed back, making me pout. “Plus, you’re not supposed to call me by my real name, stupid.” I cuffed my mouth, forgetting again. I nodded, and held my gun back into position, preparing to shoot, if needed.

“Sorry, No. 357,” I whispered, looking into the empty streets of Korea.

Technically, I’m not supposed to tell anyone about the details, but it’s okay to tell you guys. I think…Anyways, for those who aren’t too sure who I am, I’m number 157 and the strict guy next to me is number 357. We’re on a top secret mission along with three other members. We’ve been waiting in an alley for an hour already, and our Commander hasn’t told us what to do. As Axel always says, don’t do things without your Commander’s orders. It’s the number one rule everywhere in our base. I sighed, thinking about my hero.

“No.157! Do you read me? No.157,” my walkie talkie screeched. I pressed the receiver button and spoke back to my team, “Yes, this is no.157 here! Order! Is that Junsu there?” I smiled.

“Yah! How many times have we said this? You’re not supposed to call me by my real name, stupid!” Junsu yelled back, sounding just like Siwon. I pouted, “You guys are just mean! Fine! What is it?”

“I’m finished. Commander orders both no.157 and no.357 to infiltrate the surroundings now, over!” Junsu ordered. I looked over at Siwon as he nodded back. “We’re heading out, over.” I took the lead, as we blended in with the walls, making sure we weren’t caught. “Just keep in mind that I can only keep the security system off for only a good 30 minutes. So make it quick, over!”

“GOT IT!” I hollered back.

On the walkie just now, was our best computer genius, Kim Junsu, aka number 485. He’s frickin’ bad ! He just finished hacking a very complicated security system, which for most computer geeks at our base would take a good three hours to figure out, or even screw up and get us caught. That’s why Junsu, uh I mean, no.485.

“No.157 you’re on guard, while I go get the information,” Siwon ordered me, once we got to the entrance of the empty complex. I gave him a shocking look. “What?”

“Nuh uh man! You stay on guard!” I grabbed his shoulders. He turned back to me, “What are you saying? Why?”

“Siwon-ah, you’re clearly buffer than I am. You’re more suitable for the job,” I tried to make sense.

“Yeonin-ah, uh I mean, no.157. That was an order. Disobey it, I may even report it to the Commander or even Axel-shi,” Siwon threatened. I crossed my arms. “That’s no fair! Commander said that both of us should get it,” I made a point.

“Well…I’m gonna get it. You can----”

“Kai, bai, bo for it!” I got ready.

“You got to be kidding me,” Siwon rolled his eyes. I nodded, with a serious look. “We don’t have time for your stupid little games now! We’re on a strict mission right now, and we have to get that info right now,” Siwon’s eyes bugged out, freaking me out a bit. I stood my ground, “Let me go with you then!”



“NO! That’s final, Yeonin!” Siwon hissed.

“Yah! No.357! Just frickin let no.157 go with you! It’s getting annoying to hear a couple’s quarrel everytime!” Siwon and I both looked at our walkie talkies then back up at each other, before we blushed a bit. We both took up our walkie talkies and yelled into them “WE’RE NOT A COUPLE!”

“Yah, yah. I get it. You guys aren’t. But keep this up then everyone who’s hearing this right now, will think you guys have a th----”

“SHUT IT, YUNHEE!” We both yelled at her.

“Whatever~ Just saying! Now get going! Commander-nim expects to have us return to base, before sunrise,” Yunhee spoke calmly, making us irritated. I looked back up at Siwon’s powdered pink face.

“Let’s just go,” Siwon rolled his eyes. He walked ahead, as I nodded following him.

I kept a sharp eye around the strange place. This was surely weird. This was my 5th mission going with the professionals. With every mission, the security got tighter and tighter. As Axel always says, “Keep your eyes out for any signs for traps or trip wires around the place. I’ve always kept his teachings close to my heart. But despite that, I always seem to do something wrong everytime.

“No.157, you look in that room, while I look in this room. Let me know if you find it or not,” Siwon ordered, as I nodded, obeying this time. I watched as Siwon opened a dark door slowly then slipping into darkness. I turned and stood before a dark door as well. I turned the knob, opening it and slipping into the darkness of the room as well.

I took a look around the darkness of the room, seeing that the windows were slightly opened to where the faint shine of the moon scattered around the room, revealing this gentle glow in the room. This room was truly enormous. I took out my flashlight and began my search at the bookshelves. I remembered that Axel said that it will always be too obvious if any top secret information was kept at the desk. So he always reminded me that if there were any bookshelves that I should look at them first.

I shined my flashlight across the bookshelf, looking for something odd about the bookshelf. But I couldn’t see anything different about it. They were all old looking and dusty. I sighed. What if Axel was wrong this time? Then something caught my eye. Smack in the middle of the bookshelf was a brand new pearl blue book, dying for me to pull it out and open it.

I stepped towards it and hesitated about pulling it out. I didn’t understand why, but for some reason, I found this book…mysterious. I finally managed to pull the book out and opened it, “The book of…” The title just ended there. My eyebrows furrowed, trying to understand why the title wasn’t finished. I turned the pages some more, skimming it.

