V. Enchanting Melodies

To The Beautiful You
V. Enchanting Melodies 

                  ADORA 5


There was a silent pause over the phone.

"Are you sure this is really want you want? Because after you say yes, you have to give everything you are to this company. Including dealing with busy schedules, being a trainee comes with hard work." Eun-hye firmly explained.

I clutched the phone tighter in my hand. "I know what comes with being a trainee, EXO explained it to me... and I'm prepared to handle it."

The woman over the phone sighed quietly into her receiver. "Arasso, on the card I gave you, there is an address imprinted on the back. You will go there after school tomorrow, and there will be an appointment waiting for you. Your first priority is to show up on time."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Expect to be getting a schedule."

"A schedule? Why would I need-"

She quickly cut me off. "As a trainee, you will have classes after school to improve your talents. You will have vocal lessons, as well as dance lessons to help you with your choreograph."

"D-dancing?" I sputtered.

"We will go over more about your schedule tomorrow. For now, you should get a goodnight's rest for the busy day you'll be having in the morning." Eun-hye advised.

I nodded, until I realized she couldn't see me. "Will do."

"Oh, and Adora? One more thing." She said before I could hang up the phone.

"Yes?" I anxiously wait.

"Welcome aboard." After that there was click and a dial tone. I looked back at my phone and realized she ended the call first.

Placing my phone on top of my bedside table, I got up from my bed and undressed before changing into my pearly white night gown. It was simple and merely just for sleep. I got back into bed, with the covers draped over me.

I rested my head against my pillows, with thoughts of tomorrow. Questions like, What would it be like? or Will I meet the CEO? even questions like, What would my schedule be like? were swirling around my mind.

Tomorrow held numerous amounts of possibilities, that I was sure of. Whether this experience would be stressful or exciting or even both, I did not know. I will know for sure tomorrow. Another thing that came to mind, when I was reminded of EXO.

Only with luck like mine, would I become friends with with a popular boy band and be on every girl's hit list in a span of one day. I felt my body shake with giggles and eventually it became full fledged laughter.

I couldn't help myself.

Leaning over to my side, I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and typed EXO into my search engine. They certainly looked handsome in their debut pictures, but also very intimidating. I suppose, I felt that way because I was going to become a trainee myself and only hoped to look as good as them.

I tapped on one of their music videos MAMA and I was severely impressed.

The music itself was infectious and made me want to dance in my own room, even if the dance looked super complicated. In the music video, they all danced in perfect sync. Suho was right, for what a person lacked another compensated.

I couldn't take my eyes off of their impressive dance moves, moves I could only dream to do someday. I, especially couldn't take my eyes off of one Oh Sehun... but that was a story for another day. I could see why they were already popular even after just debuting.

What exactly did I get myself into?

I tapped on another one of their music videos which was History and again they managed to leave me breathless with from their addicting sound, to their complicated dance moves and their ability to move in sync... with twelve people, mind you! It was unbelievable but it was right in front of me.

Well, playing right in front of me.

EXO was something amazing in the music industry. I was definitely going to buy their mini-album.

Watching them sing and dance on screen was amazing, and I'm sure watching them live in concert is even more incredible.

The more I watched them, the more I became nervous of my own ability to dance. I was more of a singer than dancer, but it was something I've always wanted to try. I vowed to myself to not give up and maybe one day reach the level where I can dance like EXO myself.

Or at least try to.

My eyes flickered towards the bright red numbers on my electric clock and noticed it was getting late. "I better get some rest..." I mumbled to myself. Placing my phone back on to it's charger on my bedside table, I made myself comfortable and soon felt my eyes flutter closed.

It wasn't long before I was lost into the world of dreams and into the certain arms of one particular EXO member.


We finally made it back to the dorms unnoticed. I let a yawn sleep when we went inside, me and the other members were exhausted. I couldn't wait to get to bed, I knew it wouldn't be long until I was out like a light and dead to the rest of the world.

It didn't help knowing that we had practice scheduled for tomorrow after school, and practicing was always rough on our body's when we had little sleep, it's something we all had to get used to over the years.

