VII. Dreams of The Heart

To The Beautiful You
          VII. Dreams of The Heart



The day quickly flew by after lunch, and I slowly felt myself become riddled with nerves. I should at least be more confident and self assured, but I'll be surrounded with plenty of other trainees who've no doubt have had more experience than I've had.

... but that's the point in becoming a trainee, to learn and make new experiences as an artist. I reminded myself.

As I made it pass the school's gate, I was greeted by the EXO members standing there, waiting for me. "I thought you all of already left for practice?" I asked in complete and utter confusion.

Last I heard from Sehun, they should be at the dance studio practicing.

"We were waiting for you." Sehun simply answered, a small smirk tugging from the corner of his lips.

I laughed. "I can see that, but why?"

"We wanted to wish you luck." I smiled at Suho's words.

Luhan appeared over his shoulder. "And we wanted to offer you ride, seeing as how we're all going to the same place."

I was sincerely touched by their words and support. Happy tears began to well up in my eyes, but I swallow them back and instead give each of them a watery smile. "Are you sure? Won't you guys be late?"

"Nope. Besides, we don't mind escorting a beautiful lady such as yourself." Kai winked. 

A smile came along when I heard those words. "I suppose it's best if I ride along with you." Their manager greeted me kindly as I did the same in return, I had a feeling he was going to see me a lot more these days.

We all got into the large van, Sehun and I sat in the same seats we did as yesterday. Some of the members sat in different seats, but it was pretty much the same setup. It wasn't long before we finally reached S.M. Entertainment.

Looking out Sehun's window, I was amazed to see the large building in all it's glory. I was actually a bit intimidated, since a lot of popular artist have come from S.M. it added a bit of pressure to be the best.

The best I can be as an artist.

Sehun held my hand in his own and gave it a soft squeeze, he must've noticed how nervous I was. "Relax." He advised.

"I'm trying." I weakly smile at him, but his touch helps calms me down.

We all exited the van, but I was instantly shocked to see the flashing lights of cameras directed on all of us. EXO was used to this kind of attention. I, on the other hand? Not so much.

I heard the squealing of fangirls about how handsome each member was, but when they saw Sehun's hand interlaced with mine, then began the weird stares and even more pictures being taken.

Mostly of me and Sehun. Great just what I needed... more girls out to kill me.

I was a whole lot better when we finally entered the building. The lobby looked to be busy. Young people, who I assumed were trainees began chatting rather animatedly with each other. They all looked to be pampered in stylish clothing, as future artist I guess they were building up their image.

We walked further into the lobby and I caught sight of the reception desks. I looked to Sehun and the rest of the group. With a heavy heart, I give a soft sigh. "This is the part, where we go our separate ways..."

Sehun ran his hand through my long tresses. "Hey, don't worry so much. You've made it this far."

"He's right, just relax. I'm sure you'll do great." Suho said with an encouraging smile.

"Oh you guys." I beamed at all of them before giving each member a big hug. "Thank you for everything..."

"We're right behind you, Adora. All the way." Baekhyun said in the most serious tone of voice I've ever heard him speak.

All of EXO nodded in agreement. "We'll see you after practice." D.O reassured me.

Suho smiled. "Come on everyone all hands on in." All of us gathered in a circle and placed each of our hands on top of one another's. "On the count of three! One! Two! Three!"

We all simultaneously raised our hands in the air as EXO cheered, "FIGHTING!"

I beam happily at all twelve members. "Fighting!" I repeated after them.

EXO smiled proudly at me before they disappeared to the dance studio, but I was a bit confused when I saw Sehun still standing there.

Suho noticed this too. "Sehun, are you coming?"

Sehun nodded. "Yeah, I'll be there in a sec."

He was about to object but stopped when he noticed the pleading look Sehun was giving him. "Arasso, just be there soon." With that said he followed the rest of the members.

"Sehun, what are you still doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to wish you luck... without my Hyungs around." He said, while awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

My cheeks flushed a bit. "Oh." I looked behind him, and my eyes instantly zeroed in on the suddenly scary reception desk. "I don't know if I can do this, Sehun."

"Whoa, what happened to being brave a second ago?"

I breathed out an exasperated sigh. "That was different, it's a lot more scary when you're doing this alone..."

"You're not alone, Adora." His placed both his hands on my shoulder, and I felt my body almost immediately melt under his touch. "You have to believe in yourself as my Hyungs and I believe in you."

