it's not unusual

The Soundtrack of Our Youth

it's not unusual - tom jones

    “Not this ing song again, Mina,” Jihyo groans, as she walks into their flat, only to be greeted by the opening fanfare of Tom Jones’ It’s Not Unusual.
Mina glares at her from her spot on the floor, “ off, Jihyo.”
It’s clear to Jihyo that Mina is in one of her moods. One of those moods, the likes of which are usually defined by an endless loop of It’s Not Unusual, and Mina eating as much junk food as she can stomach.
“What happened this time? Did you see her with Dahyun? Momo? Nayeon?” asks Jihyo as she joins Mina on the floor and helps herself to one of the many open packets of chips.
The interrogation has Mina curling up into a ball and , “all of them! And she nearly kissed Dahyun!”
“Okay, but when isn’t she nearly kissing Dahyun,” Jihyo points out through a mouthful of chips.
The glare returns, “if you’re just here to attack me, please leave.
Jihyo squints, “how was that attacking—never mind. Why don’t you go hang out with her then? If it bothers you so much when she hangs out with other people.”
“Because!” Mina huffs, “what if she says no? I don’t think I could handle the rejection.”
“Why would she say no?” Jihyo squints so hard at Mina that her eyes are barely more than slits.
Sitting up to grab a cushion from the sofa to bury her face in, Mina whines, “what if she doesn’t really like me? What if she thinks I’m too clingy? What if I’m annoying? Oh my god I bet she actually hates me. I knew it. I shouldn’t have sent her that snap of that fat squirrel at the bus stop. She probably thinks I’m stupid—GOD I’m an IDIOT.”
Before she can whine anymore, she’s struck by a cushion to the side of the head.
“Ow! What the fu—”
Jihyo looks at the idiot before her, “she doesn’t hate you, you absolute idiot.”
“Oh yeah? Then explain why she opens my snaps but never responds to them!”
“Because she’s busy? Because she has a life? Because you always send weird that nobody knows how to respond to?” Jihyo is bordering on yelling right now.
So Mina yells back, “you are making sense and I don’t like it!”
Jihyo rubs her temples in an attempt to avert the oncoming headache, “for ’s sake, Mina, she doesn’t hate you!”
“How can you be so sure?” Mina folds her arms and turns away indignantly.
“Didn’t you see her like, last week? Didn’t she hold your hand the whole time you were together? Why would she hold your hand if she hated you?”
“Objection! Maybe she didn’t hate me then, but what if she’s come to hate me between that time last week and now? Ha! What do you have to say to that, Park Jihyo?”
Jihyo is exasperated. Mina is only getting more and more ridiculous, and the ing song that keeps replaying in the background is driving her crazy.
“Okay first of all—”

    It’s not unusual to be loved by anyone

“—why are you trying so—”

    It’s not unusual to have fun with anyone

“—hard to prove that Sana—”

    But when I see you hanging about with anyone

“—hates you?”

    It’s not unusual to see me cry, I wanna die

Mina doesn’t respond immediately. As she waits for the answer, Jihyo feels her heartbeats sync up with the throbbing bass line and it is one of the most uncomfortable experiences she has ever had.
“Can we turn off the music please I’m begging—”
“It’s easier if she hates me,” Mina mutters, “because then I can stop hoping.”
Jihyo stares at Mina.
Mina stares back.
“What’d you say? I didn’t hear any of that, this song is too damn loud,” Jihyo shakes her head.
Mina opens , almost about to repeat what she said. Then she decides against it, and grabs a cushion and hurls it at Jihyo’s face. Then she turns up the volume. The floor is shaking. Jihyo returns fire. Everything is chaos. 

