III. Voice of an Angel

To The Beautiful You
            III. Voice of an Angel



She looked positively breathtaking with her angelic eyes sparkling ever so beautifully at me and her rosy pink lips revealing a stunning smile.

Every ounce of my entire being wanted nothing more than to capture those sweet succulent lips, but I managed to shove the urge down to the darkest crevice of my mind. I knew now that I had deeply underestimated my self control.

Adora beamed at us, as she spoke excitingly to my Hyungs. To my relief, all of EXO seemed to be enchanted by her, as I was. Adora's melodious laugh found it way into my ears, the sound itself managed to make my heart skip a beat. It was no shock to me, when I realized Baekhyun and Chanyeol were the very reason why she was laughing.

"Bacon, you have to be joking!" Adora squealed into a fit of giggles. "There's no way, Chanyeol, did that!"

Baekhyun shook his head. "You just had to be there, isn't that right, Kkaebsong~?" He teased, pinching Chanyeol's cheeks.

"Ow, Hyung!" He whimpered, holding both red cheeks.

The rest of us looked amused, but we were more interested at the mention of Baekhyun's new nickname, "Bacon."

"That's a new one, where'd you come up with it?" Kai curiously asked with a hint of laughter tracing his tone.

Adora flashed an innocent smile his way. "His name sounds like Bacon, it only make sense."

Baekhyun grinned smugly at the rest of us. "Yep! So, don't be too jealous that you guys don't have a nickname, yet."

I snort. "Oh please, Hyung, don't start getting a big head now."

"Yeah!" My Hyungs cheered in agreement.

"Besides, she could give us nicknames too." Lay finally spoke.

He must be getting over his shyness around her.

"Right?" He glanced at Adora with hopeful eyes.

She gave an enthusiastic nod. "Of course I'd give all of you nicknames!"

"Aw! But that doesn't make mine special anymore!" Baekhyun whined.

Adora bit back a laugh. "That's not true, you're the only Bacon around here."

Baekhyun in turn, wore a large cheshire grin. "She's right! I'm special again!"

"Why do you encourage him?" I whisper to her.

"I can't help it, he reminds me too much of an adorable puppy!" She cooed on a slice of mango.

"And I'm not adorable?" I guffawed.

Adora lips revealed a coy smile. "I plead the fifth!"

We hadn't realized that the period was almost over until I saw a few other classmates begin to leave the canteen, the rest of EXO and I were too busy having fun spending time with Adora. It was a huge weight off my shoulder to know that Adora was more than welcomed by my Hyungs.

Even Kris spoke a bit more than usual.

... And that's saying something.

Since the usual for Kris was saying something about his style, which would make all of us roll our eyes at him.

Sadly, all good things must come to an end... or in this case, going back to class.

"Hey Adora, what class do you have next period?" Kai asked the beautiful ebony-haired girl.

She carefully took out her schedule from her bag, before looking over the fine print. "I have Film next."

"Oh, me and Kai have that class too." D.O. announced.

Adora breathed a sigh of relief. "Well in that case, do you mind showing me to class? I don't want to be late."

Kai nodded. "We don't mind!"

"Then we better get going now, if we want to make it on time." D.O. said, as he grabbed his own school bag.

"Why?" She wrinkled her nose.

"Because it's on the other side of the school." Kai answered.

Adora understood as she gathered all her things, but paused in mid-step to turn around. "I'll see you guys after school?"

"Right in front of the gates." Suho answered for her, while all of us nodded in agreement.

"I'll be seeing you, then!" She beamed at all of us before spinning around to catch up with D.O and Kai.

My eyes followed her every movement as soon as she walked away. There was a sudden ache in my chest the further she got away, but I reminded myself that I would see her after school. I looked around the table to finds pairs of eyes staring straight into my soul, forcing an overwhelming silence to fall upon us.

... Well, until Chanyeol opened his mouth.

"Hyungs, looks like our Maknae has got a thing for Adora."

I have never glared at anyone so hard before, as I did now.

Suddenly, Suho breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god, it wasn't just me who noticed."

I irritably groaned. "Not you too, Hyung!"

"It's kinda obvious... you wouldn't exactly stop staring at her." Chen added.

"I wasn't staring!" I choked out.

Xiumin rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "You kind of were."

Luhan began chuckling into his hand. "It was no secret you were staring at her. All of us noticed. Even Kris."

At the mention of his name, Kris looked up from his phone. "Me what?" He asked.