"Do you really think I can do this?" I asked, barely in whisper.

He grasped my chin in one of his hand, his face leaning down close to mine. "I do, and so does Eun-hye. You're meant to be here with us."

Our lips were barely a breath away from each other when his powerful gaze met mine.

Any other time, this would be the most perfect moment for Sehun to take my first kiss and after we ride into the sunset together.

Sadly, that didn't stop reality from crashing down on us. I can't... not in front of these people. Not when this could ruin his image.

"Sehun..." I say his name in a breathless sigh, as I bite my plush bottom lip in frustration.

"Don't. Don't do that." He growled. My eyes glimmered with confusion. "Don't bite your lip."

His beautiful eyes were clouded with lust, and I was pretty sure my eyes sparkled with the same fire he ignited within me. My heart was beating erratically inside my chest and I knew he could hear it.

Everything was happening so fast and I couldn't think straight with him so close to me. Even his masculine scent was enough to make my mind fuzzy.

"We can't... at least not here in front of all these people."

Sehun breathed a heavy sigh. "I know.."

I took a step back from him. "I-I want to... I hope you do know that." I stammered with blush rising on my cheeks.

"We have to talk, don't we?" He looked me directly in the eye. "About us."

"About us..." I echoed.

"Our relationship." He specified.

As tempting as it was to stay here with Sehun, we both knew now wasn't the time to talk about this. "We will." I promised him. "I better let miss Park know I'm here, before I lose my nerve."

"Trust me, you'll do great. Just be you." He smiled down at me.

I nodded and began to walk away when I felt his hand wrap around my wrist. "Sehun?"

He spun me around to face him, and planted a gentle kiss against my cheek. "For good luck."

I was to speechless to say anything, and instead settled for a flabbergasted nod. Sehun mouth lifted up into a genuine smile before running off to the dance studio where the rest of EXO were practicing.

I suddenly felt small without Sehun by my side, but I reminded myself that I needed to be brave. After all I was doing this for me. My feet moved by themselves, I was impressed at how well I was managing so far. 

Good job, Adora. You haven't run away yet...

Much sooner than I would have liked, I was in front of the reception desk. I smiled at the receptionist and waited until she ended her phone call to speak.

When she hanged up the phone, she noticed me standing there and greeted me with a polite smile. "Annyeonghaseyo , how can I help you today?"

"Annyeonghaseyo." I greeted her in return. "I actually have an appointment."

She raised an eyebrow at me. "May I please have your name?"

My face flushed red in slight embarrassment. "Oh right, of course! Summers. Adora Summers."

The receptionist eyes widened. "Oh! It seems you do have an appointment here, after all. We've actually been waiting for you all day."

"Y-you have?" I stuttered.

She nodded. "We have been preparing for a new trainee, it was left a mystery on who it was. I guess now I know the reason why. It's not every day you see an American trainee." I giggled with her.

"Tell me about it, I'm just as surprised as you are."

"Give me one moment to inform miss Park that your here." The receptionist said before she reached for the phone and dialed a number.

I nodded and waited patiently in the lobby. I didn't wait long, when I saw Eun-hye exit the elevator, she politely smiled when she saw me. "Adora, it's lovely to see you again." She looked very profession in her tailored power suit.

Seeing her dressed like that, made me feel too under-dressed in my school uniform.

"It's nice to see you again too, miss Park." I smiled back.

The older woman nodded and thanked the receptionist for informing her of my arrival. "Adora, now that your here, I ask you to follow me to my office."

"Lead the way, Park." I joked before following her into the elevator. She pressed a button for a certain floor and the machine obeyed her requested. The ride to her office wasn't long, once we made it to her floor, I followed her to her office.

I was amazed at how spacious and organized her office was. "Please take a seat." She gestured to the chair in front of her desk. I immediately planted my behind on the surprisingly comfy seat. "Now before we discuss your contract and schedule, did you inform your parents or guardians of my offer."

I was a bit taken aback by her business like tone, but nodded nonetheless. "Yes, I told my mother about the offer and she was very supportive."

"Good. A lot of our trainees parents or guardians are a bit hesitant when agreeing to let their child become a trainee, because of how tough the schedules can be on them." She explained. "Now, onto your schedule and contract."

I felt my heart skip at beat at those words.