I shrugged indifferently before making my way to my own room that I shared with Baekhyun and Chaneyeol. There was a perk in being roommates, one of them being that they weren't overly messy.

Quickly getting undressed, I change into a plain white t-shirt and dark plaid bottoms. Nothing fancy for sleep wear. I shuffled my way into bed and groaned from the feeling of silken sheets underneath me. "Ah... paradise."

Unfortunately, the silence didn't last long.

A downside of having Baekhyun and Chanyeol as roommates.

"Look at what we have here, Hyung." Chanyeol slyly grinned.

"It seems to me that our dear Sehunnie, is getting ready for bed." Baekhyun teased.

I groan into my pillow. "Aish! Can't I just go to sleep without you guys hassling me?"

"What's the fun in that my kkaepsong~" Baekhyun purposefully drawled out.

A dry chuckle slipped past my lips. "Yeah, well I'm tired and we need to sleep because we have practice tomorrow after school."

Chanyeol made a sound from the back of his throat. "Don't remind us. It's bad enough we have school in the morning..." A wicked smile came across Chanyeol's face. ".. but it isn't so much as bad for you."

"What are you getting at?" My tone was sharp.

Now it was Baekhyun's turn to grin wickedly. "Oh you know, just that you may be excited to see a certain girl that we all know and love."

Oh god no...

"And if I was?"

He released a dramatic sigh. "At least he's no longer denying he likes her."

Chanyeol on the other hand laughed like a hyena. "He was denying it from the start? How'd he manage that? It's painfully obvious that he likes her!"

I shot him the darkest look I could muster. "You wanna say that a little louder next time, Hyung? I'm pretty sure the rest of the world didn't hear you."

He shrugged. "It's not like no one knows about it. I mean, just being in the same room with you two... you could practically cut the with a knife-"

I glared at him. "We are not discussing anything ual involving me."

Baekhyun came to my side and patted me on the shoulder. "What Chanyeol means to say, in his own Chanyeolie way, is that any one with eyes could tell you and Adora are attracted to each other... scratch that, even a blind person could see that."

It took me a moments to realize what he was saying. "Hyung, do you think it's possible..." I stopped and looked at the both of them with a nervous glance. "... that she might like me back?"

They both looked at each other before raising their palms to their forehead with heavy sighs.


"You sir, are absolutely blind."


"Sehun, when have you become so dense? Adora is crazy about you!" Baekhyun shouted with an edge of frustration. "Did you not see, how she looked at you when she was on stage?"

I give a slight shrug. "I... I actually can't think of an answer for that one."

"For sakes, man!" Chanyeol joined in. "Are you blind? Adora was clearly thinking about you when she sung that song! She acts so... lovely dovey with you."

"And looks at you differently..." Baekhyun added. "... compared to the rest of us."

I turned my head away, ignoring the stain of red on my cheeks. "Even if that were true, I don't want to scare Adora away with all of this, considering now since she was offered a spot as a trainee with same company as us."

Baekhyun heaved a blissful sigh. "Who knew my goddess could sing...~"

"Are you going to continue calling her that?" I huffed in annoyance.

He shrugged. "It's just a nickname, no need to get jealous."

My eyes widened almost comically at the accusation. "I'm not jealous!"

"Sounds like it to me." Chanyeol unhelpfully added.

"Aw look at him Yeolie, Adora's not even his girlfriend yet and he's already acting like a jealous boyfriend!" Baekhyun girlishly squealed.

My face twitched into a dark scowl. "s..."

"But you love us anyway!"

I ignored their teasing for the most part, before resting my head on top of my pillow.

And it was absolutely paradise.

Dreams of a certain American with long black hair and big angelic eyes blissfully haunted me. It was the best sleep I have ever gotten in a long time.


I woke up a lot earlier due to my excitement, and because I had to make not one, not two, but twelve peanut butter and banana sandwiches. I did my morning routine which consisted of brushing my teeth and taking a nice warm shower.

After that I put on my freshly cleaned garment, which today's color were rosy pink. I quickly put on my school uniform, with a fresh pair of white knee high socks.