Rounds of collective sighs were heard from all of us. "Nothing, Hyung." Luhan waved off.

Suho cleared his throat. "Sehun, the point is... even if you do have some feelings for her, you cannot pursue this." He hesitates to finish, a sad expression clouding his features.

"Why can't he, Hyung?" Lay asked.

"We agreed to obey the rules of our contract, which also means following the NO DATING RULE." He stressed the last part.

Almost angrily, I tightly clench my jaw, knowing that Suho was right. I wasn't allowed to date anyone until a year after our debut, but could I wait the long when it came to Adora?

I was severely annoyed.

A loud scoff was heard amongst the table.

I turned to look at the culprit to find Baekhyun glaring a hole into our leader's very well being. "Screw the company, Hyung. I say if Sehun likes Adora, why should we stop him from pursuing her?"

"The company rules-"

"The company rules mean jack , other's have broken the rule before and their contracts haven't been terminated. Besides, we like Adora and it's obvious Sehun has a thing for her, this is the first time we've ever seen him like this. Why should we ruin his happiness?" He argued.

I found myself mentally rooting for Baekhyun, I swore to myself when we got back to the dorms that I would buy any food he would want for a whole week.

Suho remained stubborn on the issue. "What if our manager finds out and decides to tell the CEO?"

"Then we tell him the truth. For now, we should help keep this a secret. I'm sure Sehun would do the same, if it was any one of us in his shoes." He insisted.

The table went deathly quiet as our leader silently began to think to himself. He began pacing back and forth in front of our table and it was starting to make me dizzy but somehow I remained nonchalant about it, not giving away at my impending headache.

That's when he stopped.

Suho made a sound of defeat. "Arasso..." He looked towards me. "I suppose... if you really feel something towards this girl, it's worth a shot."

"You really mean that, Hyung?" The disbelief in my voice was very apparent, but I could not wipe the large grin off my face.

"Yes, I do."

Chanyeol rose up from his seat and wrapped a brotherly arm around Suho's shoulders. "We got your back, Sehun." He cheered with a big smile.

"At least we'll get to know her more after school." Luhan offered.

"I have a feeling tonight something good is gonna happen." Chanyeol shouted.

Baekhyun titled is head. "And how exactly do you know that, kkaepsong~?"

"Just a feeling." He answered coyly.

Maybe Chanyeol was right... for once at least.


The day went on a lot more smoother after lunch, and thankfully almost coming to a close. Being around EXO helped me calm down considerably. Sure, I was still being stared at, but I was quickly becoming more used to it. I, now knew why the girls kept shooting me jealous glances. It made a lot more sense, now that I realized I had become friends with a famous boy group every girl seems to have a crush on.

I was also very excited for the school day to end, since I would be meeting EXO after school, permitted that I do have to sing in front of them.

My whole stomach began twisting and tying into knots, knowing that they were a group of trained idols who speciality involved entertainment. It was too hard not thinking about it, especially when the minute hand on the clock was so close to signaling the end of the school day.

Though classes were a lot more bearable and dare I say enjoyable?

I found myself slipping into my day-dream as I stared outside the window, drowning out the dull voice of my new teacher. As I drifted further into my dreamy state, all I could think about was Oh Sehun.

My feelings were a jumbled mess, a cross between confusion and affection. I knew nothing about romance except from what I've read from books and watched from movies, yet all my thoughts were being consumed with Sehun.

It was strange how comfortable I felt with him, as if I belonged beside him.

With an exasperated sigh, I buried my face into my arms. Oh, Adora... what are you going to do?

The bell finally rung and I felt my body jolt in my seat from the loud sound. "School's over already?" I murmured to myself in slight disbelief.

Gathering the rest of my things, I neatly placed them back inside my school-bag. There was an extra pep in my step as I left the building with a large smile, heading towards the front gates. I was pleasantly greeted by the sight of all the twelve members of EXO standing idly by the near-side of the gates.

As I moved closer to them, I saw Luhan tap Sehun on the shoulder and point directly at me as he whispered something into his ear. Once Sehun saw me, he gave me a smile that was undeniably his own. It was no wonder why my cheeks were colored in a rosy hue.

I beamed at all of them. "You guys actually waited for me?"

"We said we would, and we do keep our promises." Sehun smirked as he reached for my hand. I squeezed his hand in comfort as I stepped beside him, and walked along with the rest of EXO.

"Do you any of you know, how are we going to get there?" I asked.