"Since you've had no vocal training before, we've added vocal lessons to your schedule. The good news is that your voice sounds trained to reach certain notes, it should be a lot less challenging for you." I nodded in agreement. I could definitely benefit from vocal lessons. "Now onto your dance lessons...-"

I ran my fingers through my hair. "I've never had dance lessons before, I'm not sure how well I would do-"

"Trust me. You have potential when it comes to that area. You just need some basic choreograph skills and soon you'll be dancing as easily as EXO." My eyes widened at the last part of her sentence.

I blink owlishly at her. "I-I could eventually dance like EXO?"

"Eventually. If you work really hard on it. If you've seen their music videos, you can tell they've put in extra hard work into their practices and dancing. That is why I put in some dance lessons in your schedule, in no time you'll be a great dancer as well." I wasn't too confident in the dance lessons since I wasn't coordinated much, but I trusted her judgment.

Eun-hye took out my schedule from the file cabinet bellow her desk, it held my name and the list of all my assigned lessons and what lessons I had on certain days. I noticed, I pretty much had no day's off, the only real day I had off was Saturday. "Great. Now we can move onto another issue which is your contract."

"My contract?" I echoed.

She nodded. "Yes. Now you'll have to follow these specific rules. Especially now since you'll be somewhat under certain radars such as the media."


"Good, glad your listening." Park smiled. "Now these are just the standard rules, but I want to go over a few with you."

I waited patiently for her to continue.

"One of the rules are, you must always look your best. As a potential future idol, you will become a fashion icon and dress in the latest trends. People must always see you as put together in nice clothes. However, this does not give you permission to wear something too reveling, but that shouldn't be a problem for you."

"How so?"

"I called your school and requested to read your file-"

I quickly cut her off. "My school just gave you my file?"

Eun-hye didn't so much as blink from my loud outburst. "It's the school for the talented, and I am a talent scout. Therefore I am permitted to view any students file that I request."


"What really interests me about your file is your parents information. Specifically you're mother's." Her eyes were glued to the files in her hand.

I gulped nervously. "And why is that?"

"Simple. Why didn't you tell me your mother was once, one of the most famous model in the fashion industry?" She asked casually.

"I couldn't exactly spill my parents information when we first met, but why exactly are you bringing up her old career?" I curiously voiced.

"Well for one, I know she still has connections to the fashion industry, so you dressing well in the public eye isn't a worry."

"And second?"

"It'll give your career a bit of a boost since you come from an at least somewhat famous background." She explained further.

"But isn't modeling and being an idol two different things?" I had so many questions that needed to be answered.

"Yes, but idols do model when it comes to modeling the latest trends, perfumes, make up, etc. Even being featured on magazine covers or having your own spread." She answered firmly.

I bit my lip, but agreed nonetheless. "Okay, what's the next rule?"

"When you are in the studio recording your future songs, you must be private about it. No one is to know what song you debut with or what exactly the concept or image is until we release a teaser video." Her voice was hard and firm. It sounded like she was giving me a warning.

I tilt my head. "By that, you mean not to post anything about my music career on websites?"

"Correct, no informing any media-"

"I understand."

The older woman smiled at me from behind her desk. "Good. Now Adora, I'm going to ask you a question and I need your complete honesty."

I squirmed a bit in my seat, but I relented. "Of course."

"What is your relationship with Oh Sehun, maknae of EXO?"

The question itself caught me by surprise, but the look miss Park's gave me was even more shocking.

Her face remained blank and the only way you could really tell what she was thinking was through her eyes, but even then that was only a tiny insight into her mind. The palms of my hands began to sweat because I didn't know whether I should lie or not, but if I said nothing was going on...

I would be technically telling the truth.

Then again I would also be lying, because the almost kiss I had with Sehun certainly meant something. At least it meant something to me. If I said anything, I was worried I would jeopardize his career as an idol and I didn't want to get in the way of that.

The silence between us was deeply unsettling.

"N-nothing." I cursed myself when I tripped over my own words.

Unfortunately, Eun-hye didn't buy it.

"Adora, there's no need to lie to me. I'm a rather reasonable person, at least in my own opinion. I won't go off and open my mouth to the CEO." Her eyes shined with sincerity, but I was still hesitant in revealing what my relationships with Sehun was. Even if I myself didn't know what my relationship with Sehun was.

Clearing my throat, I my suddenly dry lips. "I don't know what you want me to tell you.."

