ordinary songs // vii. ♫ [4/5]

The Soundtrack of Our Youth

snails house - ♫

    Momo feels her heart race a little when she sees Myoui Mina, in her leather jacket, dressed in all black, leaning against her front gate and scrolling through her phone in the morning. And when she pushes her hair back, god, Momo nearly stops breathing. She’s so hot and she likes me and I’m so gay™.
“M-morning!” Momo manages to stutter.
Mina jumps, nearly dropping her phone. Her panicked scramble to hold onto it is truly a sight to behold.
Shoving her phone in her pocket, Mina calms herself down and, with her newly red face, mumbles a “good morning” back. Adorable.
“Were you waiting for me?” Momo asks.
Avoiding eye contact, Mina goes even redder, “I-I thought we could walk to school together.”
Inside, Momo is screaming. Is it really possible for someone to be this cute? (The answer is yes.)
“You’re adorable,” Momo blurts.
Mina turns away quickly and starts walking. Momo follows after with a grin. (Later on, Mina takes her hand and Momo’s heart soars.)

    Sana notices that she’s been squinting a lot lately. Mostly at Momo. Momo is far more carefree than usual. Too carefree. Sana squints.
“What?” Momo asks, with a mouthful of sandwich.
Sana squints, “you haven't mentioned Myoui Mina lately.”
Momo nearly chokes on her sandwich, “w-what? Why would I talk about Myoui Mina?”
Momo’s eyes shift and Sana’s suspicions grow
She swears she can feel the nervous sweat beading on her forehead so she flees the scene, “oh! I forgot to water the plants! Gotta go! Bye Sana! Love you!”
Before Sana can process what’s happening, Momo is almost halfway across the canteen, “Hirai Momo!”

    Momo’s mad dash leads her to the greenhouse (how surprising). She leans against the closed door and catches her breath.
“Momo?” comes a soft voice.
Suddenly, Momo isn’t tired anymore, “h-hi!”
Mina peeks out from behind the orchids. She’s taken her leather jacket off, tied her hair into a low ponytail and Momo likes her so much like this.
“W-Why are you staring?” Mina stammers.
Momo shakes herself back into consciousness, “huh? Oh, I uh…I was just thinking about how much I like you like this,” she confesses before she can stop herself.
“L-Like this?”
It’s too late to take it back now, “y-yeah like—when you have your hair tied up and you don’t have your leather jacket on.”
Mina blushes, “so…you don’t like it when I have my hair down and when I have my leather jacket on?”
Momo wants to slap herself, because Mina sounds so small and dejected, “no! No, I meant I—I like you both ways.”
Mina looks at her with stars in her eyes.
Momo looks down at her feet as she digs them into the grass, “I just like you a lot.”

    What does it mean to date someone? Momo’s been thinking about this a lot lately. She can’t help but want to do more with Mina, more than just awkward silences and blushing. Normally, she would ask Sana for help, but not this time—not yet, anyway. I guess the internet is a good place to start. She types ‘how to date’ into the search bar.
“‘How to date like an adult…no…11 things that are supposed to—no…ah! Here we go! ‘How to Date Girls: 12 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow’! That sounds alright!” she clicks on the link happily.

Part 1: Being Your Best
1. Project confidence—I guess I’m pretty confident? I don’t know.
2. Be genuine—I’m genuine, aren’t I?
3. Present yourself well—nope.

Part 2: Getting To Know Her on a Deeper Level
1. Don’t dwell to much on a girl’s appearance—How?? She’s literally an angel! All I can do is think about how pretty she is! This is unfair!

2. Be a sincere conversationalist—I can’t do this. I can’t talk to her without saying something dumb. This is terrible
3. Let her get comfortable—Is she comfortable? I can’t tell! Oh my god, I’m the worst!

Part 3: Being a Good Date
1. Put effort into your first date—

“Wait, first date?” Momo squints, and then it dawns on her, “I should ask her out on a date!”