I donned a pair of chestnut brown oxford heels, those vintage shoes were classic and timeless.

As quickly as I could slip on my shoes, I went downstairs to the kitchen and went straight to work. Waking up a lot earlier then usual, had it's perks.

Mom was likely still sleeping, seeing as the sun was slowly rising.

I took out two loaves of bread and took out the peanut butter from the fridge. Luckily, mom went shopping for a bunch of bananas. Carefully taking out each slice of bread, I began crafting sandwiches for EXO. "A promise is a promise." I smile to myself.

As I was spreading the peanut butter over the slices of bread, I began humming the same song I sung last night, dancing slightly to the rhythm.

Carefully, I made sure to not get any peanut butter on my hands or on my recently cleaned uniform.

I breathed a sigh of relief, when I realized I was finished. I wrap each sandwich into a spacious napkin, placing each of them into a separate ziplock bag.

Of course I didn't forget my own food, which was a simple fruit salad.

Hopefully, mom won't notice all the missing food and empty peanut butter jars.

I grabbed an empty plastic bag before shoving all the home made sandwiches into it. I looked at the decorative clock that hanged above the stove. It was almost time for school. I quickly dashed upstairs to grab my school bag and all things needed for school.

When I left my room, I noticed the house was still silent. "Mom?" I called out. By this time she would be up and about, preparing breakfast for herself or telling me to hurry up for school, but she was nowhere to be found.

My feet shuffled across the floor to mom's bedroom, I knocked on the door but no one answered.

Okay, now this is getting creepy.

I slowly opened the door, only to find an empty made bed.

There was a note left on her bedside table, I took it in my hands and read what was written.

"Honey, I'm sorry for leaving without telling you, but something important came up with one of the Fashion designers. I took the car, so you'll have to walk to school today. I'll see you later tonight after work. Love you."

I wrinkled my nose as I read the note aloud. "It must've been urgent." I better go, before I'm late.

With that in mind, I hurried downstairs and out the door. School wasn't that far off from home, only about twelve minutes away if I walked on foot.
When I finally reached school for the second time around, the stares somewhat lessened, but their lusty eyes looks remained.

I, mostly ignored the males gawking at me when I walked by, but it still made a bit uncomfortable.

My eyes darted towards the sounds of squealing classmates, turns out they were surrounding my new friends, EXO.

How did I not see that before? I inwardly giggle.

I shook my head and began squeezing myself through the crowds. I mentally curse at my height, it being a major disadvantaged when walking around taller people.

Fortunately for me, Baekhyun eventually noticed me and my struggle to pass through.

"Adora!" He called out, the rest of the members turned towards where he was shouting.

"ADORA!" They simultaneously shouted, causing some of the squealing fangirls to be startled.

I beamed at all of the EXO, before my eyes rested on Sehun a bit longer than most. He still looked stunningly handsome as usual, but this time he wore a small smile in public, instead of his usual poker face.

I felt my cheeks burn but I ignored it and continued to move forward towards, EXO. Of course, I had to ignore the holes being burned into my back, but seeing Chanyeol giving me a wide toothy smile at me was totally worth it.

I stopped right in front of them, a bit out of breath. "Hey Oppas!" I greeted them. They are were wearing their uniforms in a causal fashion, but even then they still looked like models.

Almost simultaneously, they opened their mouths were to greet me a good morning, when Chanyeol shouted, "Oh. My. God."

Everyone looked confused at his sudden shock state, but his eyes were too focused on the large bag that was in my hand, to notice. Specifically, the bag that held all twelve sandwiches.

"She actually made them..." His neck snapped into the direction that of Suho. "Hyung, she actually made them!"

I bite back a smile. "I did promise all of you that I would make them for you, and I just can't say no to my Oppas."

"We didn't think you'd actually take the time to make lunch for all of us..." Kai murmured in slight disbelief.

"But she did..." Chanyeol stared at me with starry eyes, before kneeling down and taking my hand in his. "Marry me."