"How about the truth? Adora-" She gave an exasperated sigh. "Look, I'm not an idiot. I'm well into my thirties and I have had experience in dealing with romantic relationships. I know when I see a couple-" I blushed at her words. "Or a soon to be couple. Now please just tell me the truth. I saw you guys at the karaoke restaurant and you guys looked a little bit too close for comfort for just friends. And let's not forget what happened in the lobby-"

"You saw that?" By now, I knew my face was redder than that of a tomato.

"No, but my receptionist did. You're lucky none of trainees took pictures of the incident." Her voice was back to being hard and firm. "Was there any other incident where you were out with EXO in public?"

I thought back to when we entered the building and how some of their fangirls took pictures of me and Sehun holding hands. "Oh no..."

Her eyes widened in worry. "What?"

"B-before EXO and I entered the building, there were fans surrounding all of us, and some of them took pictures of all us-"

"Don't tell me someone took an intimate picture of you and Sehun."

I felt very small. "They managed to take a picture of us holding hands..."

Eun-hye gave an annoyed groan before she slammed her head on the desk. "This is not good." She moaned against the dark colored wood.

"Why is that, exactly...?"

"I'm going to cut to the chase, some of these girls will be vicious. They will post these pictures online and attack not only you, but Sehun as well. Sehun is a very handsome idol, even if he's the youngest in EXO, there is no doubt in my mind that some of his female fans will turn on him because of you." There was a pang in my heart as soon as she uttered those words. It would absolutely destroy me if I had a hand in destroying Sehun's career.

Tears clung to my long lashes as I looked at the older woman. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know! He was just being supportive of me and I didn't mean for him to get in trouble-"

"Adora, calm down. The damage is already done." Her voice held traces of gentleness. "All we can do now is turn this backlash into something positive. But know this, if the CEO does find out about this, he will want to speak with you about the idol rule."

"What rule?"

Park raised an eyebrow at me. "Sehun didn't tell you? I would've figured that at least one of the members of EXO would warn you about this rule-"

"Can you please just tell me the rule?" I was starting to get a bit agitated.

She was a bit taken aback, but eventually continued. "As a newly debuted artist, there is a contract you must sign and abide by all the rules. One of the rules state that an idol cannot date any one until their contract for their first year is up."

It was as if time slowed down.

I didn't know if I should be hurt at the fact that Sehun withheld this information from me or devastated because I couldn't be in a romantic with Sehun for at least a year.


"Adora, are you alright?" Eun-hye eyes gazed at me with deep concern.

"Of course, I'm alright." I swallow back the lump in my throat, as I tried giving her a real smile but it ended up turning into a small grimace instead. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're crying?"

"What?" I didn't even realized a few tears managed to escape, I quickly wiped them away with the sleeve of my blazer. "I'll be okay."

Park didn't look too convinced, but silently stared at me.

Being under her stare was beginning to get uncomfortable. "Hmm?"

"You are certainly different from the other trainees I've interviewed before. Most trainees who find out about this rule, cry for a minute or two then get upset for at least a second before their on the phone breaking it off with their respectable partners."

I was still lost to what she was saying.

"But you... your different from them. You actually look heartbroken, sincere if you will." She explained further with a more softer tone.

My eyes were trained on my hands.

"Adora look, just because we have these rules doesn't mean every idol follows them." My head snapped up in surprise at her statement.

"I'm sorry?" I asked in awe.

"Say if you and Sehun were romantically involved, but we had no proof of it..." Kim lips twitched into a smile similar to the one the Cheshire Cat wore in Alice in Wonderland. " could continue secretly dating." She finished.

To say I was speechless would be an understatement. Was she actually saying if I ever agreed to date Sehun, she would turn a blind eye to it? This sounded too good to be true, but the evidence was right there under my nose. Eun-hye began to smirk all knowingly at me. "... Why would you do that, for me of all people?"

"Don't get me wrong, there are still other idols who disobey this rule and secretly get away with it. There are other secret couples out there and as long as there's no evidence or proof of their relationship it can continue smoothly and eventually can become public once the idol has been within a year into his or her contract."

The wicked smile she sent me wasn't one filled with evil, but one filled with pure mischievousness. "You truly are one sly woman, Park Eun-hye." I whisper in awe.

"Oh I know, just don't tell anyone I said this. I will flat out deny all allegations." Her voice returning to her business like tone.

I nodded. "Of course."

"Now, can you please sign the contract?"