I came upon some interesting loose leaf notes, that were left in this book. Before I could read it, Siwon came into the room, frightening me, where I closed the book immediately. “Yah! I found it! Hurry! We have to go!” he urgently said. I nodded, unsure what I should do with the book. I decided to take the book with me. So I stuffed the book into the inside of my jacket.

“Hurry, no.157,” Siwon whispered for me to come out. I hurried out and immediately followed Siwon. I felt so scared for some reason, that I forgot to check if there were any trip wires, so I ended up tripping on one, falling on my face.

“What happened?”

I groaned in pain, as I looked up at Siwon, seeing a shocked face, “YOU TRIPPED ON A WIRE!”

Just when I was about to ask him wasn’t the security system still off, we then heard a wailing of sirens. I immediately stood up, looking at Siwon, scared, I could see that he was cursing under his breath. “Come on! Let’s go!” Siwon grabbed my hand and rushed out of the place. I was frightened. More like ashamed now. I always seem to ruin these kind of missions.

“GET OUT OF THE AREA NOW, NO.157 and NO.357!” I could hear a panicked voice in the talkie. It was our last member of the team, the one that hardly speaks often unless we’re in danger. No other than no.285, aka Jung Yunho.

Siwon’s grip on my hand grew tighter as we ran out of the place and dashed across the streets of Korea, as diligent and quiet as possible. We can’t afford to be caught by the police of all times now.

As we were running, one by one, our members began to pop out of nowhere. First, Junsu (no.485), Yunhee (no.257), then Yunho (no.285) running along with both Siwon and I.

“Great going, little Yeonin. You did it again!” Yunhee laughed. I blushed out of embarrassment. “Shut up, Yunhee!” But that didn’t stop Yunhee at all from laughing at me. I looked up ahead, as I noticed that both Siwon’s and my hands were still together.

Then I felt the warm large hands of my sunbae, Yunho, lay upon my head. I looked over at him, he kept a serious, cool face on, as he spoke, “Don’t listen to Yunhee. She only wishes to be in the action more.” I smiled, nodding. We were still running as we made a couple of turns and immediately came to a dead end.

Junsu stepped forward and pulled out his iPad and began typing a bunch of things in a few seconds before the entrance to our base opened up and we ran in.

We collapsed from exhaustion. We looked at the entrance as it began to shut closed.

“There goes yesterday’s buffet,” Yunhee smiled, laughing. I laid back onto the cold surface of the floor.

“Yah! Don’t lay like that,” Siwon nagged, standing up and walking away. “Siwon-ah, Where are you going?”

“It’s no.357. And I’m going to give this to----”

We all froze, as our Commander stepped towards us. “Commander-nim!” We all stood up immediately and greeted him. He smiled, as always and greeted us back, “I could see someone got a nice workout today.” We all nervously laughed.

“Thank you for completing today’s mission. Although, I’m guessing someone tripped a wire again?” he looked over at me, smiling hard. But I knew I was in trouble. I gulped and looked down in shame, “I did, Commander-nim. Mianhaeyo for my clumsiness again.” He gave us a good hardy chuckle, waving his hand in the air. “It’s all okay. Just be more diligent. Now in the meantime, everybody seems to have gotten back several hours than I have expected. Everybody is dismissed for today. Go rest at home and then go back to your secret job of the day.”

We all bowed, “Yeh, Commander-nim! Have a nice day!” We all began to walk away, until I felt Commander’s hand lay on mine, making me stop and look at him. “I would like to speak with you in my office, Yeonin. Privately.” He turned around as he headed down the long hallway. I nodded and followed him.

As soon as we reached his office, he gestured me to sit in one of his chairs. “I have something to discuss with you.”

I sat down, sitting at the edge of the seat, stiff. Am I in trouble again? I could feel a demotion coming here. Oh no! I can’t work in the stalls again! The guys are disgusting as always. I can’t stand cleaning another urinal again! Oh please don’t get me demoted!

He sat directly in front of me, gazing at me sadly. I felt confused. “Yeonin…”

“Yes, Commander-nim?”

“I feel the need to tell you this…since…since you seem to admire Axel’s work so much.” I smiled, like a kid being given candy.

“Did he complete yet another amazing mission?” I asked, giddedly. But Commander only shook his head. I frowned, confused. I stared at the middle aged man in front of me, seeing that he seem lost some age in his face from this morning. Did something happen? “Commander-nim, please tell me. I can’t bare this—”

“Axel has passed away…” My eyes widened with shock, frozen from this news. “Axel what?”

“He lost his life in the most fatal mission he has ever taken upon. It was a very dangerous mission as well. He chose to take the risk, knowing he was going to lose his life.”

My eyes fell from Commander’s somewhat new aged face to my lap. I know better than to cry here, we were raise to never cry for anything. That’s one of the rules of being a spy. Never mix both emotions with work, especially in front of your boss. And this was definitely work.

I couldn’t even say a word. “On this topic now. I have a mission for you to accomplish now.” My eyes shot back up to him, showing no sign of sadness. That’s all hidden now. I’m prepared, I’m always prepared.