I raised an eyebrow at Sehun, he just offered me a small shrug with a grin etched on his lips. "I'm sorry, but I can't. We have class right now." I teased, barely managing to ignore the harsh whispers around us.

He pouted adorably. "Stupid school..."

I resisted the urge to laugh, but my resolve was broken when I heard the quiet chuckles from the rest of the members.

Patting Chanyeol on his shoulder, I try to ignore the huge height difference between us. "It'll be alright, Oppa. Maybe in another life." I say, a teasing smile playing at my lips.

"I'll be waiting." He winked at me, leaving me slightly flabbergasted.

Looking over at Sehun, I notice he now wore a dark scowl. I couldn't ask him anything about it, because Suho said it was time for all of us to head to class.

He couldn't possibly be jealous... could he? I bit my bottom lip as a smile threaten to reveal itself.

I, suddenly felt small walking beside EXO. Not because I was self conscious of my height or scared, but because they all looked so intimidating.

All of them insisted to wear stoic faces, even my smiling Bacon and Chanyeol. It was different from what I used to seeing, from these smiley boys.

Maybe it has something to do with their image? That could definitely be it.

Walking next to Sehun usually sent butterflies to my stomach, but this time around, I found myself being more nervous than happy. It was almost as if he was giving me the cold shoulder and I didn't know what for.

I tried figuring it out, especially as to why every few seconds he would glare at Chanyeol.

Not one to give up, I let our fingers brush together.

It's now or never.

Inhaling a deep breath, I slowly interlace our fingers together. I finally exhale a sigh of relief when I feel his hand tightened around mine, I could've sworn I saw a faint smile playing at the corner of his lips.

My smile brightened as we walked hand in hand down the hall, ignoring the harsh looks and whispers from every corner. I certainly didn't mind being this close to Sehun, in fact it was total bliss, even if I didn't really know what my relationship with Sehun was.

... but would it be too soon to say I like you?

I shook my head, wearing a small pout. I need a class on Romance 101.

Each group member went their separate way to their own class one by one, seeing as how they all had different classes and were older than other members. "What class do you have right now?" Sehun voice brought me out of my own thinking.


"I asked what class do you have right now." He repeated in a faux annoyed tone.

I owlishly blinked. "Oh, I actually have a free period right now. What about you?"

He released a dramatic groan. "Lucky. I have physics."

"Ouch..." I winced. "Physics bad."

"Tell me about it. I better get going now if I want to be spared a lecture." He glanced down the corridor before briefly meeting my eyes. "But I don't want to leave here all by yourself."

"It's okay, I'll be fine."

He didn't look too convinced.

"Trust me." I tried again. "I'll see you next period, I'm pretty sure you can wait for another hour."

Sehun narrowed his eyes at me before he relented. "Alright, if you're sure-"

"I'm am."

He bent to me, the close proximity made me flush under his predatory gaze. I helplessly try to ignore the stares we were receiving, but I was too focused on Sehun's presence to care.

My heart was racing in my chest as his face neared mine. "Sehun people are starting to look..." I breath out, the heat in my cheeks deepening.

"Let them look." He whispered close to me, his lips just a breath away from my skin. Did he always have such kissable lips? My inner musings was cut short, when I felt his soft warm lips press a kiss against my red cheek.

I gasped in shock, a tingling sensation beginning to hum throughout my whole entire body, from a simple kiss.

Sehun smirked down at my blushing face. "Payback." He hoarsely whispered into my ear before he stepped away from me. "I'll see you in class!" He grinned at me before he ran to class.

My body stood frozen at the realization of what just happened, I was sure I resembled a deer caught in headlights. "Payback?" I mumbled.

I wrinkled my nose when events of last night come to the forefront of my mind. Especially the one of me and Sehun on my porch, and the kiss I gave him before leaving him.

How could a simple kiss on the cheek, leave us both so breathless?

My inner voice snapped me back into reality as I quickly turned to where Sehun was walking. "Yah, Oh Sehun!"

All I could hear was his loud laughter ringing throughout the school halls. I try to bite back the smile threatening to escape, but I eventually give in and giggle into my own hand.

"Aish... what a crazy guy." I shook my head and carried on to the enjoyment of my free period off from class.