Suho pointed to a large van that was parked right around the corner. "Our manager will take us there. Of course, after a bit of convincing."

"You sure?"

"We're sure." They all chorused.

I'm going to have to get used to that.

The walk towards the large van was short lived, when we were greeted by a man who looked to be in their late 20's or early 30's. I wasn't too sure.

He slightly bowed his head in EXO's direction. "Hey guys, ready to head back to the dorms?"

"Actually, Hyung... we were hoping if we could go somewhere for a little while?" Suho asked hopefully. "Specifically, the Karaoke-Restaurant near the dorms."

"Suho... I'm not sure the CEO would like that." Their manager began doubtfully.

"Please, Hyung? We haven't had a chance to relax since our debut, we could use some R&R time. We promise we'll to the dorms straight after!" Suho insisted.

Their managed looked like he was debating this, before his eyes darted to mine. "And who is this?"

Sehun stepped in front of me. "Hyung, this is Adora Summers She's new to South Korea and just transferred here. We wanted to welcome her."

"And she has nothing to do with you all wanting to go to this place?" He raised a suspicious brow at them.

I fidget in my spot. "I was hoping they could show me more of Seoul, since they have been so kind to me since I first arrived here. If you could please allow us to go there, we will be forever thankful." I say softly, glancing up at him with warm brown eyes.

Shockingly enough, their manager's resolve beginning to dissolve. "Alright, fine. You guys can go. Only there and then it's straight back to the dorms. Agreed?"

"You're the best, Hyung!" Chanyeol brightly cheered.

He simply grinned at them. "I know." He paused before looking back at me. "It's nice to meet you, miss Summers."

"Please, just call me, Adora."

"Adora, it is then. We better get going now if you guys want to have some fun." He said as he prepared the van.

"He's right, come on! I've been dying to eat!" Chanyeol shouted, heading straight for the van.

Baekhyun stared at him with wide eyes. "Bwoh?! You just ate lunch!"

"You can never have enough food!"

Smiling at those two, my eyes soon find Sehun's. "Do I just get inside with you?"

"Of course, did you really think you were gonna walk all the way there?" He chuckled. I land a playful slap to his shoulder as I got inside the van. It was a lot more spacious in the inside than I originally expected.

Whoa... fifteen seats? I counted in my head, before choosing the seat in the back near the window.

Sadly, Sehun thought it would be funny to steal MY seat.

"Meanie..." I mutter, taking the seat next to him while he smirked victoriously at me.

After all of us were safely seated inside, the van began moving and soon enough we were on our way there. I was excited, yet terrified. In the end it didn't matter because I found myself enjoying the time I was spending with EXO.

The van was not silent by all means, it was filled with the constant chatter of all the members and I found it to be such a beautiful sound. It was filled with certain warmth that couldn't be ignored.

"Are we there yet?" Chen asked.

"Almost." EXO's Manager answered.

A round of groans were heard. "Well hurry up, Hyung, my stomach is starting to speak another language!" Chanyeol whined, the sound was absolutely adorable.

Chanyeol's prayers were finally answered, once the van pulled to a stop. He was the first one out of the van.

The rest of us slowly exited out the vehicle.

My eyes widen in amazement when I stood in front of the venue. The sight was positively magical and so unique. It held a very retro theme to it and was classically styled all the way to their colorful lights. There were no need for electric signs whatsoever, because the place itself left an impression.

Sehun's hand was clasped in mine as he lead me inside. In my hardest attempts, I tried to resist in becoming a blushing mess and was immediately thankful for the red lighting of the place.

When we first entered, I noticed that the lighting was multicolored and held powerful shades of reds and blues. A lot of customers were eating, while the rest were on stage, singing songs of their own choosing.

I winced when I heard a girl sing or at least try to sing a random pop song I wasn't familiar with.

Sehun guided me further until we reached a private room. "Is this where we're eating?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it's better this way since there's twelve of us and we need the extra room for all of us." He explained.

I nodded. "Good idea."

Our private room held a large rectangular shaped table inside, we quickly seated ourselves around the long table. Sehun seated himself right beside me, as Luhan took the other remaining seat next to me. Baekhyun and Chanyeol sat themselves down onto the two seats in front of me, while the rest took the remaining empty seats.

My eyes skimmed the menu and I had no idea what these foods were or how they tasted.

I looked pleadingly to Sehun. "I have no idea what I'm reading... can you please recommend something for me?"

Sensing my obvious distress, he simply grinned at me. "Are you confident enough that I won't trick you into eating something nasty?"