“I believe you’re ready for this one for sure. Are you ready?”

I nodded, determined. “I’m ready,” I said, in a strict monotone voice. I’m always ready.


*The NEXT Day*

“Aboji!!! WAE!?!” an older looking boy cried out.

“PABO!” a pretty looking boy slapped his hyung’s head. “He wasn’t even your dad!”

“That doesn’t change anything! Manager, Aboji, SAME THING!!” he cried out, in devastation.

“You’re so hopeless, Onew hyung. So hopeless,” the pretty boy patted his back.

“Key umma!” a younger looking boy cried out, reaching for the pretty boy. “Why…why does he have to go?”

“Awww, my poor Taemin!” he pulled the younger boy into his arms. “Please don’t cry! Jaehee hyung would not like it if he saw our precious Taemin crying like this!”

“But…but…” Taemin began, but Key stopped him as he comforted him. “I’ll be okay, Taemin. Remember, he’s in a happier place.”

There were five boys, really good looking boys, sitting in a lonesome room, where their manager’s funeral was being set up. On one side of the room, Onew, Taemin, and Key were mourning for their beloved manager, as for the other side of the room, sat two other boys. They were both leaning on the wall.

One dino looking boy was looking after his dongsaeng. He was greatly concerned for him. “Yah, Minho, will you be okay?”

The other boy looked out the door, in his cold state. He didn’t say a word to him. “Minho-ah, talk to me man,” he laid a hand on his dongsaeng’s shoulders. The younger one looked up, eyes cold, yet empty, “I’ll be okay…I think I’ll go get some fresh air.” He stood up and walked out, as everyone’s eyes followed him out, worried.

“Will Hyung be alright?” Taemin worriedly asked. Both Onew and Key ruffled the young one’s hair, “Yah! Stop it!”

Jonghyun stood up and walked up to the younger one. “To be honest, Tae…We don’t know…We’ve never seen him this cold before.”

Onew sighed, “Yeah, we can’t blame him either. He was close to Jaehee-hyung. It’s pretty hard on him as well.”

Taemin looked at Onew, curious, “Onew hyung?”


“Since hyung passed on, does Seongsung-nim know?” Taemin asked.

“Well of course, he knows! He’s finding a new manager for us, right now,” Onew smiled, ruffling the kid’s hair.

“Yah! Shush! You’re talkin—”

“A new manager?” Everyone froze, feeling the coldness of Minho. They all looked up. Jonghyun wanted to punch Onew now. “Minho-ah! It’s not like that,” Jonghyun tried to calm his best friend down.

“I DON’T WANT ANOTHER MANAGER!” Minho cried out, running out of the place.

“Great going, dubu face! You practically ruined his day AGAIN!” Key smacked Onew’s head, as he cried out in pain, “I’M SORRY!”

Just as Jonghyun and Key were hitting Onew in one corner, Taemin couldn’t help notice someone walked in. He wasn’t sure if he should say anything, so he left his hyung’s be. He watched the stranger walk up to the alter, stared at the picture of their Jaehee hyung, then began to bow as accordance of bowing in respect to someone you know. Taemin admired this person. He couldn’t even see this person, for this person was wearing a big hoody covering their face making it impossible to see the person.

After the person finished bowing, they stood up and walked out again, making Taemin curious of this person. “Taemin what are you looking at?” Key took Taemin’s attention away from the entrance. Taemin looked at his hyung, “Someone just came in here.” The three older hyungs looked at their dongsaeng and ruffled his hair. “You’re probably imagining stuff!”


As I finished praying for Axel to move on, in that room, I noticed that one kid was looking at me. Oh no! He wasn’t supposed to see me. I quickly walked out. I’m not supposed to even see them until tomorrow…that is if the CEO of SM Entertainment finds me acceptable…



yays~~~ altho i'm dearly sorry if you find this chapter boring. 

but i do find this chapter very important!

it'll pick up soon! you'll see~ 

until next time,


rukia1335 is OUT! 

thanks for those that subscribed and began to read this! :D

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alison960 #1
Chapter 6: It's good!! I'm looking forward to updating, really
EvolutionIs13 #2
KISSING?! O.O Okay, cliffhangers, hate them, gotta update soon arasso? love this story! hwaiting! :D
AHAHA I love this story! <3
Elizaza #4
Whooooooo!! I looove your story!! Update soon please!
EvolutionIs13 #5
OOOOOOH, this is interesting! I wonder what the boys would do to her! Especially Minho! *insert evil laugh here* good update! :D
Why oh why are the guys such jerks???!!!! I don't like it!!! Hmpf!! LOL
update soon!!! XD
danger093 #7
Oh man! This is gonna be a good story for sure! UPDATE SOON!
JOYfilled #8
Hi! Your poster has been completed! Head to the pick-up section please :) and make sure you tag us to let us know you got it! n__n<br />
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EvolutionIs13 #9
EPIC! XDD I love the beginning of this~! please update soon~! :DD I'll make sure to read it!
EvolutionIs13 #10
this is great! :D Update soon~!