I grabbed the pen that laid beside the neatly printed contract and quickly signed where my signatures were needed.

"Good, now that we got everything covered, you may want to start heading to your vocal lesson." Eun-hye stated quite casually as she glanced down at her manicured fingernails.

My eyes almost popped out of my head. "What? You mean I start today?"

She nodded. "The life of a trainee is always a busy one, you better start getting used to it." I was still astonished. "If you have any problems, do not hesitate to call me. I will be here."

I stood up from my chair and made my way to the exit of her office, but I stopped in mid-step. Turning around, I faced the older woman once more with a warm smile. "Thank you... Eun-hye." I knew I was speaking informal, but to my relief she gave me a genuine smile of her own.

"You're welcome, Adora." She quickly wiped the smile off her face as if she was going to get caught in trouble for smiling. "Now go. Good luck, and don't be too surprised on who your vocal coach is."

There was defiantly an extra pep in my walking as I headed to my vocal lesson.

Finding the recording studio was much easier than I originally expected. I carefully opened the door to the room and was slightly shocked to see a very beautiful woman who appeared to be in her mid to late twenties.

Once she saw me her eyes instantly brightened with a certain warmth. I was happily taken aback from her warm demure.

I suddenly felt conscious of what I was wearing when I saw how fashionable the woman in front of me was dressed. She wore a loose white t-shirt, and fitted blue jeans with colored cross cross heels. It was a simple outfit paired with light make up, but it definitely stood out.

All I was wearing was my school uniform and bright yellow blazer on top.

A smile graced my lips as I stepped towards the beautiful woman. "Annyeong! I'm Adora Summers-"

"I know who you are!" She squealed, and I was even more surprised when she pulled me into a tight hug. "Sehun was definitely right! You are a real beauty!"

"Thank you..." I was still a bit speechless, but I managed to hug her back just as tight.

"Oh, sorry for my rudeness!" Her voice took on a edge of concern. "I should start by introducing myself. I'm Hong Sung-mi, but everyone knows me as Dana. I'm your new vocal coach!"

The name sounded familiar and I remembered it was one of the suggested artist that came up when I searched for EXO. "Dana...? Aren't you an idol?" The name sounded very familiar.

She gave a quick nod. "I'm glad you knew that. I was once part of a girl group called-"

"... The Grace. One of the best selling groups from S.M." I finished for her, as my whole being was elevated in pure astonishment. Oh my god... my vocal coach is one of the best vocalist in the world!

Dana widely smiled at my reaction. "So, you do know who I am! I thought I would have to reveal myself in a special way like how EXO did."

I laughed. "No you don't. When they told me who they actually were, I was in the middle of drinking water and almost choked to death. Then came the hysterical laughter."

"Do I really want to know?" She teased.

"Not really." I teased back.

Surprisingly talking to Dana was a lot easier than I imagined. I originally assumed she would be a stiff and serious idol, seemingly as some of the S.M. artists are very intimidating to look at.

Dana and I talked about a lot of things, like my life before I moved here and my passion for music. We then moved on a lot more serious topic, which was dealing with EXO's fans.

"I'm really happy I have another girl to talk to." I shyly admit. "Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with EXO, but it's such a relief to know that not every girl in South Korea hates me."

Dana nodded with an understanding smile lingering on her lips. "I completely understand what you're going through. A lot of the female idols go through it too." I was slightly shocked when she admitted that.

"Really? Why's that?"

"A lot of boy-groups have fangirls and there's nothing wrong with that, but a lot of them are hostile and defensive when it comes to their favorite idols and biases."

I wrinkled my nose. "Bias?"

"It's when a person has a favorite member of the group." She answered, much to my relief. "Anyway, the point is that a lot of girls will be jealous of female idols because of how close they are to their favorite boy-groups and that can't be helped."

Dana grabbed my hand. "Trust me Adora, being an idol is never easy, and it certainly won't get any easier now since your very close with EXO. But remember there will always be the majority of fans who will support you no matter what, and that's truly worth it."

I squeezed her hand gently. "Thank you... for cheering me up, Dana."

"It's no problem, besides now that I have officially met you, it would certainly be nice to be friends." She smiled at me.

My lips automatically formed a U shape. "I would love that!"

"Great! Now since I'm your new vocal teacher and new friend, you'll definitely meet the other idols!" Dana excitedly clapped her hands together.

"Do you think they'll like me?" I asked a bit nervously.