"I do... because, I trust you."

As soon as those words left my lips, his hand gently squeezed mine under the table. "What kind of meats do you like?"

"Any kind is fine by me."

Sehun looked towards the rest of EXO. "Hyungs, we should get Samgyeopsal."

"Oh! That actually sounds really good right about now..." Chanyeol said as he stared down at his stomach.

It was quite amusing to watch.

"I second that!" Baekhyun joined. They all agreed and ordered samgyeopsal.

I turned to Sehun, a bit confused. "What's Samgyeopsal...?" I said the sentence slowly to see if I pronounced the word correctly.

"It's slices of pork. Trust me, you'll like it." I took his word for it.

The room was very warm and quickly made myself comfortable.

I took off my blazer and undid my tie before ing my collar. Much better... I sigh in relief.

EXO did the same themselves, save for a couple of them who rolled their sleeves up their arms.

Loud music was coming from outside the room, another customer singing a Karaoke version of, Maneater.

"I can't wait to get up on that stage!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

Xiumin gave an excited nod. "I can't wait either! It's been a long time since we've actually preformed for fun."

"What if someone recognizes you guys?" I asked as I toyed with my tie.

Suho grinned triumphantly. "We're wearing our high school uniforms and just debuted, everyone will most likely think we're just a group of normal high schoolers having fun after school."

Everyone of his group mates looked at him in amazement. "Wow, Hyung... you truly thought of everything." Baekhyun muttered.

"If didn't, who else would?" Suho teased.

He truly is the mother-hen. 

We didn't wait long for the food to arrive, and it smelt absolutely divine.

The waiter gently placed the grilled meat onto the table, as the other waiter placed the bowls and silverware down in front of us. Sehun passed me one of the bowls and a pair of silver chopsticks. My skills with this type of silverware weren't exactly great but they weren't exactly bad either.

A waitress came by and poured water into each of our empty cups, I notice she was also blushing horribly around the guys. I couldn't blame her though, seeing as how I did the same.

Sehun helped gather the meat into my bowl, which I was forever grateful for. "Thank you." I whispered to him, as he handed me back my bowl.

"No problem." He smiled at me.

I was about to dig into my delicious food when Luhan stopped me. "What?"

"You have to say thank you before you eat, it's only manners." I mentally slap myself for forgetting my own table manners.

I held up my bowl with an embarrassed flush coloring my pale skin. "Thank you for the food." The other members acknowledged it with thank you's of their own. With that said, I took my chopsticks and began munching on the delicious meats with a satisfied smile.

"Enjoying the food?" Sehun asked beside me before taking another slice of pork into his mouth.

"Unbelievably so." I answered while picking up another slice of meat from my bowl.

Where has this food been all my life?

The rest of EXO were eating happily with hungry stomachs. I didn't realize they were that hungry, well until Chanyeol pointed it out. Dinner was definitely a success, or at least in my books it was.

After we all finished eating, we pushed our now empty bowls aside. I reached for my glass of water and took gentle sips from it.

I couldn't remember having a meal so rememberable, EXO surely had a hand in that.

"Are you guys ready for a night of fun?" Chanyeol shouted as he got up from his seat.

Loud shouts of "YES!" filled the room.

Before I could say anything, I heard my cellphone ring. Quickly reaching into my bag, I saw that it was my mom calling me. "You guys go ahead, I'll be right there."

Sehun looked at me, concern shining in his eyes. "You sure?"

I smiled up at him. "Yes, I'm sure. I promise." He nodded as he quickly caught up with the rest of the members.

Sliding the phone icon across the screen, I answer the call. "Hello?"

"Adora, where are you? You should have been home by now!" Mom greeted me with instead.

I wince, hearing her shout over the phone. How could I forgot to call mom? I chastised myself.

"Mom... I am so sorry, I forgot to call you! It slipped my mind since I'm with friends now and I know your always telling me to make new friends-"

"Wait!" Her voice cuts me off. "Your out with friends?"

"Yes, they've been very nice to me and even offered to take me out to eat. The food was amazing!" I gushed, neglecting to mention that they were a famous boy group.

There was a slight pause over the line, but then I heard a soft sigh from the receiver. "Your right, I did say to make new friends... and I suppose if your having fun, you can stay out a bit longer."

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! Your the best mom ever!" I beamed happily over the phone.

"I know." Mom teased me with a soft laugh. "Just keep your phone on with you at all times, okay?"