I originally had plan to head to the library and catch up on some reading, but was stopped in mid-step when I heard the soft rift of a piano playing sweetly in the air.

The melody of the piano notes were truly beautiful.

I glance at where the sound was coming from, contemplating if I should follow the sound. My curiosity won out in the end.

Finding where the piano playing was coming from was easy, I assumed it was coming from the music room since no classes took place in there at this time. I slowly creek open the door as to not disrupt the mystery person's lovely playing.

Closing the door behind me, I walked carefully as to not make any noise. I silently cursed myself for wearing heels. Curse my need to be tall!

I stepped closer to the sound and was pleasantly surprised to see Luhan sitting in front of the piano as he gently presses his fingers on the keys. I shouldn't be that shock to see him playing the piano, after all he did tell me it was an instrument he learned to play.

I let my body lean against the doorway as he continued playing Moonlight Sonata, the song itself was tragically beautiful. I could see why all the girls admired Luhan from afar, he was very handsome in a Prince Charming type of way.

From his nicely formed cheekbones, pale skin, and smooth kissable lips. Don't forget about those bright eyes of his.

My eyes slid closed as I began to hum to the rhythm of the song, his piano playing was very smooth and he actually sounded like a professional. It felt like I was hearing Beethoven himself come back to life.

The piano playing stopped and when it did, I immediately opened my eyes. Only to find Luhan looking straight at me.

He's going to think I'm a complete stalker! I internally screech. 

"I'm sorry!" Was the first thing I blurted out.

Luhan simply looked amused.

I winced at how I sounded. "I-I mean, I'm sorry- I heard the piano playing and I was curious-" I paused when I realized I was rambling. I shook my head and gave a quiet sigh. "You play beautifully."

His eyebrows shot up at my compliment, I saw traces of a faint smile appear on his face. "Thank you, but Lay is much better at playing it, than I am..."

Clearing my throat rather awkwardly, I moved a bit closer. "If you don't mind me asking, why aren't you in class?"

"I have a free period." He answered.

"So do I, I thought I was the only one." I smiled at him. I glanced back at the piano and noticed the sheet music sitting right on top of it's stand. "You were playing Moonlight Sonata... is that your favorite piece?" I quietly asked him.

"It's one of them..." Luhan looked at me with curious eyes before parting the side next to him. I took this as a gesture to seat next to him on the piano's bench.

I let my fingertips trace a light path down the piano keys. "You know, it's been a long time since I touched a piano." I whispered.

He tilted his head. "Why's that?"

"I don't know, I just lost the passion for it." I simply answer him. "Don't get me wrong, I still love hearing someone play the piano, but I think it just never sounded right when I played."

"I could teach you a song..." I looked at him in surprise. "... If you want."

I beamed widely at him. "That would amazing."

Luhan smiled back at me before he lifted up my hands to the piano's keys. "Since Moonlight Sonata is your favorite, we should start with that."

"Y-you sure? I mean, shouldn't I start with something a lot more easier?" I suggested with a nervous smile.

"Trust me, you'll do fine. It's a simple song." Luhan proceeded to give me helpful tips and how exactly my fingers should move when going over the keys. My cheeks flushed slightly when he leaned in close to me to put the padding of my fingertips on certain keys.

He must've noticed because I felt him chuckle beside me. Luhan was definitely a much better teacher than my old one.

"Okay, now repeat the note after me." He said before he pressed on the keys and created the same note from the sheet music.

I did as he did, and felt myself beam happily when it sounded the exact same. "I did it!"

Luhan smiled a lot more at me. "Good. Now we can continue the song." I was a bit rough at the start, but I eventually got the hang of it. It was a truly amazing feeling to play again, even more so since I got to play one of my favorite pieces.

"Thank you, Luhan." I said quietly as we finished the song.

"It was no problem. Seeing you play was just as exciting as seeing you sing." I noticed he talked a lot more around me than before, maybe teaching me to piano helped.

My lips twitched at the mention of me singing. "Right... the whole singing thing."

