IV. The Beauty of Chance

To The Beautiful You
IV. The Beauty of Chance

                  ADORA 3


My mouth fell open in shock. "But why me...?"

Eun-hye's lips revealed a polite smile. "Adora, I believe you have the potential to become the next big thing in our industry. You have the looks, the sound, and a sense of choreograph."

"What exactly are you offering me?" I asked with interest.

"I'm offering you a once in a life time chance to become S.M.'s new trainee and hopefully become the next big solo artist."

I must be dreaming...

"WHAT?!" I shouted along with the surprised voices of EXO.

The talent scout winced slightly but her composure remained. "The crowd loved you and they wanted more. Let's face it, kid. You have talent and I'm here because I want you to accept my offer."

Her words were ringing through my mind, this was definitely a lot to take in. "But I'm nowhere near Korea, how could this possibly work... I mean, would even want to listen to me-"

"Judging from the crowds reaction, they could care less. Of course, you would have to study the Korean language a bit more since you still hold somewhat of the American accent when you speak. But other than that you'll be fine."

It was a professional answer, but still honest.

"Will I be singing Korean songs...?"

"Of course, after all you'll be in the K-POP scene."

"What about my audition?" I inquired. It didn't seem fair that I didn't have to audition like other trainees, especially those who've trained for years.

Eun-hye shook her head. "I'd say you earned your shot at being a trainee. You will still have to give us all that you have as an artist and a performer, otherwise you'll be kicked out of the trainee program and be forced to re-audition for another shot of being a trainee."

"So, what is your answer?"

I looked around at the shock faces of EXO. Was I seriously considering Eun-hye's offer? 

I tried finding both pros and cons from her offer. A pro, was that I would be able to hang around EXO more often. A con, was the hectic schedules and juggling work and school life at the same time.

Another pro was being able to sing and share my music with the world.

I needed another person's input.

Mom. Her face flashes in my mind.

"This is a lot to take in, I-I need to think about this." I softly say.

After all this was my future we were talking about. I noticed a slight change in her when I didn't give her the answer she wanted.

Eun-hye sighed. "You certainly are different from the other people I've scouted for."

What did she mean by that?

"But here, take my card and my private cell number." She held up a small card with all her information on it. She even wrote her personal number on the back of it.

"Thank you..." I whisper in awe.

She gave me a genuine smile. "You got talent kid, it would be a shame if the world didn't know it. I'll be expecting a phone call from you by the end of the week." I nodded, still in a bit of a daze.

Eun-hye, then turned towards EXO. "See you boys tomorrow, I'll keep this little adventure a secret from the CEO." With that said, the boys parted with a chorused "goodbyes" before she left.

A brief moment of silence fell upon us.

... Until I broke it.

"Did that really just happen?" I was still in awe, looking down at the card in my hands.

Chanyeol knowingly smiled. "I knew something good was going to happen!"

D.O. rolled his eyes. "You did not."

"I did too!"

My eyes never lifted themselves off the card. "Are you going to say yes?" Sehun voiced behind me, his chest pressed against the back of me.

With blushing cheeks, I look up at him. "I have no idea."

He was about to say more but was cut off when their manager began to call out for them. "Sorry to cut your fun short, but we better get going now if we want to drive Adora home and make it back to the dorm on time."

"Yes, Hyung." They all agreed, leaving one by one.

I trailed behind Sehun with so many thoughts swirling inside my mind.

As we entered the van, I quickly gave their manager my address, and sat in the same seat as I did from before. I accidentally let a yawn slip as I felt fatigue overcome my senses. Shifting more comfortably in my seat, my eyes began to flutter closed.

It wasn't long before I shortly escaped into my dreams.


Adora head rested carefully on my shoulder, I didn't mind it one bit. I brushed away a few strands of hair away from her beautiful face, the softness of her cheek.

Today must've been exhausting for her.

Every one of us was shocked at the performance Adora gave on stage. We were all stunned by her voice and her mesmerizing dancing. Her vocals were something to be truly envied, as an artist.

Park Eun-hye was right, Adora had a real shot of being the next big thing.

Now it was only Adora's choice whether she agrees to the offer or declines it. Either way, I swore to myself I would stand beside her at whatever decision she decides.

"Luhan, was right." Chanyeol said into the silent car.

Since I was all the way in the back of the van, I couldn't exactly see where he was sitting. "Luhan, was right about what?" I asked.

"I was right about Adora having a talent for singing." Luhan explained.

Suho looked lost. "And how did you know that?"

"She just seemed to have the voice for it. Besides, she blushed in class when Chanyeol asked her if she preferred singing over paying piano, that gave her away." He answered.

Kai looked at the sleeping girl in my arms. "But she said nothing about her being a singer."

"Adora's shy about it, she said she only ever sings in the shower." Chanyeol added.

"Well tonight she sang in front of a crowd." Chen stated.

"And people loved her." Tao added.

"Do you think she'll say yes to Eun-hye's offer?" Kai asked.

