New Story!

Rantai Takdir Kita
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Hi, guys! It's just another shameless promotion of my new story entitled The Uncertain Future ehehhe. It's Chanbaek this time cause i'm into Chanbaek nowadays lol. Jangan lupa singgah, ya!

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Chapter 1: My first attempt on reading a Malay mpreg kaisoo fic hehe! Gonna read more really soon! Good job for finishing! ♡
Chapter 21: uwaaaaaaaaaa dah habis T_T
happy ending! ending yg perfect sekali! *thumbs up*
thanks utk citer yg menarik ni! sy btul2 terhibur ^^
xsabar utk citer awk yg lain sbb sy suka cara penceritaan awk...
Chapter 20: Chapter 17: wah Jongin dah lamar Kyungie...terharu plak huhu
Selamat Hari Raya utk awk juga ^^
wonderfullbuble #4
Chapter 20: Sedihnya dah nak habis cerita ni. Best sgt cerita ni.. ?
Chapter 19: omo saya boleh bayangkan taeoh punya bebel tu mcm mana AAAA comellnyeeeerrrrr ! btw , jongin, jgn hampakan kyungsoo please
Chapter 19: sy harap diorg kembali bersama...
Chapter 18: Taeoh sakit apa, yer?
nasib dia okay...
hope KaiSoo back together...i hope
Chapter 17: wah, awk update juga! thanks!
oo begitu citernya...hmm
Jongin ada peluang sbb Kyungsoo masih cintakan dia...i hope~