She nodded. "Of course. Adora your a sincere, down to earth kind of girl. We need a girl like you around. I know a few other female idols who'd love to meet you."

I was reassured by her words. "Hopefully your right."

"Adora, if you want me to teach you your vocal lessons, you must realize I'm always right." She lightly joked.

I gave a playful scoff. "I'll believe it when I see it."

We both laughed before we walked further into the room. I was amazed at the recording studios after all this is where all of S.M. artists record all they're famous songs and it actually made me excited.

Talking to Dana really took some of the pressure off my shoulders. Maybe I can actually do this.

"Adora can you please follow me into the recording booth?" She asked. I headed her request and was amazed at how large the room was inside.

The microphones were turned off and each headphone was placed neatly at each mic stand. "Now from what Eun-hye told me, she said you were able to reach high notes quite easily."

I blushed at the compliment. "I'm okay at it."

Dana laughed. "Adora there's no need to be modest. Right now, let's start off with a few vocal exercises." I gave a simple nod. "Now repeat after me."


"Do-re-mi-far-so-la-ti-do..." I repeated after her, my voice going higher with each note.

"That sounded great! It seems you are able to reach high notes quite easily, but you need practice on holding onto the high note." She explained.

"Oh, I never knew really noticed."

Dana squeezed my hand in support. "Don't worry about it. It's very easy to fix. You just have to remember to take in enough air before you begin a high note. Now let's try that again."

I nodded and repeated the notes. "Do-re-mi-far-so-la-ti-do!" This time I made sure I had enough oxygen to drag out the high note.

"You did it! With a little more practice you'll be able to carry the note much longer." She said with a proud smile. We continued practicing with the same notes and took notice on how my voice carried very well when dealing with high notes.

"You really do have talent." Dana squealed. "Since we're finished with our vocal warm ups, I want to hear you sing any song you want."


"Yes, sing. I want to hear you sing any song of your choosing." Dana answered with a further explanation.

"I'll be outside of the recording booth and record you singing. It'll be practice." She walked over me and placed head phones on me that belonged to a specific mic. "You'll hear the melody of the song through the headphones."

"O-okay." I stammered in slight disbelief.

"Just say the song title into your mic." I nodded and watched as she exited the recording booth. I could see her behind the glass that separated us. While I was left inside the recording booth, I desperately tried thinking of any particular song that I could sing in front of Dana.

I really wanted to sing a song that would impress my vocal coach but also show my vocal abilities as an artist. I finally decided on a song from the heart, something that I could relate to.

As I kept thinking of the song, I was reminded of Sehun and how much he meant to me in such little time. My experience in love was nonexistent before I met Sehun, and now.. now I kept replaying the scene of us in the lobby together over and over in my head. As if it was stuck on repeat.

It had me thinking of the idol rule, and it made me wonder if this was something that could tear me apart if I did pursue my feelings for Sehun. Would he actually disobey this rule for me?

I was reminded myself that I was still in the recording booth with Dana waiting on me. Leaning in close to the mic, I finally decide on a song. "Why Don't I."

She looked a bit shocked by the song request but soon enough I heard the soft melody of the song come from my headphones. My eyes gently slid close, as I began to sing with the beautiful melody. "I've never been one to step out of my comfort zone..."

"Whenever I try, I am afraid to just let go..." I sang softly into the mic as I held on to my large headphones. "Don't know why I run. Don't know why I hide. Never let them know, what I feel inside."

My heart thunders with each lyric. "Don't know why I'm scared. Just to take a chance, while I'm just standing here."

"I've never been one to break free..." My voice carried the lyrics together with the soft melody of the piano. "Don't why I run. Don't why I hide. Never let them know, what I feel inside."

The melody lifted when the chorus arrived. "Don't know why I'm scared, just to take a chance!" Emotions began to well up inside me as images of EXO came to mind, especially my certain feelings involving the maknae. "While I'm just standing here..."

"Like a bird, free to fly!" With each lyric, my voice began reaching a higher note, as this was the build up to the of the song. "Spread my wings and fly my life!" Tears began to cling to my lashes as I reached the difficult high note.

Emotions boiled within me as the melody went back to it's soft tempo. "Like a bird, up so high out of the cage. It's my time to shine..." I sang in a whisper.