    Asking Mina out on a date is proving to be harder than she had previously thought. For starters, she can’t even think about the date without out having a small mental breakdown, and every single time Mina looks at her with those shining eyes, all thoughts just go out the window and she becomes a stuttering mess. Also, these days, it seems like she can never get a moment alone with her. It’s just her luck that the day after she decides to ask Mina on a date is the day Seungwan decides that it’s time for her to dedicate all her free time to being in the greenhouse. 
“Hey um…Mina?” Momo swallows her fear.
Mina looks up from the patch of grass she’s weeding, “hmm?”
Come on Momo, you can do this! Even though Mina’s puppy-dog eyes make you weak in the knees, you can do this!
“I—um—do you want to—”
“Hirai Momo!” a familiar voice screeches as the greenhouse door swings open at a dangerous speed.
When will my suffering end?
Mina grimaces. So does Momo.
“S-seungwan!” she seethes through the smile she’s just plastered on her face, “what’s up?”
Seungwan doesn’t seem to have gotten the message, “oh nothing! I just thought I’d help you out here!”
“O-oh. That’s okay, I think me and Mina have it covered,” Momo glares (again, unnoticed).
“Oh come on! I’m always here to help my friends!” she adds in a whisper, “and I can’t let Myoui Mina get the best of us.”
Momo deflates. There’s no getting out of this. 

    So Seungwan stays. The days pass painfully. When Momo tries to help Mina out with carrying the pots, Seungwan is there. When Momo tries to sort out the mysteriously odd-numbered collection of gloves they have with Mina, Seungwan is there. When Momo tries to take Mina to the nurse to get a bandaid after she cuts her finger, Seungwan is there. When Momo tries to look at Mina, Seungwan is there. Momo can’t take it anymore. She can see Mina looking more and more depressed every time Seungwan walks in the greenhouse. Walking to and from school isn’t the same anymore. Seungwan talks so much. Momo swears she can hear echoes of Seungwan’s gossip even hours after the day has ended. The depression never ends. It ends today. Momo has a plan. She’ll ask Mina out on this goddamn date if it’s the last thing she does.

    “Sir, I have to leave early, I have a dental appointment,” she lies.
“Do you have an early departure pass?” her teacher raises an eyebrow skeptically. But she is prepared. The night before, she typed out an excuse and signed it with what was the best imitation she could’ve done of her mother’s signature. So she’s packed up and she’s out of class. Alright, now to get Mina. She circles the hallways, peeking into classes, looking for her girl. When she spots her, she’s knocking on the door in a heartbeat.
“The principal needs to see Myoui Mina in his office,” she says. Mina’s teacher barely blinks as she nods and waves a hand dismissively.
“Take your bag,” she mouths at Mina, who is rightfully confused.
Soon, she’s holding onto Mina’s hand, and the two of them are speeding down the hallways, out of the gates, out of school.
“What’s happening? Don’t I have to see the principal?” Mina asks.
Momo shakes her head, “I may have told a few lies.”
“Where are we going?”
“Did you bring your bus card?”
Mina nods.
Momo grins, “well, we’re going on a date.”
Hirai Momo, you did it, you son of a . Well technically you didn’t ask her on a date as much as forced her on a date but that’s not the point right now, you’ve got a date with Myoui Mina!

idk how long this is gonna be but oh well
i can't believe i had a plan HA who plans lmao
tbh i should be studying for exams but are exams more important than mimo fics
no :^)))

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Chapter 13: I kept coming back here heheheh
Chapter 13: One of the best misana fics I've read... Thank you
Chapter 13: Love it
Chapter 15: UwU’s all over omg

Too good need more!!!
amoo22 #5
Chapter 15: hello im here to claim my spot as your number one biggest fan. i love you and all of this it's incredible how you're able to write so much with so little words and i just love you so much i can't even like, you're literally the only author i read on aff and i get this lil flip in my heart whenever i see you update and yeah, i love you and all of your writing if that wasn't clear :))))))
mjsatzu #6
Chapter 13: It captures all the emotions. So damn good.
Chapter 14: Ok that was good and i need more! Welcome back btw authornim.
amoo22 #8
Chapter 14: its not unusual is on repeat rn, and i absolutely love you

can't believe its been a year lol wtf
Chapter 12: my heart is full of emotion after reading this ... so beautiful
i feel personally attacked. i was laughing/screaming "this is gay culture" while reading this askdjsdhfg this is adorable thank u