He merely grinned at me. "I knew you were a singer, I just didn't realize you were that passionate about it."

"Me?" I questioned. "I highly doubt that..."

"If you weren't that passionate about singing, why would the talent scout think you were good enough to become a trainee?" He calmly argued.

I stayed silent for a moment, not sure how to properly answer him. "I-I... don't know why she chose me." I shook my head. "Before yesterday, I was just the normal girl. Nothing was special about me."

"And now?"

A shuddering breath left me. "I have this chance to become something special, to actually make something big of myself... and it's scary, because normal is simple, and simple is all I have ever known."

I ran a hand through my long dark locks. "It's hard imagining myself as this person, people actually want to listen to."

Luhan looked at me with a certain interest. "Why?"

I bit my bottom lip. "... Because I'm scared, Luhan." My hands played the keys of the piano as a way to distract me.

"Of what, exactly?" He asked.

I look at him, giving him a sad smile. "... Of disappointing people."


"Being offered this chance is... everything to me and I don't want to ruin it." I whisper the last part so softly, I almost doubted that he heard me until I saw the understanding look in his eyes.

"Does that mean, your taking miss Park's offer?" Luhan ever so lightly inquired.

Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I my lips nervously. "Last night after I got home, I talked to my mother about the offer and she was very supportive with what ever choice I made."

"That's a good thing, isn't it?"

I nodded. "I've come to a decision." I paused for a dramatic affect, earning a mocking glare from Luhan. "Oh, you are no fun." I playfully huff. "I called Eun-hye last night, and she made an appointment for me to come into S.M. today to receive my trainee schedule."

"Adora!" Luhan exclaimed, before reaching over to give me a great big. "That's great news!" To say I was shocked would be a big underestimate. Before today, Luhan didn't speak much to me, except in music class yesterday.

I was relieved that we've become more closer as friends in a span of one period.

I beam brightly at him as I returned the hug. "I couldn't have done it without, EXO. Thank you for giving me a dream I never knew could be possible for me."

"You don't need to thank us, we were happy to help." He said before breaking from the hug. I merely smiled at him. "So, what exactly is going on with you and Sehun?"

"W-what?" I sputter out with a red face.

Luhan's mouth twisted into a teasing smirk. "Adora, don't make me repeat the question. I've seen the way you look at him. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out."

I felt my face flare up in embarrassment. "Luhan, you can't just ask questions like that!"

He laughed at my flustered state. "Your avoiding the question."

"Purposely, I might add." I shoot him a mocking glare.

Luhan bumped his shoulder against mine. "Oh please, I know you want to tell me~"

The blushing in my cheeks intensified. "I'll save that talk between Sehun and I."

"So, there is something going on!"

My mouth opened to say another retort, but I was cut off by the loud bell. "Well look at that, saved by the bell!" I paused to wrinkle my nose in disgust. "And now I have class."

"Talk about luck." He chuckled deeply. "What class do you have now?"

"History, I have it with Sehun and Baekhyun." I answered him as I gathered the rest of my belongings. Especially the peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

Luhan looked at the bag in my hand with astonishment. "You really took the time to make twelve sandwiches for all of us?"

I smile. "Of course I did, why wouldn't I?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. You're just... very different."

"Is that a bad thing?" I suddenly felt nervous.

"No, it's a good thing."

I beamed at him before running out of the empty classroom. "See you at lunch!" I called out from behind as I ran down the hallway like an Olympic track-star. I ignored the weird stares I got and carried on with my fast pace to class.

I refused to hear another lecture about punctuality from my grumpy history teacher, especially when she insisted on keeping an eye on me.

Come on, Adora! You can make it! I cheered myself on. 

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Chapter 5, will be posted up this weekend! Keep your eyes out for both chapters 5 & 6! COMING SOON!


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jin_song #1
Chapter 7: Glad to found this ff :)
The story is interesting, love it.
It can be a long story for their relationships
Ahope1 #2
Hey, my name is Ahope and i think that your fanfiction is interesting. May I translate it in russia language and share it in my wattpad?
P.S. its an adress https://www.wattpad.com/user/Ahope1