The tempo began building up until the song reached its . "Like a bird, I'm free to fly!" A tear gentle slid down my cheek, but I pushed it aside as I sung each high note. I pictured myself running into Sehun's arms. "So tell me, tell me! Why don't I..." I finished the last lyrics with a breathless whisper.

The songs melody reached to its end, I slowly opened my eyes and wiped away any remaining tears. I decided it was now or never to see BoA reaction to my singing. With a heavy sigh, I looked over to the glass that separated the recording booth and the recording studio.

I was heavily shocked to see Dana clutching a hand to her chest, with tears streaming down flushed cheeks. "Dana?" She pressed a button which I was assuming was to stop my voice recording. She rose slowly from her seat and started to clap before it became a full fledge applaud.

Dana walked back into the recording booth as I removed the overly large headphones from my head. "Adora, is was- that was..."

"Was I that bad?" I tried joking to lighten the mood.

"NO! You were- it was... beautiful." Dana insisted. "The soft melody combined with your voice matched perfectly and the way you reached those high notes.. it gave me goosebumps. I'll definitely save this recording." My cheeks colored from her compliment.


"Really." She confirmed. "Adora, you have an incredible amount of potential to be an idol. I'm looking forward to working with you not only as a vocal coach, but also as a friend."

I happily beam at Dana before pulling her into a tight hug. "Thanks Dana."

She hugged me back just as tight. "It's Unnie, from now on." We broke apart from our hug and I noticed her eyes drift to the wall behind me. "It looks like our vocal lessons are over."

"It is?" I asked, following her line of vision.

"Yes, and I know for a fact a certain maknae is waiting for you." Dana grinned. Who didn't know of my feelings for Sehun? I jokingly rolled my eyes, while I went to grab my school-bag.

"Wait, give me your phone." I was confused as to why she wanted my phone, but I handed it to her. "You need to unlock it first!"

"Oh right." I blushed before I unlocked my phone.

Dana began typing something into my phone, once she was done she quickly handed me back my phone. "There! Now you have my contact."

"Thanks Unnie." I smiled at her.

"No problem. It's getting late, you better get going. I'll see you next time!" I nodded as I began leaving the recording studio. "Can't wait!" I called out behind me.

The elevator ride down to the lobby wasn't a long one.

Once I stepped out into the lobby, I saw my favorite Oppas standing in the middle of the lobby. It wasn't hard to notice twelve handsome boys standing in the middle of the lobby. I took sight of them and realized they changed from their uniform clothes into loose fitting t-shirts and comfy pants.

I was almost envious of them, since I was dying to get out of my school uniform.

"Hey everyone!" I beamed at them, not before giving them a friendly wave.

"ADORA!" All of them shouted. It did garner a few stares but we all ignored them.

"How was your first day of being a trainee?" Suho asked with concern.

I smiled by his mother-hen personality. "Exhausting but exciting. Dana, one of the best vocalist in this industry... is my vocal coach!"

Baekhyun smiled at my excitement. "We knew that, we were the ones who suggested her to teach you. She's one of the nicest people we know and we thought it would be easier for you make some female friends that way.."

"Oh, you guys..." I felt tears well up and quickly hugged Baekhyun and the rest of EXO. "Thank you, this means the world to me." I wiped away my tears. "Today has certainly been an interesting day, but I really need to get home now."

They all nodded in sync. Geez, you would think they were all raised together.

"Our manager is waiting for us right outside, we better leave now if you don't want to get home late." I nodded at Suho words and walked with EXO. We left the building, but not before I looking longingly at the high end structure

Dreams can come true in the oddest of places. With my silent thoughts, I carried on.

I sat next to Sehun, and quickly became flustered when he reached for my hand. This time I didn't tighten my hold on his hand, which confused him. I knew I was being silly, but I just couldn't get over the idol rule so easily or how he kept it from me.

I was lost on what to do with my sudden feelings for Sehun, I didn't want him to get in trouble nor jeopardize his career for me. Park did say as long as there's no proof of the relationship, it can secretly continue. But was it right? To keep our relationship a secret? To be forced not to be like other happy couples in public for the sake of tabloids?

After one year of his contract is up, Sehun is free to date publicly... These feelings were something I've never dealt with before.

I felt horrible for giving Sehun the silent treatment, but it was the only thing I could think of. Every time he tried to grab my attention I would simply ignore him or look outside the car window to avoid looking at his sad eyes.

Seeing him become miserable from my unhinged behavior made me devastated. I was so sure that the rest of EXO noticed the thick tension between us.