I Adora's hair as she snuggled deeper into my chest. "I don't know, but whatever she decides I'll still stand by her."

"We all will." Suho confirmed.

"What if she does say yes? Would we have to keep our distance from her? I don't want to do that to her." Lay asked.

Kris sighed. "I don't think so. Sure the CEO can be a bit of a most of the time, but he can't be that much of an to stop us from seeing her."

Suho nodded in agreement. "Adora will be a valuable asset to the industry, I'll doubt that they'll hang things over her head like some artists."

"What we should worry about are the female trainees, they'll no doubt be jealous of her and may want to attack her, especially for being friends with us." He explained with a guilty expression.

I felt myself scowl slightly at the images of Adora getting hurt or being rejected by the other female trainees. "What can we do to help, if it comes down to that?"

Baekhyun suddenly snapped his finger. "Oh, I know! We can introduce Adora to our Noona's! They've gone through similar treatment and they would be great friends to Adora. I'm sure of it. Taeyeon and the rest of the girls always like making new friends."

"That could definitely work, they will especially have her back when it comes to her training as an idol." Suho said confidently.

The van pulled to a stop. "We're here at the Summers Manor." Manager-Hyung said before shutting off the van's ignition.

"Manor...?" I whispered to myself as I took in a sight of a large house.

"Whoa..." Baekhyun and Chanyeol muttered in amazement.

Kai snorted. "No kidding. I wonder what her parents do for a living."

"That's a question for another time." I answered for him. I gently shook Adora until her eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Mmm... what is it, Sehun?" Her voice was slightly hoarse when she spoke. I forced myself to ignore exactly what her voice was doing to me.

"We're here" I answered her, while running my hands through her silky hair.

Adora looked up at me with a raised brow. "Where's here?"

"Your home."

"Oh! We're already here?" She asked mostly to herself. "I better get going before mom gets worried." Adora grabbed her school bag and her bright yellow blazer.

"I'll walk you to your door." I volunteered.

"You don't have to-"

I quickly cut her off. "I want to."

Adora merely smiled and nodded before she exited the van. I ignored the knowing looks I received from my Hyungs and exited the van right after her. Adora stopped right in front of the van and smiled charmingly at my members. "Thanks for taking me out you guys, it was the most fun I've ever had in awhile."

"Aw! We all had a fun time too Adora!" Baekhyun smiled back.

"We didn't know you could sing like that!" Chanyeol added.

Adora shyly giggled behind her hand. "I'm just full of surprises. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow, and I won't forgot your peanut butter and banana sandwiches!"

"CAN WE KEEP HER, HYUNG?" Chanyeol begged Suho.

Which resulted in laughter from all of us.

"Not tonight, Chanyeol." Adora joked. "Goodnight guys."

"Call me your Oppa!" Baekhyun shouted.

Adora looked to be debating it, but her lips immediately beamed a bright smile. "Alright, see you at school EXO Oppa's!"

I reached for Adora's hand and walked her to the doorstep, not before hearing a loud chorus of "GOODNIGHT!" from my Hyungs. The walk to her doorstep was extremely short, but I didn't want to part from her yet.

She shifted nervously on her feet as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I-I suppose this is goodnight."

"Yeah... are you going to speak to your mom about the offer?" I asked.

"It seems better if I do it now... I think I might want to actually take her offer." Adora confessed with pink cheeks.

I took her other hand in mine. "Whatever you do decide, me and my Hyungs will stand behind you."

"I'm just nervous, is all... what if all this work, is for nothing?" She looked up at me, those angelic eyes shining with unshed tears.

"Then you tried. But I know you can do it, I believe in you and your sound." I said with pure confidence.

"My sound?"

"Yes, your sound." I gently ran my fingers through her long silky tresses. "People want to listen to you, now more than ever."

Adora beamed up at me, her brown eyes sparkling with happiness and another emotion I couldn't decipher. "Thank you, Oh Sehun..."

"For what?"

"For being the only guy in the past twenty four hours to make realize what I want." She smiles beautifully at me. The light on the porch , forcing Adora's body jolt into mine.

She looked up at me with a gentle smile, her angelic eyes twinkling bright. "And that's my cue to get inside. I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

"You will." I reassured her. "Talk to your mom about it. Your future can start now, Adora."

"I will." Adora leaned up on the tips of her toes and placed a soft kiss against my jaw. "Goodnight, Sehun."

"Night..." I traced my jawline, the imprint of her warm lips pressed against my skin was still there. I heard her giggle quietly into the air before she quickly went inside. The honking from the van snapped me out of my daze and a grin stretched it's way over my face. I ran towards the van, but not before jumping in the air with my fist raised proudly.

I entered the van and my wide grin didn't go unnoticed by the others. "Well, well, well... look at what we have here, boys. It seems like something happened with our maknae and a certain American." Kai teased, followed by a round of laughter.

I rolled my eyes and took my seat. Even their teasing couldn't wipe the grin off my face. All I could think about was a certain beautiful girl with angelic brown eyes.