"Deal. I gotta go mom. See you at home, love you."

"Love you too." She said before the call ended.

I swipe off the imaginary sweat away from my forehead. "Crisis averted." I say to myself as I slip my phone back into my bag.

Rising up from my seat, I slid open the door that separated this room from the rest of the restaurant. I moved towards the Karaoke stage only to come face to face with a highly entertaining sight. I laughed into my hand as I saw Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and surprisingly Chen singing and dancing to one of their own songs, Machine.

I was easily amazed by their performance. Chanyeol easily rapped his lines, as both Baekhyun and Chen sung both their parts so effortlessly while the three of them danced in sync.

They have trained for this... I reminded myself.

The rest of EXO stood a few feet away from the stage but I noticed they were mouthing their lines in the song. I looked around to see people in audience cheering them on, especially the females. Watching them perform was exhilarating itself and it made me wonder how all twelve of them sounded together. It must be beyond incredible.

I found myself swaying to the music as the three boys were singing, after all it was party song. Or at least it sounded like it. The best of the song was infectious.

As the song ended, the audience stood up and clapped ecstatically for them. I did the same of course, whistling loudly as they bowed towards the audience. I, immediately stopped my cheering when Chanyeol leaned into his mic to say, "May, Adora Summers come up to the stage?" I could see his bright white smile from here.

My heart literally leapt inside my throat. Oh my god...

Then Baekhyun leaned into his mic. "Adora, come on up! Come on guys, she's being shy! Let's cheer her on! ADORA! ADORA! ADORA!"

Chen and the rest of EXO joined in on their chanting.

Soon they had the rest of the audience chanting my name.

Looking around, I noticed Sehun give me an encouraging smile. Forcibly, shoving aside my nerves, I try to ignore the rapid pulsing of my heart. Walking carefully through the parted crowed, I hesitantly make my way on the large stage.

There was a round of wolf whistles as soon as I stepped onto the stage, trying to ignore the pink hue dusting my cheeks. Although, EXO looked throughly annoyed at the male reaction, especially Sehun. I took this time to study the stage and noticed how brightly colored the neon lights were shining down upon me.

The person who operated the Karaoke machine asked me for a song request. I looked through the playlist of songs and decided on one that sounded easy enough to sing, especially when nearly all of them were Korean. Due to the essence of time, I chose a song from a group called A.O.A.

It sounded like a song that would fuel me with complete confidence in my singing.

I leaned forward to the person's ear and said Heart Attack. Hopefully it was the same song I knew. Looking around at the audience faces, their faces wore expressions of standards and expectation.

Shakily reaching for my mic, I raised it a breath away from my lips. I closed my eyes when I felt my body begin to tense as the song began.

"A-ye (Brave sound) And it goes a little something like this!"

In my mind, I saw all the supporting faces of EXO. Especially the image of Sehun smirking proudly at me. Slowly opening my eyes, I stare at the color-coded lyrics on the screen as my lips part to sing.

"I’ve completely fallen for you! Your soft voice, I’ve fallen for it! I’m trembling!" I began to sing, feeling my body loosen to the upbeat sound of the song. "I think I’m crazy, why am I like this?
My heart is like a 18 year old girl’s, it keeps pounding!" I saw a few people nodding along to the song with me and it fueled me with a certain surge of confidence.

My vocals began to strengthen with the lyrics. "I can’t hide it, I’m like this every day. When our eyes meet, my ears turn red. You don’t understand? It’s because you didn’t see him!" The grip on my mic tightened as I began to move with the song. "I totally understand how people fall in love at first sight! Now I know the first time I saw you..."

"I’ve completely fallen for you! Your broad shoulders, your sharp eyes! Your soft voice, I’ve fallen for them!" I raised my hand in the air as I danced on stage to the beat of the song. Surprisingly, the audience loved it and jumped into the song with me. "Just looking at your thin and long fingers makes me tremble..."

"Oh my! I keep getting a heart attack, the more I see you!" The audience shouted with me as I sing.

Deciding to be bold, I walked down the steps of the stage as I continue. "My heart keeps pounding, I don’t know! It’s like a heart attack, what do I do? I keep wanting to be in your arms, baby!"

I stand beside the EXO members and wrapped my arms around both Baekhyun and Chanyeol. "When our eyes meet, my heart pounds. I try to get even the tiniest bit of your attention..." They moved with me to the song.

"'What about him do you like so much?' My friends ask and I answer, 'Don’t talk if you don’t know' You don’t understand? It’s because you didn’t see him!" I let go of them as I smiled at the rest of EXO, before stopping on Sehun.