"We're here!" I heard EXO's manager say.

I nodded and quickly grabbed my things. "Thanks for the ride." I said to him before getting out of the van. "I'll see you guys at S.M. tomorrow!" I smiled at my EXO Oppas.

"Oh right! We have no school!" Chanyeol cheered.

I stifled a laugh at his behavior. "Yes Chanyeol, we have no school tomorrow. But I'll see all of you tomorrow. Goodnight!"

"Night, Adora!" They all chorused. I swear being around these handsome dorky guys really was anything but boring.

I carried on to my doorstep, but froze in mid-step when I heard footsteps behind me. When I finally reached my door, I tried to quickly open it, but a hand stopped me.

A hand that belonged to the one and only Oh Sehun.


"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong. Something is off about you." I bit my lip when I noted his driven tone.

"Forget it, Sehun. It's nothing, now please let me go." I shyly utter.

His grip on my wrist tightened. "No, you can't expect me to believe that. Why are you so pissed off at me?"

I spun around to face him and looked up at him with flashing eyes. "I'm not! I'm just-"

"Just what?!" He argued with a hard gaze.

"Confused about us!" I accidentally shout. Feelings of frustration, adoration, and sadness were evident in my tone.

"Today in the lobby... what was that, Sehun?" I ask in a softer tone.

Sehun's gaze slightly softened. "Adora... I don't know-" He paused, not sure how to continue. "... but I'd like to find out." He reached for my hand before clasping it in his much larger hand.

I sigh at how romantic he sounded. "You can't say things like that."

His brows furrowed together. "Why not?" Those beautiful eyes became dull and saddened at the prospect. "You don't feel the same way..."

I urgently shook my head. "You know I do, that's why this makes it so hard!" I cried.

"Again, why!" He shouted back.

I quickly silenced myself. I tried to ignore the tears that were threatening to form and inhaled a deep intake of breath. "Because of the dating rule!"

His body immediately froze at my question. "How-"

"Eun-hye told me..." I looked down at my hands.

He blew a loud sigh. "Adora, I wanted to tell you-"

"Why didn't you? You made me fall for you in a span of one day!" I cried, this time it was hard to ignore the tears threatening to spill. "Congratulations, you succeeded!"

Sehun's eyes narrowed directly on me. "You don't think, I don't find this rule stupid too?"

My eyes widened from his outburst. "Then what do we do...?"

He raked a hand through his hair. "I don't know..."

"Sehun." I say his name in a breathless whisper.

I stepped back when he took a step closer to me, unfortunately I had no more room and my back met the front door. He was dangerously close, and I could vaguely feel my heart pounding wildly in my chest.

Sehun pressed his forehead against mine while our lips were barely a breath away from each other. He gently cupped his hand against the side of my cheek.

The whole world slowly went away and I was solely focused on Sehun's tempting lips. I wanted nothing more than for him to steal my lips in a fierce kiss. A kiss I knew we were both dying for.

There was still the logical side of me that kept reminding me of what Sehun would be risking if he broke one of the rules of his contract. "Adora, I'm asking you to see this through."

"Even if it meant breaking the rules of your contract?"

He nodded. "Apparently, my Hyungs noticed how we feel and encouraged me to try..."

Feelings of shock and admiration filled my entire being, most of all I was pleased by my Oppas and their support. That would explain the weird looks, I keep getting.

I bit my lip. "I... we can't."

Sehun's chest rumbled with a deep growl. "Don't push me away, Adora. It'll only hurt us both in the end."

Could I really go through with this? Could I break the rules for Sehun, and risk it? All these questions were coming to the forefront of my mind and I didn't know what to do.

Sehun was right, I wanted this just as much as he did. What if something went wrong with our relationship or if the CEO found out about us and we were forced to break up?

Heartbreak was written all over this.

Was this worth the risk of getting my own heart broken in the end?

VII. Dreams of The Heart SOUNDTRACK:

1. Sofia Carson - Why Don't I?

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Chapter 5, will be posted up this weekend! Keep your eyes out for both chapters 5 & 6! COMING SOON!


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jin_song #1
Chapter 7: Glad to found this ff :)
The story is interesting, love it.
It can be a long story for their relationships
Ahope1 #2
Hey, my name is Ahope and i think that your fanfiction is interesting. May I translate it in russia language and share it in my wattpad?
P.S. its an adress