    Within five minutes one of their neighbours is knocking angrily at their door. So Mina turns off the music. Jihyo decides that she has had enough of Mina’s nonsense for the day and retires to her room. So Mina finds herself lying on her bed, earphones in, and—you guessed it—It’s Not Unusual on repeat. She tries her best not to, she really does, but all she can think about is Sana. She hasn’t spoken to Sana in a week, the longest week of her life. She wishes she could get closer to her, but it’s hard, especially when their lives always seemed to run parallel to each other. Sana lives nearby; she knows this, because they’ve walked home together a few times. And every time they did, they would hold hands until they had to part. And it was nice. It was great. And Mina wants to hold her hand all the time—but that’s not the point. The point is that despite Sana living so close by, Mina hardly ever sees her. Almost never sees her. Maybe this is partially due to the fact that Mina refuses to leave the house other than to go to class and maybe get take out. Maybe she would see Sana more if she had the guts to ask her to hang out. But she tried that once and unfortunately, Sana was busy.
“maybe we can hang some other time :)” Sana had replied.
And that was the most crushing rejection Mina had ever faced. She’s never going to ask Sana out again. It’s impossible. She’ll just spend everyday hoping that she’ll bump into her somewhere, or that Sana will send her a snap of her pouting face because she fell over or something. But she can’t help but wonder what it would be like if she could just be a little braver.

    Love will never do what you want it to

Maybe instead of lying in her bed, listening to Tom Jones croon about unrequited love over and over she could be cuddling with Sana (yeah right).

    Why can't this crazy love be mine?

    Maybe their lives aren’t so parallel after all. Because she runs into Sana (and Momo) as she approaches the library. Their eyes meet and Sana grins. Throws her arms open for a hug as she walks towards Mina. Mina freezes, then allows herself a small smile.
“Well, hello!” Sana beams as she pulls Mina in.
Mina feels giddy, “hey.”
Sana’s hands drop down to grasp Mina’s and she asks, “what are you up to?”
“I—uh—going home,” Mina lies. She was, in fact, not going home, believe it or not. She was actually heading into the library to pee.
Sana seems to have noticed this, “huh? But it looked like you were heading to the library.”
“Uh—,” Mina panics, “I guess I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going?”
She can see Momo trying to hide a smile. She curses in her head. Very good. So smooth. You’ve surely convinced them.
“What about you?” she asks in attempt to somewhat change the subject.
“Oh! We just finished with a group project and we’re heading home too!”
A buzz of excitement shoots down Mina’s spine. They could walk home together!
Actually, I’ve got a class now,” says Momo.
Sana looks confused, “no you don’t, you told me this was—”
But Momo is already walking away, throwing a cheeky “bye!” over her shoulder.
Mina suppresses a scream as Sana pouts, “what a liar. I bet she’s going to meet Dahyun.”
“Oh…did you want to…go with her?” Mina deflates, feeling somewhat guilty for separating Sana from her friends.
Sana shakes her head and reaches for Mina’s arm, “nope, let’s go!”
Before she knows it, their arms linked at the elbow and Sana is dragging them to the bus stop.

    It’s getting late, so the buses are few and far between. Having been in uni since morning, Mina is ready to drop dead. She’s sleepy and hungry, and also on the verge of exploding because Sana is very close. Close enough to notice her fatigue.
“Tired?” she asks, with a tilt of her head and a small squeeze of her hand. Her wide eyes are filled with concern. Mina can barely stand to look at them.
Letting go of Sana’s hand to hold her head, she sighs, “yeah.”
There’s a hum of acknowledgement from Sana, and that’s it for a while. Mina shakes herself, blinks hard, hopes for a small burst of energy. She turns to look at Sana, who is scrolling through her social media. Sana notices and puts her phone away. She smiles softly at Mina, who is simply unable to resist the urge to reach up and squeeze her cheeks. Sana doesn’t even flinch. She just smiles more, until her eyes disappear, and puckers her lips as Mina compresses her face. Mina finds herself staring at her lips for longer than she should. She panics. Makes a comically disgusted face to hide her internal distress. Sana laughs, and Mina, still holding her face, wants to kiss her. And maybe she would have. Maybe, if she hadn’t seen some old guy staring at them. Her hands drop to her sides. She panics again, this time for a different reason. It is pretty late, and she knows that not every takes too kindly to her kind of love. Suddenly it feels like everyone around them is staring. She tries not to think about it too much. There are more pressing matters at hand. Like how Sana is holding her hand, rubbing her thumb gently across Mina’s skin. And the worries see themselves out.