I stopped right in front of him before pointing at him square in the chest with a soft wink. "I totally understand how people fall in love at first sight! Now I know, the first time I saw you!"

I spun around to face the cheering audience. "I’ve completely fallen for you! Your broad shoulders, your sharp eyes! Your soft voice, I’ve fallen for them!" I ran back on stage as the second chorus began. "Just looking at your thin and long fingers makes me tremble..."

I lift my mic close to my lips. "Oh my, I keep getting a heart attack, the more I see you! My heart keeps pounding, I don't know! It's like a heart attack, what do I do? I keep wanting to be in your arms, baby!"

The musical solo sounded from the speakers as I danced around the rhythm of the song. "Oh my prince, where are you looking? I'm right here! You're so handsome, I just need you! I can't live without you!" My eyes found Sehun's once more.

The screams of the crowd was fueling me with energy, I never knew existed. I heard EXO cheering me on along with the rest of the audience.

"Please repeat after me everyone!" I shout into my mic, sending the crowd go into loud hysterics. I beamed at all of them before placing my mic back on it's stand. "I've completely fallen for you! You're soft voice..."

I clapped my hands in the air as I sung each lyric, and amazingly enough the audience joined me and did the same. "I've fallen for it, I'm trembling!"

The energy of being on stage was life-changing. "Oh my, I keep getting a heart attack!"

I pointed my mic to the crowd. "Everybody say What! (A.O.A)!"


"... And it goes a little something like this!"

"One more time say What! (A.O.A)!"

"I wanna be in your arms, baby!" I sing the final line of the song, reaching the incredibly high note at the end.

When the song ended, all I could heard were the loud cheers of my name. The chanting began again as they requested for an encore. It was like something you'd only see at concerts.

My skin was flushed as I panted in soft breaths of oxygen. I actually did it... And people loved it. The whole entire audience loved me. Chanyeol and Luhan were right, being on stage is simply amazing. I wiped away at the slight sweat sticking to my skin.

I rushed offstage and ran straight into Sehun's arms. He pulled me against his chest and wrapped me in a tight embrace. His lips hovered over my ear and the action itself sent pleasent shivers down my spine. "You were incredible..."

Looking up at him with big brown eyes. "Sehun-" Before I could say anything else, an older woman's voice interrupted us.

"Miss Summers, if I could of a moment of your time?"

I slowly nodded. "Of course." EXO looked at the woman with surprised recognition. I, however looked at the woman in confusion.

The older woman moved in a bit closer where I could see her better lighting. She was very pretty and looked to be in her early thirties, but held a business-like aura. "I have to say that was quite a performance you put on. I've never seen an audience react like this in a Karaoke restaurant."

I bit my bottom lip. "It was luck and a good song."

She raised a perfectly arched brow at me. "I think it was more than luck... I think they loved the person behind the mic singing the song."

I shook my head. "They don't know me."

"I like you." The woman stated. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Park Eun-hye and I'm a talent scout for S.M. Entertainment."

My eyes widened at her admission. "A t-talent scout?"

"Yes. A talent scout. From the same company that created, EXO." Miss Park stated. I looked back at EXO and noticed a shy blush staining their cheeks.

That's why they looked like they knew her.

I, on the other hand was still very confused. "If your a talent scout, what exactly are you doing here?"

"I'm simply looking for fresh blood, someone who shows potential in becoming the next new big artist to represent our company." She answered truthfully.

My mouth fell open in shock. "But why me...?"

Eun-hye's lips revealed a polite smile. "Adora, I believe you have the potential to become the next big thing in our industry. You have the looks, the sound, and a sense of choreograph."

"What exactly are you offering me?" I asked with interest.

"I'm offering you a once in a life time chance to become S.M.'s new trainee and hopefully become the next big solo artist."

I must be dreaming...

III. Voice of An Angel SOUNDTRACK:

1. A.O.A - Heart Attack (English Lyrics ver.)


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Chapter 5, will be posted up this weekend! Keep your eyes out for both chapters 5 & 6! COMING SOON!


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jin_song #1
Chapter 7: Glad to found this ff :)
The story is interesting, love it.
It can be a long story for their relationships
Ahope1 #2
Hey, my name is Ahope and i think that your fanfiction is interesting. May I translate it in russia language and share it in my wattpad?
P.S. its an adress https://www.wattpad.com/user/Ahope1