Chapter 3

Fanfiction Series: When Daesung Meets Mona

Two days after.


“Mona, hurry up, or we’ll be late!” Shouted Chang.


“Even if you already saw the concert, it does not mean that you’ll get us all late in the fan service! You’ll really gonna be sorry if that happens!” Haerin teasingly shouted at me.


“We still can make it you know! Just come out now!” Sheng also shouted.


“Yeah, yeah, I get it! I’m doing my best here. So just shut up all of you so that I can concentrate!” I shouted at them with all my might.


These are my friends, and we’re like that. They’re somethimes annoying and noisy, but I love these girls. We were at the girls’ powder room, and I was inside a cubicle trying to dress myself. The other three were already ready because their class ended earlier than mine. They were just waiting for me to get done, while they’re busy fixing thierselves and doing selfies in front of the powder room’s mirror.


We were going to the Bigbang fan service that was held at the same concert hall. The Bigbang fan service is like saying “thank you” to their fans after holding a concert at a particular place. Unlike a concert, the fan service is more on them playing games with the fans. So it’s merely watching them playing games while engaging with their fans. Fans who are lucky will get to play with the Bigbang members. And thankfully, I got lucky.


We hurriedly went to the venue of the fan service after getting ready. Luckily, the event was not starting yet when we arrived. So we had some time to find a good spot to watch the players of the games.


It did not take long when the event started. As expected, loud screaming filled the hall again, especially when the Bigbang members were introduced one by one. The introduction started with GD, T.O.P, Taeyang, Daesung, and then Seungri.


The four of us had our phones ready for pictures and videos of our biases. Chang’s bias was GD, Haerin was Seungri, Sheng was Taeyang, and I am for Daesung. Believe it or not, no one in my group biased for T.O.P. It’s not like we don’t like him; it’s just that I and my friends prefer the other four members. And we’re not sorry for T.O.P because he has a lot of fans out there. Many are going crazy over him.


We were busy taking pictures and videos with our biases, and fate started to make its move that started to change my life. There was this one game in which each member will partner a fan to play a game. So it’s like a team of two people. The Bigbang member will wear a container head gear, just a small one. And the fan will bounce the ping-pong ball into the container, which is attached to the head of the Bigbang member. So the twist of the game is that the Bigbang member will try to catch the ping-pong ball using the head gear. And each team should finish 10 ping-pong balls in 1 minute. The losing team will have a consequence.   


Before the game started, the crew of the show were looking for five participants in the audience randamly. Each selected fan was asked who they want to partner with. And I was one of the fans who was asked by the crew. Of course, I chose my bias Daesung. It was my day.  


The Bigbang members drew lots if who will start the game, and thankfully, Daesung got the last turn. My friends were going crazy in the crowd because they were really happy I got to be picked. I on the other hand was really nervous and excited at the same time.


The first four teams did a good job. They all finished the game within the given time. So it’s up to us the last team if we’ll lose or none will.


I was called on stage for the game, but before we started, the host of the show let me introduce myself. My friends in the crowd could not stop screaming for me. I on the other hand was really nervous. So I introduced myself to everybody.


“Anyeong haseyo! I’m Mona. Nice to meet you all.”


“Mona! What a pretty name just like you.” Said the host.


I was not sure if it was just a joke to flatter me or anything. But I was not concentrating on that. I was actually concentrating on my legs because I don’t know if can stand long because of nervousness. It was not obvious though, but I did my best to hold on.


I noticed that the Bigbang members were whispering at each other after they heard my name. They were like teasing Daesung who could not help but smile and look at me from time to time. And my ego suddenly raised as I had the members attention at that moment. It was like I was their long-lost queen. My nervousness was getting weaker then because my ego was increasing.


“Thank you.” That was the only thing I could say as a response to the host’s comment.


The host went on, and this time, he turned to Daesung.


“Daesung-shi,” The host said.


“Yes.” Daesung answered.


“I will just repeat the instructions for the sake of Mona here.”


“Sure. Not a problem.” Responded Daesung and smiled at me.


It was like I was melting at that moment. It was heaven everytime Daesung looks and smiles at me. I also smiled at him whenever he smiles at me. This is getting really crazy.


“So Mona, here are the mechanics of the game. You need to bounce the ping-pong balls to this container …” And the host pointed at the container on Daesung’s head.


“... So the balls need to be caught by Daesung using the container on his head, and you need all 10 balls to be successfully placed in the container in 1 minute only. Do you get it?”


“Yes I do.” I answered to the host immediately.


“We’ll do a trial first okay?” Said the host.


“Alright.” I said.


We tried to do three attempts in the trial. The first two attempts did not go through, but it did on the last one. I felt bad, so I had to do my best not to lose because if so, we will be the losing team. And I don’t want to think about the consequence.


The game proper started, and I tried my very best. However, fate did not allow us to win, maybe because it had a plan. We only had seven successful catch in 1 minute, so we lost. The other four teams celebrated. Daesung immediately conforted me that it was okay. He had fun. He hugged me after the game, and I hugged him back too closing my eyes. I wanted to remember every second, while we were hugging. I wanted to remember his scent, his long and strong arms embracing me, and his heartbeat. I wanted to remember all that. It lasted long, the hug.


But wait a minute, why can’t I hear anything? It suddenly became quiet.


I slowly opened my eyes, and I was surprised. Everybody did not move. Everyone froze, and I was the only one moving.


Mona, stop dreaming! Wake up!


I removed my arms around Daesung who was still hugging me while smiling. I closed my eyes again hopeful that when I opened it again, everything will be back to normal. And then I opened it again, it was still the same.


What is wrong with me? Stop hallucinating Mona!


I pinched myself so that I can feel pain, and I did, but nothing changed. Everyone is still frozen. I looked at Daesung. My reflection in his small eyes were clear. I could see myself. It was a nice feeling. So instead of wondering why everyone froze, I let myself get into the fantasy of what was happening. I looked at his face memorizing every corner of it. I wanted to kiss his eyes, his long nose, and his inviting lips. I slowly moved my face closer to his because I wanted to kiss him. And then I closed my eyes for the third time. This is my chance.


While I was in the ocean of my fantasy, I slowly noticed that an ascending noise started to be clear, and I can slowly feel Daesung’s breath. It was like he is giving me a reason to live because he is giving me air, his breath. And then that noise became clearer, and I can feel Daesung’s lips, his warm lips.




I then opened my eyes. I can see that Daesung is smiling at me, while our lips were sealed.


Ooops! I’m back to reality!


Shocked filled me, and I immediately moved my lips away from his. Covering my mouth, I was shocked and surprised with what just happened. I was just looking at him shocked, while he was just staring at me smiling.


What on earth have I done?



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