I leaned my back against the door as soon as I closed it behind me. My eyes slid closed as my lips graced a big smile. Sehun had that affect on me.

Turned around to look out the window, I see Sehun jump into the air like a maniac who just accomplished something great. I laughed into my hand from the amusing sight, especially since Sehun was incredibly tall. He quickly made his way into the van before it drove off.

I held a deep breath as I walked further into the manor, at this time I realized that my mom would probably be in the living room watching a movie. When I entered the living room, I came across my mother with a box of tissues in her hand.

"Mom?" I began a bit hesitant.

Her body jolted at the sound of my voice. She grabbed the remote and paused the movie before getting up from the couch. "Adora, you scared me! I thought you'd still be out with your new friends."

"It was getting late."

She looked at her watched and her eyes widened almost comically. "Geez, time does fly by."

I dropped my school bag near the arm chair and kicked off my shoes, before I plop myself down beside my mom. "What movie were you watching that had you end up in tears?" I asked, taking a few bites of her leftover popcorn.

"Oh, this Korean film called Miracle in Cell No.7" she answered as she wrapped a blanket around us. Then mom spent the entire time explaining the film to me and I felt the familiar sting of tears in my eyes.


"I know." She wiped the remaining tears away from her face, before she looked at me with a knowing smile. "So, tell me about your first day at school, and these new friends of yours. How did it go?"

I my lips as I prepare to tell her the whole truth.

From developing more than just a crush on Sehun, to making friends with one of the most famous boy-groups in South Korea, and last but not least mentioning the talent scout from the same company as them and her offer.

"Talk about an eventful day." Mom soothingly spoke as her hand brushed a lock of hair away from my face.

I rested my head onto her shoulder as she my long tresses. "What should I do mom? I mean, this only happens once in a lifetime. I would be a fool to give it all up..."

"I can't tell you what to do Adora, even if I am your mother." She pressed a small kiss against my head. "But what I can do is give you motherly advice, if you really want to pursue this dream, then go for it. I don't want you to live your life in regret."

"But what about us talking about not being in the spotlight? You said-"

Mom cut me off with a stern look. "I said that if you're not comfortable being in the spotlight, specifically modeling, you shouldn't have to do it, but this is something you have a passion for, even if it's only something you do in the shower."

"Mom!" I sigh.

"Honey, it's only a joke." She chuckled, pressing a kiss against the crown of my head. "I want you to be happy, and if becoming a trainee or whatever that is will make you happy, then go for it."

"I will have hectic schedules." I tried.

Mom shrugged. "Meh. You're good at multitasking."

I look at her in defeat. "Fine. I'll need some time to think about this. If you need anything, I'll be in my room. If not, I'll see you in the morning." Leaning down, I kiss her cheek goodnight.

She kisses my cheek in return before nodding off. "Alright honey, see you in the morning."

Gathering my shoes and school bag at hand, I run upstairs to my room. "Love you!" I shouted and smiled when I heard "Love you too kiddo!" from downstairs.

I closed my door from behind and placed my shoes back into my closet. I didn't let go of my school bag, just yet. Instead I sat down on my bed and pulled out the talent scout's card from my bag with my phone at hand.

The bolded lettering of S.M. Entertainment was imprinted into the card. I ran my finger across the numbers that were also imprinted on the card. "This is it, Adora... this is your choice."

Now this was the moment that where I needed to decide what was best for me. I closed my eyes and imagined me if I didn't take the offer. I would graduate high school, get a normal job to pay for college just to get another high paying job.

Eventually I would date and settle down for a normal guy and get married, then have his kids. It was normal.. it was boring. There was a sudden ache in my heart as I pictured it. I would smile in these images but I would still feel empty. As if something was missing.

This time, I pictured what it would be like if I did take the offer. I saw myself giving all that I am to my fans, giving them my blood, sweat and tears. But what I also saw was myself laughing and sharing birthdays with EXO, going on tours with the guys, falling in love with...


Spending happy times with EXO and actually enjoying my crazy career. The idea of sharing my talents with the world sent my heart into overdrive.

Without any more hesitation, I slide my phone unlock and dial Eun-hye's number. There was a couple of rings before a firm tone answered. "Hello?"

"Hi miss Park, this is Adora, Adora Summers-"

She quickly cut me off. "I know who this is. I'm happy that you've decided to call me sooner than expected. Have you made a decision?"

"Yes I have..." I inhale a deep breath.

"I want to become an idol."


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Chapter 5, will be posted up this weekend! Keep your eyes out for both chapters 5 & 6! COMING SOON!


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jin_song #1
Chapter 7: Glad to found this ff :)
The story is interesting, love it.
It can be a long story for their relationships
Ahope1 #2
Hey, my name is Ahope and i think that your fanfiction is interesting. May I translate it in russia language and share it in my wattpad?
P.S. its an adress https://www.wattpad.com/user/Ahope1