    The bus ride from uni to their neighbourhood and vice versa is a long and gruelling hour. Except it’s not. Not today. Not when Sana grabs her hand and pulls her to the back of the bus and doesn’t let go. The exhaustion she had shaken off earlier returns. It seems that Sana is feeling pretty much the same way too. The dim orange pulse of sodium streetlights blurring past the windows makes her eyelids heavy and she’s about to close them when a weight lands on her left shoulder. It’s suddenly too warm. She doesn’t know what to do. Sana is so, so close, head resting comfortably on her shoulder, holding her and and hugging her arm. Mina is ready to die. Sana, of course, is oblivious to Mina’s crisis. Her eyes are closed, her breathing relaxed, and her grip on Mina’s hand secure. Eventually, Mina calms down. She forces herself to stay awake, having taken upon the responsibility of making sure they don’t miss their stop. It’s quiet in the bus. There aren’t many other people, and they’re mostly staring at their phones, or asleep. Sana is asleep too. Or at least Mina thinks she is. She hasn’t opened her eyes for the past 20 minutes, but she also hasn’t stopped her gentle caress of Mina’s hand with her thumb. Maybe she’s just resting her eyes. Her movements start slowing, and Mina assumes that she’s actually fallen asleep this time. She takes the opportunity to stretch her fingers a little. Sana’s grip is tight, despite her having fallen asleep. Maybe the small twitch wakes her up, because her thumb starts moving again and Mina is ready to yell. This is too cute. She’s too cute. I’m going to die, right here, right now, in this ty bus. 

    While Sana is asleep, she manages to get her earphones out and plug them into her phone. The same song she’s been listening to for the past three days is on repeat and she doesn’t bother changing it. Mina peers out the windows. It’s almost too dark to see where they are, but she can kind of make out the street signs and she knows that they’re not too far from their stop. She should wake Sana up soon. The bus runs over a small bump and Sana’s head shifts slightly from its perch atop Mina’s shoulder. Mina can feel Sana’s head slowly slipping off, and tries to gently hold it in place. And then Sana wakes up. She wakes up to a hand on her cheek and smiles, sleepy and content and Mina wishes that they could just live in this moment. Just the two of them. Maybe it’s pointless to hope for anything with a girl who’s most probably straight, anyway. But it feels good, just being by her side, being close to her. Mina wonders if it’ll ever be too much. If her love will pour out before she can stop it. It’s a thought that both scares and comforts her. Sana tugs on her hand, asking for her attention. Mina turns to see her looking into her eyes. The smile she breaks into is the cutest thing Mina has ever seen.
“What?” she asks, flustered.
Sana doesn’t say anything. Just keeps smiling. Mina is so in love.

    But if I ever find
    That you've changed at anytime
    It's not unusual to find that I'm in love with you

lol whats up its been a year
lowkey a mess but whatever!! its something!! 


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Chapter 13: I kept coming back here heheheh
Chapter 13: One of the best misana fics I've read... Thank you
Chapter 13: Love it
Chapter 15: UwU’s all over omg

Too good need more!!!
amoo22 #5
Chapter 15: hello im here to claim my spot as your number one biggest fan. i love you and all of this it's incredible how you're able to write so much with so little words and i just love you so much i can't even like, you're literally the only author i read on aff and i get this lil flip in my heart whenever i see you update and yeah, i love you and all of your writing if that wasn't clear :))))))
mjsatzu #6
Chapter 13: It captures all the emotions. So damn good.
Chapter 14: Ok that was good and i need more! Welcome back btw authornim.
amoo22 #8
Chapter 14: its not unusual is on repeat rn, and i absolutely love you

can't believe its been a year lol wtf
Chapter 12: my heart is full of emotion after reading this ... so beautiful
i feel personally attacked. i was laughing/screaming "this is gay culture" while reading this askdjsdhfg this is adorable thank u